Open source technologies harnessed for your business efficiency and sales. We work with Phyton, Djan We master open source technologies.
Esperonus is a software development company based in Baltic states, Lithuania. We develop and integrate information systems with other ICT gadgets and make them operational. We start with ICT consulting, implement the solutions and continue with support. Python, Zope and Django platforms, Plone, MySQL, etc.. Our team speaks Lithuanian, English and Russian. We have highly educated and motivated team, with balance between experience and young spirit.
Networking and learning event. Let's meet in September.
Chances of meeting the right partners are much greater at the BNI Baltic Convention'24 Renata says, that she bought her ticket to the BNI baltic Convention'24 on the tickets launch day and has no doubts about the value of the event. For more in...
Birželio 2 dieną, ESPERONUS sukanka 20 metų!
Dvidešimt metų patirties, iššūkių, pažinčių ir užsimezgusių draugysčių. 🎂
Kukliai švęsdami šią progą su kolektyvu, juokavome, kad jau esame pakankamai subrendę po ESPERONUS vardu rašyti: anno 2003. 😁
Šiandien sunku suvokti, kad nuo įmonės įkūrimo praėjo du dešimtmečiai.
Tiesa ta, kad dirbant įdomiai ir prasmingai, laikas skrieja nepalyginamai greičiau.
Už šią pasididžiavimo vertą progą esame dėkingi kiekvienam buvusiam ir esamam darbuotojui – kiekvieno Jūsų indėlis mums buvo ir yra svarbus.
Ne mažiau svarbūs ir klientai bei partneriai. Kiekviena pažintis ir bendradarbiavimas tapo priežastimi įmonei augti. Vertės kūrimas klientui buvo ir yra pagrindinis mūsų tikslas.
Esame dėkingi už visas draugystes, susikirtusius ir net išsiskyrusius kelius, už visas greitai praskriejusias, lengvas ir sunkesnes dienas.
Dvidešimt kartų VALIO! 🥳
Šiek tiek vėluodami kartu su kolektyvu pasveikinome vieni kitus su naujais metais ir aptarėme praėjusius: kokie linksmi, liūdni, kalnuoti, kartais ramūs, o dažniausiai - labai įvairūs buvo. 2023-ųjų vieni kitiems palinkėjome ramesnių ir darbingų. 🚀
Žengiame į dvidešimtuosius UAB Esperonus gyvavimo metus. 💚
What a time to be alive arba - kaip džiugu, kai komandoje turime vienodas galimybes!
Jau daug metų mūsų komandoje yra 50:50 vyrų ir moterų balansas. 🙋♀️🙋♂️
Tačiau žmogus, o ne jo lytis svarbiausia, kai renkamės darbuotoją į komandą. Svarbiausia - žinios, kompetencija, gebėjimas dirbti komandoje ir - žinoma - humoro jausmas, kuris padeda tada, kai testavimo/programavimo/supporto dienos tampa per sunkios.
Jei žinote protingų, darbščių programuotojų, testuotojų ar analitikų su geru humoro jausmu, rekomenduokite, mes tokių ieškome ir juos🚀 randame ne skelbimuose! 🚀
Gražios vasaros viduryje įsikūrusi dar gražesnė valstybinė šventė!
Ši diena mums primena, kokie esame dėkingi už tai, kad galime dirbti, kurti, klysti, mokytis ir tobulėti čia, savo spalvotoje, kontrastingoje ir žydinčioje šalyje! 💚
UAB Esperonus jau ketverius metus, nuo pat klubo įsikūrimo, yra BNI Mercury klubo narys. 🌎
BNI Mercury - pirmasis BNI pasaulinės prekybos skyrius, kuris nuo pat įkūrimo nusprendė pakviesti ir suvienyti patikimas, prekių ir paslaugų importu bei eksportu besiverčiančias įmones. Tai - profesionalų ir tarptautinių ryšių bendruomenė.🔝
Mūsų verslo plėtros vadovė Renata Urbonė atstovauja UAB ESPERONUS informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų kategorijoje su CRM/ERP sprendimu ir skaitmeninimo paslaugomis.🦾
Keli pastebėjimai apie naudą verslui bei asmenybei, kurią suteikia dalyvavimas BNI klubo veikloje:
👩💼 apsupame save stipriais ir motyvuotais profesionalais, dirbančiais skirtingose verslo srityse. Tai padeda praplėsti požiūrį ir gilinti turimas praktines žinias apie verslą. Čia visi vadovaujasi "GiversGain" metodu - padeda, nukreipia, konsultuoja, padrąsina ir moko vieni kitus.
