M31 Srl

We develop smart appliances since 2006 M31 aim to help build a better future by merging the physical world with the digital world.


Wearable devices are an integral part of the Med Tech and IoMT landscape, and they have emerged as key players in the industry.​

Undoubtedly, you're familiar with smartwatches, a segment projected to generate revenues of approximately 45 billion dollars by 2023, with shipments expected to surpass 300 million units, as reported by Statista. ​
But have you ever heard about other categories of medical wearable devices that are not as well-known?​

🔬 Fitness trackers: these devices are primarily used to monitor sports activity statistics and help maintain a healthy and active lifestyle;​

🔬 Portable electrocardiograms: with sensors that measure the ECG, these devices can detect abnormalities in heart rhythm and provide timely warnings;​

🔬 Blood pressure monitors: they offer continuous or periodic blood pressure measurements, empowering patients to have a better understanding of their cardiovascular health;​

🔬 Glucose meters: specifically designed for diabetic patients, these devices assist in managing diabetes by alerting users when their glucose levels are too high or too low;​

🔬 Various monitoring devices: examples include continuous heart rate monitors (beneficial for athletes), sleep monitors (to identify sleep disorders such as sleep apnea), brain activity monitors (used for diagnosing and treating neurological problems), and more;​

🔬 Action-oriented devices: for instance, the latest generation actuators can remotely administer precise amounts of substances to patients.​

Wearable devices offer a multitude of evolving possibilities. ​

Moreover, the continuous research conducted in the fields of biomedical engineering and design ensures that these advanced devices excel not only in functionality but also in ergonomics. This attention to detail results in a high-quality patient experience.


Ci prendiamo una breve pausa estiva: gli uffici di M31 resteranno chiusi nella settimana dal 14 al 20 agosto.
Saremo di nuovo operativi da lunedì 21 agosto!


We have unwavering faith in the transformative power of technology to transcend boundaries and bridge distances.​

Every day, our talented teams put themselves to the test, embracing new challenges to enhance people's living conditions. We identify ourselves with a disruptive innovation mindset, constantly shattering boundaries to bring about positive change in society.


Technology and innovation have always been the defining pillars of our history, intricately woven together.​

Established in 2007 as a startup incubator, our focus was on developing projects and investing in ventures with high technological potential. In 2020, we made a strategic shift, choosing to specialize in two rapidly evolving fields: Med Tech and Smart Heating.


When we delve into the world of Smart Heating, we discover an array of solutions that can revolutionize our lives, making them more comfortable and cost-effective.​

While we often associate digital home heating with enhanced comfort, there's an often overlooked aspect that holds tremendous value: remote diagnostics. But make no mistake, it's an aspect that should never be underestimated!​

The ability to gather real-time data on heating system performance empowers us to swiftly detect and address any anomalies or malfunctions, preempting potential breakdowns. Why wait for your pellet stove to fail? With remote diagnostics, you can take proactive measures, minimizing damages and reducing costs - be it financial, environmental, or resource-related.​

And it doesn't stop there. ​

🎯 Remote diagnostics also benefits maintenance technicians. Armed with comprehensive data and insightful analysis, technicians can eliminate the need for redundant visits to diagnose the issue and then return with the necessary spare parts for repairs.


The IoMT brings undeniable benefits to both healthcare professionals and patients, revolutionizing their lives. In our increasingly interconnected world, the remarkable technological advancements we have witnessed over the years empower us to manage even the most crucial aspect of our well-being: health.​

However, amidst this progress, the exchange of sensitive data poses critical considerations and prompts important questions: what are the security risks associated with IoMT?​

The potential risks associated with IoMT are endless and diverse. They range from the tracking of devices using GPS sensors to the interception of wireless data transmitted by hardware devices. Other risks include unauthorized access through cloned tags and physical tampering with devices, among others.​

In this context, safeguarding against cyber attacks becomes an imperative priority. What measures can be taken to proactively prevent hacking?​

To effectively enhance healthcare cybersecurity, consider these essential starting points:​

🔬 Create a comprehensive inventory by identifying, mapping, and monitoring all devices and entry points;​

🔬 Keep all software up to date, ensuring the installation of the latest security patches and resolution of any bugs;​

🔬 Prioritize corrective actions based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) assessments;​

🔬 Establish a robust authentication system to control access to devices;​

🔬 Employ data encryption systems to ensure the utmost security of the information transmitted by the devices;​

🔬 Implement firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to monitor network traffic and detect any suspicious activity;​

🔬 Provide ongoing cybersecurity training to healthcare professionals, keeping them informed about potential threats.


