HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi

Join me so that we can make Bungoma great again


Bungoma''s future lies in their hands and thus the need for their protection

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 03/02/2024

I am thrilled to be part of the Africa Women Summit (AWS) Local Organizing Committee (LOC) which has this morning been commissioned by the AWS Founder, Mr. Belema Meshack Hart to carry on with it's
mandate of coordination and management of the 5th African Women Summit Edition

The summit is scheduled to take place from 8th to 10th May 2024 at Safari Park Hotel Nairobi..Kenya. There shall be a one day paid up Girls Summit on the 10th alongside the Women Summit

Our overarching theme for this edition is "Women's Health: Empowering Voices, Inspiring Change." With this focus, we aim to shed light on the critical issues surrounding women's health in Africa and gather insights that will lead to tangible solutions for improving the well-being of women and girls across our continent.

It is an honor to collaborate with Belema Meshack Hart, the visionary founder of AWS, who brings immense passion and expertise to the organizing process. Together, we are committed to curating a program that encourages rich dialogue, fosters collaboration, and ignites inspiration within the women empowerment space.

Throughout the summit, we will offer a diverse array of sessions featuring renowned experts, thought leaders, and influential voices in the field of women's health. These sessions will encompass a wide range of topics, including reproductive health, mental well-being, access to healthcare, gender-based violence prevention and more. We believe that by creating a platform for robust discussions and knowledge-sharing, we can drive meaningful change for women and girls across Africa

Ichungwa atetea kina mama kupewa nafasi ya ugavana, kauli imepokelewa kwa furaha na viongozi wa k**e 01/02/2024


Hey there, folks! It's an absolute pleasure for me, to share about something close to my heart: "Empowered Women Leading the Way." Let's dig in, shall we?

As an advocate for gender equality in governance, I firmly believe that competence should be the ultimate yardstick for reserving positions for women. Sure, just like men, not all women leaders are equally competent. We have to recognize that and deal with it head-on. But here's the deal: it doesn't mean we should discount the incredible progress made by those inspiring and remarkable women leaders, both here in Kenya and across the globe.

My mission is to showcase these successful examples to the world, spreading the word about the paramount significance of gender equality and the empowerment of women in governance. By doing so, we can build a society that genuinely values and appreciates the capabilities and contributions of women. Together, we can reshape the leadership landscape, making it more inclusive, diverse, and beneficial for all of us. 🌟 Let's celebrate and promote , , and !

There you have it, my friends. Let's keep pushing for progress, breaking barriers, and empowering women to lead the way! 💪🏽

Ichungwa atetea kina mama kupewa nafasi ya ugavana, kauli imepokelewa kwa furaha na viongozi wa k**e Please watch, like, share and subscribe for the latest videos on politics, business, sports news and entertainment from all corners of the world


Governor Lusaka's call to ban pregnant teens from resuming studies is fundamentally wrong and goes against the Constitution of Kenya, as well as the Ministry of Education's entry re-entry Policy. It also contradicts the principles outlined in the Children's Act, which aim to protect and promote the rights of every child, including their right to education. Prohibiting pregnant girls from classes will not address the root causes of teenage pregnancies and is not an effective deterrent.


When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, count your blessings one by one and see what the Lord has done for you
Greetings to you all


Dear School Community,

Congratulations to all the schools that have achieved their targeted results! It is with immense joy and admiration that we applaud your hard work, dedication, and exceptional commitment to excellence.

Your achievements are a testament to the collective efforts of teachers, staff, students, and parents who worked tirelessly to meet and surpass your set goals. Your unwavering focus on providing quality education and creating a supportive environment for learning has yielded remarkable outcomes. Your success serves as a shining example for others to aspire to.

To those schools that fell short of their targeted mean, we commend your ongoing efforts and express our support. It's important to remember that setbacks are an opportunity for growth and improvement. While the path to success may have been challenging this time, it is an opportunity to reflect, regroup, and strategize for the future.

We encourage you to maintain your determination and resilience during these times. Use the experience gained from this outcome as a stepping stone towards even greater achievements in upcoming endeavors. Reach out to your fellow educational communities, share your challenges and successes, and let their support inspire you on this journey.

Remember, progress is not defined solely by numbers. It is influenced by the positive impact you have on the lives of your students, the nurturing environment you create, and the values and skills they acquire. Each day, you are molding the future leaders, innovators, and contributors to society.

