Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas Commenda Piemontese

Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas Commenda Piemontese

Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas Commenda Piemontese, Organizzazione non governativa (ONG), Turin.

Questa è la pagina Facebook Ufficiale della Commenda Pedes Montis n.17, Emanazione Legittima del Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas International, con giurisdizione sul territorio Piemontese.

Photos from Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas Commenda Piemontese's post 22/07/2024

ENGLISH (Other languages at the bottom)


On behalf of the Most Serene Grand Maître and Nautonnier, Prior, Ormus, Most Serene Sovereign, Jean XXVII, brother Azräel, 10th

On 20 July 2024, the International Grand Chapter of the Sacred and Royal Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion took place at a Castle in Tuscany.

The session saw some of the highest leaders of the Order present, reaching the maximum number of participants foreseen by the regulations for this session.

The session presided over by the Most Serene Grand Maître and Nautonnier of the Order as Supreme Commander recognized and consecrated to the legitimate degrees and ranks achieved brothers and sisters deserving of this honor:
-The Dearest Brother AN from Serbia was initiated into the Holy Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion obtaining the rank of Squire.
-the Noble Valiant, Brother EM, has been raised to the Grade and Rank of Crusader
-The Most Noble Crusader, Brother Tzadquiel from Spain, has been raised to the rank and rank of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion (4th)
-The Most Noble Crusader Sister, FE sister from Spain, has been invested as Dame du Lac of the Sacred and Royal Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion (4th)
-The aforementioned Brothers were issued the foundation certificate of the Spanish group “HAGIA MARÍA” which has the right to operate in their area of ​​competence.
-The Most Noble Knights BT and PK from Serbia have been elevated to the rank of Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrèe à l'Ordre du Lys (5th)
-The most noble Dame consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys et à l'Ordre de Sion (5), sister AK (Italy-USA), has been elevated to the rank and rank of Dame consacrée à Sainte Marie Madeleine de Béthanie (6th)
-The Most Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys, brother GB from Italy has been confirmed in his vicar rank, and elevated to the rank and rank of Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys ( 6th)
-The most noble sister Nikotris from Italy was assigned to the post of Italian Grand Chancellor, receiving the Vicar Rank of Doge (8th)

Present at the session was the Dear Guest DG, researcher and writer, who presented some of his important reflections to the Order.

The session was followed by a fraternal agape where each person present who wished had the opportunity to express their reflections on various esoteric topics.�
On behalf of the Most Serene Grand Maître and Nautonnier of the Order we thank the welcome Guests present, all the brothers and sisters who participated in the Sacred works and in particular for the very successful Organization:
The Most Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys Brother SZ, Grand Commander for Tuscany.
The most noble Doge Sister Nikotris, Italian Grand Chancellor
The Most Eminent Brother Marcellus, Perfect Doge of the Order of Sion and the Order of the Lily, Italian Regent and Grand Commissioner for France

Light has been made.


A nome del Serenissimo Grand Maître e Nautonnier, Prior, Ormus, Most Serene Sovereign, Jean XXVII, brother Azräel, 10°

In data 20 luglio 2024, presso un Castello in Toscana si è svolto il Gran Capitolo Internazionale del Sacro e Regale Ordine Merovingio del priorato di Sion.

La seduta ha visto presenti alcuni dei massimi vertici dell’Ordine, raggiungendo il massimo numero di partecipanti previsti dal regolamento per questa tornata.

La tornata presieduta dal Serenissimo Grand Maître e Nautonnier dell’Ordine in qualità di Comandante Supremo ha riconosciuto e consacrato ai legittimi gradi e ranghi raggiunti confratelli e consorelle meritevoli di tale onore:
-Il Carissimo Confratello AN dalla Serbia è stato iniziato al Sacro Ordine Merovingio del Priorato di Sion ottenendo il grado di Scudiero.
-il Nobile Prode, Confratello EM, è stato elevato al Grado e Rango di Crociato
-Il Nobilissimo Crociato, Confratello Tzadquiel dalla Spagna, è stato elevato al grado e rango di Chevalier de l’Ordre du Lys et de l’Ordre de Sion (4°)
-La Nobilissima Consorella Crociata, consorella FE dalla Spagna, è stata stati investita Dame du Lac del Sacro e Regale Ordine Merovingio del Priorato di Sion (4°)
-Ai sopraddetti Confratelli è stato rilasciata la bolla di fondazione del gruppo Spagnolo “HAGIA MARÍA” che ha la facoltà di Operare nella loro zona di competenza.
-I Nobilissimi Cavalieri BT e PK dalla Serbia sono stati elevati al grado e rango di Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrèe à l’Ordre du Lys (5°)
-La nobilissima Dame consacrée à l’Ordre du Lys et à l’Ordre de Sion (5), consorella AK (Italia-USA), è stata elevata al grado e rango di Dame consacrée à Sainte Marie Madeleine de Béthanie (6°)
-Il Nobilissimo Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l’Ordre du Lys, confratello GB dall’Italia è stato confermato nel suo grado vicario, ed elevato al grado e rango di Grand Commandeur de l’Ordre de Sion et de l’Ordre du Lys (6°)
-La nobilissima consorella Nikotris dall’Italia è stata assegnata al posto di Gran Cancelliere Italiano, ricevendo il Grado Vicario di Doge (8°)

