Kennedy Silase

||International Novelist|| ||Second Lieutenant at L.D.F|| ||Dep. Dir. of the PLO Lumumba Foundation||


Stop telling your friends and colleagues to work hard and pray for things you got through networks.

Sometimes we philosophize, sometimes we intellectualize, and sometimes we romanticize about what you have achieved. Let's stop preaching to them that you have those accolades via the sweat of thy brow. Connect them if possible.

Blessed Wednesday


I reiterate: Prayer without hard work is merely superstition. The holy Ghost is not a magician. The kitchen for manna has been closed. If it is deemed of you to wake up early in the morning in order to put food on the table, do so without waivering between two options. The divine injunction says, ... by the sweat of thy brow. That is why the words of Kenya's renowned Scholar and Prolific writer Professor Ali Ali'man Mazrui are relevant when he asserts that, logic is an aspect of prayer. You cannot continue fishing by climbing trees.

~ International Novelist & Director of the PLO Lumumba Foundation, Lesotho Chapter Kennedy Silase (09/01/2024)


It is always true with humanity, that when you are doing well, there are those that who want to destroy you.This is why even for Christ, the very same people that sung hosanna in the purest of tones are the very same that said, "crucify him". Unfortunately, that is life. They sing hosanna when they think you are going nowhere, when you are going somewhere they say crucify him. The history of the world has proved by warrant deed, that they will always say, "release Barabbas" in any given event. That is why each day, this short pray is always relevant, " Ooh Lord! Save me from my friends, because my enemies I know."

Blessed Tuesday...


I will not be taking any direct calls from 5am - 7pm, starting from today, until further notice. If it falls on your lot, that you want to talk to me, drop a WhatsApp message then I will attend to it.


Nobody cares about your story until you win.
So, WIN!

Blessed Sunday...


Learn to be content and rid yourself of pressure. There's a fine line between seeking inspiration from role models and unhelpfully comparing yourself to others. Sometimes, it's easy to feel that everyone else has life sorted—happier, more confident, successful, and fulfilled—especially as portrayed on social media. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that everyone follows a different path.

Comparing yourself to those you perceive as superior will only hinder your progress. Focus on your goals, tune into yourself, and reframe others' success as a sign that it's achievable, motivating you to persevere. If they can do it, so can you.

In 2024, avoid all forms of pressure: pressure from relatives, pressure to marry, buy land, own a car, secure the best job, or outperform others. Move at your own pace as long as you can sustain yourself; we are all unique. Whoever pressures you, remove them from your circle. In this life, if your "yeses" outnumber your "nos," then revisit them, 2023 has taught me a lot.

Compliments of the new year...


Some of us may think the Lord did not smile upon us in 2023, we may say, we witnessed what I call a phantasmagoria. We may say, the series of mishaps snowballed, and before we knew it, they whirlpooled into an annus horilibis. Be that as it may, we must be content with the small achievements that we have earned by the sweat of thy brow. Don't be fooled by our latter day middle aged men who have unexplainable wealth they attained via placing their hands in cooky jars, and who shamefully and wittingly say, "Re sebelitse lirota li sa robetse". Nothing frustrates than trying to sleep on a bed of gold, and yet sleep refuses to come. Let us commence the year 2024 with these immortal words, " Start small, dream big" and subsequently the Holy Ghost shall turn it into an annus maribilis.

Session greetings, May the Good Lord bless you in 2024 and May you attain the social contract.

~International Novelist & Director of the PLO Lumumba Foundation, Lesotho Chapter Kennedy Silase ( 30/12/2023)


Our active genes only make up 3% of total deoxyribonuclei acid (DNA). Then 97% is referred to as " junk", since biologists have not yet found their functionality. Hence, many questions rise, like: were they switched off at our creation or tampered with during evolution? Another question that comes up is; if we perform all we do with only 3% of the genome what could we do with the 100%? Let's take for example two scenarios: if we cut the tail of a lizard, within two months it would be grown. Then if we genetically extract that gene from the lizard and place it in humans could it not trigger some of the junk genes and help us to grow parts lost during accidents. Secondly, there are micro organisms that comets carry through harsh conditions and which have been discovered to be immortal, what if they are genetically engineered into humans won't they too help us resist radiations and other factors and help us live internally by triggering some of the junk genes that might be controlling immortality...

Blessed Boxing day...


If I were a sadist, my cup of iniquity would get filled by day, and I would want those megalomanias who came into my lane in the recent past to receive the treatment of Soddam and Gomorrah. Be that as it may, as I grow older, I have come to a finding that, sometimes setbacks make you to grow bolder to your purpose, just as the clichè stipulates; when you are stuck in a situation, you do not engage the reverse gear with the impression of moving forward.


I will be delivering a keynote at ISAS, National University of Lesotho to the Student Union. The leadership lecture is themed : Harnessing Hope Beyond Limitations while the sub-themes for the day are socio - economic reawakening and life reorientation. I shall be bellowing this lecture in my full military regalia. Let's meet tomorrow - 21st December, 2023.


