Associazione ASET

[email protected] Paolo Gallo.


Associazione degli Studenti di Egittologia dell'Università di Torino

ASET viene fondata nella primavera del 2011 su iniziativa e con le energie di undici studenti e dottorandi dell'Università di Torino – Ilaria Cimino, Matteo Lombardi, Piero Masera, Jessica Meneghetti, Eleonora Mina, Ilaria Monfardini, Enrica Ottino, Alberto Pollastrini, Elena Tiribilli, Lorenzo Uggetti e Marta Valerio –

Egyptian museum calls for Rosetta Stone to be returned from UK after 200 years 09/11/2018

Egyptian museum calls for Rosetta Stone to be returned from UK after 200 years An Egyptian museum has renewed calls for the Rosetta Stone to be returned back to Egypt after more than 200 years in the British Museum.

Egyptian mummification 'recipe' revealed 17/08/2018

Egyptian mummification 'recipe' revealed Forensic examination of a mummy shows the original ancient Egyptian embalming recipe, scientists say.

Unpublished Egyptian texts reveal new insights into ancient medicine 16/08/2018

Unpublished Egyptian texts reveal new insights into ancient medicine The University of Copenhagen in Denmark is home to a unique collection of Ancient Egyptian papyrus manuscripts.

New excavations in northern Sudan 24/07/2018

New excavations in northern Sudan We are delighted to announce a new fieldwork project, The EES Survey of Habaraab/Third Cataract Region (Sudan), located 550 km north of Khartoum, starting in late 2018.

Alessandria d'Egitto, aperto il sarcofago di granito nero 19/07/2018

Alessandria d'Egitto, aperto il sarcofago di granito nero All'interno solo liquami e tre scheletri che sono stati trasferiti al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Alessandria per ulteriori esami

Saqqara, scoperti laboratorio per l’imbalsamazione e oltre 35 mummie di XXVI dinastia 14/07/2018

Saqqara, scoperti laboratorio per l’imbalsamazione e oltre 35 mummie di XXVI dinastia Il Ministero delle Antichità aveva già fatto trapelare qualche indiscrezione creando negli ultimi giorni un bel po’ di hype intorno a una scoperta effettuata a Saqqara dalla missione egiziano…

Ai piedi delle piramidi di Giza trovate due abitazioni risalenti a 4.500 anni fa - MediterraneoAntico 12/07/2018

Ai piedi delle piramidi di Giza trovate due abitazioni risalenti a 4.500 anni fa - MediterraneoAntico Scoperto nell’area di Giza due antiche case risalenti a 4.500 anni fa. Le residenze, rinvenute in quello che fu l’antico porto di Giza al tempo della costruzione della Piramide di Menkaura (Micerino), potrebbero infatti aver ospitato funzionari responsabili della supervisione della produzione di...


Un attore di un peplum girato a Cinecittà?
No, John Pendlebury, egittologo britannico che diresse la missione dell'Egypt Exploration Society ad Amarna dal 1930 al 1936.

P.S. Il collare era vero.


Auguri a tutte le mamme 😊

Wadi el-Jarf: il porto, i papiri e la costruzione della Grande Piramide - MediterraneoAntico 11/05/2018

Wadi el-Jarf: il porto, i papiri e la costruzione della Grande Piramide - MediterraneoAntico Wadi el-Jarf. Il più antico porto marittimo e i suoi papiri. Grande Piramide di Cheope. Mar Rosso, Alieni. Come collegare assieme le immagini che evocano queste tre parole? La prima e la seconda le troviamo in un contesto serio, fatto di studi e ricerche sul campo effettuate da un team internaziona...

Politecnico: “Nessuna camera segreta nella tomba di Tutankhamon” 07/05/2018

Politecnico: “Nessuna camera segreta nella tomba di Tutankhamon” I ricercatori italiani avevano scandagliato con i radar ogni angolo la camera funeraria

Ink from ancient Egyptian papyri contains copper 14/11/2017

Ink from ancient Egyptian papyri contains copper Until recently, it was assumed that the ink used for writing was primarily carbon-based at least until the fourth and fifth centuries AD. But in a new University of Copenhagen study, analyses of 2,000-year-old papyri fragments with X-ray microscopy show that black ink used by Egyptian scribes also c...


