Cornelius Keagon

Cornelius Keagon

International artist, blogger & humanitarian. Search Arts & Positivity Liberia on Google to donate.

Welcome to my Official Page!��

African Expressionist artist | Blogger, Humanitarian | Motivational speaker | Entrepreneur.���

Check-out my online Amazon store at

Visit for my personal blog. Buy my paintings on Saatchiart at


I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.

Timeline photos 21/10/2022

Girl's education is a fundamental right, and a matter of justice. Meet Lydia from Nimba County, Liberia.

“I am happy to Learn; I know that when I learn, I have a right to a better future. Every day I am so happy when I go to school. If you’re educated, you make a representation for family, community and society at large,” says Lydia, 11 Grade student from Nimba County


Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.


You have never really truly lived fully enough until you have done something for someone who can never ever ever ever repay you.

Photos from Rihanna's post 18/07/2022

Oh, thank God! 😁 My skin will now glow since it's coming to Africa! Oh wait... I'm not seeing Liberia there😦😦 that's where I'm from and live😦 how can they do this!


Happy Eid al-Adha to all my Muslim friends globally. May Allah acccept your sacrifice and bless you with his mercy. Sorry comments are turned to private.


I gave a very dear friend of mine my humanitarian award. Because you don't need an award to be, or not be, a humanitarian.

Madagascar Famine: Fast Facts 25/06/2022

People don’t choose to become a refugee, they’re just victims of war and they are victims of circumstance. They were born in the wrong place at the wrong time or circumstances has made life difficult for them and I think how we respond to that is a test of our humanity.

Madagascar Famine: Fast Facts Madagascar is facing the world's first famine caused solely by climate change.


Humans must deal with the sources of terrorism, altering society through the democratic rule of global law. This process will not occur, however, unless we choose to fulfill human needs, enforce human rights, and affirm world law.


My true religion is kindness.


To wage a war is easy, what's difficult is to wage a war without harming the innocent. 💯🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💘💝


The planet does not need more successful people. The planet needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.


Make it a habit to feed at least one hungry person in your neighborhood every day, and there won't be any need for soup kitchens in the world.


Not least, so many suffer relentless poverty, each day wondering at living another; so many are refugees from disaster or violence, escaping under unfamiliar skies to avoid a closer death, grasping whatever it is they have left - a child, ragged clothes, a pot to cook in; so many are victims of injustice, of the vagaries of despotism or ill luck, with no legal system to which they can bring their wisps of hope.


“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” So said sci-fi author Sir Arthur C. Clarke. We’ve been fascinated by the idea life may exist elsewhere, and for over 50 years the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (Seti) has been scanning the galaxy for messages from an alien civilisation to no avail.
But the discovery of planets outside our solar system, or exoplanets, has raised hopes that efforts to contact alien lifeforms may one day succeed. I believe however that somewhere out there in deep space there's another civilization like us.


Peace is more than the absence of war… it is also the absence of poverty, unemployment and inequality… always remember that.

Timeline photos 21/01/2022

Thanks to Unicef and all the rich countries involved in bettering our lives from poor countries. ❤️

💙 Whoever they are.
💙 Wherever they live.

Through COVID-19, conflict and climate change, we won’t stop working for every child.


Everything in my work, from painting as a child to blogging and humanitarianism, the most important message is the protection of the environment and the idea that we are all brothers and sisters, regardless of race or religion. Each of my concerts begins with a long recitative, which ends with the words: “One sun and one earth! Two worlds are tearing me apart. The only thing I am absolutely sure of is that all the people around are siblings.


In 2020, as an estimated 243.8 million people were assessed to be in need of humanitarian assistance, and countries experiencing protracted crises have doubled to 34 in the last six years. Responsible digitalisation and innovative technologies can help, as they promise to deliver quick and cost-effective relief – a reason why the EU is committed to extend the use of secure and efficient digital tools in humanitarian actions.

5 places where World War III could start in 2022 13/01/2022

We've finally bid farewell to 2021 - and it's not a year we're going to look back on fondly.
There have been more lockdowns, political unrest and serious concerns over the environment.
There are a handful of terrifying predictions from French astrologer and doctor Nostradamus, including a war in France, inflation and even cannibalism.
Blind clairvoyant Baba Vanga envisaged natural disasters, a water crisis and an alien invasion by the end of this year - and some are even speculating there could be 'World War 3'.
In this article by Business Insider, they list five places World War 3 could start in 2022 lol.


5 places where World War III could start in 2022 Several simmering disputes have the world looking more dangerous than any time since the end of the Cold War.

10 THINGS MONEY CAN'T BUY 09/12/2021

Just a few things that money can't buy. There are more than handful of things that money can't buy, but here listed only 10 things that the incredible money can't buy. While money is important to always have, it is equally important to check and see that you have those things that money can't buy.