The problem with negativity is that it's highly contagious; when you tolerate an environment where negativity thrives, you also catch the flu involuntarily. Negativity has a way of overhauling your reality and taking control of your future, it incapacitates you by taking away your feeling of worth and purpose.

Negativity doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is carried by people; it could be a friend, your boss, your partner, your parents or even some random people. It's that person who constantly talks you down, that person who keeps reminding you of your past and chaining you to it, that person always telling you what you can't do, that person always giving you chronologies of your failures, that person who never claps when you win but has a tonne of criticism to deliver when you fail, that boss who can't seem to see the good in you but has all the wrong things to say about you.....that person who is always complaining about everything and nothing...the list can go on.

When you allow such people to constantly feed you with their crap, it eventually becomes your reality. You start accepting that you are dumb, that you are incompetent, that you are unworthy, nothing good can come out of you....and that you are good for nothing. You end up sucking, sulking and sagging under their weight.

Negativity doesn't have a vaccine, the only way to deal with it is to identify the carriers in your environment and quarantine them in a secluded corner of your life. Cut the links for your own sake because trying to change them is like watering concrete, however much you do it, you can't get a garden out of it!

Blessed Thursday...


If one were be melodramatic about the contemporary world, one would say; tables no longer turn, be that as it may, one must bring a chair to gatecrash it.

Blessed Wednesday night...


God giveth,God taketh. Old soldiers never die, long live the spirit of Zahara. The world shall forever rhapsodize about your contributions to the music industry.

~ International Novelist & Director of the PLO Lumumba Foundation , Lesotho Chapter Kennedy Silase(12/12/2023)


I pontificate with Rev Lucy Natasha when she bellows in the purest of tones that, even after killing Abel God didn't choose Cain. Tearing others down will not elevate you.


The fact that you haven’t given up is a success in itself...

Many people give up before they even begin, but not you. No, you wake up every day and get things done. You crawl inch by inch against the current because you refuse to give up.

You refuse to accept mediocrity. You refuse to listen to others when they tell you that you’re not good enough. You’re still in it, fighting the good are a hero!

Blessed Thursday!


After I brought my submissions to a close at Miss Teen Lesotho on Saturday, a gentleman walked to me and posed a fundamental question: How come you deliver a speech in English for twenty minutes without a written piece? I told him that you have speak from the heart in order to interact more effectively with your audience, be that as it may, always take note not to go out of point, while trying to hammer in points on a given theme. Hence, it is highly significant to do a through research prior to pontificating at symposiums/fora/colloquiums.


The Bothata Kennedy Silase Foundation

Kenya's renowned scholar Professor Ali Ali'min Mazrui(1933-2014)in one of his many enlightened moments once said and I agree with him that, God gave us wisdom not to abandon logic to prayer and fasting because logic is an aspect of prayer. We cannot continue fishing by climbing trees.The caprice of fate of our communities lies in our very hands.


1.1 To help vulnerable and orphaned children with basic education needs such as school fees, uniforms, food and stationery.
1.2 To provide equal opportunities for education to people from different societies by providing concessions, scholarships and assistance to children from poor, needy and deserving families .
1.3 To evolve systems of educational outreach programmes in rural and urban areas where clusters of low income groups exist.
1.4 To strengthen educational institutions, primary, secondary and undergraduate level to provide quality education to the upcoming generation.
1.5 To strengthen vocational training centers aimed at empowering men and women of weaker sections of society to become self- reliant, reducing their dependency on others.
1.6 To have a programme for linking children with sponsoring families or individual corporate to provide them food, clothes, medical and financial assistance.
1.7 To provide the youth with necessary skills on how to write documents needed in the contemporary world.


A mistake that humbles you, is far better than an achievement that makes you gloat...

Blessed week...


Second Lieutenant Bothata Kennedy Silase will be gracing the Mister and Miss Teen Lesotho 2023 coronation!
Ntate Silase is an international Novelist and Director of the PLO Lumumba Foundation, Lesotho Chapter. Also Second Lieutenant at his Majesty's Armed Forces.



A friend with HIV/AIDS is still a friend. You have my unwavering support. Indeed that is not a death sentence. As we mark and commemorate WORLD AIDS DAY, let us not be eloquent in our silence, but rather educate the misinformed and uninformed people about HIV/AIDS. And; if one were to talk from a textbook stand point, one would say, one day through such little efforts — we shall have an HIV free generation.

~𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 & 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 PLO Lumumba Foundation, 𝗟𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗼 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 Kennedy Silase (01/12/2023)


According to scientists, the bumblebee's body is too heavy and its wing span too small. Aerodynamically, the bumblebee cannot fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know this and it keeps flying.

When you don't know your limitations, you go out and surprise yourself. In hindsight, you wonder if you had any limitations. The only limitations a person has are those that they accept...

