Micoll, Padua Videos

Videos by Micoll in Padua. Official profile of “Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th)

Today we arrived in style at the Museum of river navigation at Battaglia Terme! The Conca di Navigazione is an extraordinary monument of hydraulic engineering that, by allowing a maximum height difference of more than seven metres, connects the Battaglia canal, i.e. the Padua and Euganean territory, with the Rialto-Vigenzone, i.e. the sea. Other pictures will follow soon :-)

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Today we arrived in style at the Museum of river navigation at Battaglia Terme! The Conca di Navigazione is an extraordinary monument of hydraulic engineering that, by allowing a maximum height difference of more than seven metres, connects the Battaglia canal, i.e. the Padua and Euganean territory, with the Rialto-Vigenzone, i.e. the sea. Other pictures will follow soon :-)

Our tour of the merchants' cities starts in Venice! Then we will continue by train to discover the core of the Hansa: Hamburg, Luebeck, and Lueneburg. From there, towards the south: Nuremberg, Augsburg, Muenchen, Padua, and Venice again. We will have extraordinary companions: Thomas Mann, Goethe and...Pietro Querini 😎. Very excited 🤩 #Micoll #iustitiam #medievalmerchants #medievalroute #venice #hamburg #medievalhistory #hansa #historicalresearch #learningbydoing #learningbyexperience #erc

🇮🇹 Oggi Stefania Gialdroni ci porta a visitare Piazza Banchi, un luogo simbolo per Micoll, nel cuore del centro storico di #genova. Situata a ridosso del più importante scalo portuale cittadino, la zona fu inizialmente sede del mercato del grano. Dal 1200 cominciò ad ospitare i "banchi" dei cambiavalute sotto i portici dei palazzi nobiliari. Con il passare del tempo, in questo spazio ristretto, si cominciarono a concentrare molte delle attività commerciali e finanziarie della città fino a quando, verso la metà del 1500, la Superba decise di ripensare l'intera piazza a cominciare dalla ricostruzione della chiesa di San Pietro alla Porta, che divenne San Pietro "in Banchi". Fu quindi nel 1595 che la Loggia dei Mercanti (o della Mercanzia) venne costruita così come la vediamo oggi, su progetto di Andrea Ceresola e Giovanni Ponzello. 🇬🇧Today Stefania Gialdroni takes us on a tour of Banchi Square, in the heart of Genoa's historic center. Located close to the city's harbor, the area initially hosted the grain market. From the 13th century onwards, though, it began also to host, under the arcades of the noble palaces, the "banks" of money changers. As time passed, many of the city's commercial and financial activities began to be concentrated in this narrow space. Finally, in the mid-1500s, the 'Superb' decided to "rethink" the entire square, starting with the reconstruction of the church of San Pietro alla Porta, which became San Pietro "in Banchi." It was then in 1595 that the "Loggia dei Mercanti" (or "della Mercanzia") was built as we see it today, on the basis of a project by Andrea Ceresola and Giovanni Ponzello.