

Medical Foot Care Center
Al-hilal international Clinic- Bagdad St, Salmiya
Alia international Hospital
مركز طبي للعناية بالقدم


#عناية #الكويت


#مراكز #طبية #قدم #خدمات #مستشفى #صحة #رياضي #قدم #مسطحة


كومفيت توفر لكم كل ما تحتاجون للعناية بالقدم
#مرضى #السكري #قدمين #خدمات #مستشفى #صحه #احذية #رياضيين


#مرضى #السكري #قدمين #خدمات #مستشفى #صحه #احذية #رياضيين


كومفيت تساعدك في اختيار الحذاء الطبي المناسب لطفلك.زورونا في:
الهلال كلينك- السالميه / مستشفى علية الدولي -المهبوله/مترو الطبي -الفروانية
#قدمين #خدمات #مستشفى #صحه #احذية #اطفال #رياضيين

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 09/03/2016

Children corrective and Orthopedic Shoes-Special designed shoes have been recommended in cases of flat foot (poor development of the longitudinal arch) and in-toeing. Both of these conditions are noticeable when a child first begins to walk.

After several years (usually when the child reaches 4 to 6 years of age), parents become concerned and bring the child in for an evaluation. We now understand the natural process of foot development much better and can make specific recommendations in such cases.
Cultural Attitudes Affect
Available@ ComfeetQ8, Salmiya Bhagdad St. Al Hilal internatioanal Clinic call: 94952795 or 96009228
Alia Hospital Mahboulah

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 05/03/2016

a toe that is bent permanently downwards, typically as a result of pressure from footwear.
This Foot accesories is availlable Pedifix Products of ComfeetQ8
Al hilal international Clinic, Baghdad St. Salmiya..
Contact us: 94952795 or 96009228

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 05/03/2016

A calcaneal spur (or heel spur) is a small osteophyte (bone spur) located on the calcaneus (heel bone). Calcaneal spurs are typically detected by a radiological examination (X-ray). When a foot bone is exposed to constant stress, calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone.
Treatment: Cold Therapy socks helps to relieve pain
Available@comfeetQ8 al hilal international clinic,Baghdad st. salmiya...Contact 94952795

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

The common bunion is a localized area of enlargement of the inner portion of the joint at the base of the big toe. The enlargement actually represents additional bone formation, often in combination with a misalignment of the big toe. The misalignment causes the big toe to move outward (medically termed hallux valgus deformity).The enlarged joint at the base of the big toe (the first metatarsophalangeal joint, or MTP joint) can become inflamed with redness, tenderness, and pain.
Prevention: Bunion Soft Splint At Night or Dual Action Bunion Fix
Available in ComfeetQ8

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

Without Orthotics : During midstance, the ankle and heel are misaligned, and your foot has no arch
With Orthotics:At heel contact, orthoses limit the swing of your heel so your heel strikes the ground correctly. During midstance, your orthoses support your foot so it can regain its arch, allowing the ankle and heel to align.

Customized Orthotics is always Perfect for you to wear..
Contact us: 96009228 0r 94952795 @ Al Hilal International Clinic
Baghdad St.Salmiya

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

K-Taping Workshop @ Kuwait Contenintal Hotel
Speaker: Dr. Roger Ehrienrich ( Germany)
Course: Pediatric And Obstetric K-Taping Tech.
Sponsored By. ComfeetQ8 Medical Footcare Center
Cooperation: Beviax K-Tape Germany,K-taping Acadey,MOH Physiotherapy Admin.

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

K-Taping Academy Workshop in Kuwait Continental Hotel
Speaker: Dr.Roger Ehrienrich,Lectyrer in Medical Pofession,Managing Director of schools for therapists, International Coordinator K-Taping Academy (Germany)
4 Days workshop for Private and MOH Therapist and Gym Intsructor.
Sponsored By: ComfeetQ8 Medical Foot Care Center
A.K.Modern Gen.Trad.Com
Cooperation By.Admin of Kuwait Physiotherapist

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

During Our Medical Foot Care Awareness Achievers Academy..
Conducting Free Foot Gait Analysis for young children, educate Parents and Teachers how important to know as early Sign Problem of Flat Footed children. How this will affect in there life while growing.