Is the Narrowband Internet of Things really a game-changer?​

The NB-IoT wireless communication technology has been specifically designed to support the Internet of Things, providing efficient and reliable device connectivity. In recent years, IoT has gained significant traction, and this low-power technology enables seamless device integration through existing mobile networks. It is undoubtedly a valuable tool.​

The essential advantages of NB-IoT that must be highlighted include:​

🎯 Connection stability: NB-IoT excels in maintaining a stable connection even in challenging environments like indoor or underground settings by effectively penetrating physical obstacles such as walls;​

🎯 Efficient resource usage: NB-IoT has been designed to minimize the consumption of network resources, resulting in significant energy savings. This enables devices to operate for extended periods without the need for frequent replacements or recharging;​

🎯 Unparalleled reliability: By leveraging existing cellular networks, NB-IoT benefits from the robustness of established communication infrastructure. As a result, it ensures consistent and reliable connections, even in remote or poorly covered areas;​

🎯 Network security: NB-IoT prioritizes the security of data transmission between IoT devices and the network. With state-of-the-art encryption algorithms, it safeguards sensitive information. Additionally, the implementation of authentication protocols ensures secure device identification and prevents unauthorized access.


Among the various fields that have witnessed remarkable technological advancements, medicine holds a prominent position.​

We have previously explored the potential of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and its ability to enhance telemedicine infrastructure significantly.​

Let's delve into the tangible benefits that IoMT can bring to our lives:​

🔬 Accessibility: IoMT technologies empower patients with greater access to healthcare services. With a wide range of services available, patients can conveniently access them whenever needed through a user-friendly app;​

🔬 Accuracy: with the abundant data collected by IoMT devices, healthcare professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of their patients' health status, enabling them to deliver precise diagnoses with greater accuracy;​

🔬 Costs: thanks to digital medicine, patients can save money compared to the expenses associated with traveling to healthcare facilities in person. Moreover, providers can achieve cost savings by redirecting resources to areas of greatest need, facilitated by the collection of vast amounts of data;​

🔬 Monitoring: thanks to IoMT, we can continuously monitor the health of patients with certain chronic conditions. But it doesn't stop there. IoMT not only provides monitoring systems but also grants access to a wealth of information about each patient's living conditions;​

🔬 Logistics: IoMT devices facilitate real-time monitoring of equipment within healthcare facilities, providing timely notifications and warnings in the event of operational issues or malfunctions; ​

🔬 Satisfaction: IoMT enhances the patient experience by reducing the need for in-person visits. It enables self-service for individuals, granting access to a wide range of data without requiring a visit to their general practitioner.


Italy holds the top position as the largest consumer of heating pellet in Europe, but domestic production only meets 20% of the national demand, according to data from the QualEnergia website. ​

While pellets are gaining popularity as an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective energy source, the sector faces challenges due to surging prices. Fluctuations in pellet prices depend on various factors, including mild winters and reductions in gas costs. ​

Let's now delve into the figures for pellet heating in Italy in 2022. Altroconsumo magazine, citing AIEL surveys, reports that residential heating accounted for a consumption of 3.3 million tonnes of pellets. Italy also leads the EU in the number of domestic pellet appliances installed. ​

At the national level, distribution, sales, and consumption show regional variations: ​

🎯 The northeast accounts for 28.90% ​
🎯 The northwest represents 25.20% ​
🎯 The south accounts for 17.10% ​
🎯 The central regions represent 15.15% ​
🎯 The islands contribute 13.10%


Before purchasing a pellet stove, it's important to determine the most suitable type for your heating needs, whether it's for your business or home. This can be achieved by asking yourself the right questions. This process is not to be taken lightly, as it involves both a financial investment and careful consideration of various factors.​

To begin with, it's crucial to study the characteristics of the room where you intend to install the pellet stove. Here are some initial questions to consider:​

🎯 What is the cubic meter size of the room you wish to heat?​

🎯 How much space is available for installation?​

🎯 Does the room already have a chimney, or is it feasible to construct one?​

Furthermore, it's important to delve into the specific features of the pellet stove you're interested in. Ask yourself the following questions:​

🎯 What should be the appropriate size of the stove?​

🎯 How large should its tank be?​

🎯 Does it come equipped with the necessary safety features?​

🎯 Does it have an integrated or integrable thermostat?​

🎯 Are there any incentives available for installing a pellet stove?​

🎯 Which type of stove suits your needs better: hydraulic, natural convection, or ducted (or forced ventilation)?​

By addressing these inquiries, you can make a more informed decision when purchasing a pellet stove that best suits your requirements.


