DSIC Dominican Sisters International Confederation
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Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di DSIC Dominican Sisters International Confederation, Organizzazione religiosa, Piazza Pietro d’Illiria, 1, Rome.
DSIC is an organization of collaboration between Dominican Sisters of Apostolic Life worldwide, in the effort to support, promote and unite the Dominican mission of preaching.
🕊Chaque année, du premier dimanche de l’Avent à la solennité de l’Épiphanie du Seigneur, est célébré le Mois Dominicain de la Paix, au cours duquel la Famille Dominicaine programme des activités pastorales et propose des intentions de prière pour un pays spécifique, qui cette année sera Haïti et aura pour devise
« Engageons-nous pour la paix et la dignité humaine ».
"Our interactions with the environment should aim at improving human life and alleviating the sufferings of men, women, and children who have been created in the image of God."
On the occasion of Season of Creation 2024, we are sharing stories of Dominican sisters engaged in care for environment.
🌳Read more about the Tree Planting Project in Zimbabwe, led by sisters Tendai Makonese and Sarudzai Mutero: https://dsiop.org/news/2024/zimbabwe-grow-trees-and-be-heard/
Article in Global Sisters Report to accompany your morning or afternoon coffee☕
Yes, sisters do play sports Our religious communities have countless examples of sisters who play sports, move and connect beautifully with the spiritual and physical, writes Sr. Ana González.
En la ciudad de Lima, se lleva a cabo el curso de Formadoras y Formadores de CODALC Y CIDALC que reúne a 80 hermanas y hermanos de 13 países de América Latina y El Caribe: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, México, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela. El tema central "Creamos ambientes seguros y saludables para nuestras formandas y formandos"
🌿El Tiempo de la Creación (Season of Creation ) es la celebración cristiana anual que nos convoca cada año para orar y responder juntos al clamor de la Creación: la familia ecuménica de todo el mundo se une para escuchar y cuidar nuestra casa común. La «Celebración» comienza el 1 de septiembre, Fiesta de la Creación, y concluye el 4 de octubre.
El tema del ́n de este año es: Esperanzar y actuar con la Creación, y el símbolo es Las primicias de la esperanza, inspirado en Romanos 8:19-25.
Descubra más y participe: https://dsiop.org/es/noticias/2024/tiempo-de-la-creacion-2024-esperanzar-y-actuar-con-la-creacion/
Meeting of younger Dominican sisters in Caleruega concluded yesterday!
A week of dreaming the future for women preachers around the world, walking together, discovering richness in the diversity of voices, attentive listening, sharing and laughter.
Tha participants are now returning to their countries and communities, carrying all learnings of this experience with them; to continue to dream together.
✨Caleruega 2024 - Day 6
Presenting 5 sisters elected to represent younger Dominican sisters at the DSIC Assembly in Rome in May 2025: Mila Diaz Solano (North America and Canada), Alma Zapanta (Asia-Pacific), Mary Onoshokhue Ekwe (Africa), Emilie Ruzickova (Europe) and Alcira Guerrero (Latin America and Carribean).
✨Caleruega 2024 - jour 5
Le matin, Sœur Sabina Schratz Dominican Sisters, Cabra a fourni un contexte historique de la vie religieuse dominicaine depuis ses débuts jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La présentation a été une invitation à regarder les tendances et les transes historiques et à continuer à rêver ensemble notre avenir en tant que femmes de la parole.
Après la présentation de Sœur Sabina, les sœurs se sont réunies dans leurs groupes régionaux pour discuter de la réalité actuelle de la vie religieuse dominicaine et continuer à rêver ensemble.
Pendant la pause déjeuner, les sœurs ont pu profiter d'une masterclass présentant le père Salas et ses œuvres d'art.
📸Sr. Emilie Pavla Ruzickova, sr. Ana Isabel Gonzalez
✨Caleruega 2024 - día 4
Ayer, la hermana Maria Francesca Vergara ofreció una poderosa visión sobre la relación del estudio en nuestro papel como mujeres . La presentación fue una inspiración para permitirnos aprovechar nuestra oración profética, de voz y contemplación para poder actuar y responder a las necesidades de la época.
El día terminó con una peregrinación a Osma, donde Santo Domingo fue ordenado sacerdote.
📸Hna. Ana Isabel Gonzalez
Representación de la región de América Latina y el Caribe en el encuentro de hermanas Dominicas jóvenes en Caleruega, España: Lystra Long, Ana Francisca Vergara (ponente), Famny Regalado de la Rosa, Izide Vecchi (coordinadora de la región América Latina y Caribe), Maria Romelia Yaguachi Agila, Lucrecia Amalia Contreras, Daniela Lorena Cerutti, F***y Calderón Perez, Doris Consuelo Terrel Jiménez, Alcira Guerrero, Ana Célia Pereira Gomes.