Alla tornata era presente il Carissimo Ospite DG, ricercatore e scrittore, che ha esposto all’Ordine alcune sue importanti riflessioni.

Alla seduta è seguita un’agape fraterna dove ogni persona intervenuta che lo desiderasse ha avuto la possibilità di esprimere le proprie riflessioni su diversi argomenti esoterici.�
A nome del Serenissimo Gran Maître e Nautonnier dell’Ordine si ringraziano i graditi Ospiti Presenti, tutti i confratelli e le Consorelle che hanno partecipato ai Sacri lavori e in particolare x la riuscitissima Organizzazione:
Il Nobilissimo Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l’Ordre du Lys Confratello SZ, Gran Comandante per la Toscana.
La nobilissima Doge Consorella Nikotris, Gran Cancelliere Italiano
L’Eminentissimo Confratello Marcellus, Doge perfetto dell’Ordine di Sion e dell’Ordine del Giglio, Reggente Italiano e Gran Commissario per la Francia

Luce è stata fatta.



En nombre del Serenísimo Gran Maître y Nautonnier, Prior, Ormus, Serenísimo Soberano, Juan XXVII, hermano Azräel, décimo

El 20 de julio de 2024 tuvo lugar en un castillo de Toscana el Gran Capítulo Internacional de la Sagrada y Real Orden Merovingia del Priorato de Sión.

La sesión contó con la presencia de algunos de los máximos responsables de la Orden, alcanzándose el número máximo de participantes previsto por el reglamento para esta sesión.

La sesión presidida por el Serenísimo Gran Maître y Nautonnier de la Orden en calidad de Comandante Supremo reconoció y consagró a los legítimos grados y rangos alcanzados a los hermanos y hermanas merecedores de este honor:
-El Queridísimo Hermano AN de Serbia fue iniciado en la Santa Orden Merovingia del Priorato de Sión obteniendo el rango de Escudero.
-el Noble Valiente, Hermano EM, ha sido elevado al Grado y Rango de Cruzado
-El Muy Noble Cruzado, el Hermano Tzadquiel de España, ha sido elevado al rango y rango de Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion (4º)
-La Muy Noble Hermana Cruzada, hermana FE de España, ha sido investida como Dama del Lac de la Sagrada y Real Orden Merovingia del Priorato de Sión (4ª)
-A los Hermanos antes mencionados se les expidió el certificado de fundación del grupo español “HAGIA MARÍA” el cual tiene derecho a operar en su área de competencia.
-Los Muy Nobles Caballeros BT y PK de Serbia han sido elevados al rango de Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrèe à l'Ordre du Lys (5º)
-La muy noble Dame consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys et à l'Ordre de Sion (5), hermana AK (Italia-EE.UU.), ha sido elevada al rango y rango de Dame consacrée à Sainte Marie Madeleine de Béthanie (6.º )
-El Most Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys, hermano GB de Italia, ha sido confirmado en su rango de vicario y elevado al rango y rango de Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys. (6to)
-La hermana más noble Nikotris de Italia fue asignada al cargo de Gran Canciller italiana, recibiendo el rango de Vicaria Dux (8º)

Estuvo presente en la sesión el querido invitado DG, investigador y escritor, que presentó a la Orden algunas de sus importantes reflexiones.

La sesión fue seguida de un ágape fraternal donde cada persona presente que lo desee tuvo la oportunidad de expresar sus reflexiones sobre diversos temas esotéricos.�
En nombre del Serenísimo Gran Maestre y Nautonnier de la Orden agradecemos a los invitados de bienvenida presentes, a todos los hermanos y hermanas que participaron en las obras Sagradas y en particular por la exitosa Organización:
El Most Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys Brother SZ, Gran Comandante de Toscana.
La más noble dux hermana Nikotris, gran canciller italiana
El Muy Eminente Hermano Marcelo, Dux Perfecto de la Orden de Sión y de la Orden del Lirio, Regente Italiano y Gran Comisionado para Francia

Se ha hecho luz.



