Eqwos ept

Eqwos ept

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MVT Alliance, Bangladesh
MVT Alliance, Bangladesh

Equine physical therapies for the horse's body balance and musculoskeletal health


How does our myofascial system affect the horses?

Many of you have probably seen our upcoming webinar for Myofascial Tissue Dysfunctions and Treatment with Tuulia Luomala. Our last webinar with Tuulia was a huge hit where she discussed the Horse - Rider Myofascial Connection!

In the images below connections from the pelvic floor to the diaphragm are illustrated to visualize 3 dimensional continuities that myofascial structures create within the human that transfer to the horse. Correlations between the asymmetries of the horse and the rider are common place. Often horse-rider combinations show re-occurring types of health issues.
Any weakness, crookedness, or imbalance in the human, will have implications for the training of the horse and often these can’t be remedied without addressing the myofascial tissues.

In an absolutely mind blowing webinar Tuulia detailed topics such as our own psychological connections, to how myofascial restrictions in our own body creates mirroring dysfunctions in our horses.

Horse - Rider Myofascial Connection:


Upcoming Webinar Myofascial Tissue, Dysfunctions and Treatment:



Holistic equine massage therapies for relaxation, postural and muscular improvement, rehabilitation, physical balance, and for the overall horse’s wellbeing


Good posture through work is essential for healthy exercise, balance and the engagement of the correct muscular chains.
Many thanks to Vicktor 🖤 for being such a keen volounteer 😅🥰


New page 🎉

Photos from The Equine Documentalist's post 21/06/2023


Todays research meme relates to circular locomotion. When on a circle, the inside limbs take a shorter stride than the outside limbs, coupled with the need for the horse to generate forces to turn the body, circular locomotion creates asymmetric forces on the limbs and asymmetric movement patterns.

Lunging is popular, however consideration should be given to circle induced asymmetries and the effect that lunge exercise and techniques (circle size, training aids, surface, time spent on each rein etc) may have on the horse🤓

For more information www.centaurbiomechanics.co.uk/blog/


“The key to maintaining long-term soundness in the horse enails proactive prevention as opposed to reactive treatment.” - Grisiel, 2018


Some good knowledge and basics on the horse’s back that should be kept under consideration when riding and working horses


The 18 thoracic vertebrae are comparatively rigid and inflexible. It’s this strength and rigidity of the spine in this area that allows us to ride our horses.

The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae are longest at the withers. These provide bony attachment areas and leverage for the muscles, acting as a fulcrum for the nuchal and supraspinous ligaments that influence the position of the head and neck.

18 pairs of ribs attach to the 18 thoracic vertebrae via synovial joints.

The first 8 pairs of ribs house and protect the heart and lungs, are known as true ribs. They join on to the sternum and allow the chest cavity to expand and deflate as your horse breathes.

The other 10 pairs of ribs are known as false ribs – each pair attaches by a ligament and cartilage connection not to the sternum but to the pair of ribs in front.

The ribs also contribute to bend – coming closer together on the inside and further apart on the outside of the bend.


A great visual of how walking across raised poles affects posture. Note the activation of the thoracic sling, which gives the neck a longer, more arched appearance. Compare the back in the first and last photo - in the last one it looks longer and stronger. Using raised poles is a great way to create good postural habits, as long as it is done right. Remember, every step your horse takes in a correct posture, is a step towards health, while every step he takes in a bad posture, is a step towards dysfunction.


“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart to it” -Buddah

“Follow your passion and it will lead you right into your purpose.” -B.T.D. Jakes


**THIS EVENING @ 19:00 HRS**




Multiple training aids are available for therapists and horse owners to use. However, there is a paucity of evidence of their use in rehabilitation and training. This two-hour webinar will review the literature and present a series of evidence-based studies which have quantified the effect that training aids have on equine locomotion and present new research relating to the effect that training aids have on equine back movement.

CPD Certificates
30-day video replay
Q and A

To Book:


Did you know that fascia and the nervous system are tightly connected? There are many nerve endings embedded in the fascia, constantly gathering information about the horse's external and internal environment. If the fascia is restricted and tight, this will affect the function of the nerve endings and in turn alter body awareness and coordination. When dealing with a horse who stumbles or has poor body awareness, checking the fascial system for restrictions is a must.


Soothing massage session on a lovely 27yrs old mare.

Did you know...?
Massages are good not only to balance the body, but the mind also! Relaxing massages can be used to mitigate high-level of stress on horses, improving their emotional state, making them more relaxed and calm (Kędzierski et al., 2017). Moreover, studies (Kowalik et al., 2016) have shown that horses undergoing relaxing massage therapy had better race performance records after undergoing bodywork sessions.

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