40.17 San Marco Luxury GuestHouse in Venice

40.17 San Marco GuestHouse is located in the heart of Venice, in Campo Manin, near San Marco


September the 11th, 1970:
A violent tornado struck the outskirts of Padua and Venice, causing heavy damage and killing 36 people. 21 of the victims were on a ferry on the island of St. Elena when the tornado hit.


Pedro Almodovar wins Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival for 'The Room Next Door'.

Finally recognized at the age of 74 and after more than twenty feature films, Pedro Almodovar was awarded the Golden Lion for The Room Next Door on Saturday, September 7. The decision was made by the Venice Film Festival jury, chaired by Isabelle Huppert.



There is a clear hour in the day that could be defined as no noise, it is the serene hour of twilight. 🌙🪐

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


The Venetian actor Alessandro Bressanello together with the actresses Angelina Jolie and Alba Rorwacker at the Venice Film Festival.


The Historical Regatta is the main event in the annual "Voga alla Veneta" rowing calendar. This unique sport has been practised in the Venetian lagoon for thousands of years and today it is particularly well-known for the spectacular historical water pageant that precedes the race.

The next edition will be on next Sunday, 1st September. 2024.

More info:


The 81st Venice International Film Festival is organised by La Biennale di Venezia and will be held on the Lido di Venezia from 28 August to 7 September 2024. The Festival is officially recognised by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association).

The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote international cinema in all its forms as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue. One section is devoted to enhance the restoration works on classic films as a contribution towards a better understanding of the history of cinema.

More info:


Until 8 January 2025, for the 4th Lace Biennial, the Museum will be hosting the exhibition Fragile Stories, with works by Mandy Bonnell and Déirdre Kelly consisting of beautiful tracery cut out of fine papers and maps using the aesthetic language of lace. Fragile Stories expresses the desire to embrace and participate in the rich creativity of women’s hands, always attuned to the delicate rhythms of nature, often – like lace itself – much stronger than it seems. In engaging with the traditions of the Burano lacemakers, Mandy Bonnell and Déirdre Kelly have found a way to recount interlacing stories and evoke journeys by superimposing new techniques on ancient crafts. Bonnell and Kelly are united in the joy of making and the collective energy of women’s work through translations, interpretations and reiterations of the rich collection of lace drawings preserved in the archives of the Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo and the collection of the Museo del Merletto in Burano. Fragile Stories presents a series of works embodied in the detailed complexity derived from nature, prints, drawings and artist’s books evoking absences and presences, alluding to the perfection of interlacing threads. A conversation with the lace makers of the past, touching on issues of fragility and durability, results in a beautiful tracery cut out of fine papers and geographical maps using the aesthetic language of lace. Venetian lacemaking as a traditional female craft and economic activity has become the embodiment of the social and cultural heritage of the islands of Venice. The artists Mandy Bonnell and Déirdre Kelly pay homage to this in Fragile Stories, seeking to give an enduring voice to this cultural memory.

More info:



The church of San Maurizio was built by the Candiani family, later Sanudo in the 7th century AD, dedicated to St Lazarus. The first mention of its existence appears in 1088. After a fire in 1105, it was rebuilt and dedicated to St Maurice. Around the middle of the 16th century, the merchant Dionisio Bellavite obtained permission to pull down its bell tower in exchange for an annual tax for the church. In the freed space he built his palace, with the façade frescoed by Paolo Veronese. In 1580, the church was rebuilt, still with the façade on the Rio del Santissimo. Around the middle of the 17th century, the Major Chapel of the Church of St Maurice and St Lazarus was restored: there were 600 parishioners but 19 religious celebrated mass. Between 1795 and 1806, the old church was demolished and rebuilt according to a design by Count Pietro Zaguri, Giannantonio Selva, the architect of the La Fenice theatre, and Antonio Diedo, on the model of the church of San Geminiano (Sansovino), demolished in St. Mark's Square at Napoleon's behest. The new church of San Maurizio has its façade on the campo of the same name. The high reliefs on the façade are by Luigi Zandomeneghi and Bartolomeo Ferrari. Inside the church and sacristy are paintings from the school of Veronese and Francesco Zugno. On the high altar, designed by Selva, the sculptures are by Domenico Fadiga.
In adherence to the left side of the church the building from the School of the Albanians appears. Knowledge about the school appeared at the end of 1489 and again in 1501 and in 1502, years during which the interior decoration of the ceilings and furnishings were being completed. In 1531, a new intervention completed the façade on the calle del Piovan, which can still be seen today, adorned with elegant and well-worked carvings of clear classic-Renaissance style.


Caterina Cornaro (born 1454, Venice, Venetian republic [Italy]—died July 10, 1510, Venice) was a Venetian noblewoman who became queen of Cyprus by marrying James II, king of Cyprus, Jerusalem, and Armenia, supplying him with a much-needed alliance with Venice.