Good morning!


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. — Proverbs 16:3

Blessed Sunday...


During my embryonic stage, I was of the impression that I wanted to change the world. After I attained a decade, I noticed that I was chasing a mirage. Once again I made a different promise to myself that I was going to impact Africa. Subsequently, after I attained a score, I realized that I had deluted myself. I gave myself half a decade to significantly impact my motherland, be that as it may, I once again observed that I was after an illusion. Under the aegis of being an optimist, I narrowed my vision and proclaimed unto myself that I was going to change my village within another half a decade. Suffice it to say, after I attained a score and decade, I observed that the entire time I was rallying for a self-indulgent ambition. I then made a solemn vow unto myself that, I had to personify my character, and via a personified and a humidified character, I can positively inflict and positively rub it to the the next person. Consequently, the latter will contagiously pass that to the another, since it is only via our outmost contributions to humanity that we can reshape the world.


I reiterate: Prayer without hard work is merely superstition. The holy Ghost is not a magician. The kitchen for manna has been closed. If it is deemed of you to wake up early in the morning in order to put food on the table, do so without waivering between two options. The divine injunction says, ... by the sweat of thy brow. That is why the words of Kenya's renowned Scholar and Prolific writer Professor Ali Ali'man Mazrui are relevant when he asserts that, logic is an aspect of prayer. You cannot continue fishing by climbing trees.

~ International Novelist & Director of the PLO Lumumba Foundation , Lesotho Chapter Kennedy Silase (17/11/2023)


There is a friend of mine called Peter, who owned a fast-food café in Mombasa Kenya. When COVID-19 struck, my friend experienced immense losses and couldn't afford food or pay his staff. He had a collective rent arrear of six months, and the landlady threatened to sell some of his hotel items to recover her money. I vividly remember how he struggled to send the landlady partial payments, and he barely had enough for himself.

Peter had three kids and was the sole breadwinner for his parents and his grandmother. He became deeply depressed. He sold almost everything, even pleading with me to help him sell some of his household items through my social media.

The worst happened when the landlady succeeded in evicting him, causing Peter's hotel business to sink. He spent a year without a job, resorting to hawking fruits in traffic and open-air markets.

Fortunately, Peter met one of his clients who had unused space beside his hardware shop in Mombasa. Peter started a fruit salad business, delivering to mobile tech shops in Mombasa CBD. He now has three branches of fruit Parlors and owns a 3-hectare mango plantation in Ukambani.

Aside from his struggles, the landlady who had evicted Peter was recently diagnosed with a serious illness and urgently needed a blood transfusion. Coincidentally, Peter had the same blood type she needed. Since it was an emergency and she was in the operating theatre, Peter willingly offered to donate blood.

This story teaches us the importance of resilience and the ability to adapt to challenging situations. Despite facing numerous setbacks, Peter didn't lose hope. The story of Peter and his landlady teaches us a valuable lesson about empathy and kindness. The landlady, who once mistreated Peter, found herself in a vulnerable situation, relying on his generosity to save her life.


In my element...


There are days when things just don't seem to work out for you. You wake up early and realize your car tire has a puncture, or the shuttle you were on has developed a mechanical issue. Consequently, you arrive at the office or your workplace late, only to find out that the client you had scheduled a meeting with has left because their flight was at noon, or they were caught up in another important meeting in another town that required their immediate attention.

You try to call, but the line is busy. Meanwhile, your secretary is waiting in front of you with documents that need your immediate attention and signature. So, you decide to send a WhatsApp message to the client, only to find out that your internet subscription has expired. You rush to your mobile money account to purchase airtime, only to realize that the little money you had was used to pay the mechanic who fixed your car or for the next shuttle.

In desperation, you turn to a mobile loan for help, only to discover that the amount you borrowed a week ago is still due, and your plan was to repay it at the end of the month. You then attempt to work on your laptop, but you realize that the crack that was on your laptop a year ago has extended, blocking the screen so you can't see anything. You contact your service provider or the agent who sold it to you, and their response is that replacing the screen will cost half the price of the laptop. With a heavy heart, you inquire about getting a new affordable laptop through hire purchase, but they demand a 50% deposit.

In a last attempt, you check your little savings in your e-banking app, only to find out that you can't withdraw the money because the system is undergoing maintenance, and an update will be provided once it is restored. Suddenly, you receive an alert reminding you of a virtual meeting in the next 30 minutes, which you were supposed to attend for collaboration.

Left with no other option, you decide to use your phone to join the meeting, but you realize your phone battery is at 10%, and you need to charge it before the important meeting starts. As you frantically search for your charger, you realize you left it at home on the table. Hurriedly, you borrow a charger from your colleague, only for the power to go off suddenly, leaving you with no option but to smile sadly.

This is life – there will not always be smiles. When you find yourself in such situations, stay calm and let fate take its course.

Blessed week...


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand – Isaiah 41:10

Blessed Sunday Afternoon...

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