Kefak Arabic Language teaching center for non native

Photos from Tabarak International Academy's post 26/01/2021

(Arabıc at KEFAK Program)
(KEFAK) is a specialized program for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
Divan International, in cooperation with Tabarak International Academy, presents a comprehensive Standard-Based program that aims at developing the learners’ communication skills in the Modern Standard Arabic. KEFAKArabic Language Program implements the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Standards and adapts the 2017 NCSSFL- ACTFL Can-Do Statements, which are the result of the collaboration between the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL) and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). These Can-Do Statements reflect the continuum of growth in communication skills through the novice, intermediate, advanced, superior, and distinguished levels for all language learners (natives and non-natives).
Arabic language philosophy at kefak program promotes the learning of Arabic in an environment that encourages growth, with a focus on communication proficiency and the appreciation of different cultures.


At KEFAK, we communicatively teach Arabic.Our teaching methods support and focus on the various modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural).Our Arabic classrooms are interactive, student-centered, and encourage critical thinking. KEFAK Arabic classrooms demonstrate traits of 21st-century skills and global competency in action.
We encourage our students to interact in real-life situations, and teachers go beyond vocabulary lists or grammar drills to develop our students' oral, written, and even non-verbal communication skills. Every lesson prepares our students for real-world interaction in some way. We bring communication through tasks that require meaningful communication in a relevant context.
We teach Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as our main teaching language and expose our students to dialect as well. The focus in instruction is placed on writing and reading skills in MSA but still within a communicative framework.

Teaching grammar asabuilding block for communication
Research shows that explicit teaching of grammar has little effect on people’s language acquisition, comprehension, or writing abilities. Therefore, instead of focusing on grammar rules and diagramming sentences, our teachers guide students towards an understanding of how grammar functions. Students learn how to use the form rather than memorized conjugations that may not be applicable across contexts.
At KEFAK, we do teach grammar as concepts in meaningful contexts in Arabic. We avoid traditional approaches to grammar instruction that emphasize direct grammar instruction which encourages memorized, rehearsed use of language.
We believe that by searching for the correct form to speak, listen, read, or write effectively, a student has a spontaneous need for a grammatical structure and is highly motivated to use the grammar in the right context immediately.
With beginners, teachers teach grammar indirectly by asking students to use specific forms and patterns. They also explain the meaning expressed through these forms. Teachers aim to teach students to use correct sentence structures in different contexts in Arabic. Grammar is integrated and blended within the content and instruction so students are learning it spontaneously.
Withtheıntermediatelevel, basic grammatical rules are taught and reinforced. Our students are learning grammar implicitly through communication in Arabic, and explicitly through the discovery of grammatical rules through use in meaningful examples. These skills are deepened through moving from one level to another.
Withthe advancedlevel, teaching grammar takes a bigger part of our instruction. Our students explore grammatical forms guided by the teachers, to address any gaps in knowledge, and ensure that communication occurs in Arabic at all times. Also, students are being prepared to take the external examination (International A Level) which has a big portion of grammar. In it students need to paraphrase, vocalize (tashkeel), choose the correct grammatical forms, and explain the grammatical rules.
Ommiya Program (Jordanian Dialect):
This course is crafted to help students master local, everyday language usage, so that they feel better integrated into their regional surroundings, living and working among native Arab speakers in any setting. Ommiya is a recognized as a necessary facet of any student’s progression towards that coveted, native-like language proficiency.

Our Staff: -
The staff was chosen very carefully. They are specialized professors in the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. However, many of them have been subjected to intensive courses in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers to raise their skills and thus their performance.
Our Location:-
The Academy is located in a beautiful area with all the services needed by the Arab student as well as the foreigner during his stay in Jordan. The location enjoys a vital transport network connecting this area with other parts of the city so that our students can explore their surroundings with ease.
Program Description:
The programoffers three types of courses: -
1- Monthly group sessions.
2. Classroom courses.
3. Special courses.
KEFAK, Activities:
We hope that our students will take advantage of every minute of their existence in this beautiful and safe country to discover and identify the geography and culture of the site. We will guarantee this by arranging tourist trips to the most attractive areas for tourists and foreigners throughout the country. The linguistic partner is an integral part of the student's success in acquiring the Arabic language, spirit, cultures, and history to build the foundations of understanding between cultures and bring the views closer to peace between East and West.
Golden offer
KEFAKArabic Courses 2021
For universities and large groups:-
In fact, the passion of foreign students and their desire to learn Arabic have made us follow a new policy in our presentations to university students, institutes and large groups.
Number of students One


