Arab Center for Architecture

ACA raises awareness about architecture & urbanism within civil society & provides public forums for debating the present & future of architecture & cities

Founded in 2008 in Beirut, and registered with the Lebanese Ministry of Interior of Lebanon under number 171/2008, the Arab Center for Architecture (Association for the preservation and dissemination of modern Arab built heritage) is a non-profit organization addressing modern urban design, architecture, design, and planning in the Arab world.

Photos from Modern Heritage Observatory (MoHO)'s post 04/06/2024
Photos from Beirut Art Film Festival's post 20/01/2024


In the context of the recent enlisting of the International Fair Rachid Karami, in Tripoli, as World Heritage and World Heritage in Danger by UNESCO, the Embassy of Brazil in Beirut and the Instituto Guimarães Rosa - Beirut are launching an art competition about the Fair, offering 3 prizes of USD 1000 each to the best works.

Free registration online, until November 30, open to Lebanese citizens living in Lebanon or abroad, and to non-Lebanese individuals resident in Lebanon, from 18 to 35 years-old.

Check the Rules and submission form (in English only):

يقدم "معرض طرابلس: كيف أراه" جائزة فنية بقيمة 3000 دولار أمريكي للفائزين

في سياق إدراج معرض رشيد كرامي الدولي في طرابلس مؤخراً ضمن قائمة التراث العالمي والتراث العالمي في خطر من قبل اليونسكو، تطلق سفارة البرازيل في بيروت ومعهد غيمارانس روزا - بيروت مسابقة فنية حول المعرض، حيث تقدم 3 جوائز قيمة كل منها 1000 دولار أمريكي لأفضل الأعمال.

التسجيل مجاني عبر الإنترنت، حتى 30 تشرين الثاني، مفتوح للمواطنين اللبنانيين المقيمين في لبنان أو في الخارج وللأشخاص غير اللبنانيين المقيمين في لبنان، من سن 18 إلى 35 سنة.

اقرأ القواعد ونموذج التقديم (باللغة الإنكليزية فقط):

Faculty of Arts and Sciences at AUB
Firas El Hallak
Niemeyer Heritage Foundation in Tripoli

"بينالي الشارقة" يستضيف معرض جورج عربيد للعمارة العربية 02/07/2023

"بينالي الشارقة" يستضيف معرض جورج عربيد للعمارة العربيةنظم بينالي الشارقة للعمارة، معرض "رحلة في أرشيف العمارة: بيروت، القاهرة، الرباط"، والذي يعرض معلومات ومخ...


Snippet of the Rabat documentary, a 20mn film by George Arbid


Snippet of the 17mn Beirut documentary, a film by George Arbid


We are pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition, A Journey into Architecture Archives: Beirut, Cairo, Rabat, curated by architect George Arbid. The exhibition will open on Saturday May 13 and close on July 16, 2023. It will highlight three institutions in the Arab world that hold and preserve architecture archives, shedding light on the rich history and contributions of architects to modern architecture.

The exhibition will feature archival material from the Arab Center for Architecture in Beirut (co-founded by Arbid), the Rare Books and Special Collections at the American University in Cairo and the Archives du Maroc in Rabat.

Join us for a panel discussion with guest speakers Amel Chabbi, Zahra Ali Baba and Suha Hasan where they share their experiences with archives, stories about particular collections and the discoveries made in research. The panel will be moderated by George, followed by a tour of the exhibition.

Date: Saturday May 13, 2023
Venue: Al Qasimiyah School, Sharjah
4 - 6pm: Panel discussion and Q&A
6pm: Exhibition tour led by George Arbid
7pm: Reception

For more information and to register, see link below.

يأتي معرضنا القادم بعنوان "رحلة في أرشيف العمارة: بيروت، القاهرة، الرباط"، من تقييم المعماري جورج عربيد، ويُقام يوم السبت الموافق 13 مايو ويختتم يوم الأحد الموافق 16 يوليو. ويركز المعرض على ثلاث مؤسسات عربية تُعنى باقتناء أرشيف العمارة وحفظه، مع تسليط الضوء على التاريخ العريق وإسهامات المعماريين في مشهد العمارة الحديثة.

