Negocio Inc. 株式会社Negocio
NEGOCIO Inc. a global consulting agent for connecting powers and expertise around the world.
helps companies around the world identify, develop, and implement strategies, for global business expansion with a particular focus on successful entry into the Japanese market, offering support and capability building at every stage of the strategy implementation. also assists Japanese companies in strategies planning and ex*****on for global business development in general. Case Study,,,, Stra
La Caixa entra en el capital de la biotecnológica AlgaEnergy La gestora de capital riesgo de CriteriaCaixa y la sociedad de inversión del CDTI Innvierte Economía Sostenible tendrán una participación minoritaria en el accionariado de la compañía
2-21-15 Jingumae, Shibuya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
東京都渋谷区桜丘町18-4 二宮ビル
Shibuya-ku, 150-0031
HBS, Stanford, Wharton MBA admissions expert since 2002
広尾1-11-4 共立ビル 402
Shibuya-ku, 1500012
東京都渋谷区神泉町9-5 フジタインゼックスビル 8階
Shibuya-ku, 1500045
Công ty hỗ trợ tư vấn và giới thiệu trường dạy lái xe cho người Việt Nam tại Nhật Bản .
chuyên hỗ trợ và tư vấn cho các bạn đã tốt nghiệp , chuẩn bị tốt nghiệp m?
Humax Ebisu Building 7F, 1-1-1 Ebisu-Minami
Shibuya-ku, 150-0022
Provide social impact to society and community via sports and wellness utilizing money/funds.
神宮前3-35-2 クローチェ神宮前ビル6F
Shibuya-ku, 1500001
エンタメ広告業界のM&A事例+エンタメ広告業界情報を配信中!! キャスティング会社を母体とした エンタメ広告業界特化型M&A仲介:エイスリーM&Aです! エンタメ、芸能、広告、デザイン、WEBマーケティング、SNS 映像CG、映画、TV、ゲーム、アニメ、マンガ、出版、音楽 エンタメ広告業界の 会社/事業のご譲渡、ご譲受をご検討の方は いつでもこちらより...
1-13-9 Tomigaya, Sibuya-ku
Shibuya-ku, 151-0063
日本および海外でのRVing文化の促進と発展。 Promoting & Developing RVing Culture in