Extinction Rebellion Rome International
Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an atte
Join this beautiful and enriching camp of two wonderful women facilitatresses
Living Earth Seedcamp 🌱
17th-28th September, Bodensee (Germany)
Join us for this 12-day community experience in nature!
Come if you are interested in:
👣 Ecosystem Restoration through Permaculture
🌎 A supportive community to explore your work in the world
🤲 Sharing skills and passions in a diverse group. What do I want to learn from others? What can I teach?
We invite you to a course with:
🌿 Permaculture input & hands-on activities
🪷 Skill-sharing afternoons
💛 A community experience to explore your authentic expression
🏕 Camping in an inspiring perrmaculture project surrounded by beautiful nature
❣️ We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds! Sliding scale for non-funded participation 360 - 600€ (incl. food and accommodation in your own tent)
💰 We offer funded spots for people travelling from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Estonia, Italy & Germany (aged 18-30)
✅ Find all infos and the sign up form on our website: https://dragonseed.org/course
📩 Apply now!
Share and spread the word!
Thank you ✨
Annabelle Joyce
This is an important resolution because many European nations have the capacity to transition away from fossil fuels faster than other countries around the world — and must act urgently.
Huge news! The European Parliament has just formally called on countries to develop a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty 👏
Their formal resolution outlining demands for COP27 included calling on nations to:
🤝”develop a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty”
🏭“phase out fossil fuels as soon as possible”
💰“halt all new investments in fossil fuel extraction”
💸“end fossil fuel subsidies”
This resolution comes on the back of a recent wave of support for the just end to the fossil fuel age via a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty from the President of Vanuatu, the President of Timor-Leste, the Foreign Minister of Tuvalu, the Vatican and the World Health Organisation.
Just three weeks ago, His Excellency President Nikenike Vurobaravu, President of Vanuatu, invited parliaments to join them in developing a Fossil Fuel Treaty at the UN General Assembly – sparking a wave of diplomatic support for the proposal, including now in the European Parliament.
This is excellent to see but also requires further action. Many European nations have the capacity to transition away from fossil fuels faster than other countries around the world.
Europe holds greater historical responsibility for climate change than most and therefore must do its fair share in supporting a global just transition – by ending expansion of any new fossil fuel projects, rapidly winding down existing production and most importantly supporting nations with less capacity to also transition away from coal, oil and gas.
A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty can provide the missing framework to manage this transition at an international level.
Find out more at fossilfueltreaty.org/eu
✊ La strada però è appena cominciata, la lotta per salvarci dall'estinzione è ancora lunga e difficile, tante Ribellioni ancora ci attendono.
📅 Per questo motivo ci incontreremo da Zalib Via della Penitenza 35, Giovedì 20 ottobre alle 18 per presentare XR e accogliere nuovi/e ribelli.
🧐 Che incontro sarà?
Si tratta di una vera e propria fase di accoglienza per chiunque abbia voglia di entrare a far parte di Extinction Rebellion.
Oltre a raccontare che cos'è Extinction Rebellion e perché facciamo quello che facciamo, risponderemo alla tue domande, mostreremo quali sono i gruppi di lavoro attivi e il modo in cui puoi scegliere di partecipare.
Con Amore e Rabbia
This sunday Extinction Rebellion activist Francesca Cigala Fulgosi Will participate to a panel with many other associations explaining why we want Citizens'assemblies. Join!
* Do you feel that is time to do something to contrast climate
*Do you wnat to participate to a direct action?
* You want to know how to do it and the processes?
COME SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 TO PARCO VILLA CELIMONTANA ROME ( near the obelisk, side of via della Navicella) We are organizing activities to learn how to do NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION e we will design one together.
* Bring with you something to eat, the meeting will be from 11:00am to 4:00pm.
We are hoping to meet you!!!
* Do you feel that is time to do something to contrast climate emergency?
*Do you wnat to participate to a direct action?
* You want to know how to do it and the processes?
COME SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 TO PARCO VILLA CELIMONTANA ROME ( near the obelisk, side of via della Navicella) We are organizing activities to learn how to do NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION e we will design one together.