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 22/02/2016

Prevention Shoes: Are designed for preventing baby/children Get abnormal foot problem in everyday wear,including sport time

Children Orthopedic Shoes: Are design correcting children flat foot,benefit for baby/kids with valgus,varus, or cerebral palsy patients.

Available Medical Footcare Center:
Contact us: 96009228 or 94952795

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 21/02/2016

Flat Feet ( Plantar Faciitis )
Flat foot is a structural deformity resulting in the lowering of the arch of the foot. It's referred fallen arches. A person with flat foot is painful is need treatment. People with flat feet may have ankle pain, knee, or low back pain.

Symstopms: Ankle weakness, lowered foot arch, foot pain

Causes: Heredity, arthritis, Trauma, Musculoskeletal disorders

● Wear supportive shoes
● Arch Support ( Insoles)
Treatment: Flat foot can be comforted by foot support, foot support it will cradle the arches of your foot and help soothe pain in the legs and lower back
Contact ComfeetQ8 for your foot assessment using our computerised Gait analysis machine.

Timeline photos 21/02/2016

CALCANEAL SPUR...A HEEL spur Is a bony overgrowth on the bottom of the heel bone that results from the tension and inflammation in the plantar fascia attachment to the heel.
Heel spur syndrome- is a combination of plantar facilitis, tendonitis, or stress.this more affect women than men.they can cause the bottom of the heel and arch become painful

SYMTOMPS: plantar faciitis can occur suddenly or gradually,there is usually intense heel pain on taking the first morning steps.

CAUSES : * Stretching the long band of tissue that connects the heel and the ball of the foot
* Muscle imbalance,bone deformity, obesity, trauma, tightness of the muscles on the back of the legs.

PREVENTION: ● APPLY "RICE " Rest, Ice compression and elevation
● Wear appropriate shoe gear

TREATMENT: ● Wear proper footwear for both everyday and sporting
● Using insoles that support the arch and reduce tension on the ligaments.
● Giving the afflicted area an ice massage to reduce inflammation and relieve tension.

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 21/02/2016

"Your feet don't have to hurt!!Put your best foot forward today with PediFix
Enlisting the help of doctors and utilising the latest technologies to develop unique and innovative footcare items..
Please contact us for your need....96009228 or 94952795

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 21/02/2016

ITAMED- GABRIALLA (USA) Maternity abdominal and back support
* Helps reduce the risk of stretch marks
* Promotes proper posture and balance
* comfortable for everyday use - adjustable to accommodate size changes during and after pregnancy
*Highly recommended by Dr's in USA as an excellent abdominal and lower back support. 25664342 ext.305, 96009228 or 94952795


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Tips of Good Diabetic Footcare
1. Take care of your diabetes.
Work with your health care team to keep your blood sugar within a good range
2. Check your feet every day.
Look at your bare feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling.
Use a mirror to check the bottoms of your feet or ask a family member for help if you have trouble seeing.
3. Wash your feet every day.
Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day.
Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between the toes

related contentWebMD SUGGESTS
Pictures of Common Foot Problems
4. Keep the skin soft and smooth.
Rub a thin coat of skin lotion over the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.
5. Smooth corns and calluses gently.
Use a pumice stone to smooth corns and calluses.
6. Trim your toenails each week or when needed.
Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board or nail file.
7. Wear shoes and socks at all times.
Never walk barefoot.
Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and protect your feet.
Feel inside your shoes before putting them on each time to make sure the lining is smooth and there are no objects inside.
8. Protect your feet from hot and cold.
Wear shoes at the beach or on hot pavement.
Wear socks at night if your feet get cold.
9. Keep the blood flowing to your feet.
Put your feet up when sitting.
Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.
Don't cross your legs for long periods of time.
Don't smoke.
10. Be more active.
Plan your physical activity program with your doctor.
11. Check with your doctor.
Have your doctor check your bare feet and find out whether you are likely to have serious foot problems. Remember that you may not feel the pain of an injury.
Call your doctor right away if a cut, sore, blister, or bruise on your foot does not begin to heal after one day.
Follow your doctor's advice about foot care.
12. Get started now.
Begin taking good care of your feet today.
Set a time every day to check your feet.
Comfeetq8 will take care of your problem
Meet our expert Technician for your foot problem
* Ingrowing toe nail
* calluses and crack heels
* suffering from Corn pain
* Fungal nails
Contact us 25664342 ext.305 or 96009228, 94952795