🚀 čia puikiai testuojamos naujos verslo ar jo plėtos idėjos. Kiekvieną savaitę susitinkame su 30 - 50 verslo atstovų kompanija, atstovaujančia skirtingas verslo sritis, todėl labai lengva suprasti ar naujai kylančios idėjos yra įdomios, traukiančios ir vertos investicijų.
📣 verslas gauna kokybiškų rekomendacijų tiems, kurie ieško skaitmeninimo sprendimų.
👨🎓 galima tobulėti kaip profesionalui, įsitraukiant į klubo veiklą: dalyvaujant vietiniuose ir tarptautiniuose renginiuose, užimant skirtingas pareigas klubo veikloje.
Įsitraukimas į klubo veiklą - tai ne tik nauda, bet ir įsipareigojimas. Su BNI komanda dirbame daugiau nei ketverius metus ir narystę pratęsėme dar metams iki 2023 -ųjų birželio. Visiems klubo nariams linkime visokeriopos sėkmės gyvenime ir darbuose!
Reta proga, kai mes tikrai kartu.
Birželio 4 dieną UAB "Esperonus" suėjo net 19 metų! Kadangi dalis kolektyvo dirba iš namų, mūsų gyvi susitikimai - tikra retenybė, tačiau įmonės gimtadienis jau seniai tapo proga pasimatymams. 😊
Keliavome po Kėdainius: ragavome, kvėpavome ir džiaugėmės! ☀️
Found on the table that today is international day of beauty. Also it is known that today is an international day of software testers. Combining both: who could argue that there is no beauty in the software testing?! It is! Congratulations to all beautiful software testers! Find the beauty in daily testing!
Last Saturday our Sr.Developer Karolis got married! Esperonus family congratulates his new family and wishes a very sweet honey moon!
Love her to the moon and back and be back!
World Snake Day is today. This day urges increased awareness of the wide variety of species around the world. With around 3,500 species, finding a snake that fascinates you or that was unknown to you previously won't be difficult.
What's fascinates us? It's Python!
We code with Python since 2003.
Any hungry software developers around Kaunas? Ping us.
"Digitization shall be as inevitable for businesses as brushing teeth for people", Esperonus co-owner Renata Urbone at the panel discussion "Digitization - a way to grow businesses and economy with limited resources?" at Digital Lithuania Meetup #3: Digital Economy organized by Kurk Lietuvai, INFOBALT and Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania.
Our product E-Zonus starts building friendships 😍 with other systems: we integrated it with Field Force Management app Tasker. From now on You may assign tasks in our platform, then they are sent to the mobile devices of your field force and you get back a complete overview on the task ex*****on.
Contact us, if you wish to learn more.
TASKER - Perfection in field service management TASKER is a flexible and effective tool for managing tasks, processes and employees.
So proud that Esperonus has supported this project in a very very early stage and now it became a winner at World Summit Awards, WSA, among the 430 different ideas in the education and learning category. Congratulations!
Developing ICT literacy and fostering creativity from a very early age is so important!
Tarp geriausių pasaulyje skaitmeninių inovacijų – net du lietuviški sumanymai Lietuvių sukurtiems sprendimams teko įveikti nemažą atranką − WSA konkurse varžėsi 430 nominuotų skaitmeninių sprendimų iš 180 viso pasaulio valstybių. Šiuos sprendimus vertino įvairiems pasaulio regionams atstovaujančios Didžiosios žiuri ekspertai, atsižvelgdami į jų idėją, ...
WomenGoTech program is launching again and Renata Urbone from Esperonus is proudly supporting it for the third season in role of a mentor. We are happy to contribute by encouraging more women to join ICT field.
Proudly - it is 50:50 of women and men in our company.
Women Go Tech - Mentorystės programa „Women Go Tech“ – pirmoji mentorystės programa Lietuvoje, skirta studentėms ir profesinį kelią pradėjusioms moterims.
And we work with it for >15 years!
Python has brought computer programming to a vast new audience And its inventor has just stepped down
We were developing and testing an information system for controlling vehicle entrances and exits in outdoor closed territories (parking lots, yards, undergrounds) for several years.
We made it smooth and efficient, and finally launched it as a service for a very affordable pricing.
Check the benefits at our dedicated web-site
Today we celebrate 100 years since the Independence of Lithuania was restored. Our green is like the central flag color, where Kaunas, our city is located. We are proud to be Lithuanian company, but have international team and market direction.
We have joined BNI Mercury club and the world will become closer via warm professional contacts. BNI Mercury is still under establishment, we form a team of Lithuania based businesses that does international business.
