Nutritionist Cardinal

We offer nutrition services:
1: lifestyle transformation
2:Customized diet/meal plans
3:Nutrition co


Sweet Potato varieties, suitable cooking methods and Nutritional Benefits

There are several varieties of sweet potatoes that come in different colors,nutrient profile ,own unique flavor and texture. Here are some popular colored sweet potato varieties:

Orange Sweet Potatoes: These are the most common. They have a vibrant orange flesh and are sweet and moist when cooked. They're great for baking, roasting, or mashing.
Nutrient Profile
-Rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
-Good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
-Contains some B vitamins (especially B6), manganese, and antioxidants.

Purple Sweet Potatoes
These have a striking purple flesh and a slightly sweet flavor. They are often used in both savory and sweet dishes and are rich in antioxidants.

Nutrient Profile
-High in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which give them their purple color.
-Good source of vitamin C and potassium.
-Contains fiber, vitamin B6, and manganese.

White Sweet Potatoes
These sweet potatoes have a creamy white flesh and are slightly less sweet than their orange counterparts. They have a drier texture when cooked, making them excellent for frying or boiling.

Nutrient Profile
-lower in beta-carotene compared to Orange fleshed.
-Good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
-Contains some B vitamins (especially B6), manganese, and antioxidants.

Yellow Sweet Potatoes
These have a golden-yellow flesh and are slightly sweeter than white sweet potatoes. They have a smooth texture and are versatile in cooking methods.

Nutrient Profile
Similar in terms of nutrient profile to orange fleshed however;
-Rich in beta-carotene (though generally slightly lower than orange varieties), vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
-Contains B vitamins, manganese, and antioxidants.


Untold Truths About Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are often packed with high levels of caffeine and sugar, leading to short-term energy spikes followed by crashes. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause increased heart rate, anxiety, and insomnia.
Additionally, the high sugar content contributes to weight gain, tooth decay, and diabetes risk. Frequent consumption of these beverages can disrupt sleep patterns, dehydrate the body, and even lead to dependency.
Furthermore, the combination of stimulants and additives may pose risks, especially when mixed with alcohol or consumed by individuals with underlying health conditions.

Take Home
Energy drinks lack significant nutritional value, often containing high levels of caffeine, sugar, and additives, with minimal vitamins or minerals. They provide only short-term energy boosts from stimulants, offering little in terms of essential nutrients for overall health.


Juicing isn't a good idea .

It is important to note you often juice more fruits than you can eat in one sitting. When you juice, you are eliminating an incredibly important nutrient from your diet , fiber. You can drink a 🍷 glass of orange juice from 5 oranges but you cannot eat 5 oranges in one sitting.Translating to consumption of excess calories that can Lead to unnecessary weight gain and other negative health outcomes.

Take home
Try to eat fruits in their natural form as much as you can.

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Can Poor Nutrition Affect Erectile function?

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an er****on sufficient for sexual activity. Most people tend to think of erectile dysfunction as a sexual health issue but it's Only a flashing warning light for several undiagnosed/or poor managed pre-existing conditions.

Poor nutrition can potentially cause erectile dysfunction. Diets high in Energy, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol can contribute to the development of Metabolic syndrome.Metabolic syndrome is a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol.
Metabolic syndrome can severely impair blood flow to the sexual organs and negatively impact erectile function.

Worrying Statistics

It is projected by 2025(next year) over 250 million men globally will be suffering from Erectile Dysfunction

Take Home
If you have erectile dysfunction consider checking your blood sugar,blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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Vitamin C-rich Flower(Hibiscus)

Hibiscus plants give more than lovely flowers,they make medicinal tea. Hibiscus petals are a little bit tart but make a tasty herbal tea, especially if you add a little honey.

Hibiscus is extremely high in antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. Antioxidants help reduce inflammation within the body promoting health and preventing, lifestyle diseases.
Hibiscus tea contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can help to inhibit the growth of bacteria and to fight off disease and illness.

Take Home
Drinking a cup of hibiscus tea is a refreshing way of rejuvenating your mind and body.


Taking Lemon water

It's a common household practice in Kenya during cold seasons.To prepare the drink lemons are boiled in water and later honey/ginger is infused. The drink is served hot to manage colds and flu.
Unknown to many vitamin c is heat sensitive (destroyed easily by heat) ,so boiling for several minutes translates to losing significant amounts of vitamin c. If your aim is to get more vitamin C, then boiling the lemon is not the way to do it.
To benefit from vitamin c rich lemons, squeeze a lemon into warm or cold water. You may add more flavor by adding :mint, raw honey, slice of fresh ginger,cinnamon etc.

Take Home
Always drink lemon water through a straw and rinse your mouth with plain water, citric acid in lemon water can erode your teeth enamel.

