

I am a mindfulness coach specialized in stress reduction and mindful living, and a meditation and yo

Photos from Mindfulvedana's post 14/09/2023

Join my “Whole Fullness” retreat in Welligama, Sri Lanka, on Dec 10-16, 2023 and let’s detox, rejuvenate and replenish the self as a whole.

The retreat is based on a multi modality approach to wellbeing. We will be moving, breathing, meditating and practicing mindfulness together and more! Nourishing food for the body and fun excursions as well!!


Parenting doesn’t have to be challenging!

Join my upcoming mindful parenting workshop to learn how to parent with ease.

You will learn:
1. What mindful parenting is and how to parent with less reactivity and more presence.
2. The best parenting style to use
3. How to speak to your kids in challenging situations while attending to their emotional wellbeing

For registration and more information DM or email [email protected]


Your Life is a product of your perception.

Perception starts and ends in the mind.

Declutter the mind
Challenge your perceptions
Free it from illusion


Join my meditation classes NAMAT Beirut - نَمط بيروت

Reconnect with yourself through meditation 🧘🏻‍♂️

With 🌿🤍
On Tuesdays in Ashrafieh


Life is what you make of it. Choose your thoughts, choose your feelings and be what you want to attract.

A life of observation and awareness is one worth taking.


So what is non-judgement? A foundational pillar of mindfulness and it is simply the act of not allowing our mind to evaluate our experience ( the moment we are in and everything it holds) and label it as good or bad.

So that’s from a mindfulness perspective, but my post is more an invitation to explore how much are you judging yourself and others.

We are a judgmental society here in Lebanon.

Judgement stemming from our own perceptions, limited knowledge and life experiences that most of the time is a pure projection and nothing else!

Sadly we operate from that narrowness, and judgment has intrinsically become a cultural habit.

It’s easy for us to label others and put them in boxes that we have created!

We judge change initiatives, choices people make, behaviors and the list goes on……

So take sometime today to reflect on how much time, effort and mental space are you wasting in judgement! Then ask yourself if that is serving you or your society!


You can choose to dwell on the lack, pain, negative situations, and problems you may be facing. We all have our stories!


You can choose to dwell on what you have and blessed with and enjoy the simple things in life.

The choice is yours!

Just remember that whatever you give attention to thrives!

Attention = Energy

So be mindful of what you are feeding energy into!!


Set the intention today to connect deeper with your breath and allow every inhale and exhale to be a step closer to a deeper state of self-awareness.

Surrender to your breath…


Connect to the light within you.


Solitude is a gift if we are open to learn more about who we truly are. It is where we purify our hearts, minds and souls.

Away from distractions, views and projections of others. Away from social pressures and fit in masks and herd mentality in all its forms.

A place of honest reflection and fear facing. A place of taking responsibility and action towards a better you!


The choice is really yours!

What option are you choosing?


Writing is a healing practice that help separate us from our thoughts and emotions. We start to see them as separate from us. The act of emptying our minds and hearts on paper, makes our experience a notch easier. It has a therapeutic effect that helps us release stored emotions and thoughts.

One of the challenges that I had to overcome on my journey is managing difficult emotions, hence the name of my account.


Feel to heal….

This is a piece I wrote a while back inspired by eyes that mirrored mine.

What do you think of it?

Share your thoughts or your writing prompts✨


That’s how you rewire your brain! Train your awareness to focus on what feels good!

Find that good thought or feeling, and keep going back to it whenever you lose it! Train your mind, change your life!

An effort worth making.


Mindfulness helps us respond rather than react to life. It is the pause in between stimulus and response. It gives us the space we need to find solutions to our problems, say the right thing and make the right decisions.

It gives choice and choice is powerful!



Having no fear is a state of mind that stems from knowing and trusting that we will be ok. No matter what happens; we are always guided and protected by the universe.

There is so much peace and power that comes with the feeling of safety.

Life is abundant and abundance flows to those who live without fear!

Burn that fear in your heart with love and gratitude

Trust yourself

Trust life

Open your heart and flow…


For today reflect on what part of yourself are you still hiding out of fear of being judged by others?!

