Quantum Elegance

Inspiration, Education, & Motivation unite to empower and elevate, to reach their fullest potential.

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Happy Birthday, Paul Dirac! Considered to be among the greatest physicists of all time, he shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger 'for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory'.

One of his most well-known contributions is the famous Dirac Equation, which merges quantum mechanics and Einstein’s special theory of relativity. The equation suggests why particles like electrons and quarks move like they do as they get close to the speed of light. It also predicts the existence of antimatter.

Dirac’s work, particularly his equation, has been a critical step toward the current theories in particle physics and the development of quantum field theory.

Paul Dirac made several key contributions to physics:

1. **Dirac Equation:** Combined quantum mechanics with special relativity, predicting electron behavior and antimatter.

2. **Prediction of Antimatter:** Dirac's theory led to the discovery of the positron, the first known antiparticle.

3. **Dirac Sea:** Proposed a model explaining negative energy states, a precursor to modern quantum field theory.

4. **Quantum Electrodynamics (QED):** Laid the groundwork for QED, the quantum theory of electromagnetism.

5. **Fermi-Dirac Statistics:** Described the distribution of particles obeying the Pauli exclusion principle, key to solid-state physics.

6. **Dirac Delta Function:** Introduced a mathematical tool for dealing with point charges and distributions, widely used in physics.

7. **Magnetic Monopoles:** Theorized the existence of magnetic monopoles, influencing theories in field theory and cosmology.


I Have a PhD..


🌹 Remembering Srinivasa Ramanujan 🌹

On this solemn day, we gather to commemorate the life and legacy of one of the greatest mathematical minds of all time, Srinivasa Ramanujan. As we reflect upon his remarkable contributions to the world of mathematics, we are reminded of the profound impact he had not only on his field but on humanity as a whole.

Born on December 22, 1887, in Erode, India, Ramanujan's journey began in humble surroundings. From a young age, his exceptional mathematical abilities were evident, despite lacking formal training in the subject. With an insatiable curiosity and an innate talent for numbers, he delved into the depths of mathematical exploration with unparalleled fervor.

Despite facing numerous obstacles and hardships, including financial constraints and health issues, Ramanujan's passion for mathematics remained unwavering. His groundbreaking work in areas such as number theory, infinite series, and mathematical analysis revolutionized the field, earning him recognition and admiration from scholars around the world.

One of Ramanujan's most enduring contributions is his discovery of countless mathematical identities and formulas, many of which continue to baffle and inspire mathematicians to this day. His famous "Ramanujan's Lost Notebook" contains a treasure trove of mathematical gems that continue to fuel research and exploration in the field.

Ramanujan's collaboration with the esteemed mathematician G.H. Hardy during his time at the University of Cambridge further solidified his reputation as a mathematical prodigy. Together, they produced groundbreaking research that laid the foundation for numerous mathematical theories and conjectures.

Tragically, Ramanujan's life was cut short at the young age of 32, when he succumbed to illness on April 26, 1920. His untimely passing robbed the world of a brilliant mind and left behind a legacy that continues to inspire generations of mathematicians and scholars.

As we commemorate the death


Niels Bohr’s groundbreaking paper proposing a new atomic model, 'On the constitution of atoms and molecules', is dated 5 April 1913.

The discoveries of the electron and radioactivity at the end of the 19th century led to different models for the structure of the atom. In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed a theory for the hydrogen atom based on quantum theory that energy is transferred only in certain well-defined quantities. Electrons should move around the nucleus but only in prescribed orbits. When jumping from one orbit to another with lower energy, a light quantum is emitted. Bohr's theory could explain why atoms emitted light in fixed wavelengths.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.


Feynman’s second wife, Mary Louise Bell, divorced him because she could not stand his obsession with calculus and physics. She claimed that he was constantly working on mathematical problems in his head, even while driving, sitting, or lying in bed. She also said that he was emotionally distant and uninterested in her. She filed for divorce in 1956, after only four years of marriage.


