Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics

Phinic Brand - Japan's top brand cosmetics in treating Acne, Melasma, Freckle The ingredients in the kit are complementary and balance each other.

🌟 1,258,985 people get rid of acnes, Melasma, freckles
🥇🥇Improve acnes problems on the skin, Soften skin, brighten skin, contribute to prevent acne, wrinkles, skin aging, make skin whiter, smoother, more even.
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐀 has been recognized by major domestic and foreign newspaper

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/01/2023

✔️MISHAFUTA PHINIC - Tratamento de manchas escuras, envelhecimento, sardas, manchas escuras e melasma sob a pele - Recuperar a pele de 20 anos
✔️É um produto de tratamento de melasma de alta classe na indústria cosmética - seguro certificado pela FDA e KFDA
✅ Sua pele muda em cada estágio
- Fase 1 (após 7 dias): Sua pele será hidratada da derme à epiderme
- Fase 2 (após 15 dias): Sua pele vai apertar gradualmente devido à umidade suficiente, trazendo uma pele mais lisa, poros mais apertados
- Fase 3 (após 28 dias): As manchas escuras desaparecem, as pernas do melasma são células eliminadas, sua pele ficará mais brilhante, mais suave, mais branca
🎁 Ganhe 1 limpador facial gratuito e 1 máscara premium para cuidados com a pele
🎁 50% de desconto e frete grátis em todos os pedidos
MISHAFUTA - Sempre ao seu lado em sua jornada de beleza
💞💞Um bom produto não é confirmado por anúncios extravagantes, mas verificado pelo feedback positivo do cliente.
👉Conheça o segredo do cuidado da pele com o padrão de especialistas aqui mesmo!

💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/01/2023

Por que não tratamento de melasma para pele sensível?
O tratamento de melasma e sardas percorre um longo caminho e custa muito dinheiro. Especialmente para peles sensíveis, esse problema é cem mil vezes mais difícil.
Ingredientes ativos em cremes geralmente têm fortes propriedades terapêuticas e são anti-irritantes. Isso cria inadvertidamente um grande obstáculo para as mulheres com pele sensível que querem se livrar do melasma e manchas escuras.
👑Depois experimente embalar o produto com os critérios "Coloque dentro e aplique com cuidado". Todos os ingredientes naturais são seguros para todos os tipos de pele. 4 produtos no pacote:
🍁 Sérum antienvelhecimento: nutre e restaura a pele, deixando-a suave e radiante.
🍁 Soro contra a melanodermia pontual: melanodermia, remoção de sardas por ácidos naturais, inibição da melanina.
🍁 Creme clareador: restaura a pele danificada, rejuvenesce e clareia a pele, fecha os poros.
🍁 Lofuko: limita a oxidação, aumenta a elasticidade da pele, reduz o risco de envelhecimento cutâneo, limita o escurecimento, ilumina e embeleza a pele.
✔️ Contém ingredientes 100% naturais.
✔️ Adequado para todos os tipos de pele...
✔️ Confortável, fácil de usar e rapidamente absorvido
✔️ Certificado FDA EUA.
✔️Use a tecnologia peptídica em sua beleza
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso



📌𝗢𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗼 𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗮 𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲?
O melasma aparece mais comumente nas bochechas, nariz, queixo, acima do lábio superior e na testa. Às vezes, afeta seus braços, pescoço e costas.
Na verdade, o melasma pode afetar qualquer parte da pele exposta à luz solar.
📌𝐐𝐮ã𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐦 é 𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐚?
O melasma é uma doença de pele muito comum, principalmente entre as mulheres grávidas. 15% a 50% das mulheres grávidas conseguem.
Entre 1,5% e 33% da população pode ter melasma e acontece com mais frequência durante os anos reprodutivos de uma mulher, e raramente acontece durante a puberdade.
Geralmente começa entre 20 e 40 anos de idade.
📌𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭á 𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐚?
Pessoas de pele mais clara são menos propensas a serem afetadas pelo melasma do que aquelas com pele morena mais escura ou aquelas que se bronzeiam bem.
As mulheres são mais propensas a ter melasma do que os homens: cerca de 10% das pessoas que têm melasma são homens, 90% mulheres. As mulheres grávidas têm melasma com mais frequência do que qualquer outra pessoa.
Você também está em risco se tomar contraceptivos orais e hormônios.
📌𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐬ã𝐨 𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐚?
O melasma causa manchas marrom-claras, marrom-escuras e/ou azuladas ou manchas semelhantes a sardas na pele.
Às vezes, as manchas podem ficar vermelhas ou inflamadas. O melasma aparece em seis locais ou em uma combinação de locais na pele.
Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre a pele, deixe um comentário e responderemos na parte 2!
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso


🍁Nutre a pele, ajuda a clarear a pele e desbotar manchas escuras, manchas escuras na pele.
🍁Remova manchas escuras com ácidos naturais
🍁Seguro, não causa vermelhidão, descamação da pele.
🍁Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, pele benigna a sensível.
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/01/2023

🌟 A persistência te leva a grandes resultados
✨Estamos sempre orgulhosos de ter a confiança de milhões de clientes da Coréia, Japão, Taiwan, Malásia como uma escolha de produto em cuidados de beleza.
✨Recuperar a beleza de nossos clientes é nossa responsabilidade. Obrigado por confiar e acompanhar a Misafuta por mais de 6 anos
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso


✨O segredo para clarear o melasma
💖Mishafuta Facial Cleanser: Ajuda a limpar suavemente. Remove a sujeira e o excesso de sebo na pele. Previne a acne enquanto hidrata a pele para torná-la macia.
💖Sérum antienvelhecimento: nutre e rejuvenesce a pele. Torna a pele suave e radiante.
💖Serum dot melasma: remove sardas com ácidos naturais. inibe a formação de melanina
Creme de clareamento: restaura a pele danificada, restaura a pele para ficar mais branca, poros menores.
💖Lofuko: Limita a oxidação. aumenta a elasticidade da pele Reduz o risco de envelhecimento da pele Limita as olheiras, ilumina e deixa a pele bonita
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/01/2023

😍Componente Mishafuta 100% da natureza
O Ministério da Mishafuta não só auxilia no cuidado com a pele, mas também auxilia a repelir os sinais de envelhecimento, que também é um produto que supera as limitações na rotina de cuidados com a pele de muitas pessoas.
💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso


Não há necessidade de se preocupar com sua pele quando você tem um protetor solar com padrões especializados!
✨O tratamento é um passo extremamente importante na rotina de cuidados com a pele. Após um curso de "tratamento", a pele entrará no modo "frágil", tornando-a mais facilmente danificada do que nunca. Como resultado, usar protetor solar para hidratar e proteger a pele dos raios UV é fundamental.
✨O protetor solar Mishafuta contém HIALURONATO DE SÓDIO - um excelente ingrediente hidratante para uma pele lisa.
💧HIALURONATO DE SÓDIO é um dos fatores hidratantes naturais, mantendo a pele jovem e sem descamação. A pele será hidratada de dentro para fora, permitindo-lhe "lidar" com os efeitos negativos do meio ambiente.
👉Não precisa de se preocupar com a sua pele porque tem um protetor solar com padrões especializados da Mishafuta!

💥 Mude seu visual após 1 semana
💥Reveice 200.000¥ se você encontrar ingredientes tóxicos em nossos produtos
💥 Aprovado pela FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
💥 Frete grátis para todo o Japão
💥 Mishafuta - Companheiro no processo de recuperar sua beleza
☎️ Entre em contato conosco para obter mais conselhos de especialistas e ENCOMENDE isso

