AMK Korea
AMK KOREA 해외네트워크
한국, 일본, 중국, 홍콩, 대만, 말레이시아, 싱가폴, 호주, 캐나다, 미국,멕시코,스페인, 독일, 이태리에 2개의해외지사, 8개공급업체와 12개의고객사를두고있습니다. and globally.
International Network
AMK Korea currently has branch locations in the U.S and Mexico. AMK Korea is partnering with major suppliers and global clients in various countries like Korea, Hong-Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany and the United States. AMK Korea continues to expand its relationship and its global presence.
사업내용 What we do
수출/유통 – 국제적친환경품
Mexican is Herdez
헤르데즈 마켓컬리 오픈 이벤트
10% 할인된 가격으로 멕시코의 맛을 느껴보세요
로스티드 레드, 그린 살사
구운토마토, 구운 토마틸로(그린토마토)로 한층더 업그레이된 살사
크리미 치폴레 살사
국내 처음 소개되는 살짝 매콤하지만 크리미한 치폴레 살사 소스
아보카도 딥 마일드
부드러운 아보카도가 들어간 디핑 소스
Mexican Is Herdez
멕시코 대표 살사 브랜드 "헤르데즈"
구운 토마토, 토마틸로로 만든 레드살사와 그린살사
크리미 치폴레
아보카도 딥
총 4가지 살사
2월 1일 목요일
마켓컬리 런칭!
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Our Story
International Network
AMK Korea is MegaMex Foods’ s Asia HQ, and Sole distributor of San Lorenzo and Armanino Foods for Korea. And partnering with major suppliers and global clients in various countries like Korea, Japan, Hong-Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany and the United States. AMK Korea continues to expand its relationship and its global presence.
AMK Korea exports and distributes mainly Superfoods and healthy foods made in the US and Mexico to Asia, certified eco-friendly, sanitary and industrial hygiene products through local distribution and large chain stores in the U.S. and globally.
AMK Korea Imports and distributes mainly Superfoods and healthy foods made in the US and Mexico to Asia.
Contact the business
The 'party nerds' in Hongdae: Catering, Menu Planning, Event Co-ordination, Flower Art.
123 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu
Welcome to TIWI TRADE. Korea's number one New Zealand Food and Beverage company.The Name TIWI came about by taking two letters from both the South Korea and New Zealand's national ...
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Seoul, 12000
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