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Official profile of “Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th)

The European Research Council funded project MICOLL (ERC-2020-COG 101002084) aims at analyzing the development of commercial law by means of a tool almost ignored in this field: historical linguistics. The Host Institution of this project is the University of Padua (Italy), Department of Private Law and Critique of Law.

Daniele Tinterri Presentation Micoll 29/07/2024

Finally we can publish the video presentation of our postdoc Daniele Tinterri. Enjoy! 🤩
More infos here: https://www.micoll-erc.eu/specialists/dr-daniele-tinterri/

Daniele Tinterri Presentation Micoll Dr. Daniele Tinterri introduces his role in MICOLL

New Book by Davide Basaldella on the language of Maltese notarial documents - Micoll-erc 26/07/2024

📢📢📢We are very pleased to announce that our Davide Basaldella has just published his monograph (available in OPEN ACCESS here: https://www.eliphi.fr/ #/eliphi/catalogue/TraLiRo/Philologie%20et%20édition%20de%20textes ) on the use of Sicilian and Italian in Malta between the 15th and the 16th centuries, based on notarial documents of the Valletta archives ("Siciliano e italiano a Malta fra Quattro e Cinquecento. Edizione e commento linguistico di testi volgari dell’Archivio notarile della Valletta", ELiPhi, 2024, ISBN 978-2-37276-074-4).
Congratulations for this very important achievement! 👏🤩🥳
More infos on Micoll's website: https://www.micoll-erc.eu/2024/07/26/new-book-by-davide-basaldella-on-the-language-of-maltese-notarial-documents/

New Book by Davide Basaldella on the language of Maltese notarial documents - Micoll-erc We are very pleased to announce that our Davide Basaldella has just published his monograph on the use of Sicilian and Italian in Malta between the 15th and the 16th centuries, based on notarial documents of the Valletta archives (Siciliano e italiano a Malta fra Quattro e Cinquecento. Edizione e co...

Photos from Micoll's post 13/07/2024

And finally prof. Silvia Di Paolo (RomaTre University), member of the Senior Staff of Micoll , talking about "Investing the ill-gotten gains in the public good: the ecclesiastical rationality of restitution" at the 17th Congress of Medieval Canon Law in Canterbury. You can recognize the Scrovegni Chapel: Padua is everywhere!

Photos from Micoll's post 30/06/2024

One more day in Sevilla for our dreamteam 😎

Photos from Micoll's post 17/06/2024

Micoll landed in Portugal thanks to Davide Basaldella. Good job!


What: XIII Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. The Medieval Translator

Where: School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon (Portugal)

When: 17-21 June 2024

Next Monday (17 June) our Davide Basaldella will present a paper on “Translating Statutes in 14th-century Italy. A Preliminary Survey on Commercial Law Terminology” (a core issue for Micoll), within the framework of the XIII Cardiff Conference devoted to “Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. The Medieval Translator”.

The XIII Cardiff Conference is jointly organised by the Centre for Classical Studies (CEC), the Centre for History (CH-ULisboa), and the Centre for English Studies (ULICES/CEAUL). It will feature almost seventy presentations from scholars across the globe, covering a wide range of topics in medieval translation.

More information HERE:

THE XIII CARDIFF CONFERENCE ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TRANSLATION IN THE MIDDLE AGES. THE MEDIEVAL TRANSLATOR Welcome to the XIII Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. The Medieval Translator, to be hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon (Portugal), between 17-21 June 2024.


Yes, we did it again!
Micoll is looking for TWO new postdocs. The ideal candidate is a legal historian or a historian who knows about legal or economic history who can collaborate with Micoll's team to the realisation of the two main outputs of the project: the 'Glossary of Medieval and Early Modern Commercial Law’ and the digital interactive maps of the roads travelled by merchants between northern Italy and northern German between the 11th and 17th centuries. Our sources are in Latin, Italian and German but the outputs are in English. It is therefore necessary to know at least two of these languages. A good knowledge of the German. language is very welcome. The two postdocs will be hired for 24 month starting in October 2024.
All the details on the website of the Department of Private Law and Critique of Law of the University of Padua: https://www.dirprivatocritica.unipd.it/ricerca/assegni-di-ricerca/bandi-ed-approvazione-atti/bandi-di-ricerca-2024.
More information about the ERC CoG Micoll here: https://www.micoll-erc.eu.
If you have any questions you can write to: [email protected]

Photos from Micoll's post 07/06/2024

Two seminars on Micoll's topics in Padua today! Victor Le Breton-Blon on bills of exchange at the Department of private law and critique of law at 10:30 and Donato Gallo, Silvia Gasparini, Claudia Passarella and Alfredo Viggiano on Venetian law at the Department of history and geography at 16:30 🔝


Not to be missed: Micoll's double date with a special guest from France: Victor Le Breton-Blon 🔝

Bandi di ricerca 2024 25/05/2024


We are looking for a new information engineer for our ERC project MICOLL. The new postdoc, who will work under the supervision of Prof. Giorgio Di Nunzio (Department of information engineering) and Prof. Stefania Gialdroni (Department of private law and critique of law) at the University of Padua, will be hired for 24 months starting in October 2024. People who are finishing their PhD but have not yet obtained the title may also apply.

The deadline is 6 June 2024

All information here: https://www.dirprivatocritica.unipd.it/ricerca/assegni-di-ricerca/bandi-ed-approvazione-atti/bandi-di-ricerca-2024
or here:
https://protocollo.unipd.it/albo/viewer (call 2024AR01)

For questions you can write an email to: [email protected].