In 1897, a British physicist discovered the first sub atomic particle, . He established the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron but neither of them separately. Accordingly, if it was possible to determine one of these values separately (charge or mass), the other could be easily calculated. Then an American man began a long series of experiments in 1909 and finally he measured the charge of the electron (and with this, its mass). Indeed, it is considered to be one of the “most beautiful experiments in physics”. That American man is our "scientist of the day" today.

It's the birthday of , the man who didn't want to be a physicist but later became the first physicist to see the electron - -

(Scientist of the Day - 22 March)

Millikan was a key figure in the development of physics in the United States in the first half of the 20th century. He never meant to be a physicist. His college physics wasn't much better. After completion of college study, his Greek professor asked him to teach the course in elementary physics in the preparatory department during the next year. He replied that I did not know any physics at all then his professor said, "Anyone who can do well in my Greek can teach physics." From here, he actually started to study physics deeply to teach the college students.

In 1909, he with ......

Read a full article about his oil drop experiment and the photoelectric effect that led him to win 1923 in physics,

Now, you can get such information on FB also. Check here, https://www.facebook.com/QuantumElegance

Quantum Elegance Inspiration, Education, & Motivation unite to empower and elevate, to reach their fullest potential.


You are seeing this post thanks to these algorithms because the internet, WiFi, smartphones, computers, routers, almost everything that has a computer inside uses Fourier transform algorithms. Fourier transforms are important in signal processing. We can now compress thousands of informations into a tiny dongle. Today our "scientist of the day" is the man who introduced the transform in his study of heat transfer.

It's the birthday of JeanBaptisteJosephFourier, the man who exerted strong influence on mathematical physics - - -

(Scientist of the Day - 21 March)

Fourier was the son of a tailor. He was orphaned at the age of nine. He was educated by the Benedictine Order of the Convent of St. Mark. In 1795, he was appointed to the École Normale and subsequently succeeded JosephLouisLagrange at the École Polytechnique.

In 1822, Fourier published his work on heat flow in Théorie analytique de la chaleur (The Analytical Theory of Heat), in which he based his reasoning on Newton's law of cooling. There were three important contributions in this work, one purely mathematical, two essentially physical. The mathematical work provides the foundation for what is today known as the Fourier transform. One important physical contribution in the book was the concept of "dimensional homogeneity" in equations (an equation can be formally correct only if the dimensions match on either side of the equality). The other physical contribution was Fourier's proposal of his partial differential equation for conductive diffusion of heat. This equation is now taught to every student of mathematical physics.

He showed how the conduction of heat in solid bodies may be analyzed in terms of infinite mathematical series now called by his name, the Fourier series.

Fourier is also generally credited with the discovery of the "greenhouse effect". Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble is named after him. His name is one of the 72 names inscribed on the Eiffel Tower.


🎉 Happy Birthday, Dr. Abdus Salam! 🎉

On this special day, we celebrate the life and legacy of a brilliant mind, a dedicated scientist, and a true pioneer in the world of theoretical physics. Dr. Salam, born on January 29th, made profound contributions to our understanding of the fundamental forces that govern the universe.

As a Nobel laureate in Physics, Dr. Salam, alongside Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg, played a pivotal role in formulating the electroweak theory, unifying electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force. This groundbreaking work has left an indelible mark on the field, shaping the way we perceive the building blocks of our existence.

Beyond his scientific achievements, Dr. Salam was a champion of education and science in developing countries. His commitment to fostering scientific knowledge led to the establishment of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. This institution has since become a hub for scientists from around the world, especially those from developing nations, providing them with opportunities for learning, collaboration, and research.

Despite facing challenges and discrimination in his career due to his religious background, Dr. Salam's perseverance and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge remained unwavering. His life serves as an inspiration to aspiring scientists, reminding us of the importance of inclusivity and the potential that lies within every individual, regardless of their background.

As we commemorate Dr. Abdus Salam's birthday, let us not only celebrate his scientific accomplishments but also honor his enduring commitment to bridging gaps in education and promoting the universality of scientific exploration. May his legacy continue to inspire generations to come. Happy Birthday, Dr. Abdus Salam! 🎂🌌


It's called reverse engineering


Alternative Bright & Dark Fringes 😅😂


Uncertainty Principle 🤣


A high resolution image of a solar eclipse! 💙


The struggle is real when it comes to quantum mechanics 🤣🤣.