Photos from ComFeetq8's post 20/02/2016

Maternity Post partum garment after child birth, from Gabriella line ITAMED
Made in Cotton lining for hypoallergenic.
Recommended by most Dr's. In amiri a after giving birth and C - section.

Timeline photos 20/02/2016

K-tape available if free cut..from Beviax Germany availbale in our showroom


فيديو يوضح ازالة الانسجة الميتة على ايدي مختصيين في مركز كومفيت الكويت
Video for removing Calluses by foot care technicians at Comfeet Q8 center.

#كويت #طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #رياضيين

Timeline photos 30/01/2016

جوارب الانضغاط الحديثة orthocare
تستخدم في الحالات التالية :
الامراض الوريدية المزمنة
الامراض الوريدية الحادة
توسع الاوردة
انسدادات لمفاوية
المسافرين والرياضيين
Compression Socks Available ( Modern Orthocare) Indication for: Chronic Venous diseases,Acute venous diseases,Varicose Veins, Lymphedema,Pregnancy,Traveler and sports people

#طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #رياضيين

Timeline photos 30/01/2016
Timeline photos 27/01/2016

كومفيت مركز طبي متخصص يقدم نوعية ممتازة من المنتجات والخدمات الطبية للعناية في القدم.
يمكنكم زيارتنا في عيادة الهلال الدولية و مستشفى عاليه الدولي
للمزيد من المعلومات يمكنكم الاتصال على الارقام التالية:
موبايل 96009228
هاتف: 25664342/22272000

Comfeet q8 is a foot care center that provides an excellent quality of orthopedic foot care products and services.
You can visit us in Al-Hilal international Clinic or Alia international Hospital
For more information contact us through
Mobile 96009228
Phone: 25664342/22272000

#كويت #طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #عناية #سكري #رياضيين

Timeline photos 26/01/2016

خلال مشاركتنا امس في المعرض الطبي في مركز بيان الصحي
Our participation yesterday in Medical Exposition at Bayan medical center.

#كويت #طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #عناية #سكري #رياضيين

Timeline photos 25/01/2016

علاج بالأشرطة اللاصقة. شريط قطني عالي الجودة مع طبقة أكريليك متموجة. لطيف على البشرة، ضد الماء، تسمح بالتنفس ونفاذ العرق. مستخدم وموصى به من قبل أكاديمية K-TAPING.
K-Taping therapy. High-quality cotton tape with wave-like acrylic coating. Skin friendly, water resistant, permeable to sweat and breathable. Used and recommended by the K-Taping Academy.

#كويت #طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #عناية #سكري #رياضيين

Timeline photos 23/01/2016

احذية طبية لتقويم عظام الاطفال
معظم القوالب مصممة لتصحيح اقدام الاطفال المستوية او المسطحة , والاخرى للأطفال / الرضع المصابين بالشلل الدماغي
الاحذية تمنع ايضا حصول مشاكل اقدام غير طبيعية بأرتدائها اليومي متضمنا اوقات الرياضة.
Medical and Orthoepedic Shoes for children,most model are design for correcting children with flat feet,and other models for baby/kids with valgus or cerebral Palsy patients its also preventing to get abnormal foot problem in everyday wear including sport time.
طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #الكويت #رياضة #رياضيين #اطفال

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

#كويت #طب #صحة #مستشفى #قدمين #رياضة #عناية #سكري #رياضيين

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Videos (show all)

فيديو يوضح  ازالة الانسجة الميتة  على ايدي مختصيين في مركز كومفيت الكويت Video for removing Calluses by foot care techni...



Kuwait City, Salmyia, Baghdad Street, AlHilal International Clinic

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 15:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00