4 hours daıly

3 hours

Kefak programtuition feesinclude:
* Integrated academic program.
* Arrival to and from the airport.
* Academic program (Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* Accommodation fees
* Residence is near the academy and there is no need for transportation.
* The site is fully serviced.
* Monthly cultural tours inside the city of Amman
* A monthly cultural tour outside the city of Amman (without sleep)
* Internet service inside the academy and residence.
* Stay phone line throughout
* Attending cultural events organized by the Academy for free.
Giving the student the opportunity to attend other language courses held by the Academy.
* Important note :
The price of one teaching hour per student in a special lesson is $ 15 per hour

Contact us

Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh

Local Mobile: +962788142488

[email protected]



الرئيسية | المجلس العربي للاكاديميين والكفاءات المجلس العربي للاكاديميين والكفاءات نسعى إلى إيجاد بيئة علمية معرفية مناسبة ومشجعة وجامعة للأكاديميين وذوي الكفاءات وتسخير إمكانياتهم لمواكبة التطور الحضاري وخد....


Kefak's cover photo


Tabarak International Academy

Study Arabic With Nadia
Teaching Arabic To Non Native Speakers


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#تعليم #اللغة #العربية #للناطقين #بغيرها .




Tabarak International Academy

Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers
Online courses


Photos from Kefak's post


Nasıl Arapça Öğreniyoruz? | Ürdün'de Arapça Eğitimi (Tabarak Internation... via

A strong start for ( ( )


Nasıl Arapça Öğreniyoruz? | Ürdün'de Arapça Eğitimi (Tabarak International Academy)

Merhaba, Eğer siz de Arapçayı bizim gibi yerinde öğrenmek, kendinizi geliştirmek istiyorsanız açıklamayı mutlaka okumaya devam edin. Ürdün Arap Dili eğitimi ...


Nasıl Arapça Öğreniyoruz? | Ürdün'de Arapça Eğitimi (Tabarak International Academy)

A strong start for ( ( )

Merhaba, Eğer siz de Arapçayı bizim gibi yerinde öğrenmek, kendinizi geliştirmek istiyorsanız açıklamayı mutlaka okumaya devam edin. Ürdün Arap Dili eğitimi ...


Arabic Language teaching center for non native speakers

Arabic Language teaching center for non native
Arabic courses 2020
First: All tuition fees at Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include the following:
* Integrated academic program.
* Arrival to and from the airport.
* The academic program (teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* Residence fees
* Residence near the academy and no need for transportation.
* Dynamic location and full service area.
* Monthly cultural tours inside Amman
* Monthly cultural tour outside Amman (without sleep)
* Internet service within the Academy and residence.
* Line phone to stay around
* Attending the cultural events that the academy conducts for free.
* Give the student the opportunity to attend the English language courses held by the Academy.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
# The first program: - (4 hours a day)
$ 700 4 weeks
1300 dollars 8 weeks
1800 dollars 122 weeks
# The second program: - (3 hours a day)
650 dollars 4 weeks
1200 dollars 8 weeks
1650 dollars 12 weeks
Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh
Founding partner
Mobile Mobile: +962 788142488
Email: [email protected]