Finally, let us celebrate the collective spirit of collaboration. We urge all schools, regardless of their outcomes, to share their best practices, strategies, and experiences. By working together, we can empower and uplift one another to achieve even greater outcomes.

Congratulations again to our high-achieving schools, and let us extend our encouragement and support to those who fell short of their targeted mean. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence, fostering future generations that will shape our world.

Warm regards,

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 02/01/2024

"It is a pleasure to announce the successful launch of the book "UNMASKING MANIPULATION," which I attended at Bungoma Boys' High School.

During the event, I cautioned the audience, specifically addressing Whitney, about the susceptibility to manipulation and urged them to remain vigilant.

I highlighted the importance of making a positive impact on others and emphasized the significance of leaving a lasting legacy. The event was also graced by the presence of distinguished guests including Prof. Ngome, Dr. Epari, and Hon. Chogo. Congratulations to Whitney and the team for this achievement."


The day is today, come, let us boost this talent

Send a message to learn more


The day is today, come, let us boost this talent.

Send a message to learn more


Today is the day, come, let us boost this talent

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 29/12/2023

Teach a man to fish instead of giving him fish

At the Bungoma Post Primary Teachers Sacco (BUPPTESACCO) special meeting held this morning, we celebrated the remarkable achievements of our organization that I founded and established in 2015

BUPPTESACCO was created with the primary objectives of: individual growth, unity of purpose, promoting economic empowerment, fostering networking opportunities, and generating employment prospects.

As an inclusive organization, we extend a warm invitation to the public to become members and be part of our growing community. We believe that by collectively working together, we can create a thriving ecosystem that supports both individual growth and the betterment of our society.

Our Sacco takes pride in its diverse and esteemed membership base, including renowned personalities such as Hon. Sabwami Keya, Hon. Patrick Wandili, Com. Rose Soita, Mr. Cornelius Sindani, Mr. Mabonga Kong'ani among many more. These influential individuals have recognized the importance of our Sacco in advancing economic development and networking opportunities within the community.

Through our diligent efforts, we have successfully provided our members with various economic empowerment programs, such as access to affordable credit facilities, entrepreneurial training workshops, and investment opportunities. Our organization serves as a catalyst for personal growth, as we believe that financial stability and networking are crucial elements for professional success.

Furthermore, our Sacco has actively engaged in community development initiatives, fostering partnerships with local businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies. These collaborations aim to create a conducive environment for generating employment opportunities and uplifting the socioeconomic status of our fellow community members.

We remain committed to our vision of promoting economic empowerment, networking, and the creation of sustainable employment opportunities. By joining BUPPTESACCO, individuals can harness the power of collaboration and take charge of their financial well-being, while contributing to the development of our community at large.

As we move forward, we encourage more individuals to join our Sacco and actively participate in our initiatives. Together, we can build a smart, sensible, and prosperous future for all.

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 24/12/2023

Thank you Lord for giving us the strength and good health to look after your flock. Today in conjunction with the Rise up for Women Network Bumula Chapter, i had an opportunity to usher in the birth of Christ by giving back to the vulnerable in society . The results of which can be traced up to their faces

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 11/12/2023


I attended the launch of the Bungoma Women Manifesto this evening at Siritamu Hotel. This document, sponsored by Irish Aid, UN Women, and Echo Network Africa, delves into the roadmap to the inclusion of women in leadership and governance.

The manifesto, much like a policy document, provides essential guidelines on how to address issues affecting women in Bungoma. During the event, I expressed my gratitude to the partners and the county government for developing this long-overdue document.

I emphasized the importance of implementing the manifesto's contents to the letter for the betterment of the welfare of women in Bungoma. Furthermore, I urged the Rise up for Women Network; Girls Advocacy Initiative and the entire Bungoma womenfolk to support and actively monitor the progress of implementation.

I would also like to extend my thanks to all those who attended the event, including Governor Ken Lusaka, DG Jennifer Mbatiany, Sarah Muhoya of Echo Network Africa, CEC Agnes Wachiye, Barasa Nyukuri, and the Bungoma Women MCAs.

Together, we can work towards a more inclusive and empowered community in Bungoma".