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 14/01/2023

😊Como me livrar de Nam mudou minha vida – Uma história compartilhada por um cliente da Mishafuta
Esta é uma cliente chamada Sui – aos 32 anos ela trabalhava como gerente de construção em uma empresa na Coréia. Pela natureza do trabalho, você tem que ficar muito exposto ao ambiente externo, então tem que ficar constantemente exposto ao sol, o que causa a produção de uma grande quantidade de melanina, além dos raios ultravioleta do sol destruirem as células. , quebra a estrutura sob a pele, levando ao aparecimento de muitas manchas e sardas na pele. Além disso, o estilo de vida e os hábitos alimentares inadequados fazem com que a secreção de hormônios aumente, levando a uma pigmentação da pele cada vez mais severa, como mostra a imagem abaixo.
Sui costumava usar muitos produtos para tratar melasma e ir ao salão de beleza, mas com o mesmo resultado, o uso de um pouco de desbotamento, mas recorrência e ela parece perder a fé nos cosméticos. Até que uma nova colega no mesmo canteiro de obras teve o mesmo problema e usou os produtos Mishafuta e sua pele melhorou muito. Então aquele colega apresentou Mishafuta a Sui, embora naquela época Sui ainda tivesse muitas dúvidas sobre a qualidade do produto e a eficácia porque os produtos anteriores que Sui usava a deixavam desapontada. E então ela pediu um conjunto de Mishafuta Melasma para experimentar e após 3 dias de uso, a pele ficou suave, não mais irritada devido à exposição ao ambiente ao redor, após 7 dias, os hematomas eram visíveis. Após 1 mês de uso, as manchas escuras na testa e nas bochechas desapareceram gradualmente. A foto abaixo é o resultado após 3 meses e 20 dias de uso diário do Mishafuta. Esse é o processo que a cliente Sui - Mishafuta compartilhou conosco todo o processo de tratamento do melasma e agradeceu nossos produtos, também nos sentimos extremamente honrados em atender e agradar a todos os clientes no processo de recuperação de sua pele sardenta.
Sua beleza é nossa responsabilidade. Então eu só quero te dizer que nunca é tarde para Embelezar Agora. Mude o visual – Mude a oportunidade.
Se você está na mesma situação que Sui, é aqui que você pode realizar seu desejo de mudar de pele.

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 29/11/2022

🌟 Experience home-made essences, serums and creams with Mishafuta
👉 By subscribing to our Mishafuta beauty products, you can take care of yourself and deep clean your skin!
👉Direct benefits:
💥 Fades dark spots, pigment spots and dark spots
💥 Reduces wrinkles against skin aging
💥 Fills and cleans pores
💥 Shiny skin
💥 Increases skin brightness and elasticity
*Limited to first 100 registrations New! Place your order today.
🎁 Get a BIG GIFT when you sign up today!
👉 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬:
✅ Earn an income of 𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥ - 𝟑𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥/𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡
✅ Learned how to get more customers
✅ Instructions on how to sell Mishafuta
✅ Used Phinic's certificate and image for commercial
✅ Get higher discount
☎️ Message now for sales advice and receive the highest discount

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 28/11/2022

💎💎 Thank you for trusting and accompanying Mishsafuta as a leading prestigious partner.
💎💎 More than 200 boxes of Mishafuta acne cream of 1 customer were sent this afternoon.
💎💎 We are proud to be the exclusive distributor of Mishafuta for many partners in the markets of Korea, Japan, Taiwan,...
👉 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬:
✅ Earn an income of 𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥ - 𝟑𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥/𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡
✅ Learned how to get more customers
✅ Instructions on how to sell Mishafuta
✅ Used Phinic's certificate and image for commercial
✅ Get higher discount
☎️ Message now for sales advice and receive the highest discount

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 28/11/2022

✨Building customer trust is a long process that does not happen overnight. A good product, too, confirmed not by flashy advertising but by the quality of each product.
✨In today's digital era, it's not wrong to say: "If you want to grow your business online, the first step you must take is to build customer trust in your brand." For Mishafuta, the trust of customers makes the brand's power. That is why we always do our best to bring the most prestigious and high-quality products to our customers.
💞💞Thank you our customers for trusting and using Mishafuta products during the past time. We hope to join you on your next journey!

👉 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬:
✅ Earn an income of 𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥ - 𝟑𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥/𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡
✅ Learned how to get more customers
✅ Instructions on how to sell Mishafuta
✅ Used Phinic's certificate and image for commercial
✅ Get higher discount
☎️ Message now for sales advice and receive the highest discount

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 26/11/2022

💪💪 Build your own small business with Mishafuta to have a stable income from 𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥ - 𝟑𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥/𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡
🔥🔥 Let's become a wholesaler of Mishafuta Cosmetics - Korea's top brand for Treating Acne, Melasma and Freckles.
🌟 More than 1 million customers have used Mishafuta
🌟 FDA, GMP, TSL,... certificates
🌟 Export and have warehouse sell in Korea, Japan, Taiwan,...
🌟 100% Natural, quick effective, no side effects
👉 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬:
✅ Earn an income of 𝟐𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥ - 𝟑𝟓𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎¥/𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡
✅ Learned how to get more customers
✅ Instructions on how to sell Mishafuta
✅ Used Phinic's certificate and image for commercial
✅ Get higher discount
☎️ Message now for sales advice and receive the highest discount

