Organon Levant, Amman Videos

Videos by Organon Levant in Amman. At Organon, we are here for her health. Our goal is to be the leading women’s health company in the world by focusing on women’s everyday health needs.

Healthcare should not be considered optional. Roughly 1 in 4 women report delaying care due to costs—often citing difficulty taking time off work or lack of affordable childcare or transportation.

To #EmbraceEquity we must address barriers that disproportionately impact women.

#IWD2023 #Organon #HereForHerHealth #WomenHealth

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Healthcare should not be considered optional. Roughly 1 in 4 women report delaying care due to costs—often citing difficulty taking time off work or lack of affordable childcare or transportation. To #EmbraceEquity we must address barriers that disproportionately impact women. #IWD2023 #Organon #HereForHerHealth #WomenHealth

للسيطرة على المحفزات للربو وحماية أطفالنا الصغار من تأثيرها؟
تعرفنا سابقا على بعض المحفزات التي يمكن أن تزيد من فرصة التعرض للربو. ولكن ماذا نفعل للسيطرة عليها وحماية أطفالنا الصغار من تأثيرها؟ ✅ التنظيف بعناية للسيطرة على الغبار ووبر الحيوانات الأليفة ✅ إبعاد منتجات التنظيف أو غير ذلك من المنتجات المنزلية المهيجة للربو ✅ إعطاء الدواء حسب وصف الطبيب ✅ تعليم الطفل غسل اليدين وغير ذلك من العادات الصحية للحد من نزلات البرد #احمي_صغيرك We have previously known about some triggers that may increase the chance of exposure to #asthma. What should we do to control them and protect our young children from their influence? ✅ Clean carefully to control dust and pet dander ✅ Put away cleaning products or other household products that may cause attacks ✅ Give the medicine as prescribed by the doctor ✅ Teach the child to wash hands and other healthy habits to reduce colds. #KeepThemSafe #allergy #rhinitis #wheezing #symptoms #inflammation #coughing #nasal #treatment #medicine #healthcare #hereforherhealth #child #children #childcare #wellness #asthmatic #respiratory #breathing

Did you know that healthcare research and development have a gender gap? A 2021 NIH study found research for diseases that disproportionately affect women are more likely to be underfunded and those that affect men are more likely to be overfunded. #Organon is committed to advancing #WomensHealth and the pursuit of health equity in all its forms. #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #HereForHerHealth هل تعلم أنه ثمة فجوة وعدم مساواة بين الجنسين في ما يخص البحث والتطوير في مجال الرعاية الصحية؟ وقد كشفت دراسة أجراها المعهد الوطني للصحة عام 2021 أن الأبحاث المتعلقة بالأمراض التي تؤثر بنسب متفاوتة على النساء من المرجح أن تعاني من نقص التمويل وأن الأمراض التي تؤثر على الرجال تحظى بتمويل أكبر. تلتزم #أورجانون بتعزيز #صحة_المرأة وتسعى لتحقيق المساواة في مجال الصحة بجميع أشكالها. #تعزيز_المساواة #يوم_المرأة_العالمي_2023

عوامل الخطورة
لحماية الطفل، اعرفي العوامل التي قد تزيد من خطورة تعرضه للربو وهي تتضمن: 1️⃣إصابة أحد أقرباء الدم (أحد الأبوين أو الأشقاء) بالربو 2️⃣الإصابة بحالة حساسية أخرى 3️⃣زيادة الوزن 4️⃣ التدخين السلبي 5️⃣التعرض لأدخنة العادم أو أنواع أخرى من التلوث #احمي_صغيرك To #protect your child, be aware of factors that may increase his or her #asthma risk, including: 1️⃣ A parent or sibling has asthma 2️⃣ Having another allergic condition 3️⃣ Weight gain 4️⃣ Passive smoking 5️⃣ Exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution #KeepThemSafe #allergy #rhinitis #wheezing #symptoms #inflammation #coughing #nasal #treatment #medicine #healthcare #hereforherhealth #child #children #childcare #wellness #asthmatic #respiratory #breathing

Asthma action plan red zone
عند متابعة طفلك ، إذا وجدتي أنه: 1️⃣يعاني من صعوبة شديدة في التنفس 2️⃣لا تتحسن النوبة بأدوية التدخل السريع 3️⃣لا يمكنه القيام بالأنشطة اليومية إذا فطفلك يعتبر في المنطقة الحمراء من خطة عمل السيطرة على الربو، والتي تعني أن نوبة الربو تزداد سوءا. استشيري الطبيب بشأن خطة عمل الربو الخاصة بطفلك، ومتى يجب زيارة المستشفى من أجل متابعة طارئة أو روتينية. #احمي_صغيرك 🔴 #Asthma Red Zone 🔴 When following up on your children, if you find that they: 1️⃣ Have difficulty breathing 2️⃣ The attack does not improve with rapid intervention drugs 3️⃣ Can't do daily activities So, your child is considered to be in the red zone of the asthma action plan, which means that their asthma attack is getting worse. Consult the doctor on your child's asthma action plan and when to visit the hospital for emergency or routine follow up. #KeepThemSafe #allergy #rhinitis #wheezing #symptoms #inflammation #coughing #nasal #treatment #medicine #healthcare #hereforherhealth #child #children #childcare #wellness #asthmatic #respiratory #breathing