*Hon. Rebecca Nafula Masibayi.*



16 days of activism against GBV.......(Day 16), the end.....the war continues......

This is what the Girls Advocacy Initiative and the Rise up for Women Network (RWN) did during this period

▪Highlited forms of GBV
▪highlighted Kenyan laws and ratified International Conventions that address GBV
▪ provided helplines/Channels for reporting GBV
▪Tasked Governments to fully implement and reinforce laws that address GBV to the letter

Thank you all for your readiness to participate in this war against GBV, together we can

Nafula Masibayi

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 09/12/2023

Count down 1 day
*16 days of activism against GBV......(day 14)*

As a country, have we done enough to stop Gender Based Violence?

Several legal documents and ratified international conventions with provisions to protect individuals from all forms of violence exist. We therefore do not have any reason as to why the rise in the GBV cases.

Let the National and County governments reinforce and fully implement these provisions

* Nafula Masibayi*


Count down 2 days
16 days of activism against GBV......(day 14)

Lesson No. 2

Did you know that
blaming a spouse for s*xual underperformance is a form of GBV?

What you need to know

▪the ability to enjoy s*x is mostly dependent on you.
▪How are you prepared in your mind and body?
▪How are you communicating and guiding?
▪What do you understand about your body?
It's majorly your responsibility to know and lead your way to better s*x for you. Amplify 🎤🎤🎤

Class dismissed

Nafula Masibayi


Count down 3 days
*16 days of activism against GBV......(day 13)*

Lesson No. 1

Did you know that
blaming/beating a spouse for birthing same s*x children especially girls is psychological/physical GBV?

What you need to know

▪A woman Carries XX Chromosomes and can only give rise to an egg with X Chromosome each time an egg is released
▪A man carries XY Chromosomes and can give rise to a s***m cell containing either X OR Y Chromosome each time a s***m is realeased
▪The s*x of a child dependents on the type of Chromosome released by the man
However, it is good to understand that where us the woman has no control over the s*x of the child to be conceived, likewise, the man has no control over the type of Chromosome to be released and at what time 🎤🎤🎤

Class dismissed

* Nafula Masibayi*


*16 days of Activism against GBV...(day 12)*

The government must take targeted measures to ensure meaningful, equal and effective participation of the traditionally excluded or marginalized groups such as women, youth and pwd in policy making and programming

* Nafula Masibayi*

Photos from HON. Rebecca Nafula Masbayi's post 05/12/2023

16 days of Activism against GBV...(day 11)

Ask yourself. So far, What have you done as an individual to help stop GBV?
Have you:
▪ created any awareness to anybody/any group?
▪helped/rescued any GBV victim
▪highlited efforts made by any person towards fighting GBV
▪informed anybody who/where to report to incase of GBV

If not yet, try one of the above and the world shall be free of the vice

Nafula Masibayi


16 days of Activism against GBV...(day 10)

International laws ratified by Kenya against GBV
▪ The convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAWA)
▪The United Nations Declaration on the elimination of Violence against women 1993 Article 4 (C)
▪Guidelines on combating s*xual violence in Africa....Niamey guidelines by the AU
▪The Protocol to the African Charter on human and people's rights, on the rights of women in Africa of 2003 (Maputo protocol) Article 4
▪The Convention Against Torture (CAT) of 1984
▪Rome Statute of 1998 Article 7


16 days of Activism against GBV..... (day 9)

Our unity shall amplify our efforts in the fight against GBV to both gender. Let us unite, let us say NO to all forms of Gender Based Violence .......

Physical Abuse.
Sexual Abuse. ...
Emotional Abuse. ...
Economic Abuse. ...
Psychological Abuse

Nafula Masibayi


*16 days of Activism against GBV* (day 8)

Calling on all women and like minded men, to please stand up and say a firm and big 'NO' to persons who:

¡) make remarks or oracle jokes that ridicule/demean womenfolk

¡¡) use overly obscene or unwaranteed for vulgar analogies

¡¡¡) use gender-biased language in mixed-s*x gatherings

¡v) exploit women circumstances to insult or describe men

v) hurl insults at women

vi) still in wife beating stone age

Let us hold hands to stop GBV

Nafula Masibayi


Rise up for women Network/Girls Advocacy Initiative have called for:
▪Stiff penalties for parpetrators of GBV
▪Total eradication of GBV
▪more women inclusion in governance
▪more women embracing economic empowerment programs
▪widows and widowers to shun self pity but instead engage in productive activities and seek advice from appropriate authorities/person's whenever need arise
▪parents taking charge of their children during the long school holidays
▪parents with physically challenged children to ensure their children access education