Arabic Language teaching center for non native

Arabic courses 2020
First: All tuition fees at Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include the following:
* Integrated academic program.
* Arrival to and from the airport.
* The academic program (teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* Residence fees
* Residence near the academy and no need for transportation.
* Dynamic location and full service area.
* Monthly cultural tours inside Amman
* Monthly cultural tour outside Amman (without sleep)
* Internet service within the Academy and residence.
* Line phone to stay around
* Attending the cultural events that the academy conducts for free.
* Give the student the opportunity to attend the English language courses held by the Academy.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
# The first program: - (4 hours a day)
$ 700 4 weeks
1300 dollars 8 weeks
1800 dollars 122 weeks
# The second program: - (3 hours a day)
650 dollars 4 weeks
1200 dollars 8 weeks
1650 dollars 12 weeks

Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh
Founding partner
Mobile Mobile: +962 788142488
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh talks about important points in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh talks about important points in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

Arabic courses 2020
First: All tuition fees at Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include the following:
* Integrated academic program.
* Arrival to and from the airport.
* The academic program (teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* Residence fees
* Residence near the academy and no need for transportation.
* Dynamic location and full service area.
* Monthly cultural tours inside Amman
* Monthly cultural tour outside Amman (without sleep)
* Internet service within the Academy and residence.
* Line phone to stay around
* Attending the cultural events that the academy conducts for free.
* Give the student the opportunity to attend the English language courses held by the Academy.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
# The first program: - (4 hours a day)
$ 700 4 weeks
1300 dollars 8 weeks
1800 dollars 122 weeks
# The second program: - (3 hours a day)
650 dollars 4 weeks
1200 dollars 8 weeks
1650 dollars 12 weeks

Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh
Founding partner
Mobile Mobile: +962 788142488
Email: [email protected]


Arabic courses 2020
First: All tuition fees at Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include the following:
* Integrated academic program.
* Arrival to and from the airport.
* The academic program (teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* Residence fees
* Residence near the academy and no need for transportation.
* Dynamic location and full service area.
* Monthly cultural tours inside Amman
* Monthly cultural tour outside Amman (without sleep)
* Internet service within the Academy and residence.
* Line phone to stay around
* Attending the cultural events that the academy conducts for free.
* Give the student the opportunity to attend the English language courses held by the Academy.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
# The first program: - (4 hours a day)
$ 700 4 weeks
1300 dollars 8 weeks
1800 dollars 122 weeks
# The second program: - (3 hours a day)
650 dollars 4 weeks
1200 dollars 8 weeks
1650 dollars 12 weeks

Dr. Nadia Abu Odeh
Founding partner
Mobile Mobile: +962 788142488
Email: [email protected]



Tabarak arapça dil eğitimi

Cooperation agreement between Tabarak International Academy and the Jordanian Club for non-Arabic speakers

عقدت برئاسة المدير العام الدكتورة نادية أبو عودة أمس اجتماعا مميزا مع النادي الثقافي أبجد برئاسة الأستاذة هبة حجازين وقد حضر الاجتماع أعضاء من كلا الطرفين وتم التباحث في آلية التعاون ، حيث سيقوم النادي بدعم برامج اكاديمية تبارك العالمية بتقديم نشاطات لامنهجية تخدم اللغة العربية وتعزز استخدامها عند الطلبة الأجانب الذين يدرسون في الأكاديمية في برنامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها وبالمقابل أتاحت المدير العام لأكاديمية تبارك العالمية فرصة طيبة تنص على فتح أبوابها لاستضافة اعضاء نادي أبجد - مؤسسة غير ربحية تطوعية - واستضافة فعالياتهم وزوارهم ولكن بشرط تمتعهم في استقلالية تامة وعدم التدخل في أمورهم ونشاطاتهم الشخصية مع جهات أخرى تعمل في هذا المجال وقد شجعت الدكتورة نادية كل الجامعات والمراكز والمعاهد التي تعمل في مجال تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها الاستفادة من جهود النادي البناءة والداعمة والرافدة لكل من يدرسون في برامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها من الأجانب في المملكة وأن تعاونهم مع النادي هو داعم وليس عنصر يهدد تواجدهم أبدا .وأعلنت الدكتورة نادية عن عقد أول دورة بالتعاون مع النادي وهي دورة أساليب تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها وسوف يكون للنادي حصة في هذه الدورة حيث يدعم للمتدربين في الدورة باطلاعهم على النشاطات اللامنهجية والألعاب اللغوية التي من شأنها تعزيز مهارة تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها .ِ
Cooperation agreement between Tabarak International Academy and the Jordanian Club for non-Arabic speakers