Au nom du Très Sérénissime Grand Maître et Nautonnier, Prieur, Ormus, Souverain Très Sérénissime, Jean XXVII, frère Azräel, 10e

Le 20 juillet 2024 s'est tenu dans un château de Toscane le Grand Chapitre International de l'Ordre Sacré et Royal Mérovingien du Prieuré de Sion.

La séance a vu la présence de certains des plus hauts dirigeants de l'Ordre, atteignant le nombre maximum de participants prévu par le règlement de cette séance.

La séance présidée par le Très Sérénissime Grand Maître et Nautonnier de l'Ordre comme Commandeur Suprême a reconnu et consacré aux grades et grades légitimes atteints des frères et sœurs méritants de cet honneur :
-Le très cher frère AN de Serbie a été initié dans le Saint Ordre Mérovingien du Prieuré de Sion en obtenant le grade d'écuyer.
-le Noble Brave, Frère EM, a été élevé au Grade et Rang de Croisé
-Le Très Noble Croisé, Frère Tzadquiel d'Espagne, a été élevé au rang et grade de Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion (4ème)
-La Très Noble Sœur Croisée, sœur FE d'Espagne, a été investie Dame du Lac de l'Ordre Sacré et Royal Mérovingien du Prieuré de Sion (4ème)
-Les Frères susmentionnés ont reçu le certificat de fondation du groupe espagnol « HAGIA MARÍA » qui a le droit d'opérer dans leur domaine de compétence.
-Les Très Nobles Chevaliers BT et PK de Serbie ont été élevés au rang de Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys (5ème)
-La très noble Dame consacrée à l'Ordre du Lys et à l'Ordre de Sion (5), sœur AK (Italie-USA), a été élevée au rang et grade de Dame consacrée à Sainte Marie Madeleine de Béthanie (6ème )
-Le Très Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacré à l'Ordre du Lys, frère GB d'Italie a été confirmé dans son grade de vicaire, et élevé au grade et grade de Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys (6ème)
-La sœur la plus noble Nikotris d'Italie a été affectée au poste de Grand Chancelier italien, recevant le rang de Vicaire de Doge (8ème)

Était présent à la séance le Cher Invité DG, chercheur et écrivain, qui a présenté certaines de ses réflexions importantes à l'Ordre.

La séance a été suivie d'une agape fraternelle où chaque personne présente qui le souhaitait a eu l'occasion d'exprimer ses réflexions sur divers sujets ésotériques.�
Au nom du Très Sérénissime Grand Maître et Nautonnier de l'Ordre nous remercions les invités de bienvenue présents, tous les frères et sœurs qui ont participé aux œuvres Sacrées et en particulier pour l'Organisation très réussie :
Le Très Noble Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacré à l'Ordre du Lys Frère SZ, Grand Commandeur pour la Toscane.
La très noble sœur doge Nikotris, grande chancelière italienne
Le Très Eminent Frère Marcellus, Parfait Doge de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys, Régent d'Italie et Grand Commissaire de France

La lumière a été faite.


Brother Thaddeus'.⚜🔺🌹🔺⚜.'.

Sénéchal et Grand Dépositaire Mystique et Arcane, 9°
Grand Chancelier et Gardien du Mont Sacré
Magister Provincialis


Marco Rigamonti, Most Serene Grand Master, Nautonnier de l'Ordre, Prior, Ormus, Most Serene Sovereign, Jean XXVII, brother Azräel 10°

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Il Priorato di Sion presenta: L’ETICA E LA GIUSTIZIA NEL PRIORATO DI SION: Introduzione e Conclusione di Marco Rigamonti 01/08/2021

Il Priorato di Sion presenta: L’ETICA E LA GIUSTIZIA NEL PRIORATO DI SION: Introduzione e Conclusione di Marco Rigamonti Il Priorato di Sion presenta: L’ETICA E LA GIUSTIZIA NEL PRIORATO DI SION: Introduzione e Conclusione di Marco Rigamonti


Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the following, formalized during the International Chapter of July 24th, 2021:


Brother N. Z. from Italy has been initiated to the Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion with the rank and Degree of Squire.

Brother A. V. from Italy has been initiated to the Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion with the rank and Degree of Squire.