Codalc - Conferencia de Dominicas de América Latina y El Caribe
Federación de Dominicas del Perú
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Dominicas de la Inmaculada Concepción Hnas Dominicas de la Anunciata - Santa Rosa de Lima Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois
Sisters from North America present at the meeting of younger sisters in Caleruega, Spain: Jen Schaaf, Dulce Aguilar Rodriguez, Ana Isabel Gonzalez, Katherine Frazier, Priscilla Torres, Patricia Siemen (coordinator of North America and Canada region), Jane Marie Estoesta, Mary Voung, Mila Diaz Solano, Xiomara Mendez Hernandez, Kelly Biddle, Barbara Reid (speaker), Margaret Mayce (DSIC International Coordinator).
Dominican Sisters Conference
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Adrian Dominican Sisters Dominican Sisters of Peace Vocations: Dominican Sisters of Peace Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Dominican Sisters of Houston Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
Representing Europe at the meeting in Caleruega: sisters: Sabine Schratz, Catharina Al, Štěpánka Šenkeříková, Eileen O'Connell, Pilar del Barrio (coordinator for Europe), Miriam Weir (secretary of the meeting), Hannah Rita Laue, Catherine Zongo, Jenat Arogya Mary, Emilie Ruzickova, Gladys Medontsop Zangue.
Dominican Sisters, Cabra Dominikánky Dominicanessen van de Heilige Familie Dominicas de la Presentación
Représentation de la région d'Afrique à la rencontre des jeunes sœurs à Caleruega : sœurs : Julienne Nikiema (co-coordinatrice pour la région Afrique), Jareen Aquino, Mary Ekwe, Alice Lukowo Sala, Jeannete Membo Yaka, Marita Tafirenyika, Florence Kapongolo, Bernadette Kutuusa, Anasthasie Zinissida Kissou, Khumalo Nomalungelo Kwanele.
Dominican Sisters Africa
Congregación Santo Domingo Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.
Representing Asia-Pacific region at the meeting of younger sisters in Caleruega: sisters: Bernadette Vu Thi Lan Huong, Veronica Boki, M. Felicia Peni Verawati, Jocelle Agbas, Hilda Nikikia, Salvacion Valenzuela, Alma Zapanta, Maria Luz Mission (Coordinator of Asia-Pacific Region) Teresa Bui Thi B**h Ngoc.
Adrian Dominican Sisters Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines
✨Caleruega 2024 - Day 4
Different vocations, one Dominican family.
Morning Eucharist and a brief moment of sharing with the contemplative nuns living in Caleruega.
✨Caleruega 2024 - Day 3
What does it mean for us to be inclusive in every way? What do we want to advocate for as women in the Church? How can we engage with the other, seeking to understand other’s perspective, and more importantly, how can we be changed by the other?
Today's reflection on on reading the signs of times as prophets and bridge builders was guided by one of the leading scholars in feminist interpretation of the Scriptures - sr. Barbara Reid, Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids. In the sharing groups, the sisters looked closely at the challenges they face in their mission, but also were encouraged to see how they can be the prophetic voice, wherever they are.
Antes de dar a luz a Santo Domingo, Juana de Aza tuvo un sueño: un perro que corría por el mundo incendiándolo todo con una antorcha encendida. Preocupada por este sueño, fue a rezar a la abadía benedictina de San Domingo de Silos, pidiendo comprensión por aquel sueño.
En la tarde del segundo día de nuestro encuentro, emprendimos una peregrinación a Silos, para seguir reflexionando sobre el sueño de Dios para las Hermanas dominicas de hoy y rezar por una mejor comprensión - al igual que la beata Juana de Aza.
✨Caleruega 2024 - Day 2
If we are true to who we are and where we come from, what are the possibilities are germinating within us? What possibilities are germinating here? What possibilities are germinating for the future of the Dominican mission?
This morning was a beginning of our week-long journey of reflection on God's dream for women preachers in the world. We started in by visiting our surrounding - Caleruega, where St. Dominic was born and grew up.
💡Sr. Margaret Mayce, DSIC Internatonal Coordinator, addressed the participants: "Each one of you belongs to an individual congregation - each congregation is a manifestation of a charism much larger than each one of us. We hope that you will grow in appreciation of the Dominican charism, of which we are all part.
You are here today as a dream come true – so never underestimate the power and potential of dreaming."
