Move Better, Seoul Videos

Videos by Move Better in Seoul. Move better and Feel better with Claire

한라산 보면서 스트레칭 & 운동 하면 할맛나지 ⛰️

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한라산 보면서 스트레칭 & 운동 하면 할맛나지 ⛰️

안녀엉~~👋 Stretching Time. 누워만 계세요, 제가 스트레칭 해드릴게요! 유~후!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #기다리는중 #얼른오세요 #텐션만땅 #근막스트레칭 #FST #fasciastretching #trainerclaire #트레이너클레어 #스트레칭전문가

Working on my back 🏋‍♀️ This is one of my favorite exercise, It feels great on my back 💪 What is your favorite back exercises? 💪 #backworkout #trainerclaire

Fascia Stretch Time 😁 Working on her side line especially. If you have tight hip flexors or lower back issues, make sure you release your Lat, QL(Quadratus Lumborum) and Gluteus. I focused on the lower body first to stretch the hip joint and pelvic, then finished with the last lat waves 😉 This stretching is one of the most popular one from my clients 😌 Have a stretch day 😊 #movebetterwithclaire #fasciastretch #stretchspecialist #trainerclaire #stretching

It was a beautiful weather 💙 Why not walking on the beach ⛱ 😎 Keep your body active and in motion 💪 No need to go to the gym all the time in order to get lean or healthy 🌿 Listen to your body and follow 💚 오늘은 걷기의 날 🚶‍♀️ #walking #movebetterwithclaire

Pull Up Time 💪💪💪 It's been sooooo long time I did pull up today 🤭 It was hard after the long pull up break lol..😅 Pull up is not just about the back exercise! It requires LOTS of core work.. My core was shaking like crazy especially if you keep your legs straight.. 😱 I will work on my pull up from now on and will get back on track 👍 How do you do pull up? Please share any great tips for pull up 🙏💪👍 오랜만에 턱걸이 땡겨보기. 힘들다...🤣 다리 쭈욱 펴고 천천히 턱걸ㅇㅣ 하면 코어 대박 동원할 수 있어요. 턱걸이가 힘들면 견갑대 활성화 매달리기부터 시작 😉 #lookbetterwithclaire #pullup

Cardio Day 🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️ Walking on the beach ⛱😎👌 It was so great to get the nice sun and walk on the beach. I wanted to make sure that my body and mind was fully rested/recovered for this busy weekend! How was your Thursday? 😉 오늘의 운동은 유산소 - 비치워크! 바쁜 주말을 위해 에너지 충전 완료 ✔✅ #lookbetterwithclaire #cardioday #beachwalk

Preparing my dinner for later 😋 Im going to have chicken stir fried rice with some Korean sauce 🥫 I can't wait to eat after my upperbody workout 🏋‍♀️ 운동 가기 전 저녁준비하기 💕✔ 고추장 소스 치킨 프라이드 라이스 🍴😋 #lookbetterwithclaire #dinnerprep #chickenfriedrice

Getting my back muscles back 💪👌 열운모드 🏋‍♀️🏋🏋‍♂️ 등신되자😀 #lookbetterwithclaire #backworkout

Upper back strengthening 💪 자세를 바로 잡아줄 수 있는 동작들입니다^^ 간단하게 맨몸으로 앉아서, 서서 모두 가능합니다💪💪 This simple but powerful routine will help you not only open up the chest also get your posture straight! 1. Opening up the chest 5 to 10 reps 2. Warming up the spine 5 reps 3. Warm up the shoulder joints 20 reps 4. Scapula activation 15 to 20reps 5. Lower trap strengthening (1-2) 10-15reps You can do this standing or sitting 👌 So more excuses 😁😁😁 Try this and let me know how you feel 😍 My back feels great 👍 If you need customized mobility/training program, I offer 1 on 1 online live session! You can see the differences after only 1 session:) I will teach you the self - fascia stretch A to Z that you can do it your own 👌 Have a stretching day all 😌🌄 #movebetterwithclaire #activatebackmuscles

자세교정(거북목) 챌린지 2주 속성💪 ✔ 하루종일 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 계신 분 ✔ 필요 이상으로 핸드폰을 바라보시는 분 ✔ 굽은등, 구부정한 자세로 자세 정렬이 흐트러지신 분 ✔ 목, 등, 어깨 통증을 달고 사는 분 ✔ 아무리 스트레칭 해도 효과 없는 분 근막스트레칭 전문가 클레어와 함께 하는 온라인 라이브 클래스로 거북목도 개선하고 올바른 자세를 가져보세요😉 일시적이 아닌 근복적인 원인을 해결하여 혼자서도 스트레칭 하고 운동할 수 있도록 특별 지도해드립니다. 마감되기 전에 얼른 신청해주세요 👍

She Can Now Walk Better! 통증잡고 제대로 걷기!!