Everybody is welcome at our conference 'Late Antique Religion in Practice', Leiden University Library, Thursday 9 - Saturday 11 November. For logistic reasons, you are kindly asked to register, also when you plan to join us for only some of the lectures:


Today in 1922, only five words in Howard Carter's diary : “First steps of tomb found.” And what a discovery it was.
For more about Carters's diary see

Death and the Sun Temple JEA 2017.pdf 03/11/2017

Death and the Sun Temple JEA 2017.pdf This article places the Sunshade of Re at Kom el-Nana within the context of inscriptions relating to other Sunshades of Re, in particular those relating to the Sunshade of Re of Hatshepsut. While the Sunshade of Re at Kom el-Nana served the solar

Tutti i nuovi prezzi d’ingresso a musei e siti archeologici egiziani 31/10/2017

Tutti i nuovi prezzi d’ingresso a musei e siti archeologici egiziani Dal prossimo 1 novembre 2017, entrerà in vigore il nuovo prezzario dei biglietti d’ingresso ai musei e ai siti archeologici in Egitto, diramato ufficialmente dal Ministero delle Antichità. In…


Postdoctoral Research Fellow Egyptian Texts & Transmission - Wetenschappelijke functies - Werken bij De Universiteit Leiden is een internationaal geörienteerde universiteit met een breed palet aan talentgericht onderwijs voor goede en gemotiveerde studenten, dat wordt geïnspireerd door wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

HOME 20/10/2017

HOME Egypt's Ancient Capital Welcome to Memphis, Egypt’s first capital city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Memphis was once a vast settlement, with magnificent temples, palaces and ports. Rulers of Egypt were buried in pyramids near to the city. Without Memphis, the world famous Pyramids of Giza may n...

Wadi Abu Subeira: scoperti graffiti di 15.000 anni 06/10/2017

Wadi Abu Subeira: scoperti graffiti di 15.000 anni Un team egiziano del Ministero delle Antichità ha individuato nuovi graffiti preistorici nello Wadi Abu Subeira, una valle che s’incunea nel deserto tra Kom Ombo e Assuan. Le incisioni rupest…

Timeline photos 15/09/2017

Ricominciano le conferenze al Museo Egizio.


E' con grande dispiacere che ASET saluta un amico, che ha guidato, aiutato e supportato noi studenti in molte occasioni!
Ciao Daniele, ci mancherai!

Pharaoh. The Face of Power - Glyptoteket 12/08/2017

Pharaoh. The Face of Power - Glyptoteket In Ancient Egypt, pharaoh was the closest it was possible to come to a god personified. He was the son of the sun, beloved of all the gods and he ruled with absolute authority. The Autumn special exhibition at presents the almighty pharaoh from a range of different angles. With a number of magnifice...


Call for paper for the next CRE conference in Prague (25–28 June 2018)

PhD in Egyptology/Egyptian Archaeology 12/07/2017

PhD in Egyptology/Egyptian Archaeology For the Egyptology unit of the research group Archaeology at KU Leuven, we are seeking a motivated PhD candidate to strengthen the team of the Dayr al-Barsha Project.

The Book of the Dead of Ramose: Special viewing of an Egyptian masterpiece | The Fitzwilliam Museum 08/07/2017

The Book of the Dead of Ramose: Special viewing of an Egyptian masterpiece | The Fitzwilliam Museum For one day only, see this papyrus laid out in one long stretch, in a single gallery. Experts will be on hand to answer questions. Numbers of visitors will be controlled and viewing will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

An Introduction to the Papyrus for the People Project | UCL Museums & Collections Blog 06/07/2017

An Introduction to the Papyrus for the People Project | UCL Museums & Collections Blog Just a little over six months ago, the Papyrus for the People Project began after being awarded Designation Development Funding by Arts Council England. During this time, we have done a lot of work behind the scenes to grow our project into something amazing. As we’ve just reached this milestone, I…

LOI 05/07/2017


PHD Position in the History of Egyptology, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) - News - Institutes 29/06/2017

PHD Position in the History of Egyptology, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) - News - Institutes Leiden University offers outstanding international students an intellectually exciting learning environment with high academic standards. Rather than concentrating on knowledge transfer, the focus is on debate and critical thinking whereby students' abilities to think independently is greatly stimul...

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