✨Caleruega 2024 - Day 1
Tired, but immensely happy and excited to begin the week of reflection on God’s dream for women preachers in today’s world, younger Dominican Sisters from five continental areas of DSIC arrived in Spain!
✨The meeting of younger Dominican Sisters in Caleruega begins in a few hours!
Sr. Ana Gonzalez from Dominican Sisters of Peace , shares her hopes for this week of reflection and sharing:
✨On Monday, August 19, 45 younger Dominican Sisters representing 5 continental areas of DSIC will gather in Caleruega, Spain!
Sr. Bernadette Huong, Dominican Sisters of Saint Catharine of Siena, Tam Hiep, Vietnam shares:
"As a participant in the upcoming meeting in Caleruega to consider the future of Dominican life and mission, I hope for a compelling vision that honors the Dominican charism of preaching, teaching, community, and prayer while addressing the needs of modern people with innovative evangelization methods. I look forward to the development of robust educational and formation programs, effective vocation promotion strategies, and vibrant community life. Additionally, I wish to collaborate with Dominicans around the world, following in St. Dominic's footsteps by imitating his mercy, preaching the Gospel in diverse ways, and being available wherever needed."
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One week ahead of Caleruega meeting of younger Dominican Sisters, Sr. Alma Zapanta, Dominican Sisters , says:
"My goal in this training is to give more emphasis the importance of continuing the dedication in preaching as one Dominican Family.
To highlight the life of St. Dominic and be applicable in our time for us to create a fruitful impact worldwide as we do Christ's mission in our ordinary way of life as consecrated women."
La rencontre de Caleruega approche rapidement !
Sœur Catherine Zongo, Dominicaine de la Présentation à Paris, partage ses attentes :
"Je suis très heureuse de participer à la rencontre internationale des jeunes sœurs dominicaines à Caleruega!
Je souhaite que cette rencontre soit un lieu et un temps de prière , de connaissance mutuelle, de partage, d’amitié, de fraternité , d’humanité, et de réflexions sur notre mission et l’avenir de nos congrégations dans l’Ordre, dans l’Église et dans le Monde."
💡The High-Level Political Forum was a highlight of the summer. Dominican Leadership Conference welcomed Sr. Sarudzai Mutero, OP from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Zimbabwe and Fr. Emmanuel Mulu, OP of Kenya for two weeks.
Sr. Durstyne Farnan, UN Representative, sums up the - read more on our website: https://dsiop.org/news/2024/the-high-level-political-forum-2024/
✨"My aim for this gathering is to ignite the core elements of our missionary life through collaboration, unity, communication, participation, and mission worldwide. We aspire to make a meaningful impact on the Church's universal mission by living out our Dominican charisms and the four pillars of our lives: prayer, study, apostolate, and community life.
Ultimately, we seek the courage to joyfully take risks and respond to effect transformative change in support of the church's mission."
Sr. Salvacion Valenzuela, Dominican Sisters , shares her hopes for the Caleruega meeting of younger Dominican Sisters, which will begin in two weeks!
✨Sister Felicia Peni Verawati OP, member of Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dominic in Indonesia will participate in the meeting of younger Sisters representing the five continental areas of DSIC in Caleruega, Spain.
"I hope that I can learn from togetherness, experiences, encounters and reflections during the meeting to be more committed to my calling and mission as a woman preacher in today's world."
👏El 56º Capítulo General de Dominicas de la Presentación ha elegido la nueva Superiora General - Hna. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran y las consejeras que la acompañarán: Hna. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez, Hna. Martha Mendieta Aztatzi, Hna. Scolastique Nayabzanga Bei, Hna. Anula Irvin Suguna, Hna. Beatriz Elena García Santa y Hna. Nilda Leticia Miranda Romero.
Today, 30 July, we observe UN's 10th World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The theme this year is “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking.”
Sr. Abby Avelino, member of Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. and International Coordinator of Talitha K*m urges all of us to be "Ambassadors of Hope" against this crime.
Read more: https://dsiop.org/news/2024/we-are-called-to-be-ambassadors-of-hope-against-human-trafficking/
💡"In spite of the overwhelming frustrations and the present threats, we have not and are not going to abandon our apostolates. We were called and missioned for the difficult terrain of Sokoto diocese."
Sr. Justina I. Nnajiofor, O.P., Prioress General of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau, Nigeria shares with us the story of her congregation, its work as well as current challenges Sisters are facing in the region.
Read more here: https://dsiop.org/news/2024/gusau-nigeria-sisters-called-and-missioned-for-the-difficult-terrain-of-sokoto-diocese/
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