حيث يقدم المعرض مواداً أرشيفية من المركز العربي للعمارة في بيروت، والذي شارك في تأسيسه القيّم جورج عربيد، ومكتبة الكتب النادرة والمجموعات الخاصة في الجامعة الأمريكية في القاهرة، وأرشيف المغرب في الرباط.

كما يصاحبه جلسة حوارية تشارك فيها المتحدثات آمال الشابّي، و زهراء علي بابا، وسهى حسن، حيث يقدمن لنا تجربتهنََّ في مجال الأرشيف والقصص المتعلقة بالمقتنيات، والاستكشافات التي توصلن َ لها أثناء إجراء البحوث. يدير الحوار جورج عربيد، ويليه جولة بين أرجاء المعرض.

التاريخ: السبت، 13 مايو 2023
الموقع: مدرسة القاسمية، الشارقة
4 - 6 مساءً: الجلسة الحوارية تتبعها جلسة الأسئلة والأجوبة
6 مساءً: جولة في المعرض يقودها جورج عربيد
7 مساءً: حفل الاستقبال

للمزيد من المعلومات والتسجيل:

Photos from Docomomo Syria's post 20/02/2023
Photos from Arab Center for Architecture's post 15/01/2023

New Book added to ACA Library:
"The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef"
by Conchita Añorve-Tschirgi and Ehsan Abushadi

Photos from Arab Center for Architecture's post 06/12/2022

أحاديث الحداثة || modern conversation
The inaugural conference organised by MSc for the Docomomo chapter in Sudan.
Sign up to engage with numerous narrations of modernity via the link below.
December 10, 2022
المؤتمر الإفنتاحي من تنظيم مجموعة السودان الحديث لفرع منظمة دوكومومو في السودان.
يمكنكم المشاركة في هذه السرديات المتباينة حول الحداثة في السودان من خلال الرابط الموجود أدناه.
كانون الأول ١٠، ٢٠٢٢

Photos from Arab Center for Architecture's post 01/12/2022

This publication on a culturally specific project of the mid-1950s in Morocco, coined as “Habitat Marocain”, beautifully conveys the interplay between formal and informal building in which the construction process is open to users. It is a known example of the contradiction between the architect’s cultural assumptions and the actual way of life of the inhabitants.

Visit ACA website and check the list of available books in our library, or better yet, drop by for a visit by appointment.


What seems to be a very contemporary piece of architecture was actually built in 1980 in Khartoum, Sudan! For the Arab Bank for Economic Development, architect Abdel Moneim Mustafa designed this sustainable building, way before sustainable design was spread. See link below.


How do you imagine an informative building brochure to be in the late 1960s? Check out the brochure of Centre Sabbag in Hamra, Beirut, designed by Alvar Aalto and Alfred Roth.


This monument is one of Cairo’s most important landmarks, designed by architect Naoum Chebib. It is said of Chebib that “his buildings were expressions of concrete versatility.” Learn more about Cairo Tower and its homage to the lotus flower on the following link:


The Arab Center for Architecture has an immediate opening for a research position for 2-3 months.

The ideal candidate is a graduate architect, has interest and experience in research on modern architecture, trilingual (Arabic-French-English).

Please send your cv to [email protected]


It's Today!

From 29 September till 9 October, 16h-22h – Abroyan Factory, burj hammoud
« Rez de ville », an installation by Hala Younes & David Mangin