النادي الأردني الثقافي للناطقين بغير العربية- أبجد


Tabarak International Academy

عقدت برئاسة المدير العام الدكتورة أمس اجتماعا مميزا مع النادي الثقافي أبجد برئاسة الأستاذة هبة حجازين وقد حضر الاجتماع أعضاء من كلا الطرفين وتم التباحث في آلية التعاون ، حيث سيقوم النادي بدعم برامج اكاديمية تبارك العالمية بتقديم نشاطات لامنهجية تخدم اللغة العربية وتعزز استخدامها عند الطلبة الأجانب الذين يدرسون في الأكاديمية في برنامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها وبالمقابل أتاحت المدير العام لأكاديمية تبارك العالمية فرصة طيبة تنص على فتح أبوابها لاستضافة اعضاء نادي أبجد - مؤسسة غير ربحية تطوعية - واستضافة فعالياتهم وزوارهم ولكن بشرط تمتعهم في استقلالية تامة وعدم التدخل في أمورهم ونشاطاتهم الشخصية مع جهات أخرى تعمل في هذا المجال وقد شجعت الدكتورة نادية كل الجامعات والمراكز والمعاهد التي تعمل في مجال تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها الاستفادة من جهود النادي البناءة والداعمة والرافدة لكل من يدرسون في برامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها من الأجانب في المملكة وأن تعاونهم مع النادي هو داعم وليس عنصر يهدد تواجدهم أبدا .وأعلنت الدكتورة نادية عن عقد أول دورة بالتعاون مع النادي وهي دورة أساليب تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها وسوف يكون للنادي حصة في هذه الدورة حيث يدعم للمتدربين في الدورة باطلاعهم على النشاطات اللامنهجية والألعاب اللغوية التي من شأنها تعزيز مهارة تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها.
النادي الأردني الثقافي للناطقين بغير العربية- أبجد


#Teaching_Arabic_To_Non_Native_Speakers#أكاديمية_تبارك_العالمية/ عمان/ الأردن .

#تعليم #اللغة #العربية #للناطقين #بغيرها .

/ عمان/ الأردن .


#تعليم #اللغة #العربية #للناطقين #بغيرها .

/ عمان/ الأردن .


#تعليم #اللغة #العربية #للناطقين #بغيرها .


Tabarak International Academy

وداعا للطالب ماهر يلمز من غازي عنتاب.. درس اللغة العربية في #أكاديمية #تبارك العالَمية وركز على العامية في دورة خاصة لتساعده في مجال عمله في شركة والده لالذي يعمل في تجارة العصير..
#لغة .


Tabarak International Academy

İlk olarak: Uluslararası Tabarak Akademisi'nde eğitim görmek içinbelirlenen ücretşunları kapsamaktadır:
*Birleştirilmiş (entegre edilmiş) Akademik Program
*Havaalanından alma ve havaalanına bırakma( Havaalanı hizmetleri)
*Aşağıdaki programda gösterildiği gibi akademik program (Anadili farklı olanlariçin Arapça öğretimi)
*Konaklama ücretleri
*Akademi yakınında konaklama ve ulaşım araçlarına gerekyok
*Merkezi konum ve eksiksiz hizmet bölgesi
*Ammân şehrine aylık kültürel turlar
*Ammân şehri dışına aylık kültürel tur (Konaklamasız)
*Konaklama yerinde ve Akademi’de internet hizmeti
*Konaklama boyunca telefon hattı
*Akademi tarafından yürütülen kültürel etkinliklere ücretsiz katılım
*Öğrenciye Akademi tarafından düzenlenen İngilizce kurslarına katılma fırsatı
İlk olarak: -Öğrenciler için teklifler ( Yaz 2019): -
1. Program : - (Günde 4 saat)
700 $ 4 hafta
1300 $ 8 hafta
1800 $ 12 hafta
2. Program : - (Günde 3 saat)
650 $ 4 hafta
1200 $ 8 hafta
1650 $ 12 hafta
Dr.Nadia Abu Odeh (Dr. NâdiyeEbû ‘Avde)
Co.Founder (Kurucu ortak)
Sabit tel. +962 788142488
Uluslar arası tel. +962 789 15 99 00
E-mail: [email protected]


