Charity Nyambura

Christ Lover💕
Multimedia Journalist | Digital Marketing Strategist |Trainer


Sunday Musing😊

Just taken a break from writing my thesis on a topic that was all the rage this week. So, you guys were conned millions? Uuwweeuuh! With this economy, I can only sympathize with those who lost money. But on the flip side…
In my digital marketing consultancy, I always ask business owners, "Who exactly is your customer?" Because if you don’t know who your customer is, you're stumbling around in the dark. Of course, It takes time to figure out exactly who they are, and this should always be backed by data.

Well, the money heister mastered this art. She knew her customers inside out. That’s why some of us didn’t get caught in her web, we weren't her target customers si ati ni pesa hatuna 😂😂 The money heister took the time to identify her ideal customers, entered their spaces, and didn’t just stop there—she actively promoted their businesses, not just by buying from them but also by referring other customers. She used her social media presence to boost their visibility, and some even claim they made profits from her purchases and referrals.

She was a pro at massaging their egos, and in customer psychology, it’s said that when you make customers feel valued and important, they become loyal and trusting. She played this card perfectly, knowing that by making them feel special, they would be more likely to fall for her scam hadi engine wakalipiwa holiday to coast.... This is a classic example of understanding your customer deeply and using that knowledge to your advantage—even for the wrong reasons! And scamming she scammed because let me tell you, Maina, people have cried, crawled, and croaked,

But here’s the thing: KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER. If you truly understand who they are, you’ll be on your way to success. Your business might be taking longer to take off simply because you haven't figured out who your ideal customer is yet. Once you do, you’ll be swimming in opportunities—and maybe even millions like the money heister herselfu😂😂

PSSST The writing was all over but we love dancing to 🚩 🚩 🚩

Photos from Charity Nyambura's post 23/08/2024

Yesterday, I participated in the Kenya National AI Strategy Townhall meeting, convened by ASSEK. The session engaged stakeholders in discussions regarding the essential components of the National AI Strategy. We addressed the need to enhance public awareness of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential implications for Kenya. Furthermore, the meeting sought to ensure that the strategy aligns with local communities' and businesses' needs and aspirations, fostering a comprehensive and inclusive approach to AI development. hashtag


Some days, working on my thesis is easy and my ideas flow effortlessly. But other days, just thinking about opening my thesis document fills me with dread. Despite these ups and downs, the idea of walking across the stage and receiving my degree pushes me to work on my thesis, even on the toughest days. It pushes me to open my laptop and commit to reading those ten pages just to extract a single quote. Every page read, and every sentence written brings me one step closer to that moment of triumph. The feeling of relief when I finally hand in my thesis will be indescribable.😊😊🥰


When you're a topper and nobody cares to know who was position one Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikec is a LEGEND 🔥


Let nobody ever tell you that your voice doesn't matter... and just like that.... Cabinet anguka nayo


Mtukufu Lies

What a waste of our time


I've just reached 7K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


You won't be everyone's cup of tea, and that's perfectly okay. Some people won't like you, but that's not your concern. You're not here to conform and blend in at any cost. Your purpose is to realize your highest potential on this Earth.
Embrace your individuality.


It's hard to imagine today that there was a time when smartphones weren't the major device for accessing the Internet. Desktop used to dominate.

Fast Forward to 2024
15+ years later, understanding mobile engagement of online users is more vital than ever so digital marketers can engage and influence their mobile audience.

Key Statistics:

Mobile Traffic Dominance: Mobile devices now account for more than 50% of all web traffic globally.
App Usage: The average user spends over 3 hours per day on mobile apps.
Mobile Shopping: 79% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile device in the last six months.
Search Behavior: 61% of Google searches are conducted on mobile devices.
Social Media Consumption: Over 80% of social media usage is via mobile.

Why Mobile Matters More Than Ever
Mobile isn't just a channel; it's the primary touchpoint for consumer interaction. To thrive in this landscape, digital marketers must prioritize mobile-friendly designs and user experiences.

Leveraging Mobile Insights
1. Responsive Design:
Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Responsive design isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential for keeping mobile users engaged.

2. Mobile-First Content:
Create content that is easily consumable on mobile devices. Think short paragraphs, bullet points, and engaging visuals.

3. App Optimization:
If your business has an app, make sure it's optimized for performance and user experience. Regular updates and user feedback are crucial.

4. Mobile SEO:
Optimize for mobile search. Focus on local SEO, voice search optimization, and ensuring your site loads quickly on mobile devices.

5. Analytics and Testing:
Use mobile analytics to understand user behavior. A/B testing can help you determine what works best for your mobile audience.

By leveraging these insights, you can enhance your digital marketing strategy, create a superior mobile user experience, and ultimately drive engagement and conversions.

👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more tips and insights on mobile marketing and digital strategies.

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Maximize Your Social Media Campaign Success with These 7 Steps

Launching a new product feature? Planning a holiday promotion? Releasing a brand-new product or sevice?

For a successful social media campaign, you need a solid plan that integrates with your broader marketing strategies. Here's how to structure an integrated social media campaign plan:

1. Set Clear Campaign Goals and Tracking
Define what you want to achieve and how you’ll measure success. Whether it’s increased brand awareness, more sales, or higher engagement, having clear goals will guide your strategy and help you track progress.

2. Gain Campaign Insight and Targeting
Research your audience to understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Use this insight to target the right segments and tailor your messages accordingly.

3. Develop Key Campaign Messages and Offers
Craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience. Include offers or incentives that encourage engagement and conversions.

4. Create a Campaign Media Plan and Budget
Determine which social media platforms to use and allocate your budget accordingly. Plan your media mix to ensure you’re reaching your audience where they are most active.

5. Produce Campaign Assets
Develop all necessary creative assets such as images, videos, infographics, and ad copy. Ensure they align with your campaign messages and branding.

6. Execute the Campaign
Launch your campaign according to your plan. Monitor the rollout to ensure everything runs smoothly and make adjustments as needed.

7. Track and Analyze Campaign Performance
Use analytics tools to track your campaign’s performance against your goals. Analyze the data to understand what worked and what didn’t, and use these insights to improve future campaigns.

By following these steps, you'll ensure your social media campaign is well-planned, integrated, and aligned with your overall marketing goals.

👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more tips on successful social media campaigns

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Using Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) to Develop Marketing Strategies

The essentials?

STP is a strategic approach in modern marketing.

It’s efficient and streamlines communications.

Because it focuses on commercial effectiveness.

But do you know how to apply STP effectively?

⭕Let’s dive into the STP model:

1. Segmentation
Identify valuable customer segments.

Use personas to pinpoint your most valuable customers.

2. Targeting
Evaluate the potential and commercial attractiveness of each segment.

Develop detailed product positioning for each segment.

3. Positioning
Position your product to meet the needs of each targeted segment.

Create a tailored marketing mix.

🅾🅾STP Marketing Funnel
Segmentation: Identify and differentiate your target customers.

Targeting: Evaluate and select segments based on commercial attractiveness.

Positioning: Develop tailored strategies for each selected segment.

⭕Key Benefits
Effective segmentation, targeting, and positioning impact how you reach, interact with, convert, and engage customers.

Search intent targeting through keywords.
Interest-based targeting on platforms like Facebook.
Personalized email and on-site content.
Digital Value Proposition

⭕How to Use STP Marketing
Identify niches with specific needs.

Design marketing messages for each segment to emphasize relevant benefits.

🅾🅾Segmentation Variables:
Demographics: Age, gender, income, education, etc.
Psychographics: Personality, emotions, lifestyle, etc.
Lifestyle: Hobbies, entertainment, vacations, etc.
Beliefs and Values: Religious, political, cultural beliefs, etc.
Life Stages: Chronological life stages.
Geography: Country, region, population density, etc.
Behavior: Nature of purchase, brand loyalty, usage level, etc.
Benefit: Use and satisfaction gained by the consumer.
Market Targeting

🅾🅾Evaluate potential segments based on:
Measurable differences
Focus on benefits
Product Positioning
Use positioning maps to illustrate market overview and identify opportunities.

👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more insights like this

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Learn Social Media for Business 04/06/2024

Join us for an exciting online event where you can discover the ins and outs of using social media to boost your business.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your social media game, this event is perfect for you.

Learn from industry experts and gain valuable insights on how to effectively market your business on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level! Whatsapp Only +254786939099

Learn Social Media for Business Come join us and level up your business game by mastering social media at our in-person event starting on Thursday 27th June 2024.


Social Media Trends 2024

The secret❓

It brings you closer to your most important people.

By embracing today's trends,

You'll open a direct line of communication.


Because social media channels feedback from customers, colleagues, competitors, and others.

And with 62.3% of the world using social media in 2024,

It’s like digital PR on speed.

But do you know what’s crucial❓

Keeping up with the trends.

Consumers are becoming more aware and demanding.

That’s why understanding the biggest social media trends of 2024 can help.

🟤Raw Content

✅Authentic content prevails!

✅Not every piece needs to be overly produced.

✅Audiences want emotive content that makes them laugh or gasp.

✅Reveal the people behind the brand.

🟤The Continued Rise of Authentic Creator Content:

✅TikTok and Instagram continue to grow.

✅Influencers and creators are at the heart of innovative content.

✅People crave authentic, community-resonant content.

✅Brands benefit from unique content reaching distinct audiences.