Brother M. M. from Italy has been initiated to the Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion with the rank and Degree of Squire.

Sister N. G. from Italy has been initiated to the Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion with the rank and Degree of Squire.

Brother L. M. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion.

Brother M. C. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion

Brother F. P. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion

Brother S. B. from U.S.A. has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion

Brother S. I. from Serbia has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion

Brother G. BR. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Vaillant of the Order of Sion


Brother N. M. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion 4

Brother V. G. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion 4

Sister G. C. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion 4

Sister A. C. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion 4

Brother S. I. from UK has been elevated to the rank and Degree of Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrèe à l'Ordre du Lys 5

Brother F. S. from Italy has received a Vicary Rank of Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys 6V

Brother G.BE. from Italy has received a Vicary Rank of Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys 6V


Brother A. DR. from Italy has been elevated to the rank and Degree of lllustrious Constable of the Order of Sion and the of Order of the Lily 7

Brother G. V. from Italy has received a Vicary Rank of lllustrious Constable of the Order of Sion and the of Order of the Lily 7V

Brother G. S. from Romania has received a Vicary Rank of lllustrious Constable of the Order of Sion and the of Order of the Lily 7V


Brother C. H. from Romania has received a Vicary Rank of Sublime and Perfect Doge of the Order of the Lily and of the Order of Sion 8V

Brother M. C. from Bulgaria has received a Vicary Rank of Sublime and Perfect Doge of the Order of the Lily and of the Order of Sion 8V

Brother A.R. from Romania has received a Vicary Rank of Sublime and Perfect Doge of the Order of the Lily and of the Order of Sion 8V

Congratulations to all involved

Supreme and Mystic Quadrumvirate Sovereign and enlightened of the Priory of Sion


International Chapter of July 24th, 2021

Dear All,
we officially announce :

the opening of two new Cercles in Italy, in Calabria and in Campania, and one new full Commandery established in Umbria.

The Confirmation of the Vicary Grade of the lllustrious Constable of the Order of Sion and the of Order of the Lily for the South of Italy (7)

the installation of the vicary new Grand Commander for Campania (6) and the new Grand Commander for Emilia Romagna (6).

the installation of the new Deputy Secretary General for Italy (7)

the installation of the new Vicary Grand Chancellor (6) for Piemonte.

the future Grand Chancellor for Toscana is being trained under the Abbey of Sion.

the installation of the first Chapter in Romania and the Installation of the Vicary Regent 8, Grand Chancellor 8 Grand Chaplain 7 and 13 new brothers and sisters.

the foundation of a new PS Temple in Romania.

the installation of the Vicary Grand Chancellor 8 for Bulgaria. The Vicary Regent is being trained under the Abbey of Sion.

the presence of three new forming members who in Serbia, with the Future Vicary Regent being trained under the Abbey of Sion and so his Grand Chaplain.

We are also announcing other many members who who joined the Order throughout the World, and many who went up their Initiatic Grades, and many additional Cercles and Commanderies that are in formation.

Thanks to the Contributors.

Fiat Lux

Supreme and Mystic Quadrumvirate Sovereign and enlightened of the Priory of Sion

Photos from Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas's post 25/07/2021

Dear all, it is with great pleasure that we announce the birth of the First CS 4 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The new Cercle is now operational and has taken the name of "CS4 Rosslyn"

The warmest congratulations go to the President, Fra Andrew, Fra N., the Secretary, and Fra Ian R., Treasurer.

We also thank the UK leadership in the people of the Most Eminent British Regent, Fra Ductus non Coactus. and the UK Grand Chancellor, Fra Steve.

Carissimi , è con grande piacere che annunciamo la nascita del Primo CS 4 ad Edimburgo, Scozia.

Il nuovo Cercle è ora operativo ed ha assunto il nome di “CS4 Rosslyn”

Le più vive congratulazioni vanno al Presidente, fratello Andrew, al fratello N., segretario e al fratello Ian. Tesoriere.

Ringraziamo anche la leadership Inglese nelle persone dell’Eminentissimo Reggente Inglese, Fratello Ductus non Coactus e al Gran Cancelliere inglese fratello Steve.