Tabarak International Academy

#تبارك #مشاركة في فعاليات.(12 ديسمبر 2019)
حلت #الدكتورة #نادية #أبوعودة المدير العام #لأكاديمية #تبارك العالمية ضيف شرف على حفل تتويج #سفراء #السلام والنوايا الحسنة حيث أقام #التحالف الدولي للسلام وحقوق الإنسان بالتعاون مع مركز ميساء الأشعري مساء امس حفل تنصيب #سفراء النوايا الحسنة لعام 2020 - 2022 بحضور مشاركين من دول عربية.
وقد ألقى الأستاذ رئيس التحالف الأستاذ #حيدر #العريبي كلمة هو ومجموعة من الحضور وضيوف الشرف كلها تؤكد على رسالة السلام ونشر ثقافته في العالم .
ونصب الأستاذ #حيدر #العريبي الدكتورة .ميساء استشارية التغذية العلاجية كسفيرة للنوايا الحسنة لتمثل المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية وعينت مديرة للتحالف الدولي.
وعلى هامش #التكريم تمت لقاءات عمل بين #رئيس #الاتحاد والدكتورة #نادية المدير العام وذلك من أجل ترتيب عمل منسق بين الجهتين في مجال دورات #التفاوض وحل #النزاعات الدولية .
التحالف الدولي للسلام وحقوق الانسان


Tabarak International Academy

Arabic Language teaching center for non native

First: All fees for studying at the Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include:
* البرنامج الاكاديمي المتكامل.
* Getting to and from the airport.
* Academic program (teaching Arabic for non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* رسوم الاقامة
* الاقامة بالقرب من الاكاديمية و لا حاجة للنقل.
* الموقع الحيوي ومنطقة الخدمة الكاملة.
* Cultural tours monthly within the city of Amman
* جولة ثقافية شهرية خارج مدينة عمان (بدون نوم)
* خدمة الانترنت داخل الاكاديمية والاقامة.
* خط الهاتف في جميع انحاء البقاء
* Attend the cultural events conducted by the Academy for free.
* اعطاء الطالب الفرصة لحضور دورات اللغة الاخرى التي عقدتها الاكاديمية.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
I: - (4 hours per day)
700 $ 4 اسابيع
1300 $ 8 اسابيع
1800 $ 122 اسابيع
II: - (3 hours per day)
650 $ 4 اسابيع
1200 $ 8 weeks
1650 $ 12 weeks

Dr.Nadia Abu Odeh
Local Mobile: +962 788142488
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]
Tabarak International Academy
Tabaarakk هي اكاديمية مستقلة تعمل على توفير المعرفة وتقديم احدثها لطلابها, وتستفيد منها لمجتمعها من اجل المساهمة في التنمية البشرية وبناء حضارة انسانية بالمعرفة والمعرفة وتنمية القدرات من اجل السلام فقط.


الطلاب الأجانب الذين درسوا في أكاديمية تبارك العالمية

Arabic Language teaching center for non native

First: All fees for studying at the Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include:
* البرنامج الاكاديمي المتكامل.
* Getting to and from the airport.
* Academic program (teaching Arabic for non-native speakers) as shown in the following program.
* رسوم الاقامة
* الاقامة بالقرب من الاكاديمية و لا حاجة للنقل.
* الموقع الحيوي ومنطقة الخدمة الكاملة.
* Cultural tours monthly within the city of Amman
* جولة ثقافية شهرية خارج مدينة عمان (بدون نوم)
* خدمة الانترنت داخل الاكاديمية والاقامة.
* خط الهاتف في جميع انحاء البقاء
* Attend the cultural events conducted by the Academy for free.
* اعطاء الطالب الفرصة لحضور دورات اللغة الاخرى التي عقدتها الاكاديمية.
First: - Offers for students (summer 2019): -
I: - (4 hours per day)
700 $ 4 اسابيع
1300 $ 8 اسابيع
1800 $ 122 اسابيع
II: - (3 hours per day)
650 $ 4 اسابيع
1200 $ 8 weeks
1650 $ 12 weeks