Asthma action plan green zone
عند متابعة أطفالك، اذا وجدتي أن: 1️⃣تنفسهم جيدا 2️⃣لا يعانون من سعال أو أزيز 3️⃣ينامون جيدا ليلا 4️⃣يستطيعون اللعب بلا مشاكل اذا فهم يعتبروا في المنطقة الخضراء من خطة عمل السيطرة على الربو، والتي تعني أنهم بحالة جيدة. لسيطرة مثالية على الربو استمري في إعطاء الأطفال دواء التحكم طويل الأمد الخاص به و استشيري الطبيب بشأن خطة عمل وعلاج الربو الخاصة بهم. #احمي_صغيرك 🟢 #Asthma Green Zone 🟢 When following up on your children, if you find that they: 1️⃣ Breath well 2️⃣ Do not have a cough or wheeze 3️⃣ Sleep well at night 4️⃣ Can play without problems So, they are in the green zone of the Asthma Action Plan, which means they are doing well. For optimal asthma control, continue giving the children their own long-term control medication. And consult the doctor on the children asthma action plan and treatment. #KeepThemSafe #allergy #rhinitis #wheezing #symptoms #inflammation #coughing #nasal #treatment #medicine #healthcare #hereforherhealth #child #children #childcare #wellness #asthmatic #respiratory #breathing

تختلف أعراض الربو من شخص لآخر، فقد تكون النوبات غير متكررة عند بعض الأطفال، أو تظهر في أوقات معينة، أو طول الوقت عند الآخرين. وللعناية بالطفل يجب: 1️⃣وضع خطة للتعامل مع الحالة 2️⃣تناول الدواء كما يصفه الطبيب 3️⃣تحديد وتجنب محفزات الربو 4️⃣والتأكد من حصول الطفل على لقاح الانفلونزا ما أن يناسب عمره #احمي_صغيرك #Asthma symptoms vary from person to person. Attacks may be infrequent in some children, appear at certain times, or all the time in others. To take care of the child, we should: 1️⃣ Create an action plan 2️⃣ Take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor 3️⃣ Identify and avoid asthma triggers 4️⃣ Ensure that the child receives the flu vaccine as soon as it is appropriate for his age #KeepThemSafe #allergy #rhinitis #wheezing #symptoms #inflammation #coughing #nasal #treatment #medicine #healthcare #hereforherhealth #child #children #childcare #wellness #asthmatic #respiratory #breathing

نعلم أن هناك تحديات تتعلق بصحة المرأة. لهذا السبب نحن في أورجانون ملتزمون بالتأكد من أن وجهة نظر المرأة مسموعة وبوضوح تام. لأن صوتك يمكن أن يساعدنا في التغيير. شاركينا رأيك حول تجاهل المشاكل الصحية للمرأة من خلال موقعنا /ar/com.menat-hereforherhealth://https We know there are challenges when it comes to women's health. That’s why, at Organon, we’re committed to making sure her perspective is heard, loud and clear. Because it's your voice that can help us bring change for all. Share your view on what area of women's health is being overlooked at #HereForhehealth #Webelieveinher

Missed out on attending one of the #exciting #seminars at #OSCAR v2.0’s from one of our 60+ eminent speakers? Not to worry, we have you covered! Register now to get in on our on-demand recordings from 14 - 19 November 2022! Click Here to Register: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

Oscar 2.0 - Walkthrough Video
Take a sneak peek at the immersive, #CPD #UK #CME accredited world of the #OSCAR v2.0! We have created a guide of the e-congress platform which we will be diving into on 11th and 12th of November. If you still haven't registered, you still got time! Don't miss out and Register Now - Please watch this video to get acquainted with the experience we've created for you, and we can't wait to see you all there. #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria

Oscar 2.0 - Speaker Dr. Georges Juvelekian
We promised you 60+ eminent speakers! Dr. Georges Juvelekian, Head of the Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Division from Lebanon is speaking at this year's Oscar 2.0, and you don’t want to miss out! Click Here to Reserve your seat: Register now for the fully immersive, virtual E-Congress, happening this 11th and 12th of November, A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - Fertility, Contraception, Bone & Pain, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Link to register: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