Photo credits👇


Yummy snack😋
Chia seeds
Natural yoghurt


B vitamins, Fiber, calcium, Vitamin C & A Powerhouse

Green coloured fruits and vegetables are one of the healthiest things to include in your diet. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to prevent disease and maintain well-being.

Green coloured fruits and vegetables are good sources of B vitamins especially folate. Folate is crucial for early fetal development, particularly with regard to the spinal cord.It also helps the body make healthy new red blood cells, deficiency of folate leads to folate deficiency anaemia.

Green leaves have good fiber content which makes you feel satisfied faster and also aid in preventing constipation.

The body needs calcium for healthy bones,teeth and muscles to move. Calcium is needed by nerves to carry messages between your brain and every part of your body.

Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron by making it more soluble and helps the body produce collagen, which helps form connective tissue that keeps skin firm and healthy.

Green vegetables contain lutein which is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain good vision.
Regular consumption of lutein helps reduce the risk of cataracts in old age.

Take Home
Always buy and eat fruits and vegetables in season. This is nature’s way of making sure our bodies get a healthy mix of nutrients throughout the year.


Beta Carotene and Vitamin C Storehouses

Yellow fruits and vegetables are a rich source of various nutrients that provide many health benefits. Let us look at some of them:

These brightly colored fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is not only good for your immune system but also helps boost the production of collagen in the human body which is an important anti-ageing component. Adequate production of collagen helps maintain a youthful look of the skin. Several beauty products use yellow coloured food in skin and hair brands for optimum beauty benefits.

Those high concentrations of vitamin C help your body form healthier bones and keep your joints healthy.

Yellow/orange coloured vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of beta-carotene, once consumed and activated into vitamin A. vitamin A is important for eye health and immunity.

Yellow vegetables and fruits contain a significant level of fiber, which helps keep your digestive system running clean and can further aid in the reduction of cholesterol build-up in your system

The antioxidants in yellow-colored fruits and vegetables helps to fight off free radicals. All these nutrients are excellent for helping your body through recovery from any illness or bone fractures.

Take home
Always ensure you prefer buying seasonal fruits and vegetables.They are more likely to be fresh,cheaper and more nutritious.


Food Chewing Habits

Have you ever wondered why teeth were strategically positioned at the entrance of digestive track ? After reading this short article to the end , you will realize the importance.

Are you that person who experiences bloating or alternating bouts of constipation ,gas and diarrhea, surprising you eat healthy whole food based meals ?

Your issues could be caused by how you chew food rather than what you eat? Some people typically chew each bite of food only enough times for them evade choking on it. Roughly 3 to 10 chews times.
The longer you chew food, the more saliva you produce which not only helps breakdown carbohydrates by the action of saliva amylase but also protects your teeth. Saliva washes away food particles left on your teeth which otherwise would invite bacteria, encouraging tooth decay.

Maybe you are asking yourself how many times do I have to chew then ? Always make sure the food turns into liquid before you swallow it.
Take home message
Your stomach has no teeth so don't let lumps of poorly chewed food get there.

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Photos from Nutritionist Cardinal's post 23/03/2024

Antioxidants Powerhouse-Purple coloured foods

Purple foods have a natural purple pigment known as anthocyanin which is rated as a powerful antioxidant. The deep purple color mostly found in fruits and veggies is an indicator these foods have a high dose of antioxidants. The darker the food, the higher the antioxidant level. For iron and steel tools and machinery to last long, rustproofing has to be done to prevent corrosion and wear. It is much easier to protect your tools from rust than to deal with the consequences of rusty tools later. Similarly antioxidants "rust-proof" your body since they can mop up free radicals and keep you looking younger, longer. The body doesn't need antioxidants to work, but they do help protect your cells from damage that can lead to illness and non-communicable disease. Eating purple-colored foods will prevent and slow the progression of aging, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity on top of other health benefits.

Take home: Anthocyanin is water soluble meaning it can easily be lost due to poor preparation methods like slicing purple cabbage then washing the cabbage, the water turns purple


We recognizes that every body is a different body.
One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to nutrition counseling. Everyone’s lifestyle and health goals are different. Our clinical nutritionists will build on your history, goals, and unique challenges to create individualized plans that work for you.


Snack Time

Strawberries are low in calories about 30% calories per 100g, delicious, and nutritious fruits.

They are a good source of notably vitamin c, folate, potassium and anthocyanins plus other nutrients . One serving should have 5-9 fruits depending on the sizes however some people overdo it. Remember as much as the fruit is low in calories,it has carbohydrates mainly in the form of simple sugars which are readily absorbed.

Take home
It maybe so yummy and juicy yeah😋, Don't overdo it to enjoy the health benefits.


Today I will introduce myself... I'm Kim from Kenya, by profession I'm a clinical nutritionist & practicing for the past 6 years.
I think, a lot people think I'm the food police or I'm going to judge what they eat. But I would never. I just really want to educate you and have you learn how to make healthier choices without restricting or hard dieting. Life resolves around food, you should enjoy it.

