Dr Rawan Kataya

Dr Rawan Kataya

We offer a complete range of dental services everything from routine cleaning to dental implants.


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Dental tip for parents😃


✅Staining is caused by a substance called Tannins

✅Tannins are naturally occurring plant compounds found in tea and coffee

✅Tea has 2 times the amount of tannins than coffee

✅The higher the Tannins concentration the more staining occurs

✅Other factors that affect staining are chromogen levels and acidity


✅Reality check : Whitening tooth is a scam that’s become so normalized that we don’t even realize its a scam anymore!

❌ NO it doesn’t whiten whiten your teeth, it contains more abrasives which cause enamel erosion and makes your teeth MORE YELLOW.

✅ whitening toothpastes remove external staining which are typically not the cause of your teeth looking yellow.

✅ yellow teeth are caused by internal staining you can only whiten by using hydrogen peroxide that should stay on your teeth for long periods of time, longer than the time you spend brushing.


The Truth behind juice boxes 🧃

💧Water is always the best drink you can have and give your kids.

✅Healthy teeth needs healthy habits.



- While many of us think that sugar harms teeth the most, but its actually ACID that is the most damaging.

- Citric acid and carbonated water can damage the enamel and cause erosions.

-Sipping on drinks with a low ph (acidic) all day increases your risk of cavities.

- you don’t have to cut down your favorite drinks what you should do is limit consumption and frequency.

How to prevent?

1- chew Xylitol gum after drinking
2-rinse with water
3- use an alkaline rinse

-بينما يعتقد الكثير منا أن السكر يضر بالأسنان اكثر من غيره ، إلا أن الحمض في الواقع هو الأكثر ضررًا.

- يمكن أن يؤدي حمض الستريك والمياه الغازية إلى إتلاف المينا والتسبب في تآكلها.

- تناول المشروبات ذات درجة الحموضة المنخفضة (الحمضية) طوال اليوم يزيد من خطر الإصابة بالتسوس.

-لست مضطراً لتقليل المشروبات المفضلة لديك، فما عليك فعله هو الحد من الإستهلاك و التكرار .

كيف تمنع؟
-امضغ علكة إكسيليتول بعد الشرب
-اغسل الفم بالماء
- استخدم غسول قلوي

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor.


⛔️SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) that stuff that makes your toothpaste foam up may also be bad news for your mouth.

✅Always make sure that your toothpaste is SLS free.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Dental tip 😃


👵🏻The old wives tale that says a “pregnant women loses a tooth for every pregnancy” should not be accepted as the norm. This saying comes from the fact that with poor oral health and a poor diet, pregnant mother’s teeth are negatively impacted.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


✅ Pre-brush oral rinses for children tint the teeth typically a blue color so your child can pay special attention to areas that need to be brushed thoroughly.

✅Gentle enough for daily use, pre-brush oral rinses are recommended for use immediately before brushing in the morning and evening.

✅ Pre-brush oral rinses are not formulated to prevent or reduce plaque or gum disease. Their purpose is to make teeth brushing an enjoyable activity for children, helping them clean their teeth better and for the right amount of time.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


✅ Dental health is directly related to what you eat, always maintain a healthy diet to maintain good oral health.

⚠️whole nuts and peanuts should not be given to children under 5 years old, as they can choke on them.

✅ Healthy diet+ brushing twice a day+ flossing is the key to establish a good oral health routine.

For appointments:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


🚨The following instructions are for patients with healthy teeth and gums and who are a candidate for whitening treatment.

❌Not everyone can have a tooth whitening treatment safely or effectively. Patients with the following conditions may not be the best candidates:

❌Pregnant and lactating women
❌People who have restorations such as fillings, implants, crowns and dental bridges
❌Children under 16 years of age
❌Patients with periodontal disease, tooth decay, cavities and exposed roots

✅ A preoperative dental examination and diagnosis are recommended before tooth bleaching is carried out under the guidance of an oral health specialist.

‎التعليمات التالية مخصصة للمرضى الذين لديهم 🚨
‎أسنان ولثة صحية والمرشحين للعلاج بالتبييض

❌ لا يمكن لأي شخص الحصول على علاج تبييض الأسنان بشكل آمن أو فعال. مثل المرضى الذين يعانون من الحالات التالية:
❌ النساء الحوامل والمرضعات
❌ الأشخاص الذين لديهم حشوات،زرعات ،تركيبات (تيجان)وجسور الأسنان.
❌ الأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 16 عامًا
❌ المرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض اللثة ، تسوس الأسنان والجذور المكشوفة.

