Affiliate marketer moses

Destined to teach young people how to make money online and reduce dependency rate by creating more

Timeline photos 11/11/2016

Look for your lost symbol!


Lincoln Abraham said, 'The best way to PREDICT the future is to CREATE it' and Eleanor Roosevelt stated, 'the future belongs to those who believe in the BEAUTY of their DREAMS' '


1.THEY SERVE WITH THEIR GIFTS- I am a student of life. I learn by observing the successful.Successful people develop their gifts and talents.They serve other people with what they have. Bill Gate is serving the world with his gifts. The essence of life is to be a problem solver.Successful people are problem solvers.
2.CELEBRATE OTHER PEOPLE'S SUCCESS-I learnt that successful people are not only obsessed with their success but they also
celebrate the success of others. Those who know how to genuinely celebrate the success of others are the truly successful.
SUCCESSFUL-Truly successful people don't use their success to intimidate others rather they raise people up.Successful people have
the habit of helping other people to be successful.
4.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DON'T LIVE IN THE PAST-Successful people interpret the events of the past in the present so that they
can capture the future.Please don't live in the past.
5.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO GOSSIP ABOUT OTHERS-When i am in the presence of a truly successful person i
can tell by what they say about other people.Time is precious and the successful use their time productively. They don't spend time gossiping about the success of others.Envy is a dangerous disease
6. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ARE FOCUSED-Successful people keep their focus. Where they are going is more important than where they are.They use the present to focus on their goals.Please don't lose focus.
7.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES-Every successful man has made a mistake before.It is not strange that you have made
mistakes. Don't focus on your mistakes rather turn them into lessons.
8. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE SEE SUCCESS-What you see determines what you say.The future you cannot picture can't be captured. What you capture in the scripture is the picture for your future. I see a great life. I see miracles. SHARE TO BLESS OTHERS



See how online jobs are acting as game changers of young people,as they persue their forfeited dreams. Read the link below.

SUCCESS COMES TO THE “SUCCESS CONSCIOUS “ Young Kenyans are increasingly taking charge of their destiny,especially in entrepreneurship. Never say you can’t afford it.If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure y…

ALL THERE IS TO S*X. 01/09/2016

Find an astounding discovery about this controversial topic on s*x,and pit foward your views ,in my blog...let's have a spirited discussion*x/

ALL THERE IS TO S*X. The entire subject of s*x is one which majority people appear to be unpardonablly ignorant.The urge of s*x has been grossly misunderstood, slandered, burlesqued by ignorant and evil minded,for so l…


Heroes take journeys,confront dragons and discover the treasure of their true selves. Look for opportunity. You cant wait for it to knock on the might not be at home.

Earn over sh.8000 working online part-time.
group to see to it that you discover the deep waters within your reach.

For more info,teach me at 0717828930 on either a call,WhatsApp or a text

A Simple Guide A Simple Guide


Workers work hard enough not to be sucked,while employers pay less enough for worker not to quit.but I have the answer with me in the link below

NETWORK MARKETING. Network marketing is a direct selling,in which independent agents serve as distributors of goods and services and are encouraged to build and manage their own sale’s force by recruiting …


If you grasp the basics of wealth,if you manage your money,your time and your attention with intelligence; if you create big dreams and have the audacity to follow follow them,then,you can meet with success unexpected IN COMMON HOURS.

WHY YOU SHOULD ESCAPE THE RATS RACE. A rats race is an endless,self-defeating conjures up the image of a lab cat racing through a maze to get the “cheese” much like society racing ahead financially. Just like th…

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 08/08/2016

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it


“It is said that the fear of public speaking is a fear greater than death for most people. According to psychiatrists, the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism, the fear of standing out, the fear of criticism, the fear of ridicule, the fear of being an outcast. THE FEAR OF BEING DIFFERENT PREVENTS MOST PEOPLE FROM SEEKING NEW WAYS TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS.