We have witnessed the immense value that the integration of interconnected devices brings to the medical sector. The IoMT's ability to enhance the quality of life for both patients and healthcare professionals is undeniable. It not only enables faster analysis and management of vast amounts of data but also ensures improved overall quality.​

However, as this is a particularly sensitive field, the opportunities offered by the IoMT are accompanied by risks and critical issues that need to be addressed.​

So, what are the current challenges for the IoMT?​

🔬 Implementing the IoMT system with industry standards;​

🔬 Addressing the high initial costs involved;​

🔬 Ensuring the security of medical and personal data;​

🔬 Establishing clarity regarding the ownership and classification of the data collected through IoMT devices;​

🔬 Designing truly optimal and functional user experiences for patients.​

These challenges must be overcome in order to fully harness the potential of the IoMT and ensure its successful integration in the healthcare industry.


The Italian PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), approved in June 2021, is a comprehensive reform project designed to revive the Italian economy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Divided into six missions, the PNRR addresses various subjects, including the ecological and digital transition. Its overarching goal is to foster sustainable and inclusive economic growth through the utilization of European and national funds.​

The allocated funds also encompass investments in smart cities, with a particular focus on smart buildings. The PNRR prioritizes the renovation of both public and private buildings, emphasizing thermal insulation, heating and cooling systems, self-production of electricity, and end-user energy consumption monitoring. Energy efficiency and building redevelopment are central objectives of the PNRR, as the EU aims to double the efficiency rate of buildings by 2025.​

To accomplish these objectives, the integration of diverse IoT solutions in home automation and the commercial sector is essential. These solutions optimize the performance and management of smart devices, aligning perfectly with the growing interest and investment in the Smart Home sector that has been evident in recent years, as we have previously discussed.


In today's world, the issue of energy saving is gaining increasing relevance, especially within the Smart Home sector. According to a study conducted by the Internet of Things Observatory at Politecnico di Milano, a staggering 91% of 1,000 consumers surveyed expressed a high level of attentiveness to energy saving.​

With the recent surge in energy costs, there has been a growing interest in adopting energy-saving practices and behaviors. Both individuals and companies have come to recognize the value that smart devices can bring in this regard. As a result, there is a greater emphasis on energy-focused corporate communication and a shift towards appliances that consume less energy.​

🎯 The success of future smart solutions designed for home use will largely hinge on their ability to integrate increasingly useful features for end consumers. For example, real-time consumption monitoring systems and AI services that optimize household appliances are just a couple of the innovative possibilities on the horizon.​

Overall, there is a rising demand for energy-saving solutions within the Smart Home industry. The integration of cutting-edge features and technologies will play a pivotal role in meeting the evolving needs and expectations of consumers in their pursuit of energy efficiency.


In the world of Smart Home technology, there are numerous well-known players on the international stage, each with their own ecosystem and technical standards. However, this diversity of standards creates challenges for end users, as it becomes difficult to integrate smart devices from different brands.​

❌ This limitation often forces people to either stick to a single brand or choose devices that conform to the same standard.​

To address this issue and provide greater flexibility and freedom of choice, the introduction of Matter in 2019 brought a new operating protocol that establishes an open and interoperable standard. Notably, Matter is supported by major Smart Home companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google.​

With the Matter standard in place, all devices will be able to communicate with each other effortlessly, eliminating the need for separate hubs or dedicated apps for individual devices. Furthermore, security is given paramount importance in the design of Matter-based devices.​

This development aims to simplify the Smart Home experience, empowering users to effortlessly integrate devices from various brands while ensuring a seamless and secure connected environment.