* Bring with you something to eat, the meeting will be from 11:00am to 4:00pm.
We are hoping to meet you!!!
There Is no time. We are in 81 countries in the world
1st October protests in London - XR supporting cost of living and climate protests WE CAN'T AFFORD THIS ANYMORE: XR supporting the 1st October protestsToday, ordinary people are standing up against a criminal government. XR is joining Enoug...
Act now! Knock knock and Tell the Truth with Extinction Rebellion Torino XRROMA Extinction Rebellion Firenze Extinction Rebellion Reggio Emilia Extinction Rebellion Forlì-Cesena Extinction Rebellion
Comincia a bussare - stiamo mobilitando per il 3.5! GUARDATE FINO ALLA FINE!L'idea è semplice: più siamo, più difficile sarà ignorarci. È il potere del popolo, puro e semplice. Ha funzionato nella storia e in ...
And this is just the beginning, insists McGuire, who is emeritus professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. As he makes clear in his uncompromising depiction of the coming climatic catastrophe, we have – for far too long – ignored explicit warnings that rising carbon emissions are dangerously heating the Earth. Now we are going to pay the price for our complacence in the form of storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves that will easily surpass current extremes.
The crucial point, he argues, is that there is now no chance of us avoiding a perilous, all-pervasive climate breakdown. We have passed the point of no return and can expect a future in which lethal heatwaves and temperatures in excess of 50C (120F) are common in the tropics; where summers at temperate latitudes will invariably be baking hot, and where our oceans are destined to become warm and acidic. “A child born in 2020 will face a far more hostile world that its grandparents did,” McGuire insists.
‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert Blistering heatwaves are just the start. We must accept how bad things are before we can head off global catastrophe, according to a leading UK scientist
Hunger strike in Rome in front of the SENATE for citizens' assemblies on climate Emergency. Yesterday Alessandro was pulled away by police
Hunger strike in Rome in front of the SENATE for citizens' assemblies on climate Emergency. Yesterday Alessandro was pulled away by police
Join our sit in to support citizen's assemblies in Italy
🔥SIT-IN a Piazza della Minerva per chiedere l’istituzione delle Assemblee Cittadine🔥
🇮🇹 Cittadinз per il clima: la democrazia deliberativa sbarca in Italia
🗣 Extinction Rebellion, insieme a Politici per Caso e Eumans, si recherà ad una conferenza stampa presso la sala capitolare del Senato per presentare la proposta di legge di iniziativa parlamentare che punta a istituire in italia una grande Assemblea dei Cittadin* sul Clima.
📸 Ci sono già dei Parlamentari che sostengono il progetto e che per l’occasione illustreranno alla stampa la proposta di legge, ma è necessaria una spinta più forte sul Parlamento per portare avanti la terza richiesta del movimento: le Assemblee Cittadine.
Per questo motivo Extincion Rebellion vi invita a partecipare ad un SIT-IN a Piazza della Minerva, in concomitanza con la conferenza stampa, dove si comunicherà l’inizio di una campagna di azioni volta a fare pressione sul Parlamento.
⏰ Quando? Giovedì 30 giugno alle 15:30
🏡 Dove? Piazza della Minerva
Per Extinction Rebellion saranno presenti Sabina Santovetti e Francesca Cigala.
Stay tuned: durante la conferenza verrà rivelata anche una campagna di pressione al parlamento di Extinction Rebellion relativa alla proposta.
I giornalisti che volessero essere presenti devono accreditarsi scrivendo a: [email protected]
Le richieste di accredito devono contenere: i dati anagrafici (nominativo, luogo e data
di nascita); il recapito telefonico; gli estremi della tessera dell’ordine dei giornalisti o del documento di identità per gli altri operatori; il nome della testata di riferimento.
Tonight and Expert on climate Will Tell you how much the climate Emergency Is real. Join US and Extinction Rebellion
"People do not understand the magnitude of what is going on,” she said. “This will be greater than anything we have ever seen in the past. This will be unprecedented. Every living thing will be affected.” ❤️Join Extinction Rebellion ❤️
We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist
Powerful sadly, desperately powerful😭https://tube.rebellion.global/w/fnjatN8sEkV23kXB3sp36q
We are living, she says, “in a political system that generates a mental health crisis, because it places burdens on people that are too much to bear, as well as burdens on the Earth”.