10 THINGS MONEY CAN'T BUY 10 THINGS MONEY CAN'T BUY... 1. RESPECT You can only earn respect, it mostly comes when you realise we are all the same and you are a teeny tiny part of a very big picture. 2. MANNERS The best school...

40 Acts of Kindness to Make the World a Better Place 20/11/2021

Read Sarah Browne's 40 arts of kindness to help make the world a better place. As she said, "You can start small or go big. The important thing is that you try. Even in little ways, we can change the world. It’s up to you to show up and make that difference." It's a great read for all ages, one of my favourite reads this year.

40 Acts of Kindness to Make the World a Better Place Everyone has the power to change the world. Here are 40 acts of kindness that you can do to make the world a better place.

The World Health Organization Endorses the World's First Malaria Vaccine 09/10/2021

I never thought I'd seen this in my lifetime... this statement on the news headlines on wednesday, "The World Health Organization on Wednesday recommended the widespread deployment of the world’s first malaria vaccine to young children in sub-Saharan Africa and other at-risk regions, hoping to revive the fight against the mosquito-borne illness that kills more than 400,000 people every year." Such a great read as well, enjoy.

The World Health Organization Endorses the World's First Malaria Vaccine Four doses of the vaccine Mosquirix prevents the risk of the mosquito-borne disease by 40 percent


YES to girls education worldwide, no borders or boundaries. We'll be live at Plan International's official website from 6pm GMT Saturday. View live from anywhere in the world, launching of the YES programme will last for at least an hour and half. Education is everyone's right no matter the gender or background. Don't miss out, join us from anywhere in the world and Pin It!



Cornelius Keagon


Since the world has existed, there has been injustice. But it is one world, the more so as it becomes smaller, more accessible. There is just no question that there is more obligation that those who have should give to those who have nothing.


To the glass half empty people 20/07/2021

Are you in the habit of being a ‘glass half empty’ person, a bit of a pessimist? If so you can learn to become more optimistic, learn how to fill that glass even if you’re easily discouraged.


To the glass half empty people Are you in the habit of being a ‘glass half empty’ person, a bit of a pessimist? If so you can learn to become more optimistic, learn how to fill that glass even if you’re easily discouraged. You can...


Bullying and racism :
When a child or young person suffers because of racism, discrimination or bullying they can feel angry, isolated and powerless. It can even impact on their physical health, including stress reactions like increased heart rate and headaches. It’s up to the caring adults in their life to make sure racist behaviour and bullying are stopped. These are some strategies for dealing with racism at home, at school and in the community.

Tackling racism at home :

• Encourage and value diversity and foster a sense of cultural pride.

• Make it known that racism is against the law, is unacceptable and no one deserves to be treated disrespectfully.

• Discuss racism and encourage conversation about its effects and impacts.

• Lead by example – don’t make racist slurs or jokes about other cultures or backgrounds.

• Display zero tolerance for racist behaviour – this will encourage the child or young person to develop positive attitudes, a strong sense of self and positive self-esteem.

• Be supportive, but don’t make promises you can’t keep like, ‘I’m going to make sure this never happens to you again’.

Tackling racism at school :

• If kids are threatened or physically assaulted at school, report it to the police and let your caseworker know as soon as possible, in addition to informing the school.

• If there is racist bullying or intimidation going on, encourage them to report it to a teacher, counsellor or student welfare officer.

• Help kids work out ways of dealing with the situation that makes them feel more in control and safe in the short term: for example, taking a different way home or staying with a group of friends.

• Keep a diary of what happened, when it happened, who was involved and who witnessed it.

• Get in touch with the teacher to discuss your concerns and ask what can be done to stop the racial bullying.

• If you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere, talk to the principal about the school’s policy for dealing with racist bullying and ask what formal steps the school will take to prevent it from happening again.

• Take a support person with you if you find it difficult talking about this with the school.

• Keep in contact with the school until the problem is fixed.

• If it keeps happening, get your caseworker involved in dealing with the school.

Tackling racism outside school :

• If you witness racist behaviour towards your child or young person, be assertive and challenge the behaviour by naming what’s happening and telling the person their behaviour isn’t okay, particularly if it’s family or friends who have regular contact with the child or young person.

• If it happens on public transport, report it to the driver or an attendant.

• Make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission if necessary.

• Be aware that the child or young person is watching how you respond so they can learn how to deal with racist behaviour themselves.

• Don’t threaten, intimidate or verbally abuse the bully.

• Listen to the child or young person and take their feelings and fears seriously.

• Let them know it’s not their fault.

• Don’t tell them to just ignore it, call them names like ‘sook’ or make excuses for the behaviour; and don’t let anyone else do so.