WHY QUIT? 04/08/2016

WHY QUIT? If  you have ever been discouraged, if you have ever had difficulties to surmount which took the very soul out of you,if you ever tried and failed,then,what am going to share with you may prov…

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 27/07/2016

Workers work hard enough to not be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won't quit

Timeline photos 24/07/2016

Give it a try and I will introduce you in a mysterious inner circle.


{ 1 }
ONCE upon a time, All villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella.
{ 2 }
WHEN You throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her.
{ 3 }
EVERY Night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next
Morning but still we set the alarms to wake up.
{ 4 }
WE Plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future.
{ 5 }
WE See the world suffering.
But still we get Married.
On an Old Man's shirt was written a cute sentence
'I Am Not 60 Years Old.., I Am Sweet 16 with 44 years Experience.'
Now that you've been blessed, don't be
stingy with the blessing, share them With 6 friends

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 23/07/2016

In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk


Morning everyone... The most difficult time for any man is probably between 24 and 29 years,the pressure to be something and someone is so immense.

When you look around you,everyone seems to be doing something for themselves,people seem to be living a life you only dream of.

you have applied for jobs and the results have been more disapointing than Besigyes shot at presidency.

Sadly this is the age when most guys lose it,the age if not careful,one is consumed by alcohol and drugs.........because the disappointments become too much and you find alternative ways to face reality.

Worse is when a few people you studied with have beeen lucky enough to land jobs,soon your circle of friends grows thinner

mostly they dont even cut you out but you be real with yourself and cut yourself out

i mean,what will you do when in a whatsapp group of friends discussing last week's trip to zanzibar......
....and planning another road trip to kigali while you're not sure of what your next meal would be?

most times you'd follow the conversation silently,all alone like a cross on a grave

soon you realise this is no longer your kind of crowd because the more you stick around the more the pressure to be something takes a toll

you know when stories about house parties come up and you act deaf because you dont know where an extra 5 guys would fit in your flat

Have you ever sat in a group of people discussing the new iphone in the market or how Kenya airways offers s**t services.......
....and you can feel your heart whisper to you_bro,this is chest pain hour,can we just go and find a group that talks about boda boda

but you sit there as these people get lost in their lifestyle conversations,youre like a secretary taking minutes in a meeting.

once in a while,one of the friends will turn and ask if you need another drink and you wonder if you should just say no and head home......
...but head home to what ?so you grudgingly drop in the "i will have just one last one"_a lie

After a few years of job hunting you are now ready to take anything even if its to smelll a rich mans farts as long as it pays. you end up as an office messenger in one blue chip company in town.

To imagine that 3 yrs of studying and getting a degree is now reduced to picking and dropping off letters

and if you are not doing that,you are being sent for cheap lunch by the employees when they are broke and they cant order with hello food.

this is where conversations about where people studied surface,you go silent,its no longer of any use to say you also reached university and graduated with a second class honours

once in a while you will bump into your now well off classmates they would offer you lunch.......
........but not even eating the meals at the best restaurants will make you feel better
about yourself

in your mind you wish instead they would give you the 2k and you sort your meals for the next couple of days.

as usual,you will have photos taken and uploaded on instagram,but always its your face that would look odd one out.

not even the best filters can hide a face which has borne the city dust and survives on boiled beans

the worst mistake you can do during this period is to try dating.

theres nothing that a person going through such times can offer in terms of todays idea of love

how are you going to do evening romantic works when youre tired from walking,delivering letters in offices around town.

what will you tell your lady when she says she wants to go for a jazz safari?that your financial religion doesnt allow it?

this is the age when you sit back and watch the ladies you would want to date,dating or getting married to guys 10yrs older than you.

and you cant blame them its only that your life seems to be progressing slower than their goals in life,

some of the ladies you meet during this period,if you are lucky will be patient with you till you hit 28......
.....and if by then your life is still in disarray like liverpool's performance in the epl then my friend,be prepared for a walk out

this is the age when you learn a lot about life,if you can hack through this stage,your only hardship would be losing your parents.

this stage teaches you alot about perseverence,about appreciating the small wins you have each day.