Dr. Islam Abusido - Speaker at Oscar v2.0
We promised you 60+ eminent speakers! Dr. Islam Abusido, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist from Jordan is speaking at this year's Oscar 2.0, and you don’t want to miss out! Click Here to Reserve your seat: Register now for the fully immersive, virtual E-Congress, happening this 11th and 12th of November, A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - Fertility, Contraception, Bone & Pain, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory/ Link to register: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

Join Us at OSCAR v2.0! A #CPD #UK #CME Accredited, fully #immersive, #virtual E-Congress. Join us at #OSCAR on November 11th – 12th. Register Now: A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - #Fertility, #Contraception, #Bone & #Pain, #Cardiovascular, & #Respiratory. Register now and explore engaging and interactive sessions from 60+ eminent leading experts from around the world. We look forward to seeing you there: #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Biosimilars #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Tunisia

We promised you 60+ eminent speakers! Dr. Assad Kesrouani, Program Director,- Ob/Gyn is speaking at this year's Oscar 2.0, and you don’t want to miss out! Click Here to Reserve your seat: Register now for the fully immersive, virtual E-Congress, happening this 11th and 12th of November, A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - Fertility, Contraception, Bone & Pain, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Link to register: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

Dr. Hala Feghali - Speaker at Oscar v2.0
We promised you 60+ eminent speakers! Dr. Hala Feghali, Pediatric Pulmonologist from Lebanon is speaking at this year's Oscar 2.0, and you don’t want to miss out! Click Here to Reserve your seat: Register now for the fully immersive, virtual E-Congress, happening this 11th and 12th of November, A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - Fertility, Contraception, Bone & Pain, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Link to register: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

Oscar 2.0 Event Description
Join Us at OSCAR v2.0! A Fully Immersive, Virtual, Scientific E-Congress. Dive into the world of OSCAR on November 11th – 12th. Register Now: A state-of-the-art experience for healthcare professionals covering 5 therapy areas - Fertility, Contraception, Bone & Pain, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory. Register now and explore engaging and interactive sessions from 60+ eminent leading experts’ speakers from around the world. Reserve your spot now at the following link: We look forward to seeing you at OSCAR v2.0 | The Care Everyone Deserves. #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Tunisia

Every October, the world turns pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At Organon, we acknowledge the various ways people are affected by this disease. Learn more about the importance of self-examinations and breast self-awareness. The best protection is early detection. #Organon #HereForHerHealth #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

In 2021, we launched the region’s first FemTech Accelerator program to support female-led start-ups operating in the digital healthcare space in MENA in partnership with Flat6Labs, the MENA region’s top seed and early-stage venture capital firm. Designed to advance women’s health, the accelerator aims to place women front and center in conversations on healthcare to understand their needs better. We recently hosted a FemTech Accelerator ‘Demo Day’ to celebrate these female-founded digital health start-ups. There was stiff competition, with all our participants presenting great business plans and growth strategies. Watch our latest video from the event to see how the night unfolded, with Omgyno, Siira and Maternally named the three winners out of ten finalists. #Organon #HereForHerHealth #FemTech #Flat6Labs #Startups

OSCAR v2.0 | The Care Everyone Deserves
We are excited to announce the second edition of our one-of-a-kind, fully immersive, virtual e-congress… OSCAR v2.0! Join us on November 11th – 12th and dive into the world of OSCAR. Click here to reserve your all-access early-bird spot: Catch interactive #medical sessions with Eminent #Speakers, share hands-on experiences in the #Workshop Room, explore more about Organon and our partners in the #Exhibition Hall, and much more in the virtual world of OSCAR! We look forward to seeing you at OSCAR v2.0 | The Care Everyone Deserves. Register your interest: #OSCAR #Organon #Scientific #Congress #Across #Region #HereForHerHealth #VirtualEvents #Virtual #Immersive #Doctors #Physicians #Care #WomenHealth #Cardiovascular #Rheumatology #Arthritis #Contraception #Fertility #Biosimilars #Respiratory #Allergy #Asthma #GCC #UAE #Kuwait #Qatar #Bahrain #Oman #Saudi #KSA #Lebanon #Jordan #Egypt #Algeria #Morocco #Tunisia

#DYK cardiovascular disease (CVD) kills more women than all forms of cancer combined? On this #WomensHealthWednesday, we are educating on the facts about CVD so that women understand the importance of prioritizing their heart health. #WorldHeartDay #DYK أمراض القلب والأوعیة الدمویة (CVD (تقضي على النساء أكثر من جمیع أشكال السرطان مجتمعة؟ في #WomensHealthWednesday ، #نقوم بالتوعیة وعرض الحقائق حول أمراض القلب الوعائیة، حتى تفھم النساء أھمیة إعطاء الأولویة لصحة قلبھن. #یوم_القلب_العالمي