• Seek out people who have experienced discrimination firsthand, such as a member of the child or young person’s community, to advise you about ways of dealing with racist behaviour.

• Get support from family and friends.

Sen Ator

4 Things to Know about Tigray's Humanitarian Crisis as Ethiopia Counts Votes 27/06/2021

The situation in Tigray, Ethiopia just puts me off. I mean, Earth is still fighting coronavirus and some people somewhere fighting war!!!. I feel terrible for the Tigray region, especially the children and disabled. God help them.

4 Things to Know about Tigray's Humanitarian Crisis as Ethiopia Counts Votes As Ethiopia hit the polls the country's Tigray region continued to face an escalation in violence and civil unrest.


Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life. This is why I find them so interesting and crucial on our paths to success.

So what’s their secret?

You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you.

When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.

You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

Starving Malagasy forced to eat leaves, locusts for survival 11/05/2021

This got me in silent tears, world is unfair. 😞😢😢
Cornelius Keagon

Starving Malagasy forced to eat leaves, locusts for survival Near-total disappearance of food sources has created ‘full-blown nutrition emergency’ in south Madagascar, WFP warns.


Cornelius Keagon


Just Think About It :
Between now and tomorrow morning, 40,000 children will starve to death. The day after tomorrow, 40,000 more children will die, and so on throughout 2021. In a "world of plenty," the number of human beings dying or suffering from hunger, malnutrition, and hunger-related diseases is staggering. According to the World Bank, over 1 billion people—at least one quarter of the world's population—live in poverty. Over half of these people live in South Asia; most of the remainder in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia.
According to Santa Clara University (USA), The contrast between these peoples and the populations of rich nations is a stark one. In the poor nations of South Asia, the mortality rate among children under the age of 5 is more than 170 deaths per thousand, while in Sweden it is fewer than 10. In sub-Saharan Africa, life expectancy is 50 years, while in Japan it is 80.

These contrasts raise the question of whether people living in rich nations have a moral obligation to aid those in poor nations. Currently, less than 1/2 of 1% of the total world gross national product is devoted to aiding poverty-stricken nations. In 1988, the amount of aid from the U S. amounted to only 0.21% of its GNP. In 1990, the World Bank urged the international community to increase aid to poor countries to 0.7% of their GNP. If this goal is reached, poverty could be reduced by as much as 40% by the end of this decade. What is the extent of our duty to poor nations?

Cornelius Tuayan Keagon

Cornelius Keagon “how do you make the world a better place?” 11/04/2021

That’s the question I launched here some time ago. Lots of answers. Surprising, often original and often identical. I don’t know what this list does to you, but merely making this list made me happy and sharing it with you makes me happy again. Check it out by clicking on the link.

Cornelius Tuayan Keagon

Cornelius Keagon “how do you make the world a better place?” That’s the question I launched here some time ago. Lots of answers. Surprising, often original and often identical. Let me share some findings: Sometimes it’s the little things. Making someone laugh....

One in five children globally does not have enough water to meet their everyday needs – UNICEF 21/03/2021

UNICEF launches new initiative, Water Security for All, to mobilize global support and resources to reach children in water vulnerable hotspot.

Cornelius Tuayan Keagon

One in five children globally does not have enough water to meet their everyday needs – UNICEF UNICEF launches new initiative, Water Security for All, to mobilize global support and resources to reach children in water vulnerable hotspots

Cornelius Keagon’s 7 Ways To End World Hunger 14/03/2021

Cornelius Keagon's top 7 Ways to Effectively End World Hunger.

Cornelius Keagon’s 7 Ways To End World Hunger Unsurprisingly, about 98 percent of hungry people live in developing countries and unless something is done, the food crisis will likely…

15 Simple Life Changes You Can Make to Become a Better Person 08/03/2021

Most of us want to be a better person—whether at home, in the office, or just when we’re out running errands. The problem is where exactly do you start? Click the link to see how you could be a better version of yourself.


15 Simple Life Changes You Can Make to Become a Better Person Break Room15 Simple Life Changes You Can Make to Become a Better PersonbyJohn Rampton of Inc. Most of us want to be a better person—whether at home, in the office, or just when we’re out running errands. The problem is where exactly do you start? I realized a couple years ago that I was a jerk a...

Cornelius Keagon's Amazon Page 21/02/2021

Shop online from anywhere in the world,, 25% of Keagon's share goes to charity.❤️

Cornelius Keagon's Amazon Page Shop recommended products from Cornelius Keagon on Learn more about Cornelius Keagon's favorite products.

7 Ways to Make the World a Better Place 15/02/2021

The idea of changing the world can be daunting. It's not only easy but understandable to think, "I’m only one person; what can I really do?"

7 Ways to Make the World a Better Place Here is a list of ideas on how to make the world a better place one small action at a time.

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