WCCI 2022

WCCI 2022

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IEEE WCCI 2022 is the world’s largest technical event on computational intelligence.

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 23/07/2022

Check out some photos from day 5

Photos from DIGITALmeet's post 23/07/2022
Photos from WCCI 2022's post 22/07/2022

Some pictures from yesterday's conference dinner

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 22/07/2022

Day 4 @


📌Oggi, in occasione della conferenza WCCI 2022, Paolo Brizzi - Digital Factory Program Manager CIM4.0 Competence Center è stato ospite del convegno "AI SHOW, il digitale cambia l’innovazione" nell'ambito dell'evento .

Un’opportunità per parlare di → AI in azienda: progetti pratici raccontati da impresa e Competence Center!

è un'iniziativa della fiera di Padova, il congresso di intelligenza computazionale più influente al mondo in corso dal 18 e fino al 23 Luglio 2022.

Siamo davvero felici di aver avuto l'opportunità di parlare del nostro centro d'innovazione e di confrontarci con specialisti di settore provenienti da tutto il mondo!

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 21/07/2022

Best moments from day 3

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 20/07/2022

Some photos from day 2 of

IEEE WCCI 2022, a Padova il congresso con 1600 iscritti sull'intelligenza artificiale - VenetoEconomia 19/07/2022

IEEE WCCI 2022, a Padova il congresso con 1600 iscritti sull'intelligenza artificiale - VenetoEconomia L’intelligenza artificiale ha davvero superato quella umana? In che modo l’Intelligenza Computazionale con le sue applicazioni sta modificando il mondo che ci circonda, il nostro modo di lavorare, di vivere, di relazionarci? Interrogativi davvero cruciali, che attraversano il mondo della ricerca...

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 19/07/2022


Photos from Padova Convention Bureau's post 19/07/2022

Alle 18 in punto questa sera scatterà la grande sfida del cruciverba, aperta a tutti, nelle due versioni in italiano e american english: sarà un umano ad avere la meglio o vincerà il potente software WebCrow sviluppato dall’Università di Siena con Expert.ai? Una domanda aperta, un’occasione per testare i limiti e le potenzialità straordinarie dell’intelligenza computazionale.

Si tratta di una delle tante proposte inserite nel programma del WCCI 2022, il Congresso Mondiale sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, un evento straordinario che in questi giorni sta richiamando a Padova Congress ricercatori in arrivo da 73 paesi di tutti i continenti.

Chiunque può partecipare alla sfida del cruciverba registrandosi al seguente link: https://webcrow-arena.diism.unisi.it

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 19/07/2022

Conference Opening

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 18/07/2022

Welcome Reception

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 18/07/2022

Some shots of day 1 @


Omnys è presente alla principale conferenza mondiale sull’intelligenza computazionale, IEEE WCCI 2022, a Padova!

L’ (World Congress on Computational Intelligence) è la principale conferenza mondiale sull’intelligenza computazionale, che si tiene dal 18 al 23 luglio a Padova, e che riunisce sotto lo stesso tetto due dei più importanti eventi sull' : l’INNOAI e l’AI FORUM, e tre grandi conferenze sui temi legati alle Reti Neurali e , al Ragionamento Fuzzy e alla Computazione Evolutiva.

E in questa occasione, durante , parteciperemo con la presentazione del nostro paper sulla predittività dei guasti tecnici dai ticket di assistenza.

Leggi di più qui 👉 https://bit.ly/3obruUX

Photos from WCCI 2022's post 18/07/2022

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute tutorial

WCCI2022 – WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July 15/07/2022

WCCI2022 – WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July


Le migliori menti a livello mondiale nel campo dell’Artificial Intelligence si danno appuntamento a Padova Congress, dal 18 al 23 luglio, per il WCCI 2022, Congresso internazionale con un programma di più di 600 ore fra plenarie e workshop con sessioni parallele, tutte in modalità ibrida o diretta streaming.

Dai cani robot che si recano nella scena del crimine alle applicazioni come la guida autonoma o il riconoscimento automatico che coinvolgono le funzioni percettive, dai robot capaci di eseguire interventi chirurgici in autonomia fino agli algoritmi da utilizzare per la selezione dei candidati nel recruiting: la ricerca nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale negli ultimi anni ha portato ad applicazioni impensabili fino a un decennio fa e il World Congress on Computational Intelligence sarà una straordinaria occasione per mettere a fuoco le nuove frontiere dell’innovazione.


In occasione del grande evento mondiale sull'Intelligenza computazionale, l'𝐈𝐄𝐄𝐄 WCCI 2022 , il 21 luglio si terrà una giornata particolare dal titolo #𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗢𝗔𝗜: un innovativo confronto tra i principali centri di competenza italiani con le imprese e i professionisti sui temi della , dell’ e del mondo imprenditoriale italiano sulla strada di Industria 4.0 e del PNRR.

📅 𝟮𝟭 𝗟𝗨𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗢 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮
📍 Centro Congressi di Padova
𝗟𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹❜𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗲̀ 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗮.

🔗 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗣𝗔 𝗖𝗢𝗡 𝗡𝗢𝗜 𝗔𝗗 compilando il form al seguente link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuTSpp8qf0SzK6QrramTqOYD-KChDBgNh0itM8ZKMuzOW16A/viewform?usp=sf_link
oppure consulta il sito: www.innoai.it e clicca 𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈!