In this recent period of energy crisis and high price increases, the cost of pellets has also seen a significant rise, not only in Italy but also in other European countries such as Germany, France, and Austria, to name a few. This surge can be primarily attributed to the surging demand for renewable fuels and the limited supply of raw materials, resulting in higher pellet prices.​

Furthermore, factors such as transportation costs and taxation on pellet production and distribution can vary from country to country, further influencing retail prices.​

According to data from the Italian magazine Altroconsumo, the average price of a sack of pellets has risen from €5 in 2021 to €12 by October 2022, with some peak prices reaching as high as €25.​

Now, those who had previously opted for pellet stoves to save money and heat their homes may be pondering: is it still a cost-effective choice today?​

The answer is yes. Despite the price hikes, pellets remain the most economical fuel option available in the market, especially when compared to gas.​

In addition to the cost aspect, the unquestionable environmental savings associated with pellets should be considered. While it's true that pellet combustion generates fine dust, it's equally true that the latest generation of stoves has significantly reduced emissions of these pollutants.


According to data from a study conducted by the Internet of Things Observatory at Politecnico di Milano, the Smart Home sector currently comprises four main sales channels:​

1. Traditional supply chain (45% of the market): the traditional supply chain is undergoing transformation in response to emerging market trends. This shift is evident in the increasing availability of connected devices from suppliers and the expanding expertise of installers who are now proficient in both hardware and software;​

2. eRetailers (34% of the market): since its entry into the mass market in 2016, the Smart Home sector has made a significant impact on online sales. Among the best-selling devices are those related to lighting, smart sockets, and smart thermostats;​

3. Retailers (17% of the market): the Smart Home industry has witnessed a growing number of initiatives dedicated exclusively to this sector. Smart Home products have gained substantial publicity and are often the focus of various sales promotions;​

4. Others, including utilities, insurance, and telecommunications (5% of the market): the Smart Home utility market is still in its rising stage, exploring two key innovation directions:​

🎯 The potential for dynamic pricing based on the usage of connected appliances through partnerships with manufacturers and new offerings from emerging utility companies;​

🎯 The implementation of energy communities for the purpose of sharing energy resources.


The term "IoT" has firmly established itself in our collective imagination. Introduced in 1999, the Internet of Things has rapidly evolved thanks to the technological advancements that have characterized the past few decades.​

However, now we are also beginning to hear about IoMT: what does it mean?​

The Internet of Medical Things is a type of IoT technology that enables medical devices to autonomously communicate through a network. This interconnection allows healthcare professionals to analyze and manage vast amounts of real-time data. These interconnected medical devices, also referred to as "IoMT devices," provide significant value not only to doctors but also to patients. In fact, this market is experiencing continuous growth and is projected to reach $172.4 billion by 2030.​

IoMT devices differ from one another and can be categorized as follows:​

🔬 In-body devices: these are devices that can be worn by patients, such as pacemakers and glucose sensors;​

🔬 In-home devices: these devices effectively monitor a patient's clinical condition outside of healthcare facilities, directly from the patient's home. This reduces the need for frequent visits and check-ups;​

🔬 In-clinic devices: these devices are used within healthcare facilities for control or administrative functions.​

All of these devices need to be equipped with connectivity and have access to cloud platforms where databases are managed.

Photos from M31 Srl's post 22/06/2023

Hai già aderito alla nuova edizione del Premio 2031?

Mancano pochi giorni alla scadenza del bando: sei ancora in tempo per partecipare a questa grande occasione dedicata alle migliori startup italiane!

“Offriamo opportunità reali di crescita, sviluppo e investimento” ha dichiarato il Presidente di 2031, Cristiano Seganfreddo. Infatti, il Premio sostiene l’innovazione e favorisce la nascita di nuova impresa premiando in ogni nuova edizione i più promettenti progetti imprenditoriali.

Quest’anno le novità sono numerose, scoprile tutte su https://www.2-0-3-1.com/


At M31, we have a passion for developing solutions in a disruptive manner. Our aim is to significantly improve people's lives by addressing the challenges that hinder their well-being. We strive to create positive, rapid, and transformative changes. Our primary focus is to leverage technology for the betterment of businesses, creating new models that not only drive success but also have a positive social and environmental impact.


