RESD International Degree Programme-Rimini Unibo

Welcome to the official page of Master Degree RESD. This page is for current and future students, alumni, staff and those interested in RESD.

Resource Economics and Sustainable Development (RESD) is a second-degree cycle - two year master degree that offers excellent preparation in applied environmental economics.

SteamGreen Unibo 11/06/2024

Proud of Steamgreen
The blog managed by Unibo RESD students
Instagram: steamgreen_unibo

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

SteamGreen Unibo SteamGreen Unibo is a blog about sustainable development managed by students from the University of Bologna


✏️The University is organizing Seminars and Laboratories to improve tools and new skills for new jobs!
✏️Join the events organized by the Public Relations Office in April and May!!
✏️The list is available at this link, please note that for some events registration will be required.


🎓The new deadlines for the graduation sessions of the academic year 2023/2024 are out now! The first deadline will be May 15.
🎓Check them on the website
🎓Good luck to our students graduating soon!

Picture by Laura Ferrara


The call for application for the academic year 2024/2025 is out now ‼
The first intake will be open until the 9th of April 2024 🎓
Apply now!! 🌍
➡ Find more information here:


‼️Get Rimining already‼️

Check out the Alma Mater Fest if you haven't yet...⏰⏰⏰

Let's discover the campus together and go for guided visits, theatre performances, the"piadina" laboratory, picnics, sports and more 🥳

☑️Follow the link for the schedule here


⛱☀️🌺 Would you like to closely know the city where you live and to share this experience with other students? Sign up for guided tours across Rimini (held in English and Italian).

You can choose from cultural, historical, artistic, and naturalistic tours. The visits are free but places are limited.

‼️ Register now


✅We need you!! This is to invite you to fill an online questionnaire to help us improve the IT Services of the Rimini campus.

It will only take a few minutes to fill out:

We want to do our best to provide satisfaction and this survey will help us improve the existing services and add new ones!

Borse di studio del Trentennale, con percorsi di inserimento lavorativo. Scadenza 12 aprile 2023 10/03/2023

La Fondazione Giovanni Dalle Fabbriche - Multifor ETS awards 7 grants of 2000 € each to promote entry to the job markets in collaboration with partner companies.

⏰Deadline: 12 April , 2023

To find out more about the grant:

Borse di studio del Trentennale, con percorsi di inserimento lavorativo. Scadenza 12 aprile 2023 La Fondazione Giovanni Dalle Fabbriche - Multifor ETS, in occasione del trentennale della scompa ...

Candidati al Premio di Laurea Economia Marche 2023 09/03/2023

‼ Call for applications by La Fondazione Aristide Merloni for 6 thesis grants of 500 Euros each and an opportunity to publish the abstract of the thesis in the Economia Marche - Journal of Applied Economics. 📖

The thematic areas for the awards are :

1) Regional economics and local development
2) Business and entrepreneurship
3) Applied Economics

The thesis can be in Italian or English and must be submitted by 31st March, 2023 to [email protected].

Find out all pertinent information here :

Candidati al Premio di Laurea Economia Marche 2023 La Fondazione Aristide Merloni istituisce sei premi di Laurea per gli studi sullo sviluppo locale intitolato alla rivista Economia Marche.


The call for application for the academic year 2023/2024 is out now ‼
The first intake will be open until the 4th of April 2023 🎓
Apply now!! 🌍
➡ Find more information here:

Starting this year, it is possible to sit for the OOPT exam for assessing the English requirement:

The energy of the future: renewable energy communities - STEAMGreen UNIBO 30/10/2022

Renewable energy communities
An excellent short article written by Sofia Mazzon RESD 2nd year student
Stemgreen blog, the RESD students blog

The energy of the future: renewable energy communities - STEAMGreen UNIBO A world powered by renewable sources, not transported through pipelines thousands of kilometres away but produced locally, which allow citizens to use energy at affordable prices. Renewable energy communities come close to this ideal.

Please check in the program of the Alma Mater Fest (link above) for organized events: sport, city guided tours, campus guided tours, talk, music and info stands.
(scroll down in the program for the English version)

Date: 5th to 10th october
Location: Rimini


Would you like to work at the Italian ? 🌍

They are looking for two students, one graduate and one PhD student to work within the European project Arctic PASSION

⏰ The deadline is the 30th of September!

More information at these links:

📌 1.

📌 2.

Don't miss this great opportunity!! 🥳


We are pleased to invite students officially selected for the academic year 2022/2023, in one of the international programme at School of Economics and Management -Rimini to our Welcome Day 🎉🎈

⏰ It will take place on Monday 12 September 2022, prior to the start of the academic activities.

Further details about the programme and the link to attend the event will be available at this link soon:

Looking forward to meeting you in Rimini! 🥳

© Università di Bologna


🏛 What do you think about our University?

👉 We are interested in your opinion on teaching activities, right to study, communication and University services, classrooms, and spaces.

The Good Practice survey, a national project coordinated by Polytechnic University of Milan, is anonymously collecting students’ opinions from different Italian universities. Join them and take part in the survey. With your feedback, we can improve your university experience.