Padova si prepara a vivere un evento straordinario: il 18 luglio si aprirà il Congresso mondiale dedicato all’intelligenza artificiale WCCI 2022, appuntamento che arriva per la prima volta in Italia, a Padova Congress, a seguito di una gara internazionale che aveva visto in campo altre location prestigiose.

Oltre 1600 iscritti, 1457 paper presentati da parte di ricercatori di tutti i continenti, quasi 20mila metriquadri di spazi occupati: tutto è pronto per un appuntamento che farà di Padova la capitale mondiale della ricerca in un ambito che sta trasformando profondamente le nostre vite.


Preparations are underway, see you all at ! 🥳


Discover the plenary speakers!

Bing Xue, Professor and Deputy Head of School at the Victoria University of Wellington, will talk about "Evolutionary Computation for Automated Design of Deep Neural Networks" 👇

Don't miss it: July 22nd, 11:30 AM! Register here to attend the full conference: https://wcci2022.org/


Discover the plenary speakers!

Paul Werbos, Former Program Director of the National Science Foundation, will talk about "Neural Network Revolutions, Past and Future: from BP to Quantum AGI" 👇

Don't miss it: July 20th, 11:30 AM! Register here to attend the full conference: https://wcci2022.org/


Discover the plenary speakers!

Tinne Tuytelaars, Professor at KU Leuven, will talk about "Keep on learning without forgetting" 👇

Don't miss it: July 22nd, 11:30 AM! Register here to attend the full conference: https://wcci2022.org/

Conference Dinner (accompanying person) – WCCI2022 06/07/2022

Additional tickets for the conference dinner are now available from here: https://wcci2022.org/product/conference-dinner/

Admission to the conference dinner is included for all registered conference participants. Buffet areas for celiacs, vegetarians or other food choices will be provided.

Conference Dinner (accompanying person) – WCCI2022 Conference Dinner (accompanying person)

IEEE WCCI 2022: Covid-19 Test Reservation 06/07/2022

We have available a COVID-19 test stand at the conference site, if you want to reserve a rapid (25 €) or PCR (70 €, results next morning) test please fill this form as soon as possible:

IEEE WCCI 2022: Covid-19 Test Reservation The purpose of this form is to gather information needed to reserve a Covid-19 test at the venue during the conference or in a site that will be communicated in due time


Applications for the Fundamentals of Deep Learning tutorial are extended until July 11th!

Everyone can now apply for a free 8-hour workshop providing hands-on exercises in computer vision and natural language processing:



Discover the plenary speakers!

Jim Keller, Curators' Distinguished Professor Emeritus at University of Missouri, will talk about "Streaming data analytics: clustering or classification?" 👇

Don't miss it: July 19th, 11:30 AM! Register here to attend the full conference: https://wcci2022.org/


Discover the plenary speakers!

Michael Bronstein, DeepMind Professor of AI at University of Oxford and Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter, will talk about "Physics-inspired Learning on Graphs" 👇

Don't miss it: July 21st, 11:30 AM!

Industry Day – WCCI2022 04/07/2022

Industry Day – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 23/06/2022

Please remind that the deadline for participating to the Paper Development Workshop is June 26! All details in the link below.

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July

NVIDIA tutorial – WCCI2022 20/06/2022

NVIDIA tutorial: Fundamentals of Deep Learning​

At we are glad to host an Nvidia Deep Learning Institute workshop for hands-on exercises in computer vision and natural language processing. You will train deep learning models from scratch and learn about the tools and tricks to achieve highly accurate results using TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas and NVIDIA facilities that you can continue to use for up to 6 months upon enrollment.

The workshop is addressed to early career researchers, and applications are open until June 30 from here (limit of 50 participants):

NVIDIA tutorial – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July


IEEE CIS Women in Computational Intelligence (WCI) Reception

We are excited to announce the IEEE CIS WCI reception at WCCI this year. We are looking forward to hosting this event in-person this year. The reception is scheduled for the evening of the 20th July. The program includes presentations by two guest speakers followed by a mix and mingle. Please register for the event at https://forms.office.com/r/5kineE0Skz. Note that attendance is limited, so please register as soon as possible. Please register by 30 June at the latest.

Programs – WCCI2022 10/06/2022

preliminary program is out! https://wcci2022.org/programs/ In a few days we will provide further information about the possibility to deliver remote presentations for authors who live in countries with travel restrictions to Italy.

Programs – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 01/06/2022

will feature a Paper Development Workshop (PDW), to provide potential authors an opportunity to hear from and engage with the editorial team(s) from the IEEE CIS flagship journals.

Applications are open until June 26th, feel free to reshare: https://wcci2022.org/ieee-cis-student-and-early-career-mentoring-program/

The activity is part of the IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program.

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 20/05/2022

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program

The purpose of the Activity II Paper Development Workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to hear from and engage with the editorial team(s) from the IEEE CIS flagship journals.

Applications to the PWD are open until June 26:

IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July


An update from our general chairs: (1) The conference is planned to be in presence. (2) If at the time of the conference there will be travelling restrictions for some of the authors, we will allow them do their presentation remotely. (3) In any case, there will be no live streaming of the conference presentations for remote participants, as in the hybrid format case, as well as there will be no specific
fee for hybrid registration.

Hotel Booking – WCCI2022 22/04/2022

Check out our recently published selection of hotel and tour discounts for participants to the conference:

Hotels: http://wcci2022.org/hotel-booking/
Tours: https://wcci2022.antonianadmc.com/en/

Hotel Booking – WCCI2022 WCCI2022 - WCCI2022 Padua, Italy 18-23 July

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