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VMMA Ingegneria
VMMA Ingegneria
Brandizzo 10032

Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Engehy, Servizi di ingegneria, Corso Inghilterra 7, Turin.

Engehy, un HUB di consulenti che offre servizi integrati per diversi settori ed esigenze, con una particolare missione di dedizione al Cliente per la gestione operativa delle necessità.


“Quiet quitting is less about intrinsic motivation and more about the manager's ability to build a relationship that makes an employee want to stay.”

(Harvard Business Review)


Pasqua è voce del verbo ebraico “pèsah”, passare. Non è festa per residenti, ma per migratori che si affrettano al viaggio. Da non credente vedo le persone di fede così, non impiantate in un centro della loro certezza ma continuamente in movimento sulle piste.

(Erri De Luca)

Buona Pasqua 2022.


Boune Feste 2021!


Enjoy your Summer!


Buon Ferragosto!


Possano questi giorni di festa portare nuova speranza, per un domani migliore.


Today is the World Engineering Day. Engineers play an important role in the future of our planet. At we design innovative solutions and develop technologies to play our part for development. Engineering is at the heart of the Group and we celebrate the difference our engineers make every day for a better world.


🔴Ieri sera, mentre larga parte del Partito Repubblicano Americano prendeva le distanze dagli avvenimenti in corso a e dalla condotta e dalle parole di Donald Trump, in Italia un Assessore della Giunta comunale di , Emanuele Pozzolo, postava sul suo profilo Facebook un’immagine dello colonnello confederato Henry King Burgwyn durante la Battaglia di Gettysburg, uno degli scontri più importanti della guerra di secessione americana costato la vita a più di sette mila soldati e infine terminato con la vittoria degli unionisti.

“Non vogliamo neanche immaginare che un rappresentante delle nostre istituzioni democratiche abbia voluto, con quella immagine, esprimere in qualche modo la propria vicinanza e sostegno ai manifestanti che stavano assediando le istituzioni democratiche americane sulla base di fantomatiche ipotesi di brogli elettorali del tutto prive di fondamento, come confermato anche da larga parte del Partito Repubblicano.” Dichiara Michele Gaietta, segretario cittadino e provinciale del Partito Democratico. E sottolinea:
“È sempre spiacevole commentare uscite a mezzo social da parte di politici locali e nazionali. Ma chi ricopre incarichi pubblici deve avere sempre ben chiaro il confine tra la convivenza civile, la legittima espressione e manifestazione del dissenso e il caos, la violenza. Oltre a doversi sempre misurare con le responsabilità derivanti da un incarico di rappresentanza pubblica.
Riteniamo quindi opportuno un chiarimento da parte dell’Assessore Pozzolo, che è anche Segretario Provinciale di Fratelli d’Italia, così che anche la posizione politica di questo importante partito politico non possa essere oggetto di ulteriori fraintendimenti.”
Anche il gruppo consigliare del Partito Democratico, attraverso il suo capogruppo, Alberto Fragapane, ha voluto evidenziare la gravità di quanto accaduto: “Tante volte ci siamo trattenuti dal commentare pubblicamente le esternazioni dell’Assessore Emanuele Pozzolo, perché consapevoli di trovarci di fronte a chi, date le carenze amministrative, cerca di ottenere popolarità proprio attraverso queste uscite.”
“È impensabile -continua Fragapane- che un uomo delle istituzioni del nostro paese e della nostra città possa indirettamente sostenere atti sovversivi di attacco alle istituzioni democratiche che regolano, negli Stati Uniti come in altri luoghi del mondo, la convivenza civile.
Qualora si confermasse la volontà di strizzare l’occhio alle violenze cui abbiamo assistito ieri sera, lanciamo un appello al Sindaco, al Presidente del Consiglio e alle forze politiche di maggioranza, affinché prendano pubblicamente le distanze dalla posizione espressa dall’Assessore di Fratelli d’Italia, in difesa delle istituzioni e della democrazia, che tutti noi rappresentiamo.”

Partito Democratico
Partito Democratico Piemonte


Merry Xmas 2020


Enghey: The Property Manager for you.

Property management is the overseeing of residential, commercial and/or industrial real estate, including apartments, detached houses, condominium units, and shopping centers.

It typically involves the managing of property that is owned by another party or entity.

The property manager acts on behalf of the owner to preserve the value of the property while generating income.


PMBoK 7th

A new edition of the PMBOK® Guide is due out before the end of the year.

Every few years, PMI updates the PMBOK® Guide. This resource is widely viewed as one of the more influential documents in the project management field, so there’s usually a lot of anticipation—and speculation—around a new version.

The PMBOK® Guide - Seventh Edition, due out in the fourth quarter, is no exception, and many question will be answered.