🟤Social Collaboration

✅Collaboration is key to maintaining organic reach.

✅Re-imagine social media as a relationship-building tool.

✅Leverage user-generated content to increase visibility and trust.


👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more insights like this

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A Multichannel Marketing Plan

The essentials?

They're diverse and strategic.

Detailed customer profiles,

And tailored communication channels for each.


Because understanding your audience is key,

And reaching them where they are is crucial.

But do you know what drives success?

SMART objectives and inbound marketing.

That's why clear goals and engaging content matter today.

But there's more to it, you see?

Integrated channels across platforms,

To attract and convert customers effectively.

Use this tip:

Track your results, adapt your approach.

Measure the effectiveness, influence, and scope of your efforts.

"Know which campaigns succeed,

On which channels they thrive,

And measure your ROI."

So remember:

A multichannel strategy isn’t static,

It evolves with your audience's journey.


👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more insights like this

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Photos from Charity Nyambura's post 01/06/2024

Hey babe what's your name..
Is it Mrs or is it Missing


Me trying to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms like a pro.. 😂😂


Influencer Marketing🎆

The secret?

It's in the partnership.

Influencers hold the megaphone,

Your brand finds its voice.


Because influencers speak directly to your audience,

While your brand gains credibility and reach.

But do you know the key to success?

It's authenticity and mutual benefit.

That's why collaboration is essential today.

But their roles differ, you see?

Influencers bring authenticity and personal connection,

Your brand provides value and resonance.

Use this tip🎯

Forge genuine connections, foster trust.

One of the best practices does this.

Influencers amplify our message,

Our brand adds substance and value,

Together, we create impact.

So remember🧶

Engaging influencers isn't just about reach,

It's about building meaningful relationships with your clients.


👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more insights like this

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Marketing vs. Sales📌

The distinction?

It's subtle, yet significant.

Marketing plants the seeds 🌱

Sales harvests the yield


💡Because marketing sows awareness and interest,

💡While sales reaps conversions and transactions.

💡But do you know where they intersect?

💡In nurturing leads into loyal customers.

💡That's why collaboration is paramount today.

But their methods differ, you see?🧲

Marketing casts a wide net, drawing in prospects,

Sales hones in, sealing the deal.

Use this tip📌

Align your strategies, bridge the gap.

One of the best practices does this.

"Marketing lays the groundwork,

Sales seals the deal,

Together, they drive growth."

See what they did?

They emphasized collaboration's power.

So remember:

Marketing and sales aren't foes, but allies.

They work best when they work together.


👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more insights like this

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The best storytelling?

It doesn’t feel like storytelling.

The more your content tries to narrate,

The less likely it will connect.


Because we've developed "story filters" today 🛑 ✋

But do you know what we don't block out?

Stories that feel authentic.

That's why storytelling is so powerful today.

But your stories don’t need to be dramatic to be real.

Use this tip:

Purposefully share your journey.

One of the best performing campaigns does this.

"Started from the garage, now we’re here."

"Faced countless rejections, but never gave up."

"And that is our story."

See what they did?

They turned their struggles into strengths.

So remember:

People don’t want “perfect” stories from brands today.

They want you to be more real.


👋 Follow Charity Nyambura for more content like this

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If I had to offer three tips for an exceptional 2024 content strategy, they would be:
💡Drive curiosity
💡 Harness the power of storytelling
💡 Prioritize brand loyalty


“You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”― Jim Rohn
Your compensation is tied to the value you deliver. Period🎯
Happy New Week Folks 😚😚

Photos from Charity Nyambura's post 25/05/2024

Bridging the digital divide. Yesterday's digital inclusion meetup inspired us all to create a more inclusive future. 🌍💻

Photos from Charity Nyambura's post 21/05/2024

When creativity decides it's time for a coffee break, our 'kameramani' Clinton Amwayi steps in to capture the moments 📸
And rest assured, we're always there to strike a pose with Njenga Edwin

PSSST!!! From graphics to videos, photography to branding – we're a team of multi-talented creatives who don't come to play. Kazi nayo unless tukufunze but we don't say 👌

Photos from Charity Nyambura's post 20/05/2024

Chase that bag, darling. Poverty is the enemy, not me.

Surround yourself with friends like Anitah Mbuguah who will drop your name in all the right places. And when you see us at your table, know we're there to deliver, get paid, and bounce.

It's a beautiful Monday morning—go out there and secure that coin, mami!


In a world obsessed with speed and instant gratification, it's important to remember that even snails eventually reach their destination. Every tiny step forward, no matter how slow, gets us closer to our goals. So, let's embrace our inner snail, keep moving and enjoy the view while we're at it.🥰🥰
Goodnight folks


Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Wangari A Waweru, John Raheem, Florence Abuor Furstenberger

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