Read about the benefits that BNI may offer, come to the club, be our guest and let's work together globally.
Cloud based Software as a Service market is growing fast and we will join it soon too with our offer for private parking lot facilities. With little infrastructure investments and at a fraction of monthly costs, real estate owners will be able to easily manage their parking lots and increase the security.
Gartner Says Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market to Grow 18 Percent in 2017 The worldwide public cloud services market is projected to grow 18 percent in 2017 to total $246.8 billion, up from $209.2 billion in 2016, according to Gartner, Inc. The highest growth will come from cloud system infrastructure services (infrastructure as a service [IaaS]), which is projected to gr...
GIFTed students from Kaunas University of Technology Hacked for the World for two days last weekend. We were happy to support and mentor those bright students that were fast to generate ideas and plan their implementation.
Follow Africo to learn more on the development and opportunities in Africa
We started to work with Python since the establishment of the company and master it >14 years for development of the web-based management systems. The nice thing to hear is that Python is further growing fast and now is extensively used for data science and machine learning. The future is in big data!
Why is Python Growing So Quickly? - Stack Overflow Blog We recently showed that, based on Stack Overflow question visits, Python has a claim to being the fastest-growing major programming language, and that it has become the most visited tag on Stack Overflow within high-income countries.
We really thought that open source is exclusively ICT term; it is OURS. But look, it is also in ceramics and what a masterpieces!
Same with open source technologies in ICT: we may develop ERP, CRM masterpieces for your business based on the platforms that a largest community of developers, open source enthusiasts, has created.
A Joke - custom tailored for programmers in Python and Java (Mark Hammond):
a) Python: You create a gun module, a gun class, a foot module and a foot class. After realizing you can't point the gun at the foot, you pass a reference to the gun to a foot object. After the foot is blown up, the gun object remains alive for eternity, ready to shoot all future feet that may happen to appear.
b) Java: You find that Microsoft and Sun have released incompatible class libraries both implementing Gun objects. You then find that although there are plenty of feet objects implemented in the past in many other languages, you cannot get access to one. But seeing as Java is so cool, you don't care and go around shooting anything else you can find.
Well, better don't shoot in the foot, but develop something useful and efficient. Like we do ;).
Did you know that Python has it's Zen principles, written by Tom Peters, well known Pythoneer? They read like a spiritual poem and defines the being with Python, as well as guide how programming shall be done.
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea—let's do more of those!
And? Software development is not boring and technical. We read poetry for inspiration.
Proudly supporting children at J.Naujalis music gymnasium in Kaunas with micro:bit computers. Music inspires ICT.
Informacinių technologijų sprendimus verslui kurianti kompanija „Esperonus“ skyrė kompiuteriukų dviems Juozo Naujalio muzikos gimnazijos klasėms Kaune! Kodėl muzikos gimnazijai? Daug jauniems verslams padedanti įmonės bendrasavininkė dr. Renata Urbone pastebi, kad tie, kas vaikystėje mokėsi muzikos, daug geriau ateityje kremta tiksliuosius mokslus. O su micro:bitais ir neblogą muzikos pamoką surengti galima! UAB Esperonus, kuri verslo valdymo sistemas kuria atvirojo kodo Python technologijomis, IT specialistų Lietuvoje nėra lengva rasti, bet įmonės savininkams, Renatai ir Kęstučiui Urbonams pavyko surinkti šaunią ir itin kvalifikuotą profesionalų kompaniją į vieną vietą. Projektą parėmė, nes tiki, kad micro:bitai tikrai pasieks vaikus ir kad šių įgūdžių jiems labai reikia.
Let's inspire great children to create music in different ways, including ICT enabled music.
We believe in the great ICT enabled future and Lithuanian ICT talents. This project is a superb initiative to start inspiring kids to develop ICT solutions from the 5th year at school.
We supported the project this week and highly invite You to join the efforts.
---------> LT
Mes remiam šį projektą. Raginam ir jus.
Už klestinčią Lietuvą su IT talentais priešakyje!
Ar žinai, kad nuo šiol gali SAVO rajono vaikams padovanoti po micro:bit kompiuteriuką rugsėjo 1-osios proga? 🎓Geriausiai tavo kada nors išleisti 12 EUR: Švietimo revoliucija prasideda! Vizija: LIETUVA - geriausių IT talentų šalis pasaulyje 🏆🙌🏻🇱🇹
Python has the style in fashion industry, no doubt! But did you know, that Python is the most stylish language in ICT industry? High level of readability is at the heart of the design of the Python language. We love to code with Python daily and be stylish in what we do!
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Monday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
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Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
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