✅ يوصى بإجراء فحص وتشخيص للأسنان قبل إجراء تبييض الأسنان بتوجيه من طبيب الأسنان.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


-Teething biscuits are different to regular biscuits, but they can still contain high amounts of sugar and refined flour which possibly promotes tooth decay. You might want to consider switching to healthier all-natural ingredients, whole grain, and naturally sweetened teething biscuits.

🚨Keep in mind that:
🍌bananas have Low acidity: A mild pH value means that bananas should not contribute to eroding enamel, which is good for teeth.
🍌 Bananas also contain vitamin D and calcium, which can help strengthen teeth.

🍌bananas as any other fruit are high in starch and sugar which can contribute to dental decay BUT maintaining a proper oral hygiene is more than enough to keep the negative aspects at bay, leaving room for all the positive nutritional values that come with bananas.

⏰Remember as with any food, moderation is key. Excessive consumption can certainly outweigh the health benefits, just as poor hygiene.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Did you know? “The tooth worm “🐛 idea didn’t completely disappear until the 1700s when scientists finally began to understand the process of dental caries.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


✅ Dental treatment still remains as one of the most anxious visits despite awareness between dentists and patients in building trusting relationships. The fear of dental treatment determines the frequency of treatment availed with long-term implications in oral health maintenance.
✅ It is important to apply effective treatment methods for dentally anxious patients, not only with the purpose to alleviate their dental anxiety and to improve their oral health, but also because it contributes to an enhancement of their quality of life.

✅ لا يزال علاج الأسنان من أكثر الزيارات المقلقة على الرغم من الوعي بين أطباء الأسنان والمرضى في بناء علاقات ثقة. الخوف من علاج الأسنان يحدد تواتر العلاج المتوفر مع تداعيات طويلة المدى في الحفاظ على صحة الفم.
✅ من المهم تطبيق طرق علاج فعالة للمرضى المصابين بقلق علاج الأسنان ، ليس فقط بهدف التخفيف من قلقهم وتحسين صحة الفم لديهم ، ولكن أيضًا لأنه يساهم في تحسين نوعية حياتهم.


Is you’re toddler giving you a hard time brushing their teeth? Does is seen like the brushing war will never end? Then you should definitely try this idea, toddlers have a hard time understanding why they should brush their teeth and are not aware of the consequences, this activity helps them understand what are cavities, what they look like and the importance of brushing to keep their teeth clean.

‎هل لديك طفل صغير يرفض تنظيف أسنانه؟ هل يبدو أن حرب تنظيف الأسنان لن تنتهي أبدًا؟ربما يجب عليكي تجربة هذه الفكرة ، فالأطفال الصغار يجدون صعوبة في فهم سبب وجوب تنظيف أسنانهم بالفرشاة ولا يدركون العواقب ، وهذا النشاط يساعدهم على فهم ما هي التجاويف وكيف تبدو وأهمية التنظيف بالفرشاة للحفاظ على نظافة أسنانهم.


مسببات حساسية الأسنان

-تنظيف الأسنان بفرشاة صلبة
-صرير الأسنان
-تأكل المينا
-الأطعمة و المشروبات الحمضية
-أمراض اللثة/انحسار اللثة
-تسوس الأسنان
-كسر في السن
-تضرر حشوة السن /تضر تركيبات الأسنان

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


‏Alcohol mouthwash ph= acidic -
‏can lead to dry mouth, and bad breath
‏can lead to damage/erosion of the enamel
can damage your microbiome (kill the good bacteria)

‏if you are going to use a mouthwash find one
that is not acidic ( talk with your dentist about a better alternative).

-keep in mind that a consistent foundation of brushing and flossing is more important than mouthwash.

- غسول الفم الكحولي ph = حمضي

- يؤدي إلى جفاف الفم ورائحة الفم الكريهة
-يؤدي إلى تلف / تآكل المينا
- يلحق الضرر بالميكروبيوم (يقتل البكتيريا الجيدة)

- إذا كنت ستستخدم غسول للفم ، فابحث عن غسول
غير حمضي (تحدث مع طبيب أسنانك عن بديل أفضل)
-يجب ان تعلم ان تنظيف الأسنان مرتين في اليوم و استخدام الخيط اهم من غسول الفم .