My aim is to provide you with up to date nutrition information that's easy to read, easy to understand and easy to put into practice.
So keep it here to enjoy my upcoming articles 😉


Diversity is Key in Nutrition

Have you ever wondered why Honey is rich in nutrients and antioxidants and has has antibacterial properties?
To produce one kg of honey , bees have to fly vast distances and visit over 3 million different flowers. Every flower adds to the nutrient density of the honey.

Take home
Always try to eat a variety of different foods within a day. By eating a variety of foods, you are gaining access to a bigger and better variety of essential vitamins,oils,protein, energy and minerals.


The answer to almost all nutrition questions starts with “it depends…”


Dental hygiene and digestive disorders

Poor mouth hygiene keep bad bacteria alive by the foods we eat and with every mouthful we mix food with these bacteria and saliva , eventually swallowing them down into the stomach and intestines. Bad bacteria in the gut leads to digestive disorders including gas, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion etc.Our guy is the second line of defense via gut microflora and with bad bacteria present this defense is crushed exposing us to all manner of illness including mental health conditions.

*Take home*
A healthy gut is critical for optimal nutrient absorption.If you ignore dental hygiene you are potentially exposing yourself to future health problems.

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Wrong Vs Right motivation when starting a healthy lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle is the best choice a person can make. This choice doesn't come without its challenges though.
Reminding yourself that you’re “going to be in big trouble” if you don’t start eating better may not be enough to push you into action. At least not until “big trouble” comes….

Instead, you want to keep your eye on the prize. Focus on all of the benefits you’ll experience when you let go of the unhealthy behaviors, and replace them with better food choices and more activity. It doesn’t take long before you start to feel the results. You might feel more physical or mental energy, or notice that you’re sleeping better, or that your digestive system is running smoothly. Make note, and hang on to those feelings.They can really help to keep you going.


Stomach Hyperacidity/Heartburn

Hyperacidity can be simply defined as Inflammation of the stomach lining or sometimes including part of the esophagus which is often not given the due attention it deserves. This could be because most of the time the discomfort it causes is temporary. We respond when the condition becomes too painful to endure.

How food and beverages cause inflammation
1:Some foods cause acidity by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, a ring-like muscle that is between the esophagus and stomach.(opens/closes the stomach)...When this muscle relaxes the acidic contents in the stomach flows back into the esophagus literally burning it.e.g chocolates, fatty foods, spicy foods,alcohol

2:Some foods stimulate gastric acid secretion, which may worsen stomach lining....e.g caffeine containing foods, fried fatty foods

3: Some foods irritate the stomach lining and esophagus making hyperacidity worse...e.g raw onions, high fat foods

Take Home Message

If you suffer from stomach acidity issues always keep a food diary so you can track which foods give acidity.


Unmasking Myths
Being slim equals being healthy

This myth is a tough one to let go of, because our society is so focused on body size. Everywhere we look, society seems to tell us that being slender is more desirable. Luckily, this myth is starting to dissolve. Overweight people who are active can be healthier and live longer than slimmer people who don’t exercise neither eat healthy. We all have different body types and genes. It’s about time we stopped focusing on size and shifted our focus on developing healthier food habits.


Chronic stress has been linked to tendency of the body to store fat around the middle section (tummy).

Take home message

Always try to manage your stress levels to prevent causing a spike in stress hormone in the blood


Top Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight.

1: Focusing too much on the Scale reading.
Stop stressing over what the scale says. A lot of times the number on
the scale does not represent how you really look. When you are exercising, your body can be decreasing your fat cells while building your muscles. The scale cannot show you that. All it shows
you is that you have not lost that much weight.

2: Too Much Cardio, With no Strength Training
Exercise is a great way to lose weight. Most people focus on cardio exercises so that they get flat
stomach and rarely take up strength training exercises. Strength training not only burns calories, it helps
increase your metabolism so your body can burn calories hours after an exercise. Interval training is also more effective than just doing cardio-only exercise.

3: Using Diet Pills for Weight Loss
Many people tend to use diet pills to lose weight. Most of them pick the latest fad pill. There is little evidence if they work or not.


Untold Truths About Processed Foods

The nutrient content of any given food is directly related to the spoil rate of that food. Foods that are very low in nutrients spoil much more slowly than foods that are rich in nutrients; a complete description of MOST processed foods.But the question is, if highly processed food is so low in nutrients that the pests don't even want to eat it, how healthy can it be for us?

Take Home Message

It's important to remember that the most nutritious foods, like broccoli, don't come in packages that tell us how healthy they are.