Installed in the large hall on the ground floor of the Abroyan factories, "Rez de ville" compares life at a "street level" between Beirut, Paris, Rabat, Santiago, Beijing or London, and other cities around the world.
Who does what with the precious urban ground where all the issues of resource management, health, safety, and habitability intertwine? What happens on this decisive level of urban quality where public, private, common, and collective are mixed? How do traffic, networks, and commercial activities of all kinds cohabit?
The drawn inventory of urban situations makes it possible to create new "rules of the game". After a city thought by and for the car, how to invent, in the era of digital and ecological transitions, a walkable city, a city seen from its grounds and users, an urban ground floor.
Rez de ville is an international research project coordinated by David Mangin. The exhibition brings together the contributions of several universities, including LAU for the Beirut component through the workshop led by Hala Younes.
The proposed installation at the Abroyan factories will host "Creative Collectives", a proposal by Platau (Sandra Frem and Boulos el Douaihy), presented at the Seoul Architecture and Urbanism Biennale in 2019. "Creative collectives" focuses on the creative and entrepreneurial clusters that have emerged in Beirut, since 2007, as "niches" and lessons of collective experience.

Thursday 29 September, 19h – Abroyan Factory, burj hammoud
Screening "Les Machines de ville" by François Delarozière

François Delaroziere is the director of the street theatre company La Machine, he created Le Dîner des Petites Mécaniques, L'Expédition Végétale, and Les Mécanique Savantes. He builds monumental machines, mobile, and perennial architecture intended to evolve within cities and support their regeneration.
The projects he carries out in public spaces contribute to make the city lively, and attractive. They are often designed as part of urban projects, The Minotaur for Toulouse, The Dragon for Calais, and The Great Elephant for Nantes.
He will be addressing few examples through his presentation, supported by images, drawings, and short videos, which will be followed by a conversation around the means of claiming and energizing public space.

Thursday 29 September, 19h45 – Abroyan Factory, burj hammoud
Round table "What is the meaning of public space today? " with David Mangin, Sandra Frem and Hala Younes

Would the public space be more public than in name? The definition given by Christian Devillers "l'espace public est libre et gratuit d'accès " is in crisis all over the world. The city thought by and for the car is reducing it to a small amd uncomfortable portion for pedestrian and collective uses. Everywhere, privatization and security reduce the accessible ground. How could we resist these major trends and propose alternatives? This will be the subject of the intervention of David Mangin which will accompany the installation "Rez de Ville" designed in collaboration with Hala Younes.


Du 29 septembre au 9 octobre, venez découvrir « Beyrouth, une ville à l’œuvre » aux usines Abroyan (Union Marks) du quartier de Bourj Hammoud !

Au programme : l'installation « Rez de ville » de David Mangin et Hala Younes mettra en perspective l'espace urbain dans différentes villes du monde. Elle inclut Creative Collectives de Platau. Au film documentaire « Vous (les adolescents) » de l’artiste Valérie Mréjen, se mêlera l’exposition « Oh Liban ! » du photographe Frédéric Stucin, pour dresser un portrait fidèle et touchant de la jeunesse libanaise. Enfin, découvrez l'univers de 11 artistes beyrouthins dans « Atelier d’artiste, Itinéraires libanais », une série d'entretiens filmés réalisés par Pascal Odille et Wissam Charaf !

Réalisée grâce au commissariat d’Hala Younes, l’exposition permanente sera associée à de nombreuses rencontres et projections qui réuniront des artistes et architectes de renom tels que David Mangin, Valérie Mréjen, Bernard Khoury, Rudy Ricciotti, François Delarozière, Pascal Odille ou Frédéric Stucin. Les visiteurs pourront également profiter d’une expérience immersive, la pièce Farha imaginée et mise en scène par Julien Boutros et Karl Hadife.

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Videos (show all)

Snippet of the Rabat documentary, a 20mn film by George Arbid
Snippet of the Rabat documentary, a 20mn film by George Arbid
Snippet of the 17mn Beirut documentary, a film by George Arbid
A Journey into Architecture Archives, Cairo
How do you imagine an informative building brochure to be in the late 1960s? Check out the brochure of Centre Sabbag in ...
This is true passion for one's craft. The life-size scale of this intricate drawing superimposes several projections fro...
Folding Chair-Piccaluga
Pierre el Khoury’s firm portfolio


Boulos Bldg, 5th Floor, Adib, Nahas Street, Sassine, Ashrafieh

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 14:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00

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