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 25/11/2022

Melasma treatment for sensitive skin, why not?
The treatment of dark spots and blemishes has arrived and is expensive. Especially for sensitive skin, this problem is a hundred thousand times more difficult.
The active ingredients in creams often have strong therapeutic properties and cause severe inflammation. This creates a great barrier for women with sensitive skin who want to get rid of acne and blackheads.
👑 Then try the product set with the condition "Drink inside, paint outside". All natural ingredients are safe for all skin types. There are 4 faces in the set
Anti-aging serum: nourishes and regenerates skin, leaving skin smooth and radiant.
🍁Spot melasma serum: removes dark spots, dark spots, prevents melanin.
🍁Whitening Cream: Repairs damaged skin, brightens skin and shrinks pores.
🍁Lofuco: Reduces oxidation, increases skin elasticity, reduces the risk of skin aging, reduces dark circles, brightens the complexion and brightens the complexion.
✔️ Contains 100% natural ingredients.
✔️ Can be used on all skin types ...
✔️ Easy to use, absorbs quickly
✔️ Accredited by the US FDA.
✔️ Use peptide technology in beauty
👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 22/11/2022

👉 This is the true value that Mishafuta wants to bring to customers when they trust us. - Only after using one Acne
👉 Mishafuta, after 15 days the skin has improved a lot: smooth, shiny skin, clean acne.
💋You give us 50% trusting i will give you 100% satisfaction back
👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 22/11/2022

Why is Phinic is a Cosmetics trusted brand to do business with?
👉 Phinic is the leading cosmetic brand in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan when it was established and appeared in those big markets for nearly 10 years.
👉 More than 1,335,913+ customers have gotten rid of Acne, Melasma, Freckles and Healthy Health with Phinic With sub-brands: Mishafuta, Deto, Hisako, Futoshi of Phinic.
👉 The product ingredients of Phinic are completely made from 100% natural to help quickly, safely, without irritation and side effects.
👉 All Phinic products are manufactured according to leading Japanese technology and certified by world leading certificates such as FDA, GMP, TSL,...
👉 Moreover, Phinic's products have a commitment to compensate 200,000Yen for those who detect poor quality products, fake goods to help customers feel secure in using the product.
✨✨ So to fulfill the dream of becoming the world's leading cosmetic brand. We want to recruit Mishafuta business partners to spread beauty values ​​to those who want a smooth, healthy skin. Let's join us into Phinic system Business ✨✨

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 22/11/2022

💄Phinic's agent distributors have appeared in many countries in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and now even in Mongolia Phinic products have appeared at agents all over Mongolia to satisfy those who love beauty.
💄Phinic is constantly trying to become the world's leading beauty and health care brand when not only stopping in Asia but also wanting to reach out to the world so that the world knows that Asia has a leading cosmetic brand. top of the world
💕Thank you to our customers for trusting and accompanying Phinic to help us achieve the success we are today.
👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

🔥 Miss Mongolia confidently uses Mishafuta products for skin care 🔥
🌟 1,325,772+ customers get rid of Acne, Blemishes, freckles with Mishafuta
🥇 Improve acne problems on the skin, soft and bright skin, play a part in preventing acne, wrinkles, premature aging skin. Make the skin whiter, smoother, more consistent
💕 With a mission to help more than 10 million women and men become more beautiful. We are always proud to have been present in fastidious and strict markets in quality censorship such as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia...
💕 FDA, GMP, TSL certificates... as an affirmation that Mishafuta is a superior product that customers should experience.
💕 Phinic is always confident about the quality of its products. And always ready to accompany customers throughout the use process.
🥰 Did you know that we will not be able to sell quality products and side effects in Korea and Japan? This is because this is the country with the most stringent product quality censorship.
🥰 In Korea, you can be sued. If our products contain toxic ingredients that are not good for customers.
🥰 That's why Mishafuta has FDA certificate and willing to compensate customers 200,000Y if harmful substances are detected in products, and Mishafuta is confident in product quality. "High efficiency no side effects" to customers.

👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

🌟 1,325,772+ customers get rid of acnes, Melasma, freckles
🥇🥇Improve acnes problems on the skin, Soften skin, brighten skin, contribute to prevent acne, wrinkles, skin aging, make skin whiter, smoother, more even
🥰 Did you know that we can't sell quality products and side effects in Korea and Japan? Because it is the country with the most stringent product quality censorship.
🥰 In Korea, you can be sued. If our products contain toxic ingredients that are not good for customers.
🥰 That's why Mishafuta has an FDA certificate and is willing to compensate customers 200,000Y if harmful substances are detected in the products, and Mishafuta is confident in the quality of the products. "High efficiency no side effects" to customers.

# miracle treatment

👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice.

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁?
👉 A quality product is a product that must meet the criteria "High safety, no side effects, high efficiency" Mishafuta is proud to be able to confirm that a product can meet that criterion.
👉 With natural ingredients combined with modern Japanese technology that has been certified by 𝐔𝐒 𝐅𝐃𝐀,𝐆𝐌𝐏, meet high safety standards and have no side effects. Mishafuta will give you good results after 4 days of use
👉 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 was born and brings beauty and health care products from nature. Founded in 2016 Phinic started with a line of cosmetic products extracted from nature to help women keep their beauty full of vitality.
👉 After only 5 years, Phinic has grown strongly with a variety of product lines such as cosmetics, health care, fashion... with a large market in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia...etc. After many years of development, Phinic has become one of the Vietnamese brands widely known in many countries.
👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...


💖 MISHAFUTA is considered a beauty gift of all customers who love beauty: Beauty skin, beauty body.
💖 MISHAFUTA has been launched in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan for more than 7 years and is always the first choice in the treatment of Melasma, Acne, Freckles when more than 1 million customers trust and use Mishafuta.
👉 It doesn't stop there we want more and more customers who can approach Mishafuta for a confident beautiful skin.
So we are still recruiting wholesalers to accompany Mishafuta to spread more beauty products to beauty lovers.
📞 So if anyone wants to sell a quality product and earn a great income. Please message for more details

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

📦 Our Warehouses in Asian countries: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia... Recruiting wholesale and retail agents at preferential prices.
👉MISHAFUTA has helped over millions of people got rid of Melasma, Acne, Freckles to help a beautiful, firm skin
👉US’ leading technology from Nature - Approved by the FDA.
For more information, please contact us via Gmail or direct message.
👉 Become a Partner - Agent - Distributor with us. We will provide:
😍 Photos and videos
⚡Quality Feedback
😘 Certificate
🔑 How to find customers, give advice...

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

💊 The longer it is, the more acne it gets, layer by layer.
💊 The deep is not over, new acne has come to say hello.
💊 The bigger the scar, the clogged pores, the result is much weaker skin.
💢 "People need a pretty face, a tree needs a beautiful bark". Whether it's a girl or a boy, everyone wants to have a beautiful face, or at least, a bright, acne-free face.
🍀 What do you like when coming to MISHAFUTA?
👍 Beat all types of acne, from tiny to large size
👍 Reduce swelling pain, quickly absorbed through the skin. Effective for a short time
👍 Avoid the risk of skin irritation, increase resistance to brighten skin
👍 100% natural healthy ingredients.
Get rid of acne, confidently love life right away 🙅‍♀️.
🦋 We want to tell you that it's never too late to take care of and protect your skin, let's start doing it now.
💌 We are always here to support and help you to the best of our ability
💌 Inbox for support and more information.

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 21/11/2022

😲 This is one of our Khmer customers who used a set of Melasma Mishafuta and the skin changes are amazing.
❤️ These are great motivations to help us constantly bring beauty values ​​to customers who have used, are using, and will use Mishafuta.
❤️ Sincere thanks for trusting and accompanying Mishafuta in the process of restoring healthy and smooth skin


🤝🤝🤝PHINIC is looking for distribution partners DETO - MISHAFUTA - HISAKO - NANO CADISO - MISHANI - FUTOSHI
🚩 Distribution market: Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Vietnam - Taiwan
💯Our products help to solve problems such as: Losing weight, getting in shape - Remove melasma, freckles - Remove acne, regenerate skin - Support hair growth - Collagen regenerate skin - Sinusitis.
🤝 Cooperate and accompany with distribution agents
✍ Support agents to develop business
✍ Support to develop sales skills
✍ Special discount offer
❤ Looking forward to being able to cooperate and help customers become distributors
💌 Contact now to exchange development cooperation opportunities.