Others could be family, or social/professional circle.

Ask yourself the following:

Is there a behavior, feeling, truth that I am hiding or a decision I am not making out of fear?

Do I find it more comfortable expressing those parts of myself in private?

Am I influenced by the opinions of others? And how much of that is controlling my life?


The only addiction you need!

Keep working on you for YOU so you can then be there for the people you love and in service to others!


Solitude and silence help us reflect on our lives; discover patterns that need to be broken, and redefine our relationship with ourselves and others.

Reflection and self awareness are essential for change and growth.

Slow down…pause…reflect…assess…decide….take action!


We all go through negative situations and deal with toxic behavior of others. It is through these experiences, “the contrast”, we learn what we truly want who we truly are!

It is through contrast that we learn and grow.

Experiencing what I don’t want and resonate with clarifies and anchors what I want.

The clarity that comes with contrast, is what we need to reshape our lives and polish our souls.

Grateful for the contrast I have experienced in my life. Look at yours with an eye of gratitude and focus on shifting to what you truly want and who you want to become!


Upon waking up ✨


Your power lies in your awareness. Strengthen your awareness by shifting it to what feels good every time you notice your feelings or thoughts straying into the negative!

The more you work on your muscle of awareness, the more powerful you become, then nothing and no one can steal your peace!

It’s a journey, so embody the pillars of mindfulness; patience, trust and non-judgement toward yourself for change to happen. With a lot of kindness and compassion to your healing self!


Only love can purify our souls…….

Fill your hearts with love and let go of hatred, revenge, anger, resentment, and separation!

We are one, we come from one source and we return to it.


We all have our mountains to climb! Some may have rougher paths but we all do.

People find themselves stuck in life or feel crushed by it because they stop acknowledging that they have a CHOICE! We choose to allow our emotions to cloud our vision and control our lives and that’s how we stay imprisoned by our circumstances!

Don’t let your mountain crush your soul, simply climb it, breath by breath and step by step!

Rewrite your story and conquer that path to the top.

Climbing mount Batour that dayat 3 am under the rain and in the darkness was so worth getting to the top! Reflecting as I walked up, on my life and on that morning, how things don’t always work out as planned and how road blocks and detours can be blessings in disguise.

Despite not seeing the sunrise and the cloudy cold weather; standing at the top and looking at that mountain from a different perspective and angle was all I truly needed!!


Our attention is divided due to multitasking and constant distractions.

This Mindfulness practice will help you strengthen and increase your focus and attention levels.

So whenever possible practice doing one thing at a time; slowly, deliberately and completely.

Exercise your mind muscles and improve its abilities!


Alignment is:

1. Full acceptance and love of who you are

2. Letting go of people or situations that don’t see your worth

3. Forgiving yourself and others

4. Open and fearless heart

5. Strong boundaries

6. Unshakeable mind

7. Balance

8. A mind open to learn and release mental limitations and conditioning

Best thing about it is that it’s a coachable trait!!


We all go through pain and suffering…different stories and in different degrees but we all do.

The lessons learned is your salvation, growing from your experiences is what breaks the repeated cycles of pain we find ourselves back in.

Reflection, digging deeper, peeling layers, shedding misconceptions and ego projected behaviors and thought patterns is what will help us change and evolve.

Don’t fall back into old habits…into comfortable distractions…do the work!!


Nobody and Nothing can steal your peace!

Thank you Yoga!! Forever grateful 🙏🏻

Happy international yoga day!!


That’s the power of presence!

Come back to the breath, come back to the now!


Shadow work is a practice of healing and self-growth. The work that needs acceptance and surrender.

As I work with my unconscious mind to uncover the parts of me that I hide or repress, as I dig deeper into the self and do my shadow work I ask myself:

What limiting beliefs am I still holding on to?

What are the fears still lingering within?

What am I ready to let go of to make space for the rebirth of my creative self?

These are the questions I am differing deeper into!

Are you ready to do your own shadow work?


By the choices you make,

The pauses and breaths you take

The boundaries you draw

The mindset and activities you choose!

Create your own calm!
Your mental health is your responsibility…..start your mindful living journey

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