When love and physics collide 💛 😹


The Schrödinger equation has been entitled by most physicists as the heart of quantum mechanics, a linear partial differential equation that governs the wave function of a quantum mechanical system;
E ψ(r) = - ℏ²/2m • ∇² ψ(r) + V ψ(r)
E ψ(r) - Total energy
- ℏ²/2m • ∇² ψ(r) - Kinetic energy
ψ - Wave function
ℏ - Reduced Planck's constant, h/2π
m - Mass of the particle
∇² - Laplacian operator, ∂²/∂x² + ∂²/∂y² + ∂²/∂z²
V ψ(r) - Potential energy
Today we mark the 63rd death anniversary of one of the brilliant minds in history, fundamental figure in the development of quantum mechanics, theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate, Erwin Schrödinger who died on this day, 4th January 1961 in Vienna, Austria.


"Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light flickering as we sit silent."
— Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Painting by Michael Handt


For decades, quantum phenomena in the nanoworld were just a prediction. When 2023 Nobel Prize laureates in chemistry Aleksey Yekimov and Louis Brus produced the first quantum dots, scientists already knew that they could – in theory – have unusual characteristics. However, few people thought quantum effects could be utilised.

During his doctoral degree, Yekimov studied semiconductors – important components in microelectronics. In this field, optical methods are used as diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of semiconducting material. Researchers shine light on the material and measure the absorbance. This reveals what substances the material is made from and how well-ordered the crystal structure is.

Yekimov was familiar with these methods, so he began using them to examine coloured glass. After some initial experiments, he decided to systematically produce glass that was tinted with copper chloride. He heated the molten glass to a range of temperatures between 500°C and 700°C, varying the heating time from 1 hour to 96 hours. Once the glass had cooled and hardened, he X-rayed it. The scattered rays showed that tiny crystals of copper chloride had formed inside the glass and the manufacturing process affected the size of these particles. In some of the glass samples they were only about two nanometres, in others they were up to 30 nanometres.

Interestingly, it turned out that the glass’ light absorption was affected by the size of the particles. The biggest particles absorbed the light in the same way that copper chloride normally does, but the smaller the particles, the bluer the light that they absorbed. As a physicist, Yekimov was well acquainted with the laws of quantum mechanics and quickly realised that he had observed a size-dependent quantum effect (see illustration).

This was the first time someone had succeeded in deliberately producing quantum dots – nanoparticles that cause size-dependent quantum effects.


Theoretical physicists and distinguishable chemists;
Front row: Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac, Henry Gale and Friedrich Hund
Back Row: Arthur Compton, George Monk, Carl Eckart, Robert Mullikan, and Frank Hoyt
at the University of Chicago, 1929.


Radiocarbon is
produced in the
atmosphere as a
result of
A. collision
between fast
neutrons and
nitrogen nuclei
present in the
B. action of
ultraviolet light
from the sun on
C. action of solar
cosmic rays on
carbon dioxide
present in the atmosphere
discharge in


Sir C. V. Raman was the first 'non-white', Asian and Indian to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics (1930) for his works on scattering of light and discovery of the Raman effect. He became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1924.


Derivation of Schrödinger's Time Dependent Equation❤


When he was only 14 years old, James C. Maxwell wrote his first scientific paper about how to build a machine that could draw shapes with math. He submitted two more papers to the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh when he was 18. One of these papers, called “On the Equilibrium of Elastic Solids”, was the first step towards a great discovery that he would make later. However, he was too young to present his own paper. His tutor and supervisor Kendall did it for him instead.


The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter.”

The 2023 Nobel Prize laureates in physics are being recognised for their experiments, which have given humanity new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier have demonstrated a way to create extremely short pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy.

The laureates’ contributions have enabled the investigation of processes that are so rapid they were previously impossible to follow.

There are potential applications in many different areas. In electronics, for example, it is important to understand and control how electrons behave in a material. Attosecond pulses can also be used to identify different molecules, such as in medical diagnostics.

Learn more
Press release: https://bit.ly/457nZ51
Popular information: https://bit.ly/3rnZXox
Advanced information: https://bit.ly/4644RWO

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