In the meantime we can read this article:




There exists a kind of work where you are supposed to manage people, time, money, customer and in general a project (i.e. manage both internal and external project stakeholders). Although this often means that your work is to solve problems, sometimes it is called project manager.

Lazy is probably another way to express that they (myself not for sure) are able to work without hurry and without kept daily motivated. These people are able to exercise effort where it really matters and not just random, unimportant, non-critical duties just to show theiy are busy bees. They will find the easiest and nost efficient way to reach the goal.

The picture has been designed for project management duties, but it is not difficult to extend it to any professional figure. The great majority of people I know belongs to the lower left box (assure them a constant supervision to avoid troubles), a few of them to the upper right part (good for easy, repetitive and simple duties; at least they will not cause any real problem). “Micromanagers” I guess is the right definition of the lower right figures; I saw day-by-day planning over yearly periods…

Progress isn’t made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something [Robert Heinlein]

“Projects don’t fail at the end. They fail at the beginning”. Well, if we learn how to be lazy probably we will give the most at the begin to find difficult-to-see potential troubles thus we will be relaxed at the end when larger, easy-to-be-spotted and insolvable problems might rise.


Find the zero in: r = f(n^m)

"Internal resistance to new ideas is a function of number of employees to number of management levels"

(Magnus Lindkvist «The attack of the unexpected»)



Today's organizational context is rapidly becoming more complex and turbulent and often unexpectedly so; Value Management, VM, is ideally suited to support the organization's need to become more responsive to both stakeholders’ needs and a continually changing market and competition.

VM is one of the most effective processes to agree multiple stakeholders’ needs and expectations. It is also an efficient group decision-making and problem-solving methodology that helps clarify a strategy and define the means to achieve it.
For value management to be able to support strategic decisions and help deliver business benefits, it needs to be closely combined with portfolio, program and project management.
Our experience and expertise, our value management can be applied at the strategic level to better understand strategic decisions and business benefits. It targets all managers who want to deliver business benefits that are in line with the organisation's strategy, while making sure that these strategies are achievable. It is tailored for business, Program Management Office, portfolio, program or value managers who are interested in helping to deliver business value and want to achieve both significant benefits and outcomes and improved stakeholder relationship management.


Jack Ma rules!


The Engineering Design Process.

When engineers set out to solve a real-world problem, they go through the engineering design process. You may go through a similar process if you decided to throw an impromptu taco party.

The engineering design process includes:

- Defining the problem
- Identifying constraints and criteria for your solution
- Brainstorming multiple solutions for the problem
- Selecting the most promising solution
- Prototyping your solution
- Testing and evaluating your prototype
- Iterating to improve your prototype
- Communicating your solution

Engehy follow these processes to develop a tailor made design for the Client, enjoy



The current change in societal model, from linear to circular, coupled with the digital transition, is changing certain architectural practices. The emergence of BIM (Building Information Model, Modeling, Management) generates an evolution of the work process and collaborative tools.

However, due to the lack of diversity of the media, the BIM tools hardly integrate digital information of the elements found during the material inventory. Moreover, these tools are not really adapted to the modelling of formally complex elements.

The use of parametric design can be a lever of creativity in architectural practice as well as a springboard for the integration of reuse materials. Allowing the serialization of non-identical elements with a common denominator (colorimetry, format, texture, etc.), these tools would provide the necessary flexibility while allowing the control of a certain complexity.

Earth Day: The Official Site | Earth Day Network 22/04/2020

Today, earthday.org flooding the world with hope, optimism and action.
Join earthday.org! => https://www.earthday.org/

Earth Day: The Official Site | Earth Day Network Visit the official Earth Day site to learn about the world's largest environmental movement and what you can do to make every day Earth Day.



Starting from today, 4 March will now be the World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development as designated by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). Previously known as ‘Engineer’s Day’, the celebration was formerly observed in several counties on various dates throughout the year.

The announcement was made on November 20th at the 2019 World Engineers Convention by WFEO President, Dr Marlene Kanga.

The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is the international organization for the engineering profession. Founded in 1968, under the auspices of UNESCO, WFEO brings together national engineering institutions from some 100 nations and represents more than 30 million engineers. worldwide. The federation was founded on March 4th 1968, making the new date for World Engineering Day an obvious choice.

The resolution to get the day officially recognized as the World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development was adopted at the 206th UNESCO Executive Board session. It was decided on that day in April to set the announcement for the World Engineers Convention of 2019.

Details: https://worldengineeringday.net/about-wed/



The construction industry is one of the most information-intensive industries, as a major construction process requires extensive exchange of data and information between the project’s participants on a regular basis.

In Construction Industry Management Information System is an integrated usermachine system that provides information to support operations, management and decision making functions relating to planning and control of project objectives.


New employee onboarding is the process of getting new hires adjusted to the social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly.

It is the process through which new hires learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization.