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Photos from Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas Commenda Piemontese's post 07/05/2020


The Covid-19 "hovel" 02/05/2020

The Covid-19 "hovel" "Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the 'Covid-19' magic trick - the sleight of hand that transformed society" Link :

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Les dossiers secrets du PRIEURÉ DE SION de HENRI LOBINEAU: introduction de Marco Rigamonti - Grand Maître du Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas O.D.L.R.C.V. 15/03/2020

Les dossiers secrets du PRIEURÉ DE SION de HENRI LOBINEAU: introduction de Marco Rigamonti - Grand Maître du Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas O.D.L.R.C.V. Les dossiers secrets du PRIEURÉ DE SION de HENRI LOBINEAU: introduction de Marco Rigamonti - Grand Maître du Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas O.D.L.R.C.V.


Given the current emergency related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Priory of Sion has decided on a temporay basis that videoconferences will be established in countries and cities in the world where, by provision of the law, meetings in person has been interrupted.

These video conferences will not replace ritual meetings, but will serve as official Cercle Sigebert IV meetings.

This measure represents the only solution not to suspend the activity and optimize the use of available resources, especially because it is not possible to know for sure how long the emergency will last.

These meetings, will also be open to new candidates whose application has been accepted.

- Meet via videoconference and share research and studies

- Discuss cultural, historical, philosophical and esoteric issues between members and candidates.

- Practice a collective meditation session according to our techniques.

- Organization of cultural activities, promotion of authors and contents, publication of books and articles and everything that can be done without meeting in person.

Therefore all new and future candidates from the areas involved in the restrictions, who have received confirmation of registration, will have direct access to the meetings carried out by videoconference.

Applications must be sent to [email protected]


Compte tenu de l'urgence actuelle liée à la pandémie de Coronavirus, le Prieuré de Sion a décidé, à titre provisoire, que des vidéoconférences soient établies dans les pays et les villes du monde où, en vertu de la loi, les réunions ont dû être interrompues.

Ces vidéoconférences ne remplaceront pas les réunions rituelles, mais serviront de réunions officielles du Cercle Sigebert IV.

Cette mesure représente la seule solution pour ne pas suspendre l'activité et optimiser l'utilisation des ressources disponibles, notamment parce qu'il n'est pas possible de savoir avec certitude combien de temps durera l'urgence.

Ces réunions seront également ouvertes aux nouveau candidats dont la candidature a été acceptée.

- Rencontrez-vous par vidéoconférence et partagez vos recherches et études

- Discutez des questions culturelles, historiques, philosophiques et ésotériques entre les membres et les candidats.

- Pratiquez une séance de méditation collective selon nos techniques.

- Organisation d'activités culturelles, promotion des auteurs et des contenus, publication de livres et d'articles et tout ce qui peut être fait sans se rencontrer en personne.

Par conséquent, tous les nouveaux et futurs candidats des zones concernées par les restrictions, qui ont reçu la confirmation de leur inscription, auront un accès direct aux réunions organisées par vidéoconférence.

Les candidatures doivent être envoyées à [email protected]


Considerata l'attuale emergenza relativa alla pandemia da Coronavirus, il Priorato di Sion ha disposto che nei paesi e nelle città del mondo dove per disposizione di legge si siano dovute interrompere le riunioni, in via del tutto provvisoria, verranno istituite delle videoconferenze.

Tali videoconferenze non sostituiranno le riunioni rituali, ma fungeranno da riunioni ufficiali del Cercle Sigebert IV.

Tale provvedimento rappresenta l'unica soluzione per non sospendere l'attività e ottimizzare l'uso delle risorse a disposizione, specie perché non si può sapere con certezza per quanto tempo si protrarrà l'emergenza.

In queste riunioni, che saranno aperte anche ai candidati la cui domanda di ammissione sia stata accettata, sarà possibile

- Incontrarsi via videoconferenza e condividere ricerche e studi

- Discutere tematiche culturali, storiche, filosofiche ed esoteriche tra membri e candidati.

- Praticare una sessione di meditazione collettiva secondo le nostre tecniche.

- Organizzazione di attività culturali, promozione di autori e di contenuti, pubblicazione di libri ed articoli e tutto quello che è possibile fare senza incontri di persona.

Pertanto tutti nuovi e futuri candidati delle zone coinvolte nelle restrizioni, che abbiano ricevuto conferma di iscrizione, potranno accedere direttamente alle riunioni effettuate tramite videoconferenza.

Le candidature vanno inoltrate a [email protected]

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Questa è la pagina Facebook Ufficiale della Commenda Pedes Montis n.17, Emanazione Legittima del Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas International, con giurisdizione sul territorio Piemontese. In questa pagina troverete le informazioni pubbliche relative a tutti i Gruppi e ai Capitoli presenti nel territorio piemontese e post relativi alla tradizione del Priorato di Sion.

informazioni di contatto

[email protected]