* Masibayi*


16 days of Activism against GBV...(day 7)

Kenyan legal provisions against GBV
▪Constitution of Kenya 2010
Article 2 i
Article 10 (2) (b)
Article 19 (2)
Article 25 (a), 29 (d) and (f) and 50 prohibits torture
Article 27 provides for equal protection
Article 28 provides for dignity
▪Penal Code
▪Children's Act
Section 13
Section 14
▪Sexual offenses Act 2006
▪Criminal procedure code section 176
▪The protection against Domestic Violence Act
▪Police service standing orders 2017 Chapter 67
▪Employment Act
Section 6 (2)
▪Kenya Vision 2030
▪Prohibition of female ge***al mutilation Act 2011

* Nafula Masibayi*


16 days of Activism against GBV...(day 5)

Are you ready to understand the secretes of manipulation?


This book is worth reading for all ages

Nafula Masibayi



Pursuant to objective 3 of the Rise up for Women Network, the Bungoma North Rise up for Women Network team in conjunction with the Girls Advocacy Initiative Org. shall hold a GBV sensitization event in Bungoma North on Thursday 30th of November. The event shall culminate with a bag of Christmas gifts to participants.

Thank you Bungoma North for thinking of the widows and the really vulnerable in society, it is just but the beginning

Chairperson, Rise up for Women Network/GAI



Report SGBV incidents at the nearest hospital or police station, UNHCR. DRC, IRC, TDH, LWF, HI, or any agency if in the camps

Survivors of SGBV can also access or seek assistance from the following hotlines/contacts

1195 -National GBV hotline
1190 – Counselling hotline
1517 – UNHCR toll-free number
0800720309 – Danish Refugee Council (DRC) toll- free number
0800-720600 -Telecounselling AMANI counselling Center
0790781359 – CVT
0770451236 / 0777784009- HIAS
0704-873342 -NCCK Health coordinator
1196 – Childline
0711400506 – MSF hotline
0800720121 – LVCT toll-free number
999 / 112 – Kenya police emergency hotline

Below are the key agencies focal persons to support on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases and referrals:

Refugee Affairs Secretariat (RAS)
Evans Pasua (Community-Based Protection Officer)
Tel.: 722391379
E-mail: [email protected]

David Mwamkita (Gender and GBV Manager)
Tel.: 731747417
E-mail: [email protected]

Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)
Nancy Mwikali (Councelling supervisor)
Tel.: 790406423
E-mail: [email protected]

Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)
Lenah Moenga (Legal consultant: Legal and Psychosocial Programme)
Tel.: 734788590
E-mail: [email protected]

Euphemia Anyango (Project Office GBV)
Tel.: 781010809
E-mail: [email protected]

Kituo Cha Sheria
Caroline Wanjiku Kamau (Legal officer)
Tel.: 708083388
E-mail: [email protected]

Joseph Nyage (Community Outreach Manager)
Tel.: 725405102
E-mail: [email protected]

Joan Nyongesa (Legal and advocacy Officer)
Tel.: 710626844
E-mail: [email protected]

Coptic Hospital
David Mwenga (GBV focal-Coptic hospital)
Tel.: 720008942
E-mail: [email protected]

You can also report incidents or to seek assistance through hotline numbers: 0729 209 398 / 0800720308 (free) or 0717 968 219.

#,Rebecca Masibayi


16 days of activism against GBV begun yesterday. GBV manifests itself in various forms. This could be:

Sexual, Physical, psychological, domestic or socio- economic violence
We can join in this war by:
▪creating more awareness on GBV
▪providing free legal services
▪highlighting Kenyan laws that address GBV
▪ highlighting women/Men fighting against GBV
▪ providing helplines/Channels for reporting GBV

Thank you all for your readiness to participate in this war.



"Dear residents of Bungoma County, a strong foundation for progress begins with unity. Join me as we embrace new opportunities, empower our communities, and shape a future of prosperity. Together, let's build a brighter tomorrow for Bungoma County. "

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