‘I was enjoying a life that was ruining the world’: can therapy treat climate anxiety? People are increasingly looking for help to deal with feelings of fear, helplessness and guilt amid the climate crisis. But can therapists make a difference and is seeking treatment just a form of denial?
We continue everywhere to send this message. Join US to make government s act now.
Never give up! Join!
The rapid rise in temperatures at the poles is a warning of disruption in Earth’s climate systems. Last year, in the first chapter of a comprehensive review of climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned of unprecedented warming signals already occurring, resulting in some changes – such as polar melt – that could rapidly become irreversible.
Heatwaves at both of Earth’s poles alarm climate scientists Antarctic areas reach 40C above normal at same time as north pole regions hit 30C above usual levels
You can make a difference!!!!Join the Rebellion and make a lifestyle change
Eat a largely plant-based diet, with healthy portions and no waste
• Buy no more than three new items of clothing per year
• Keep electrical products for at least seven years
• Take no more than one short haul flight every three years and one long haul flight every eight years
• Get rid of personal motor vehicles if you can – and if not keep hold of your existing vehicle for longer
• Make at least one life shift to nudge the system, like moving to a green energy, insulating your home or changing pension supplier
Six key lifestyle changes can help avert the climate crisis, study finds Research shows that governments and individuals making small changes can have a huge impact in reducing emissions
It Is happening Now😭
The hearing of officials from Exxon, Shell, Chevron and BP, scheduled for 8 February, is the next phase of the House oversight committee’s investigation into the role of fossil fuel companies in blocking action on climate change and misrepresenting the industry’s efforts to address it.
Oil industry board members to testify to Congress on climate disinformation Officials from Exxon, Shell, Chevron and BP have been summoned to appear before the House oversight committee in February
ACT NOW 2nd request of Extinction Rebellion Is starting to percolate in political action🔥
German climate minister says speed of carbon cuts needs to be trebled Robert Habeck has called for nation to act to realise ‘gigantic task’ of creating climate neutral country
"In 2020, east Africa suffered its worst plague of locusts in decades. The previous year, the Horn of Africa had been pounded by rainfall, up to 400% above average levels, aiding the reproduction of locusts. Increased heat is also thought to boost locust numbers, with both factors heavily influenced by climate breakdown. Farmers in Kenya watched on helplessly as the sky darkened with locusts that descended to decimate their corn and sorghum. Separate, massive swarms then broke out in western and central India, chewing up land at a rate not seen in a generation."
How the speed of climate change is unbalancing the insect world The long read: The pace of global heating is forcing insect populations to move and adapt – and some aggressive species are thriving
Reminder Sunday at Zalib Via della Penitenza 35 Roma Premiere of Once you know. Check the trailer and Join us!
Once You Know - Trailer NOW AVAILABLE from Video Projecthttps://www.videoproject.org/once-you-know.htmlLICENSES LIMTED TO THE UNITED STATESScientists argue that the opportunity to p...
https://youtu.be/J_cqW9ZAr9Y dal Daily mail del regno unito
Extinction Rebellion members stage silent protest against G20 A few dozen protesters demanding that government leaders take incisive action on climate change have been carried away by police from the main boulevard near...
Once You Know - Trailer NOW AVAILABLE from Video Projecthttps://www.videoproject.org/once-you-know.htmlLICENSES LIMTED TO THE UNITED STATESScientists argue that the opportunity to p...
Join us at the Premiere of Once you know. Extiction Rebellion, Work that Reconnects Networks invites you at Zalib on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7 at 6pm VIA DELLA PENITENZA 35 ROMA
Once You Know - Trailer NOW AVAILABLE from Video Projecthttps://www.videoproject.org/once-you-know.htmlLICENSES LIMTED TO THE UNITED STATESScientists argue that the opportunity to p...
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