𝟕 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 To Clear Acne - 𝟏𝟒 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 To Clear Dark Spots
✨ Skincare 2 times/day with 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐀 to:
- No more Acne
- No more Dark Acne
- No more Scars
- Whiten Skin Tone
- Antioxidants
☎️ Message for advice and get BIG DEALS TODAY ONLY

Send a message to learn more

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/11/2022

🌟 1,354,112+ customers in Korea, Japan, Taiwan,..., Got rid of Acnes, Melasma, Freckles with Mishafuta
🥇🥇Improve acnes problems on the skin, Soften skin, brighten skin, contribute to prevent acne, wrinkles, skin aging, make skin whiter, smoother, more even
🥰 Did you know that we can't sell quality products and side effects in Korea and Japan? Because it is the country with the most stringent product quality censorship.
🥰 In Japan, you can be sued. If our products contain toxic ingredients that are not good for customers.
🥰 That's why Mishafuta has an FDA certificate and is willing to compensate customers 200,000Yen if harmful substances are detected in the products, and Mishafuta is confident in the quality of the products. "High efficiency no side effects" to customers.

💥 Change your look after 1 week
💥 Reveice 200.000¥ if you find toxic ingredients in our products
💥 FDA(Food and Drug Administration) Approved
💥 Freeship all over Japan
💥 Mishafuta - Companion in the process of regaining your beauty
☎️ Contact to us to get more advices from experts and ORDER this

Photos from Phinic Japan - Exclusive Distributor of Mishafuta Cosmetics's post 19/11/2022

☘ Why haven't you lost weight yet? Being overweight will lead to many diseases you would hardly believe, but being overweight is also one of the causes of those diseases!
☘ Why haven't you lost weight yet? You can't find the right method
Don't worry, I'll help you today
Many of my clients have done that ❤
I believe you too
💥 Change your look after 1 week
💥 Reveice 200.000¥ if you find toxic ingredients in our products
💥 FDA(Food and Drug Administration) Approved
💥 Freeship all over Japan
💥 Mishafuta - Companion in the process of regaining your beauty
☎️ Contact to us to get more advices from experts and ORDER this


❌❌❌ Weak skin, SENSITIVE SKIN, Melasma freckles ❌❌❌
👉 It is a very painful problem for women.
Customers who are experiencing:
🚫 Thin skin can't use skincare products
🚫 Allergies, irritation vs cosmetic lines.
🚫 Itchy rash, anaphylactic acne, Melasma freckle
Let's go back to MISHAFUTA's team right away
✅ Facial cleanser for sensitive skin: helps remove dirt on the skin gently, especially the product is in the form of a gel, so the cleaning level on the skin is very good without hurting the skin.
✅ Mishafuta melasma cream, melasma serum, nourishing serum, whitening pills
💥 Change your look after 1 week
💥 Reveice 200.000¥ if you find toxic ingredients in our products
💥 FDA(Food and Drug Administration) Approved
💥 Freeship all over Japan
💥 Mishafuta - Companion in the process of regaining your beauty
☎️ Contact to us to get more advices from experts and ORDER this





Yokohama, Kanagawa, Nhật Bản
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医療・健康のその他Yokohama (すべて表示)
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Trang chính thức của PGSTS Trần Quốc Bình - Sản phẩm uy tín chất lượng được hàng ngàn bà con trong và ngoài nước tin dùng - Sản phẩm được bộ y tế cấp phép lưu hành

Nano Cadiso Japan - New Solution For Stomach Nano Cadiso Japan - New Solution For Stomach
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Nano Cadiso - Goodbye stomach Reduce Ulcer - Reflux - Hemorrhage - Helicobacter pylori We have helped thousands of people around the world Genuine 100.00% - US FDA Certification

Futoshi Japan - ដំណោះស្រាយកំពូលសម្រាប់ការព្យាបាល Sinusitis Futoshi Japan - ដំណោះស្រាយកំពូលសម្រាប់ការព្យាបាល Sinusitis
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