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Chewing on ice can cause dental damage like:

- Cracked or chipped teeth
- Enamel damage causing increased sensitivity to hot and cold.
- Leaves you more prone to tooth decay and cavities.
- Damage existing dental work like fillings,crowns,veneers.

For appointments:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


-The initial interaction of e-cigarette aerosol mixtures occurs largely in the oral cavity and throat,where ni****ne and other compounds are expected to be most active, and the exposure is most intense.

-Ni****ne in e-cigarettes restricts blood vessels and lessens blood flow to the gums, which can make gums recede. Lower blood circulation limits your mouth’s natural ability to fight against bacteria. That can speed up the process for infection, decay and other problems

-e-cigarette users’ gums swell and bleed because of v***r chemicals and flavoring, whether the product has ni****ne or not.

-Some va**ng formulations may be highly cariogenic, especially those with sweet flavors, which are used to attract young people.

-va**ng also increases the risk of dry mouth and bad breath.

-The biggest concern many people have with e-cigarettes is that we don’t yet know the long-term effects. They may be useful as a tool to stop smoking, but shouldn’t be used for long periods or thought of as harmless.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


تهدف "المعالجة اللبية " او كما هو معروف بين معظم المرضى "عملية سحب العصب" الى إزالة اللب التالف او الملتهب ،و تنظيف و توسيع القنوات بعناية داخل السن ، ثم حشو القنوات و احكام إغلاقها. بعد ذلك سوف يقوم طبيب الأسنان بوضع تاج خزفي او غيره من المواد
الترميمية المناسبة لحماية السن و إستعادة وظيفته.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


تعد زراعة الأسنان الإختيار الأمثل في حالة فقدان سن واحد ، أو عند الرغبة في تعويض أسنان الفك بالكامل ،كما
أنها تتمتع ب:
-ثبات عالي لإنها تتلاحم و تندمج مع العظم

-عدم التأثير على الأسنان المجاورة أو انسجة اللثة
المحيطة بالسن المفقود

-تبدو كأنها أسنان طبيعية،شكلاً و موضوعاً.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


أهمية خيط الأسنان :

-يساهم في حماية الأسنان من تراكم الجير عليها

-يعمل بمثابة مساج للثة الموجودة بين الأسنان و بالتالي يحفز الدورة الدموية اللثوية ما يجعلها صحية و سليمة

-يخلص الفم من الرائحة الكريهة، بالتخلص من بقايا الأطعمة العالقة بين الأسنان

- كما ينصح بإستخدام الخيط المشمع على الغير مشمع و ذالك لسهولة انزلاقه بين اسطح الأسنان الضيقة و يكون اكثر رفقاً على جيوب اللثة.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Smile its free therapy😃

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Forehead lines Botox treatment.

For more information:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor


Botox for Glabellar lines.

For appointments:

📞 71150847

📍Beirut, karakol drouz,istiklal street,Hasbini building,1st floor

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Dental tip for parents😃
✅Staining is caused by a substance called Tannins✅Tannins are naturally occurring plant compounds found in tea and coffe...
✅Reality check : Whitening tooth is a scam that’s become so normalized that we don’t even realize its a scam anymore! ❌ ...
The Truth behind juice boxes 🧃💧Water is always the best drink you can have and give your kids. ✅Healthy teeth needs heal...
⚠️ACID ACI ACID⚠️- While many of us think that sugar harms teeth the most, but its actually ACID that is the most damagi...
⛔️SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) that stuff that makes your toothpaste foam up may also be bad news for your mouth.✅Always ...
Dental tip 😃
👵🏻The old wives tale that says a “pregnant women loses a tooth for every pregnancy” should not be accepted as the norm. ...
✅ Pre-brush oral rinses for children tint the teeth typically a blue color so your child can pay special attention to ar...
✅ Dental health is directly related to what you eat, always maintain a healthy diet to maintain good oral health. ⚠️whol...
🚨The following instructions are for patients with healthy teeth and gums and who are a candidate for whitening treatment...



