Datamine college

Datamine College is a Private College located in Nairobi, umoja estate off outering road the first l It is also accredited by the Computer Society of Kenya.

Who we are:

Datamine College is a Private College located in Nairobi, umoja estate off outering road the first left turn at mutindwa road near co-operative bank. Mission:

To be a center of excellence in and application of knowledge within a regional and national context. Contact Us
[email protected]



Enroll today for ATD & CPA classes

* Early morning classes - 6:15AM TO 7:50AM
* Full time classes - 8:30AM TO 4:00PM
* Evening classes - 5:45PM TO 7:45PM

CALL 0734315039 or 0701603815 OR VISIT US at Mutindwa road off outering road.NAIROBI

Timeline photos 23/07/2016

Champions are not made in the gyms

Timeline photos 22/07/2016

Timeline photos 21/07/2016

Quote of the day

Timeline photos 20/07/2016

Good morning

Timeline photos 19/07/2016


It's a tradition of excellence

Timeline photos 16/07/2016

Good morning,

Timeline photos 14/07/2016

Remember, the decisions you make today will affect your tomorrow.


If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.

Inspirational quote of the day

Timeline photos 11/07/2016

Did you know that you can book for your classes online?

Book your classes online using your phone or computer:
visit #!book-online/kr1o3

11 Computer Packages = Kshs 4,400/ only

Certificate in Computer Application Awarded

New classes commences every Monday,
Course Units
1. Concept of IT
2. Microsoft Windows
3. Word processing Using Ms Word
4. Spreadsheet using Ms Excel
5. Database Management Using Ms Access
6. Graphic Presentation using Microsoft Power point
7. Personal Information Management Using Ms Outlook
8. Desktop Publishing using Ms Publisher
9. Internet Communication/Browsing
10. Typing Using Mavis Beacon
11. Software Installation/Uninstallation

Duration: 1-2 months depending on number of hours you attend class per day.
DAY and Part-time; Evening and Saturday classes Available


Quote of the day "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" Albert Einstein.

Timeline photos 11/07/2016



Part-time, Evening, and Day classes Available


Upon qualifying, the CPA examination graduates are equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills they require in order to present themselves to the public as professional accountants. The following are the papers contained in each part of the CPA examination:


Financial Accounting
Commercial Law
Entrepreneurship and Communication

Management Accounting
Public Finance and Taxation


Company Law
Financial Management
Financial Reporting

Auditing and Assurance
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Analysis


Strategy, Governance and Ethics
Advanced Management Accounting
Advanced Financial Management

Advanced Public Finance and Taxation
Advanced Auditing and Assurance
Advanced Financial Reporting

Accounting Technicians Diploma(ATD)

ATD certificate provides a person with comprehensive and widely recognized qualification which enables the holder to perform functions in an accounting, auditing, business or public office. The following are the papers contained in each level of the ATD examination

Introduction to Financial Accounting
Introduction to Commercial Law
Entrepreneurship and Communication
Information Communication Technology

Financial Accounting
Principles of Management
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Fundamentals of Finance

Principles of Economics
Fundamentals of Information Communication Technology
Principles of Public Finance and Taxation

KASNEB Registration Requirements:
Diploma examinations
A person seeking to be registered as a student for any of the diploma examinations must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following minimum qualifications:
(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with a mean grade C- or equivalent qualifications.
Professional examinations
A person seeking to be registered as a student for any of the professional examinations must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following minimum qualifications:
(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an aggregate average of at least grade C+ (C plus) provided the applicant has obtained a minimum of grade C+ (C plus) in both English and Mathematics or equivalent qualifications.
(b) Kenya Advanced Certificate Education (KACE) with at least TWO principal passes provided that the applicant has credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) level of equivalent qualifications.
(c) KASNEB technician or professional examination certificate.
(d) A degree from a recognized university.