Dr.Nadia Abu Odeh
Local Mobile: +962 788142488
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]
Tabarak International Academy
Tabaarakk هي اكاديمية مستقلة تعمل على توفير المعرفة وتقديم احدثها لطلابها, وتستفيد منها لمجتمعها من اجل المساهمة في التنمية البشرية وبناء حضارة انسانية بالمعرفة والمعرفة وتنمية القدرات من اجل السلام فقط.

سارع للتسجيل بدوراتنا الرائعة للغات وبخصومات محمسة جداً الموقع: الجبيهة إشارة التعليم العالي بجانب أسواق اليوسفي تفضلوا بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني لمشاهدة ومعر...


حوار في الطائرة تعليم العربية للناطقين بغيرها

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Our Story


Arabic courses 2020

First: All tuition fees at Tabarak International Academy mentioned here include the following:

* Integrated academic program.

Videos (show all)
Arabic Language teaching center for non native speakers
Arabic Language teaching center for non native
tabarak international academy
Arabic language .... spread without limits.
Arabic Language  center for non native speakers
Arabic Language teaching center for non native



شارع ياجوز/عمان الأردن/مقابل وزارة التعليم العالي

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German Jordanian University German Jordanian University
Amman Madaba Street, Https://www. Google. Jo/maps/place/German+Jordanian+University+-+New+Campus/@31. 7768431, 35. 8025551, 17z/data=, 3m1, 4b1, 4m2, 3m1, 1s0x151cac23316fd607:0xbcc3e00aab7f6fa 9
Amman, P.O.BOX35247

الصفحة الرسمية للجامعة الألمانية الأردنية The official Facebook

Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Royal Academy of Culinary Arts
188 King Abdullah II Street
Amman, 11953

RACA is a Technical University College certified by EHL. (Developmental Project by KAFD) 🇯🇴🇨🇭

Al Zaytoonah University Al Zaytoonah University
Air Port Street
Amman, 11733

تأسست جامعة الزيتونة عام 1993 وحصلت على الترخيص والاعتما

ملتقى طلاب جامعة الزيتونة ملتقى طلاب جامعة الزيتونة
Airpot Street

ملتقى جامعة الزيتونه , صفحة تعبر عن اهتمام الطلبة وتقدم

جامعة فيلادلفيا - Philadelphia University جامعة فيلادلفيا - Philadelphia University
جامعة فيلادلفيا
Amman, 19392

UniRanks2024 الجامعة الأولى على الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة تضم أكثر من 64+جنسية

Princess Sumaya University For Technology Princess Sumaya University For Technology
Ahmad Al Tarawneh Street
Amman, 11941

Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) Founded in 1991 Phone Number 0096265356237

Ibn Sina University for Medical Sciences Ibn Sina University for Medical Sciences
Amman, 16197

The first and only private medical university in Amman الجامعة الطبية الخاصة الأولى والوحيدة في عمّان

Fachbereich Deutsch - University of Jordan Fachbereich Deutsch - University of Jordan
Queen Rania Street

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer Facebook-Seite für das Fach "Deutsch" an der University of Jordan :)

اسأل المعلم اسأل المعلم
Qudamah Bin Ja'far Street

للتعلم عن بعد ....

11:11 كليمانس - kalimanis 11:11 كليمانس - kalimanis

اقتباسات �

د.مجد للتدريب الصيدلي د.مجد للتدريب الصيدلي
مجمع ابو مفيد التجاري/الطابق الخامس/شارع الجامعة الاردنية
Amman, 2514

محاضرات تدريبية , صيدلانية ... تمكن الصيدلي من الالتحاق ?