As we are aware, the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated Italians' interest in the world of Smart Homes. This interest had already begun to emerge and grow in previous years, but it has now reached new heights.​

Now that we have entered 2023 several months ago, the question arises: how did the Smart Home market fare in Italy in 2022?​

According to data from the Internet of Things Observatory at Politecnico di Milano, the Italian Smart Home market witnessed an impressive growth of 316% from 2016 to 2022, reaching a value of 770 million euros (up from 185 million euros in 2016). These figures are truly remarkable. However, the study also highlights a growth decline of approximately 15 percentage points from 2021 to 2022.​

What are the main contributing factors to this decline?​

❌ Shortage of semiconductors​
❌ Scarcity of raw materials​
❌ Instability in the supply chain​

Nevertheless, despite the challenging international political situation and economic instability, Italy has managed to lead the growth rate of the Smart Home market in Europe.​

A comparison of the growth rates in 2022 with those of other European countries reveals a noticeable difference:​

🇮🇹 +18% ​
🇪🇸 +10% ​
🇫🇷 +2% ​
🇩🇪 -5%


C’è una novità nella nuova edizione del Premio 2031! Quest’anno fa il suo esordio il Premio Primo Round 🏆

Nato per individuare e aiutare a crescere le migliori startup early stage italiane, il premio copre 10 diversi ambiti. Le migliori idee selezionate potranno presentarsi all’Italian Tech Week a Torino (27-29 settembre 2023): un’occasione unica per rappresentare il proprio progetto davanti a una giuria di investitori d’eccezione.

Saranno coinvolti anche i Centri di Innovazione italiani: ognuno di loro selezionerà una startup e la preparerà alla pitch competition!

Trovi tutte le informazioni su https://www.2-0-3-1.com/


In the upcoming years, the Internet of Things (IoT) will present a remarkable opportunity for cost savings.​

According to a report by Transforma Insights and 6GWorld on the incremental impact of new technologies on business and commercial resources, IoT is expected to generate over eight times the energy savings by 2030. These savings will encompass reductions in electricity usage, fuel consumption, e-waste, CO2 emissions, and water utilization.​

To provide more precise statistics, we can highlight the following:​

🎯 A substantial net saving of 230 billion cubic meters of water through the implementation of smart water grids and IoT-enabled applications in agriculture;​

🎯 The potential elimination of one gigaton of CO2 emissions;​

🎯 A significant decrease of 37% in fuel consumption through the effective management of road fleets.


There is a lot of discussion surrounding pellets as an environmentally sustainable choice for heating homes, offices, or shops.​

But is there any official quality certification available?​

In Germany and Austria, the purchase of wood pellets is regulated by two specific standards (DINplus in Germany and ÖNORM M7135 in Austria), and compliance is mandatory to access certain government incentives. In France, it is recommended to purchase certified pellets to ensure product quality and safety, and the NF Granulés Bois certification exists. Switzerland and Sweden also have recommended certifications for pellet quality: SN 166000 and SS 187120, respectively.​

What about Italy? The only actual requirement is to sell the product with the producer's name and a description of the material it is made from.​

Even though there is no obligatory certification for pellets at the Italian level, many manufacturers still choose to subject their products to quality tests. The most well-known certification at the European level is ENPlus, which covers the entire supply chain and classifies pellets into 3 categories:​

🎯 A1, representing high-quality pellets;​

🎯 A2, representing lower quality pellets;​

🎯 B, representing poor-quality pellets for industrial use.


Oggi la nostra collega Stefania inizia un nuovo percorso lavorativo!

Questi anni passati insieme sono stati intensi e segnati giorno per giorno dalla tua competenza e disponibilità. Venerdì ci siamo salutati, ma volevamo ringraziarti ancora per tutto.

In bocca al lupo per la tua nuova avventura: calcolatrice alla mano, siamo sicuri che i numeri continueranno a non aver segreti per te ;)


Interest in smart heating is growing rapidly. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the global market for smart heating is projected to reach a value of 4.36 billion USD by 2026. Specifically, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to be 13.5% from 2020 to 2026.​

The positive momentum in this market is noteworthy and aligns with the overall shift towards increased savings. Some advantages of Smart Heating include:​

🎯 Efficient energy use: smart heating systems can detect temperature fluctuations and automatically adjust the energy consumption accordingly;​

🎯 Reduction of CO2 emissions: technological advancements in smart heating allow for a decrease in the reliance on fossil fuels, resulting in reduced carbon dioxide emissions;​

🎯 Integration with renewable energy sources: smart heating systems can be integrated with renewable energy sources, reducing the overall energy consumption for heat production.​

We shouldn't forget that having access to consumption data automatically helps people understand not only how they consume but also the family habits that can lead to more savings. It's a useful and easy way to learn which behaviors are beneficial and which are not.