Timeline photos 07/07/2016

Datamine college wishes our Muslim brothers and sisters a happy and peaceful Eid Al Fitr

Photos from Datamine college's post 06/07/2016

11 Computer Packages = Kshs 4,400/ only

Certificate in Computer Application Awarded
New classes commences every Monday,

Course Units
1. Concept of IT
2. Microsoft Windows
3. Word processing Using Ms Word
4. Spreadsheet using Ms Excel
5. Database Management Using Ms Access
6. Graphic Presentation using Microsoft Power point
7. Personal Information Management Using Ms Outlook
8. Desktop Publishing using Ms Publisher
9. Internet Communication/Browsing
10. Typing Using Mavis Beacon
11. Software Installation/Uninstallation

Duration: 1-2 months depending on number of hours you attend class per day.

DAY and Part-time; Evening and Saturday classes Available

Timeline photos 09/06/2016


have you done computerized accounting?


Our Quick Books Complete Course Outline

Lesson One: Getting Started

-Gain an overview of the course and the topics to be covered
-Know how QuickBooks works and how you can get around
-Learn common business terms used by QuickBooks
-Discuss different versions of QuickBooks
-How to exit QuickBooks

Lesson Two: Setting Up and Managing QuickBooks Data Files

-Decisions that must be made before using QuickBooks
-Create a new QuickBooks company using the EasyStep Interview
-Set QuickBooks preferences
-Single vs. Multi user mode and how to add users
-Different QuickBooks file types and Backup Options

Lesson Three: Working with List and Items

-Edit the company chart of accounts
-Add a new customer to the Customers & Jobs list
-Add a new vendor to the Vendor list
-Custom fields, and to practice adding custom fields
-How to manage lists and items in QuickBooks

Lesson Four: Working with Bank Accounts

-Learn how to work with registers for QuickBooks bank accounts
-Demonstrate how to open a register
-Features common to all registers
-Learn when and how to make entries directly in the register
-Demonstrate how to reconcile a QuickBooks bank account

Lesson Five: Entering Sales Information

-Learn about the different formats available for sales forms
-Save sales and purchase forms in Portable Document Format (PDF)
-Practice creating a new invoice
-Learn the purpose and use of the QuickBooks Item list
-How QBooks records the information you enter on sales forms
-Add a new item to the Item list
-Add a new price level to the Price Level list
-Associate a price level with a customer
-Generate reminder statements

Lesson Six: Receiving Payments & Making Deposits

-Learn how to record customer payments in QuickBooks
-Learn how to handle customer discounts, partial payments, overpayments, or down payments
-How to record a deposit in QuickBooks, and learn how QuickBooks treats the deposit behind the scenes
-Learn how to enter cash back from a deposit in QuickBooks

Lesson Seven: Entering and Paying Bills

-Different ways you can handle bills in QuickBooks
-Learn how to enter a bill in QuickBooks
-Use the Pay Bills window to pay a bill in QuickBooks

Lesson Eight: Using Other Accounts in QuickBooks

-Introduce the other account types available in QuickBooks
-Learn how to track credit card transactions in QuickBooks
-Reconcile a credit card account
-Discuss the different types of asset and liability accounts you can create and see how to track assets and liabilities in QuickBooks.
-Introduce the subject of equity and QuickBooks equity accounts

Lesson Nine: Analyzing Financial Data

-Discuss some of the tools QuickBooks gives you for analyzing financial data: QuickReports, presetreports, and graphs
-Create a QuickReport
-Learn about the types of preset reports QuickBooks offers
- Practice creating reports and viewing them onscreen
-Customize a report by changing how it looks and the data it covers (filtering)
-Save reports as Portable Document Format (PDF) files
-Learn how to export a report to Microsoft Excel
-Practice filtering reports in Microsoft Excel
-Learn about the types of graphs QuickBooks offers
-Create and customize several graphs