Here is the profile: the postdoc researcher will work on the methodologies of the development and implementation of a Web
application for the management of a glossary of medieval commercial law terms and of digital maps for the representation of medieval commercial land routes between Italy and Germany.
The postdoc researcher must show a strong background knowledge on Linked Data (RDF) technologies, relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL), text annotation tools, open source Web technologies for the realisation of interactive applications (Python Django). The postdoc researcher must also
demonstrate to have carried out a scientific research activity that demonstrates the application and the analysis of use cases of these technologies.

Bandi di ricerca 2024 UniPD

Photos from Micoll's post 21/05/2024

The so-called Third Mission of the universities adds to the two traditional purposes of academic institutions: research and teaching. The priorities are: 1. Targeted use and transfer of academic knowledge to help resolve current societal and economical challenges; 2. Transfer and utilisation of technologies and innovations through cooperation with public and private enterprises.
Well, our PI's participation to these events, organized by the Museo della Navigazione fluviale di Battaglia Terme, will be a first step for MICOLL in this direction.
We are not yet sure whether the traditional historical row will take place due to the adverse weather conditions that have caused so much damage in the Veneto region over the last few days, but we remain hopeful for the time being. Fingers crossed! 🤞🤞🤞


New OPEN ACCESS article by Stefania Gialdroni on Benvenuto Stracca (on the occasion of the re-edition of the "Tractatus de mercatura seu mercatore", 1553).
S. Gialdroni, "Benvenuto Stracca: l’uomo e il giurista. In occasio-
ne della riedizione del Tractatus de mercatura", in "Orizzonti del Diritto Commerciale" 1(2024), pp. 23-35


📢📢📢🤩 Francesca Fusco and Davide Basaldella soon in Warsaw!

What: The contexts of Italian: language, didactics, interculturality (I contesti dell’italiano: lingua, didattica, interculturalità)

Where: Uniwersytet Warszawski and Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

When: 1st Edition in Warsaw – April 18 and 19, 2024

Our two linguists, Davide Basaldella and Francesca Fusco, will soon take part in this important event with a paper entitled “Tra Italia e Germania sulle vie dei mercanti: il glossario del diritto commerciale medievale e moderno del progetto MICOLL“.

The conference aims to deepen the experience of those who study or teach Italian language and culture in various educational contexts, those who are confronted with the challenges of Italian in the context of their professional activity, and those who are interested in Italian civilization in the contexts of intercultural dialogue.The conference will be divided into three macro-sections that will touch on the topics indicated in the subtitle, which are of particular interest to those who study, translate, and teach Italian in different linguistic and cultural realities.

Full program HERE: https://accademiadellacrusca.it/it/contenuti/convegno-internazionale-i-contesti-dellitaliano-lingua-didattica-interculturalit/36580

Dottorati di ricerca XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/25 12/04/2024

Interested in a PhD in Padua on "Places, Spaces, and Iconographies of Mercantile Justice in Europe (11th-17th Cent.)"? The call is now open! Follow the link and click on "Giurisprudenza" for more info

Dottorati di ricerca XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/25 in Via Venezia 15, 35131 Padova Recapito postale: Ufficio Dottorato di ricerca, via 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 PadovaTel 049 827 [email protected] Telegram


Micoll's team next to Mezzavia, a village so called because it is located exactly halfway between Rome and Vienna 🤩

Photos from Micoll's post 11/04/2024

Thanks to the director of the Museum of river navigation, Maurizio Ulliana, today we had the opportunity to navigate the canals connecting Padua with Battaglia Terme, a very important junction for the transport of goods, especially to Chioggia, since the end of the 12th century, when the Battaglia canal was built. We were accompanied on this trip on a 't**a' (a flat-bottomed boat typical of the Venetian lagoon) called "Angelina" by Captain Loris, an authentic 'barcaro', and by the boat's owner, Mario, who told us so many anecdotes that it would take several more posts to tell them all...


Heidelberg, we are coming!
On the 4th of April 2024 Stefania Gialdroni and Chiara Lo Giudice (project IUSTITIAM) will present a paper entitled “Places, Space, and Iconographies of Commercial Justice in the Hanseatic Cities” within the framework of the interdisciplinary conference “Legal Iconography and Legal Language” (Rechtsikonographie und Rechtssprache), which will take place in Heidelberg from 4 to 6 April 2024. The joint event of the Legal Iconography Working Group (Arbeitskreises Rechtsikonographie) and the Heidelberg Legal History Society (Heidelberger Rechtshistorische Gesellschaft) will focus on topics of legal iconography from the Middle Ages to modern times and is dedicated to the memory of Clausdieter Schott (1936-2023).

The conference, organized by prof. Andreas Deutsch, is intended as a network meeting for all those interested in legal iconography. It serves as a forum for professional exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.

In the picture: Lübeck City Hall – Cycle of allegorical paintings executed by Stefano Torelli from 1759 to 1761 for the City Council.

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Video (vedi tutte)

Today we arrived in style at the Museum of river navigation at Battaglia Terme! The Conca di Navigazione is an extraordi...
Our tour of the merchants' cities starts in Venice! Then we will continue by train to discover the core of the Hansa: Ha...
🇮🇹 Oggi Stefania Gialdroni ci porta a visitare Piazza Banchi, un luogo simbolo per Micoll, nel cuore del centro storico ...


Via VIII Febbraio 2

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