Torna il Premio 2031: da oggi fino al 25 giugno sono aperte le iscrizioni per la tredicesima edizione dell’ex premio Marzotto.
La competizione prevede un montepremi di oltre un milione di euro per tutte le imprese innovative desiderose di mettersi alla prova in contesti di primaria rilevanza come quello sociale, territoriale, culturale e ambientale.

I diversi premi previsti, tutti particolarmente stimolanti e focalizzati sull’innovazione, sono:
🏆 Premio 2031 Startup Award
🏆 14 Premi speciali
🏆 Premio Dall’idea all’impresa
🏆 Premio Primo Round

Preparate i vostri progetti originali, il Premio 2031 vi aspetta!
Maggiori informazioni su https://www.2-0-3-1.com/


Lavorare in team non significa solo essere in più persone al lavoro sul progetto. ​

No, il vero e proprio lavoro di squadra si ha quando si presta attenzione a 3 aspetti cruciali: ​

📌 Importanza del feedback: non bisogna mai dimenticare quanto sia prezioso dare e ricevere feedback costanti e soprattutto costruttivi. Il dialogo chiarisce i diversi punti di vista, aiutando le persone a riflettere su quale sia la strada migliore da intraprendere. ​

📌 Obiettivi e risultati chiave: ognuno aiuta l’altro a modellare ed evolvere la nostra cultura. Impariamo e miglioriamo proprio grazie alle diverse visioni delle persone che lavorano al nostro fianco e che cercano nuovi modi per lavorare in modo più̀ unito, agile ed efficiente. ​

📌 Crescita costante: l’aggiornamento è fondamentale per sviluppare e portare a mercato soluzioni dirompenti. Per questo, il nostro team ha accesso a costanti percorsi di aggiornamento e a numerosi seminari verticali. ​

Cresci insieme a noi!


M31 cerca un Firmware Engineer 💻: candidati subito o tagga un amico! ​

Le attività del candidato, oltre alla progettazione e allo sviluppo firmware, comprendono analisi dei requisiti e conseguente stesura delle specifiche di progetto; interfaccia tecnica verso il cliente insieme al Product Owner; revisione del codice prodotto da altri; test e debug di soluzioni integrate hw/sw; lettura, analisi e revisione di schemi elettrici.​

🎯 Competenze richieste​
- Laurea in ambito IT o esperienza equivalente; ​
- Almeno 2 anni di esperienza lavorativa nella progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi embedded; ​
- Ottima conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione C; ​
- Capacità di lettura, analisi e revisione di schemi elettrici e data-sheet; ​
- Padronanza degli strumenti code versioning; ​
- Capacità di gestire autonomamente il proprio lavoro; ​
- Buona conoscenza e padronanza della lingua inglese.​

🎯 Competenze aggiuntive​
Verrà data priorità ai candidati che possederanno una o più delle seguenti competenze: ​
- Familiarità con architettura ARM (es. Nordic/ST);​
- Conoscenza protocollo CAN;​
- Familiarità con protocolli radio (es. Bluetooth);​
- Conoscenza di Git.​

🎯 Cosa ti offriamo​
- Un ambiente di lavoro incredibilmente creativo e orizzontale, ricco di talento e sfide, dove le idee di chiunque sono ascoltate e considerate da tutti;​
- Contratto di assunzione a tempo indeterminato;​
- Inquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienza e alle competenze professionali;​
- Ticket Restaurant;​
- Formazione ed eventi.​

La sede di M31 si trova a Padova in via Tommaseo, 77, a pochi passi dalla zona universitaria e dalla Fiera di Padova. Inoltre, è prevista la possibilità di alternare il lavoro presso la sede con lo smart working, quando possibile.​

L’inquadramento e la retribuzione saranno commisurati all’esperienza e alle competenze professionali, verificate in sede di colloquio.​

Consulta tutte le posizioni aperte su https://people.m31.com/jobs/

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Our Purpose

We aim to help build a better future by merging the physical world with the digital world.

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Via Tommaseo 77

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 09:00 - 18:00
Martedì 09:00 - 18:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 18:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 17:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 17:00

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