Lesson Ten: Setting Up Inventory

-Get an overview of inventory in QuickBooks
-Practice filling out a purchase order for inventory items
-Track the receipt of the inventory items in QuickBooks
-Adjust inventory manually, to enter a stock loss or increase
-Set up and use units of measure

Lesson Eleven: Tracking and Paying Sales Tax

-Get an overview of sales tax in QuickBooks
-How to set up QuickBooks to track sales tax
-How to apply sales tax to a sale
-Learn how to determine a business’s sales tax liability

Lesson Twelve: Customizing Forms and Writing QuickBooks Letters

-Learn how to modify a preset invoice form
-Design a custom invoice form
-See how to print invoices
-Learn how to prepare a collection letter for overdue customers
-Learn how to edit a prewritten letter in QuickBooks

Timeline photos 02/06/2016

The June/July intake still in progress for Human Resource Management, Business Management Diploma and Certificate Level, CPA & ATD courses,

Diploma - knec courses - Mean grade C-(Minus)
-Human Resource Management
-Business Management Diploma

Certificate - Knec courses - mean D plain
-Human Resource Management
-Business Management certificate

ATD - MEAN Grade C- ( Minus)
CPA - Mean Grade - C+ ,Mathematics - C+, English C+
Computer classes - 4500/ only for 2 months
Contact us on 0701603815 /73431503 9/20525132 0 or email us

Timeline photos 01/06/2016

Datamine college wishes you a happy madaraka day.

Timeline photos 26/05/2016

please scan me using your QR reader

Timeline photos 09/05/2016

Did you know?
Computer literacy involves learning how to access information and perform basic operations on a computer. It can be understood in the same way that traditional literacy applies to print media. However, because computers are much more advanced than print media in terms of access, operation and overall use.

Our May intake is in progress:
8am - 10am
10am - 12pm
12pm - 2pm
2pm - 4pm

evening class:
6pm - 8pm

Contact us for more details on:
Mobile: 0701603815/0734315039
Landline: 0205251320

Timeline photos 09/05/2016

The classes will provide reinforcement of key concepts and principles with an exam focus and provide clarity of the study material.

This study option will suit you if you:

- Need assurance that your study is on track
- Have been able to maintain level of self-study but need a boost or clarity around areas
-Want to obtain knowledge on how to prepare and manage for the exam

Intensive classes include:

- 12 hours per session of interactive tuition,
- Exam preparation guide
- Additional tutor materials
- Past papers

Timeline photos 05/05/2016

As part of our CSR, together with like-minded partners we are determined to help as many needy students as we can each year. We are looking for two needy youth (lady & a gentleman) who have either completed form four or dropped out of high school to study computer proficiency packages within a duration of two months

Over the last two year we have managed to sponsor 6 needy youth our main target; the poor and marginalised orphans and vulnerable children from Eastlands.
The number of beneficiaries may appear small today, but the implication of this support will be felt in the years to come as these students take up leadership roles in the community.

Eligibility requirements:
1.Youth must be from a needy family and unable to support tertiary education.
2.The youth should be from Eastlands.
3.Orphans are eligible

Deadline of application; 10th May 2016
Mode of application; Write to us – [email protected]/inbox

A tradition of excellence

Photos from Datamine college's post 10/04/2016

The June/July intake still in progress for Human Resource Management, Business Management Diploma and Certificate Level, CPA & ATD courses,

Diploma - knec courses - Mean grade C-(Minus)

-Human Resource Management
-Business Management Diploma

Certificate - Knec courses - mean D plain
-Human Resource Management
-Business Management Diploma

ATD - MEAN Grade C- ( Minus)

CPA - Mean Grade - C+ ,Mathematics - C+, English C+

Computer classes - 4500/ only for 2 months

Contact us on 70112344 1 /73431503 9/20525132 0 or email us

Photos from Datamine college's post 04/04/2016

We teach you to see innovative solutions all around you! Enroll to Datamine college for business, Human resource, CPA, ATD and computerized accounting.


a tradition of excellence

Timeline photos 11/03/2016

We teach you to see innovative solutions all around you! Enroll to Datamine college for business, Human resource, CPA, ATD and computerized accounting.