The marriage agreement was reached in 1468, but in the next four years James considered other possible alliances by way of marriage, especially with Naples. In 1472, Caterina finally departed for Cyprus, where the formal ceremony took place. James died in 1473, leaving her and her unborn child heirs to the kingdom. Unsuccessful plotters against James now conspired to deprive Caterina of the throne; and when she bore a son, James III (August 1473), Cyprus was seized by the archbishop of Nicosia and his Neapolitan allies. Imprisoned briefly, Caterina was restored by the intervention of Venice.

The early death of Caterina’s son (1474) precipitated further conspiracies, all of which were foiled by the Venetians, who gradually usurped Caterina’s power and finally forced the queen to abdicate (1489). She was received with honour at Venice and given the castle and town of Asolo, which she governed beneficently. She died after having fled Asolo when her castle was occupied by imperial troops.

Courtesy of Britannica.


See Inside Christoph Büchel’s Provocative and Symbol-Laden Show in Venice
The Swiss agitator is back at the Venice Biennale with another divisive art project, this time at Fondazione Prada.

“Monte di Pietà: A Project by Christoph Büchel” is open at the Fondazione Prada in Venice until November 24, 2024.



🇫🇷Bienvenue à la maison d’hôtes de luxe 40.17 San Marco !
40.17 San Marco est une maison d’hôtes de luxe à la gestion familiale et accueillante située au cœur de Venise, à quelques pas du Pont du Rialto, ce qui vous donne la possibilité de séjourner au centre de la ville.

Nous sommes fiers de l’hospitalité que nous offrons à tous ceux qui viennent séjourner chez nous !

40.17 San Marco Luxury GuestHouse dispose de 6 chambres de différents types, conçues pour garantir à nos clients un maximum de confort. Le mobilier revisite la tradition vénitienne classique, à partir de parquets, de meubles anciens, de lustres en verre de Murano et d’objets liés au passé. 🇫🇷

40.17 San Marco Luxury GuestHouse in Venice

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635

Notre propriété est située à quelques minutes à pied de la Place Saint-Marc, du Pont du Rialto et de tous les principaux lieux d’intérêt de Venise. Dans les environs, vous trouverez à la fois des restaurants typiques et d’élégantes boutiques d’artisanat.

Notre maison d’hôtes est située dans un bâtiment historique d’une importance considérable, où a vécu le patriote vénitien Daniele Manin.


The italian artist Lorenzo Quinn created a splash on the sidelines of the Venice Biennale contemporary art fair some years ago with a gigantic sculpture of a child's hands reaching out of the Grand Canal, calling attention to climate change that threatens,among other things, to sink the lagoon city.

Quinn has created a successor sculpture that he wants to be a call to action: Six pairs of arching hands creating a bridge over a Venetian waterway, symbolic of the need to build bridges and overcome divisions.

They are being erected in the Arsenale former shipyard against the backdrop of a city that stands as an historic East-West gateway — and as Europe prepares to vote in a continent-wide election that is shaping up as a battle of populism against more open social democratic traditions.

The sculpture isn't meant as a campaign platform, Quinn says. But his ideals are clear. "Humanity has never grown by creating barriers. It always grows when it opens up its borders and it welcomes new cultures," Quinn told The Associated Press by telephone on Friday as he oversaw the installation another pair of the arching, clasping, white resin hands. "Venice is a testament to that. Venice opened routes to Asia, the Far East, with Marco Polo and the Merchants of Venice. It has been a driving force of European growth always."

Fonte:©The New York Times

The sculputers are still there.

40.17 San Marco GuestHouse is located in the heart of Venice, in Campo Manin, near San Marco

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Venice in summer.....sailing in the largest lagoon in Europe... 🚤

40.17 San Marco Luxury GuestHouse in Venice

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Once upon a time in Venice.
Rialto Market. 🔝

40.17 San Marco GuestHouse is located in the heart of Venice, in Campo Manin, near San Marco

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Andrea Gritti (17 April 1455 – 28 December 1538) was the Doge of the Venetian Republic from 1523 to 1538, following a distinguished diplomatic and military career. He started out as a successful merchant in Constantinople and transitioned into the position of Bailo, a diplomatic role. He was arrested for espionage but was spared ex*****on thanks to his good relationship with the Ottoman vizier. After being freed from imprisonment, he returned to Venice and began his political career. When the War of the League of Cambrai broke out, despite his lack of experience, he was given a leadership role in the Venetian military, where he excelled. After the war, he was elected doge, and he held that post until his death.