🔴 If you are a first-year student A.A 2021/2022 (L/LMCU), please fill in the questionnaire at this link:

🔴 If you are NOT a first-year student or you are student of a Medical Specialization School, follow this link:



The Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna, together with the International Centre of Economic Analysis (ICEA), will host the (hybrid) Workshop on Green Bonds and Environmental Finance on June 27th, 2022.

There are no registration and submission fees.

📌 We are pleased to have Professor CAROLINE FLAMMER (Columbia University) as our keynote speaker.

➡ The workshop will take place in a hybrid modality both onsite at UniBo Rimini Campus (Piazzetta Teatini 13), and online.

Participation in online sessions requires Zoom registration (please fill in this form) and will also be available to onsite participants in room Alberti 9, UniBo Rimini Campus.

🔔 Find more information at the following link:


Don't miss the summer camp "La natura del mare 2022" 🌊🌊🌊

The event will be from Wednesday the 22nd of June until Saturday the 25th of June 📌

It will take place between the cities of Rimini, Cattolica and Riccione!

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn more about our precious seas and oceans 🦀🐡🐳


RESD is offering its students 8 positions as hostess and steward for the EAERE Conference in Rimini (28 June - 1 July) that will give them the possibility to attend for free some of the conference seminars (coffee break and lunch included!). ☕️🍝

Don't miss this chance! 🥳🥳

📌 Send your presentation and motivation letter to [email protected] by 17th June

Photo: Università di Bologna

Ecological transition, energy dependency and economic growth - Conferences - Events - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) 11/06/2022

FEEM Conference - 🌍

Ecological transition, energy dependency and economic growth

⏰ When? June 13, 2022 - 15-16.15 PM

➡️ Speakers:
Enrico Giovannini - Italian Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility

Alessandro Lanza - Executive Director, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Professor, LUISS

Renato Mazzoncini - Chief Executive Officer and General Manager at A2A

Michael Spence - 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University

➡️ Introduced by

Sergio Vergalli - Professor at University of Brescia and Program Director of the MET Research Area at FEEM

📌 Find more information about the event and register at the link below!

Ecological transition, energy dependency and economic growth - Conferences - Events - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) The economic modelling seminars series is glad to present at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei venue, a round table which will discuss the themes of the ecological transition, energy dependency and its geopolitical implications, as well as economic growth. The panel discussion will involve Enrico Gio...

EAERE 2022 Annual Conference 01/06/2022

The Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna, together with the International Centre of Economic Analysis will host the (hybrid) Workshop on Green Bonds and Environmental Finance on June 27th, 2022. 🌍

The workshop aims to bring together theoretical and applied researchers to discuss ongoing advanced research on green bonds and other forms of impact investing.

📌 We are pleased to have Professor CAROLINE FLAMMER (Columbia University) as our keynote speaker.

There are no registration and submission fees.

➡ Find more information at this link:

EAERE 2022 Annual Conference   Pre-conference Workshop of the 27th Annual EAERE Conference Green Bonds and Enviro


🌍 New article out on Steam Green 🌍

Is 4 the magic number? The rise of the four-day workweek ⏰

The last two years of the pandemic made it clearer than ever: the resignation boom that began in 2021, called the Great Resignation, has highlighted the needs of a society that has changed its priorities and seeks a deeper meaning that goes beyond the monetary value of time.

As a society, the discussion about workplace wellness is becoming more urgent. However, initiatives aimed at balancing the needs of workers and firms are not new. One particularly promising approach is the four-day workweek.

➡️ Read the article at this link:

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash



Are you looking for practical information to enroll at the University of Bologna? Do you need support and guidance to complete the enrolment process? 🌍

Our Welcome and Orientation Tutors are at your disposal at the Bologna campus and on the other Campuses to answer all your questions on services, opportunities, and access procedures! 🙋🙋

Find out who to contact according to your area:

➡ In addition, Study Course Open Days are still in progress! Keep an eye on the calendar, follow the live streams or attend the in-person meetings to learn more about the courses that interest you! 👉

Photo: University of Bologna

EAERE 2022 Annual Conference 23/05/2022

💼 Pre-conference Workshop of the 27th Annual EAERE Conference 💼

The Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna, together with the International Centre of Economic Analysis will host the Workshop on Green Bonds and Environmental Finance.

There are no registration and submission fees. 🌳

When? 27 June 2022, Hybrid Workshop: Onsite and online

➡️ Find more information at this link:

EAERE 2022 Annual Conference   Pre-conference Workshop of the 27th Annual EAERE Conference Green Bonds and Enviro


Are you looking for a job? 💼

Find more information on the job placement portal of the University of Bologna!



Take part in the Open Day experience to discover how to teach, what to learn, how to stay at the Master in Fundraising, and what it means to be a fundraiser. 🌍

When? Tuesday the 10th of May at 10:00 a.m.

➡️ Find more information at this link:

Gli eventi di Ateneo per Emma Pezemo, a un anno dalla sua uccisione 03/05/2022


The University of Bologna, in collaboration with ER.GO - Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education and with the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality of Bologna and the Borgo Panigale-Reno District, remembers the young student Emma Pezemo, enrolled in the Master's Degree Course in Sociology and Social Work, who, between 1 and 2 May 2021, was the victim of feminicide.