4 secrets no one tells you about your KCSE grade

Dear Form Four leaver, The results are finally out. It’s the talk of town. That euphoric feeling you got after walking out of high school is long forgotten. Even the disappointment after learning that getting an ID does not mean you get to do anything you want pales in comparison to the pressure you are currently facing. You are probably dealing with numerous calls, texts and chats from classmates, friends and relatives who did not even bother sending you a success card. You could be jubilating and basking in the glow of congratulatory messages and gifts. Or you could be hiding from their disapproving looks after failing to hit their required target.

If you are anything like me, I walked well over 15Km the day the results were being released and during that time we did not have the SMS system of getting the results. You had to have a good rapport with a teacher who would inform you over the phone what you had achieved.

If you weren't lucky, you had to drag yourself to the school where a mass of students were craning to look at the list of candidates’ results. It was a perfect time to hate on those fourth formers who were bullies and had not excelled.

You then realize your results meant another chapter of agony had been opened. Telling your parents the grade and looking anxiously at their face for their reaction. For some, it was agony other times it was anger and for the lucky ones, jubilation all round.

Thereafter, you had to deal with your classmates who exerted another pressure on you. You were angry because they performed better than you yet you had always done better than them throughout the four years. Now, they were going to do better in l life than you.

Then of course there were the neighbours and relatives who are suddenly full of ideas on how you could have performed better.
Yes, I understand no one would like to be in your position at the moment and that is alright. But here are a few things no one seems to be telling you.

1) That grade will not define your life
It only takes me a second to remember the grade I achieved in high school. It was the single most important thing in my life. No one told me that there is more to life than that single letter and mathematical sign. No one told me that, 10 years down the line, I would be pursuing something totally different from my Law aspirations. No one told me that I would work for people who achieved a lesser grade than I did and that is fine.

2) Academics are not the key to success
I mean sure, the papers help open doors but they do not keep you in the room. It might have been drilled into your head all these years that you will not amount to anything if you are not educated. Tell that to the millionaires in Marikiti and Muthurwa or some of the athletes training in Iten.

What they don’t tell you is that hard work and dedication can be applied to more than just academics. Sometimes we are better in other fields that are not necessarily in academics.

3) Going to Public University is not the ultimate sign of making it During our time, there was talk of ‘She is the first one in our family to go to university’ and it was considered part of a family’s legacy. However, going to University these days is like going to ‘Majuu’. Everyone is doing it. On the contrary, while going abroad was considered the surest way of being wealthy, there were many more who got wealthy right here at home. I am not saying don’t go to university, I am saying you have a lot of options. From 31 private universities, over 50 technical, vocational and trade schools and well over 200 proprietary schools you are literally spoilt for choice.

That nonsense of repeating form four needs to stop!

4) Do not make decisions based on your grade Just because you got an A does not mean you have to pursue Medicine, Engineering or the other ‘serious’ career courses if you are not interested in them. Having a C or D does not mean you have to settle for ‘lesser’ career courses if you want to aim for other. You have a chance to do what makes you happy. They say find something you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Your dreams are not too big, neither are they unrealistic. Follow your heart, not other people’s opinions for your life.

You will be just fine.

Yours truly

A former form four leaver who left high school 12 years ago with a B+ before becoming a software engineer only to realize that writing was her true passion. So here I am telling you what someone should have told me all that time.

Timeline photos 06/03/2016

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a tradition of excellence
a tradition of excellence
A tradition of excellence
Quick Books allows you to enter bills for payment later. If your vendor has given you terms, you should take advantage o...



Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday 07:00 - 20:00
Friday 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday 07:00 - 20:00
Sunday 07:00 - 20:00

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