La cornice veneziana di Campo San Polo, da stasera giovedì 1 al 20 agosto, ospiterà il festival “CINEMOVING – uno sguardo all’Europa”: saranno proposti lungometraggi, cortometraggi, documentari e film di finzione provenienti da diverse nazioni europee, in collaborazione con varie istituzioni internazionali. Le serate del 12, 13 e 14 agosto saranno dedicate al cinema francese con tre film in francese con sottotitoli in italiano.

Tutti gli spettacoli sono gratuiti fino a esaurimento posti.
Raccomandiamo la registrazione al gruppo Whatsapp per ricevere il programma aggiornato e per qualsiasi comunicazione.
Per registrarsi, è sufficiente inviare un messaggio Whatsapp al 342 7611875 contenente nome + cognome + cinemoving.

Programma ed informazioni:



At few meters by pur place: the Traghetto of San Beneto.
Map of traghetto in Venice.
Traghetto (plural: traghetti) means "ferry" in Italian. On Venice Grand Canal, traghetti are the passenger boats that cross the canal at seven points between the railroad station and St. Mark Basin as its shown in traghetto Venice map. A traghetto, also called a gondola parada, carries up to 10 passengers (compared to five for a privately-hired gondola da nolo). The boats eschew bow decoration, brocaded chairs, and other luxury trimmings. They are rowed by two oarsmen: one who stands behind the passengers like a traditional gondolier, the other closer to the bow.

Courtesy of https://maps-venice.com/


At few meters by our place there's Chiesa di San Benedetto (Church of Saint Benedict). Generally known as San Beneto in the Venetian dialect, the church faces the square named after it, the Campo San Beneto. It was founded in the 11th century and rebuilt in 1685.

San Beneto is a vicariale (subsidiary) church of the parish of San Luca.


The map of the fountains of Venice and the islands can be viewed on the page:


Visitors can find safe, clean, and easily accessible water.


Redemeer Festival 2024
Venice, Italy 🇮🇹

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


The Festa del Redentore is the most heartfelt event for Venetians; Venice comes alive from Saturday afternoon and the celebrations go on through the night on the boats, along the canals and in the historic palaces.

The main events of the Festa del Redentore take place along the historical routes that originated with the origins of this celebration. The incredible pontoon bridge over the Giudecca Canal traditionally connects the Fondamenta delle Zattere to the Redentore Church built by Andrea Palladio; that is, it joins the largest island of Venice with the Giudecca Island where the church stands for one weekend a year. A truly evocative walk in keeping with tradition and obviously also … very crowded.

The Festa del Redentore always take place on the third sunday of july in Venice.

Festa del Redentore 2024: events calendar
Friday the 19th of July 2024

From 8 p.m. the votive bridge connecting the Zattere with the Church of the Redeemer on Giudecca Island is scheduled to open – it remains in use until midnight on Sunday.

Saturday the 20th of July 2024

“Luminarie” along the Zattere and Giudecca banks.

Redentore Floats – from 7pm to 11pm music on the Grand Canal, St Mark’s Basin, Zattere and Giudecca.

Firework show above the San Marco Basin at 11.30 pm.

Sunday the 21st of July 2024

The Regatta of Redeemer – the route winds its way along the Giudecca Canal; at 4pm the regatta on pupparini with two oars for young people, at 4.45pm the regatta on pupparini with two oars, at 5.30pm the regatta on gondolas with two oars.

Votive Mass at the Redentore Church on the Giudecca Island – at 7.00 p.m.


The view from our rooms 😜

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Teatro La Fenice is back TONIGHT in Piazza San Marco in Venice, with a tribute to Giacomo Puccini, performed by Coro e dall'Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice.

Selene Zanetti soprano
Francesco Demuro tenor
Alexander Malofeev piano

James Conlon orchestra director
Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice

Live streaming on Rai 5 and Rai Radio 3

Tickets here:


The Venetian Arsenal (Arsenale di Venezia) is a complex of former shipyards and armories clustered together in the city of Venice in northern Italy.
Owned by the state, the Arsenal was responsible for the bulk of the Venetian Republic's naval power from the Late Middle Ages to the early modern period.
It was "one of the earliest large-scale industrial enterprises in history".

Construction of the Arsenal began around 1104, during Venice's republican era.
It became the largest industrial complex in Europe before the Industrial Revolution, spanning an area of about 45 hectares (110 acres), or about fifteen percent of Venice.

Surrounded by a 2-mile (3.2 km) rampart, laborers and shipbuilders regularly worked within the Arsenal, building ships that sailed from the city's port.
With high walls shielding the Arsenal from public view and guards protecting its perimeter, different areas of the Arsenal each produced a particular prefabricated ship part or other maritime implement, such as munitions, rope, and rigging.

These parts could then be assembled into a ship in as little as one day.
An exclusive forest owned by the Arsenal navy, in the Montello hills area of Veneto, provided the Arsenal's wood supply.