This event deeply shocked the University of Bologna, which awarded Emma a degree in memory and named a lecture room in Palazzo Hercolani, the headquarters of the Department of Sociology and Economic Law.

On Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 May, in Bologna and on the Campuses of Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini, and live streaming on the University's Facebook and Youtube pages, moments of reflection will be held in memory of Emma and on gender violence.

Gli eventi di Ateneo per Emma Pezemo, a un anno dalla sua uccisione Due giornate a Bologna e nei Campus di Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna e Rimini, per ricordare la giovane donna e studentessa dell'Alma Mater uccisa un anno fa e riflettere sulla violenza di genere


Take part in the 2022 edition of Career Day, the main event where companies and students/graduates of the University of Bologna meet! 🤝💼

The appointment is set for May 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Pavilion 33 of BolognaFiere!

👉 Register for the event and find out all the information on participating companies, constantly updated:


Do you know about the job placement service at Unibo? 👨‍💼👩‍💼

The University offers students a range of services designed to increase their employability and help them enter the world of work.

➡️ Activities range from how to write an effective CV to simulating a job interview.

In addition to online tools, such as the job vacancy board or the Unibo Job Placement App, Unibo organizes events with companies to put students and graduates in contact with their recruiters and provide guidance on professions, careers, and opportunities to enter the world of work. 🌍

📌 Find out more at this link:

Ph: University of Bologna


🌏 RESD Seminars 🌍

Professor Grzegorz Tchorek of the University of Warsaw will take part in the seminar "Energy and Climate transformation - threats and opportunities", organized by the RESD master's degree.

⏰ When?

Wednesday 27th of April at 12-15, room Alberti 5 (part 1)

Wednesday 27th of April at 15-18, room Alberti 6 (part 2)

Friday 29th of April at 15-18, room Alberti 6 (part 3)

Presence is highly recommended, but the seminars can also be followed online on Teams!

Find the Teams room and more info at this link: ⬇️



Would you like to know closely the city where you live and to share this experience with other students?

📌The Campus offers, to its students, the opportunity to discover Rimini and surroundings through a series of free guided tours, held in Italian and English.

You will have the opportunity to choose among different cultural, historical, artistic, and naturalistic journeys.

The activities are organized in collaboration with the CUSB and AVIS. Expert Guides will lead you during the visits.

⏰ When? 02/05 - 10/05 - 18/05

The visits are free. Limited places, registration is compulsory.

Do not miss this great opportunity!! 🌍

Here is the link:

Vuoi che la tua università sia il Università più quotato a Rimini?
Clicca qui per richiedere la tua inserzione sponsorizzata.

Video (vedi tutte)

🎓 Orienta|ME: a mentor to talk about the university experience 🎓Would you like to share your experience and help other y...
RESD - Resource Economics and Sustainable Development



Via Angherà, 22

Altro College e università Rimini (vedi tutte)
Università Aperta "Giulietta Masina e Federico Fellini" Università Aperta "Giulietta Masina e Federico Fellini"
Via Giuliano Da Rimini, 8
Rimini, 47900

Siamo un'associazione che organizza corsi, seminari e laboratori rivolti a giovani e adulti. La nostra sede è a RIMINI, in via Giuliano da Rimini, 8 [email protected] Vieni ...

Uni.Rimini Uni.Rimini
Via Angherà 22
Rimini, 47921

L’obiettivo principale di Uni.Rimini è stato da sempre quello di mettere a disposizione risorse umane ed economiche a favore della didattica e della ricerca, per un’attività di pro...

Università di Bologna - Campus di Rimini Università di Bologna - Campus di Rimini
Via Domenico Angherà, 22
Rimini, 47921

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LABA Rimini LABA Rimini
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Via Della Fiera 23 F

Università eCampus - Sanità Polo Didattico

FINMA Degree - Rimini UNIBO FINMA Degree - Rimini UNIBO
Via Angherà, 22
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Università Unicusano Rimini Università Unicusano Rimini
Viale Della Repubblica 100/scala A
Rimini, 47923

Centro studi Furfaro - Learning Center

Issr Alberto Marvelli Rimini e San Marino-Montefeltro Issr Alberto Marvelli Rimini e San Marino-Montefeltro
Via Covignano, 265
Rimini, 47923

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Scienze Statistiche Finanziarie e Attuariali - UNIBO Campus Rimini Scienze Statistiche Finanziarie e Attuariali - UNIBO Campus Rimini
Piazzetta Teatini, 10
Rimini, 47921

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Statistiche, Finanziarie e Attuariali - UNIBO Campus di Rimini

Unipegaso ecp Archimede Formazione Unipegaso ecp Archimede Formazione
Corso D'Augusto , 115/Rimini
Rimini, 47921

Centro orientamento e assistenza Università PEGASO Università San Raffaele Università Mercatorum

Scuola Bleger Scuola Bleger

Scuola di psicanalisi operativa

Nutrizione Umana, Benessere e Salute - UNIBO Nutrizione Umana, Benessere e Salute - UNIBO
Via Clodia
Rimini, 47900