it teaches you something about friendship,love,career growth and personal responsibilty.

this is always your rise or fall moment depending on the choices you make.

how you live your life in the 30s is determined by how you have handled this stage

i havent been long in my 20s but i wont wait until this phase reaches me before i start dooing something about it.

thats why i always ask Are you working on your dreams today?
To learn the link below

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 19/07/2016

“Live for yourself and you will live in vain;
Live for others, and you will live again


If you’re the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. If you’re that kind of person, you’ll live all your life playing it safe, doing the right things, saving yourself for something that never happens. Then, you will die a boring old man

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 16/07/2016

Success is a state of mind.think and grow rich!!

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 13/07/2016
Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 12/07/2016

Live rich while young



Take risks. You’re young. You have a lot of years ahead of you. Now is the time to take risks. Invest in higher-risk, higher-payoff stock opportunities. Consider quitting your job to start your own business. Jump on new ventures and new opportunities. If things go south, you’ll have plenty of time to make up for it. Most wealthy individuals will tell you one of their greatest keys to success has been taking calculated risks. The majority of the population sticks with the safe route, so if you want to break away from the pack, you have to try something new, possibly something uncomfortable


"Everyone has an equal chance to become rich. It doesn't matter where you live or where you were born, whether you are a college graduate or not, whether you commute or drive your own car, or whether you're a blue-collar worker or you are a successful businessman. Each of us is given exactly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year to make a difference. Now, what we do with those precious moments is what will spell the difference between success and failure in the goals we want to achieve.
If you want to become a doctor, study medicine. If you want to become a lawyer, study law. If you want to become a driver, you need to learn how to drive. If you want to become rich, learn what the rich people do and how they think. Let us journey into the minds of the rich, study their attitudes intently, and observe how they behave in their everyday lives. I believe in the saying 'KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.'
Start dreaming again. Never lose sight of your dream. It does not matter how messed up your past may be. It does not matter what you have gone through in life. It does not matter what limitations you may have or what excuses you may come up with. These are all in the past and your past does not define you. It is who you want to be that defines who you really are. Cultivate the attitude that says 'IF THEY CAN DO IT, SO CAN I!' You do not have to accept your present circumstance and situation in life. Do not look at challenges and difficulties as permanent fixtures in your life; they are only temporary things. Be reminded that the best things in life are yet to come. So never give up on your dreams."


MONEY💰💰 is numbers and numbers never end.if it takes money for you to be happy,your search for happiness ends here.

Earn sh.7000 weekly and above working online fulltime or parttime basis .
*basic computer skills .
*form 4 and above.
*18 years and above.
*residing in Nairobi or eldoret and their environs
If interested and qualified,send your full names,email and location via WhatsApp or text to 0717828930.


Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.Thats the key to success


Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 04/07/2016



Things you need to do while you're still young in order for you to succeed in life:-
1. Stop procrastinating. The folly of youth is believing that there’s always enough time for everything. Youngsters often believe that retirement, or wealth building, is something that comes later in life, and are more preoccupied with the concerns of the now. Unfortunately, this often leads to a cycle of “Oh, I should do that next month,” month after month, until before you know it, you’re 10 years older and you’ve missed out on a decade’s worth of compounding interest. The first step is to stop procrastinating; saving and investing is scary, but the longer you wait to do it, the fewer advantages you have.
2 . Know that there is no magic . My use of the word “secrets” in the title of this article might have brought you here hoping for a guaranteed, almost magical solution to make you wealthy. There isn’t one. The fundamental objectives are simple: Make more than you spend, and use the excess to invest wisely. How you invest is up to you (with a few caveats below), but the obvious goal is to make investments that have a high likelihood of making you more money in the future. That’s it. The ways to achieve this are by making more money, spending less, and investing more wisely.
3. Invest in yourself . Your next goal should be to invest in yourself; you are the best resource you have to accumulate wealth. Investing in yourself means spending more time on your education, refining your own skill

Photos from Affiliate marketer moses's post 04/07/2016

Your mind is infinite,its your doubts that are limiting it.

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