The Arsenal produced the majority of Venice's maritime trading vessels, which generated much of the city's economic wealth and power, lasting until the fall of the Venetian Republic to Napoleon in 1797.

It is located in the Castello district of Venice, and it is now owned by the state.


Feel at home with us 📢

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Umberto Tozzi sarà protagonista di un live in Piazza San Marco domenica prossima 7 luglio 2024, nell'ambito di "L'ultima notte rosa", tour mondiale lungo due anni, con cui darà l'addio alle scene dopo oltre 50 anni di gloriosa carriera.

L’ultima occasione per vivere le emozioni dei live di Umberto Tozzi sarà una sequenza di oltre 30 spettacoli indimenticabili in location d’eccezione che toccheranno ben 3 continenti: Europa, America e Oceania. Accompagnerà l’inconfondibile voce dell’artista un’orchestra di 21 elementi.

Cantautore e musicista carismatico e creativo, Umberto Tozzi grazie alle sue hit senza tempo è diventato un’icona della musica italiana e ha attraversato e appassionato intere generazioni, riempendo con i suoi concerti i più importanti spazi del mondo dedicati alla musica con il suo pubblico fedele e trasversale.



POOH @ Piazza San Marco | VENEZIA - ven., 05/07/2024 03/07/2024

Prosegue la grande kermesse concertistica estiva in Piazza San Marco.

Venerdì 5 e sabato 6 luglio, ospiteremo i Pooh in Piazza San Marco, una band che ha scritto la storia della musica in Italia, punto di riferimento per tante generazioni di appassionati

Le due serate saranno un vero e proprio viaggio nella grande bellezza italiana attraverso la musica di una delle band più longeve e amate dal pubblico, che per la prima volta suonarono a San Marco nel 1976 in occasione dei primi 10 anni di attività.



POOH @ Piazza San Marco | VENEZIA - ven., 05/07/2024 Annunciato il tour estivo. Scopri i dettagli e acquista il tuo biglietto!


Una grande kermesse di concerti ci attende nei prossimi giorni in Piazza San Marco.

"Tutti per uno - Capolavoro": il Volo a Venezia in concerto di giovedì 4 luglio in Piazza San Marco.

"Siamo orgogliosi di ospitare in quello che viene considerato il salotto più bello del mondo il concerto del trio Il Volo – ha detto il primo cittadino a margine dell'incontro con Gianluca Ginoble, Ignazio Boschetto e Piero Barone – Siamo di fronte a tre giovani che in 15 anni di carriera hanno già raggiunto un successo e un consenso internazionale incredibile. La tappa del loro tour a Venezia apre la stagione dei concerti in Piazza San Marco, dopo un ricco programma che ha coinvolto i parchi cittadini. La musica è un linguaggio universale, portatrice dei valori di pace e rispetto, che sono quelli propri della Città di Venezia. Son convinto che la serata del 4 luglio resterà impressa nella memoria e nel cuore di Ignazio, Gianluca e Piero. Li aspettiamo per applaudirli e cantare con loro".




Piazza San Marco in the early 1900s...... 🎩

📧[email protected]
☑Calle San Paternian, n.4017 Sestiere San Marco 30124 – Venezia Italia
📞+39 041 5226635


Giudecca lies immediately south of the central islands of Venice, from which it is separated by the Giudecca Canal. San Giorgio Maggiore lies off its eastern tip.

Giudecca was known in ancient times as the Spinalunga (meaning "Long Thorn").
The name Giudecca may represent a corruption of the Latin "Judaica" ("Judaean") and so may be translated as "the Jewry": a number of towns in Southern Italy and Sicily have Jewish quarters named Giudecca or Judeca. However, the original Venetian Ghetto was in Cannaregio, in the north of the city, and there is no evidence, but for the name, of Jews ever having lived in Giudecca. Furthermore, the term "Giudecca" was not used to denote the Jewish quarters of towns in northern Italy.

Giudecca was historically an area of large palaces with gardens, the island became an industrial area in the early 20th century with shipyards and factories, and a film studio. Much of the industry went into decline after World War II, but it is now once more regarded as a quiet residential area of largely working-class housing with some chic apartments and exclusive houses. It is known for its long dock and its churches, including the Palladio-designed Il Redentore. The island was the home of a huge flour mill, the Molino Stucky, which has been converted into a luxury hotel and apartment complex. At the other end of Giudecca is the famous five-star Cipriani hotel with large private gardens and salt-water pool.

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Video (vedi tutte)

The regata has always been extremely popular with both Venetians and visitors. The first historical record of the event ...
The model of the Fenice Theater inside the theatre.🥂📧40.17sanmarco@gmail.com🌐https://4017sanmarco.com/☑Calle San Paterni...





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Palazzo Bembo - Venice Palazzo Bembo - Venice
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An ancient residence overlooking the Rialto Bridge by Priuli Collection