Managing Uncontrolled Eating Behaviours
Maybe you are there wondering how you can control your sweet tooth? Sometimes you just mean to have a single queen cake as a snack, but then you find yourself going back for another, and another. Before you know it, you have finished off the entire package even though you were not all that hungry .
Before you start feeling too guilty for your gluttony behavior consider booking an appointment with a clinical nutritionist .We at Nutritionist Cardinal will take you through a diet to restore normalcy in your gut bacteria which controls your moods which is a trigger to pleasure us 0701118862

Take Home Message
Meantime try to avoid overuse and misuse of antibiotic drugs

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Managing Legume Gassy Effects after a Meal

Legumes are too nutrient-rich to be avoided just because of a few extra farts. Apart from being protein, mineral and vitamin dense they are great source of fiber. For a healthy gut and body an adults need 25 to 38 grams of fiber everyday, and most are not even close to meeting this recommendation.

Legume cause gassy effect due to raffinose , a carbohydrate that the body lacks the enzyme alpha-galactosidase to be able to digest it. It passes through the stomach and small intestine undigested up to the colon where bacteria eat it up(ferment them) producing gases.This gases later on cause flatulence.

To handle the gassy effect of most legumes we recommend the following ;
1: Soaking legumes before cooking for 24hrs, ...this will not only reduce the stubborn raffinose but also reduce phytic acid which prevent absorption of iron, calcium and better if you can sprout the legumes, the levels go down even further.
2: Cooking with herbs like cardamon, ginger, rosemary, peppermint, funnel, basil, mint. Most people use them to make food taste extra delicious since they release feel-good emotions from their scent.
These herbs help in the discharge of accrued gas from the gut solving the gassy effect.They contain bioactive substances called volatile oils, which stimulate gastrointestinal muscle contractions thereby easing bloating and removes excess gas from the abdomen.
3: Start by increasing your consumption of legumes gradually, so that the bacteria of the gut will be more efficient in digesting it slowly, thus creating less gas and discomfort.

Take Home Message
Good digestion equals better absorption of nutrients which means better health.

Photo credit ;netmeds


Legumes and Flatulence
Can you remember a time when you were feeling bloated or in agony because your body couldn't handle the excess produced during digestion.

The feeling of discomfort,pain and sometimes cramping affects our moods and mental state greatly. Imagine if you could prevent flatulence from occurring even after enjoying a plate of foods you purposely avoid because they are gassy?

Check out our next post and learn how to prevent flatulence after meals....


Nurturing healthy eating habits early in child's life.

As a parent you are the most important influence on your child. You can do many things to help your children develop healthy eating habits for life.Some suggestions include the following;
1.Talk about fun and happy things at mealtime. Turn off the television. Take phone calls later. Try to make eating meals a stress-free time.
2.Try new foods yourself. Describe its taste,texture, and smell. Offer one new food at a time.
3. Serve something your child likes along with the new food.Offer new foods at the beginning of a meal, when your child is very hungry.
4. Avoid lecturing or forcing your child to eat.
5.If your child says he or she is hungry, offer a small healthy snack—even if it is not a scheduled time to eat.Offer choices. Ask “Which would you like for snacks: banana or watermelon?” instead of “Do you want watermelon?”
6. Grocery shopping can teach your child about food and nutrition.Discuss where vegetables, fruits,grains, dairy, and protein foods come from. Let your children make healthy choices.
7. Show your love with hugs and kisses. Comfort with hugs and talks. Choose not to offer sweets or junk food as rewards. It can easily make your child think sweets or dessert foods are better than other foods.
8. When she doesn't eat well example; they eat few tablespoons of matoke don't offer “extras' like ju**ie or cookies as a top up food to get full.

Photo credit :bayhealth


Breastfeeding Attachments and Positions
Breast Milk is very important nourishment to your baby. However for Successful breastfeeding, there has to be proper positioning and attachment of your baby to your breast. If the baby is positioned and attached correctly, they feed well without challenges.

Always ensure the baby takes your ni**le and ar**la into her mouth . It is absolutely the most important aspect of breastfeeding.
Poor attachment and positioning will frustrate the baby as she struggles to get the milk, eventually your baby will not get the milk she needs and your breasts won't be stimulated to produce more. Breast milk is produced depending on how much the baby draws from the mother, if the baby sucks just little then the breast will adjust to producing less, if the baby feeds more then the breast are stimulated to produce enough milk....When the attachment is poor ni**les may become cracked and feel very painful when breastfeeding.

Take home
Attend antenatal clinics to get trained on proper latching

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Proper nutrition is a key element in leading a healthy lifestyle. Whether you have concerns about weight management or a diet-related medical condition, our knowledgeable registered clinical nutritionist can equip you with the nutrition knowledge you need for a healthy life.
How we can help
Nutritionist Cardinal registered clinical nutritionist can help you with a variety of concerns and conditions, including:

  • weight loss

  • high blood pressure

  • high cholesterol
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    Nutritionistcardinal@gmail. Com

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