La Lean Construction è un metodo per l’organizzazione e la gestione del cantiere mirato a minimizzare lo spreco di tempo e di materiali, a limitare la produzione di rifiuti, con l’obiettivo di ottimizzare i budget, ridurre le tempistiche di realizzazione e di impiegare la forza lavoro nel modo più semplice e in totale sicurezza.

Uno dei requisiti di base è la individuazione e la eliminazione di tutte quelle attività che non creano valore aggiunto per il Cliente e che rallentano il processo di costruzione.

Engehy mette a disposizione di progettisti e costruttori una serie di competenze in grado di favorire l’implementazione della Lean Construction in qualsiasi tipi di progetto.

Se volete implementare nei vostri progetti la metodologia di Lean Construction, contattateci nostri per discutere in modo dettagliato le applicazioni e i benefici che possono essere offerti da Engehy.



Il Lean Construction, ovvero l’applicazione dei principi del Lean Manufacturing (Sistema produttivo Toyota) nel settore edile, costituisce un metodo volto alla minimizzazione dei consumi di materiale e all'ottimizzazione della tempistica, con l’obiettivo di produrre il massimo valore possibile (Koskela, 2002).

I principali scopi del Lean Construction sono

Ottimizzazione del sistema complessivo mediante collaborazione e apprendimento sistematico.

Miglioramento continuo e ricerca della perfezione con il coinvolgimento di tutti i collaboratori.

Focus sulla massimizzazione del valore per proprietario, cliente e utente.

Creazione continua di valore aggiunto ed eliminazione di ostacoli e processi superflui.


Enjoy the VentiVenti!

engehy.com on LinkedIn: #engehy #epcm #projectmanagenet 30/12/2019

CAE Simulation

Engehy: servizi d’ingegneria evoluti.

engehy.com on LinkedIn: #engehy #epcm #projectmanagenet Amazing Pelton turbine simulation. Pelton turbines are used for electricity generation in hydraulic power plants. They are suitable for operation when...


Santa is coming!

Photos from Engehy's post 16/12/2019


Engehy offre una vasta gamma di competenze tecniche di alto livello al vostro fianco.

Offriamo un'ampia serie di servizi tra cui la progettazione, la pianificazione, l'organizzazione e la supervisione di costruzione di edifici e progetti infrastrutturali.

Assistiamo il cliente in tutte le fasi operative dei progetti fino a seguire la messa in servizio, il funzionamento e la manutenzione delle strutture.

Le nostre risorse hanno sviluppato nel tempo forti competenze nelle diverse discipline dell’ingegneria e dell’architettura e della sicurezza:

# impianti tecnologici;
# fondazioni e strutture;
# facciate e coperture;
# distribuzioni interne;
# space planning;
# finiture;
# sistemazioni esterne.

Un esempio dei nostri servizi di progettazione ed ingegneria integrata sono:

- Studi di fattibilità e pianificazione
- Progettazione e direzione lavori
(Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management)
- FEED (Front End Engineering Design)
- Studi tecnici, economici, giuridici e ambientali
- Assistenza funzionale


Non perdere nessun articolo: direttamente nella tua casella di posta elettronica, troverai una raccolta degli ultimi aggiornamenti delle attività passate e future di Engehy Consulting.

Segui il link ed iscriviti!



Refurbishing the Zastava Car Manufacturing Plant in Kragujevac

Further to a letter of intent signed in 2008 by, at time, FIAT and the Serbian Government, the Zastava Automobiles car manufacturing plant located in Kragujevac, Serbia – which has been operational since the 1950s – has started undergoing significant refurbishment works in order to become a dedicated Fiat production site.

Since August 2010 Engehy has been involved in the project working for Idest, a Turin-based engineering consultancy firm, in developing multidisciplinary design solutions for the civil refurbishment works.

The services Engehy is follow, control and manage from offices in Italy and, especially, from Serbia all architectural, structural, geotechnical, mechanical, electrical and public health design to launch tenders, perform the tender's technical alignment, supervise the works, manage the commissioning, follow the closing control the advising on permit-related issues and on local regulatory matters.

The civil refurbishment works mainly consist of the elevation of selected parts of the existing roof structure to host state-of-the-art car production lines, structural strengthening works to comply with the local construction code for a seismic area as well as façades and MEP provisions consistent with the high corporate standards of the FCA.

The five main process-related buildings of the car manufacturing plant occupy an area of approximately 220,000 mq and – when fully operational – will yield a predicted production of some 200,000 cars per year.

Working closely with our clients, project managers and technicians, we have delivered different kinds of services throughout various project stages.

Engehy provided Agile Management and Lean Construction services on behalf of Idest to FCA for 10 years in EMEA countries; we have also delivered some specialized services for FCA Technologies.

Location: Kragujevac
Country/Region: Italy Serbia
Client: Idest srl / FCA
Services: Programme and project management, EPCM services, industrial expertise, facility management

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