Labas Krabas
Labas Krabas - agency specialized in broadcasting, video production, and design.
It's been a fun year for our little company. A fun year and a year of hard work in live broadcasting and video production. More than 1000 sports broadcasts in 12 countries - a figure we are justifiably proud of. We discovered new countries and even continents - for the first time we broadcasted with our partners from Beboxe in Africa. It was a challenge for us.
At the same time, we've really pumped up our filmmaking skills - 7 music videos in one year - how about that? These videos have already garnered several million views on YouTube - one of them alone has garnered over a million views. Looks like we know a thing or two about filmmaking music videos. And building studio sets - by the end of the year as easy as pie. If we managed to build a studio in the UK, during an event for 50,000 offline viewers with complicated security clearances - then we can build anywhere in Europe.
And we were filming our first real commercial. With actors, VFX sets and CGI. It will be ready soon and we will show it to you. In the meantime, check out our results of the year in figures.
Witcher-style filming.
On Saturday we shot a big marketing asset for a video game. Probably one of the most interesting projects in recent times. Fictional Middle Ages - the action takes place in a post-apocalyptic fictional Europe where it's every man for himself.
A few important moments from the filming:
- when you work with a historical era - hire reenactors of that era to play the role of actors. This will ensure you are authentic and consulted on all key moments - from fight scenes to props
- the emotional climate in the team is sometimes more important than professional skills. Just trust me
- if you have a small budget (and we had a small budget) networking saves you a lot of money.
- if you need good gaffer service - just ask Mindaugas Rakštelis
And traditionally a special thank you CAMRENT Dmitrij Timofejev Tomaš Karazo Laura Aliukonyte Andrej Vinogradov Mateusz Mozyro Kernavės archeologinė vietovė Антон Лебединский and all crew
One of this summer's most challenging projects.
Streaming from the Tank Museum during the annual TankFest in Bovington, UK. It took about a month and a half to prepare for this stream. To understand
- Two locational scouting
- Several iterations of security clearance
- Using a local company with a license to prepare the stage platform
- Logistics of equipment and scenery to the UK
A total of 15 people worked on this project - and the team alone made it happen. The main difficulty was that in the museum itself there are strict rules on the installation of equipment, use of electricity and in general the presence of people during the festival - as in addition tчo certain rules of conduct near the museum exhibits the festival was attended by about 50,000 spectators and had to comply with the strictest security measures.
This was also the first time we used an image for the presenter - the design and production was our suggestion for the client - and the result was 100 percent successful.
In the end, we had one of the finest streams at the festival - the whole delegations came to our location to see the scale and quality of the stream. The production of the stage in Lithuania allowed the client to reduce the budget. We gained excellent experience working in the UK with complex projects and are ready to further develop the business in this country.
Last week ended the season of the Primera Federacion, the third strongest soccer championship in Spain. We have been connected to this project since November 2022 and have produced 428 live feeds from 40 stadiums all over Spain until the end. Thirteen broadcast teams worked on them - for many of whom it was a real challenge. We at Labas Krabas are proud of these guys - they have overcome all the challenges and shown incredible growth. Thank you very much and let's hope this is just the beginning of our journey together in Spain.
If you look at our newsfeed, you might get the impression that we only do sports broadcasts. We don't.
We do complex shoots and build sets for every event. We can do it, we love it, we're fu***ng good at it. This location was retro-futuristic was completely made in pre-production with the help of Midjourney AI. This is our first design experience with neural nets and it was a fantastic experience. Most importantly, Midjourney saved us preproduction time - it's much more efficient and our team was able to devote more time to other important components of the shoot.
The future was already here - and we didn't even seem to notice it.
A good job as a sports director is not only to feel the game, to show all the important moments, but also in such details. The coordinated work of the director and cameramen - and here is the result - the broadcast became a little more interesting for the viewer. We always draw the attention of our directors to the importance of such moments. When will you see a girl willing to do anything for the autograph? We at Labas Krabas are always ready to show you that
Meme time
When the marketing budget is limited
All last season we collaborated with the 7bet-HOCKEY PUNKS. It was important for us to do everything we can as efficiently as possible and help the team with video content. We have not achieved all the goals, especially on TikTok. But I can say that with such incredible guys as Punks, we will definitely achieve them in the future. They have the spirit of real punks, which means that if we work hard, all the main successes are yet to come. Thanks guys - it was a good hunt and good season. Hug you all.
Long read’as žemiau 🔻
Praėjo dar vienas mūsų žygis - šįkart bendroje lygoje su Latvijos klubais. Šalies ledo rituliui - neabejotinai žingsnis į priekį, punks’ams - dar vienas, tik jau žymiai didesnis iššūkis.
Pamatėme tai, ką ir žinojome - neveltui latviai yra ledo ritulio elite. Bet ar mes esame labai toli, ar kaimynai nepavejami? Praėjus daugiau nei dviems savaitėms nuo paskutiniųjų rungtynių ir nuslūgus emocijoms galime drąsiai teigti, kad atkarpomis konkuruoti pavykdavo, tačiau visą distanciją tolygiai įveikti pajėgumų dar trūksta.
Tačiau yra ir kuo pasidžiaugti. Buvome labiausiai žiūrovų palaikoma komanda lygoje - mūsų namų rungtynes stebėjo vidutiniškai po 1000 žiūrovų! Visada sakėme, kad be jūsų nebūtų mūsų. Todėl nuo kiekvieno komandos žaidėjo ir kiekvieno mūsų darbuotojo ir savanorio - nuoširdus AČIŪ! ❤️
Na o mes pasistengsime sugrįžti tvirtesni, profesionalesni, alkanesni. Turime susiformuoti stuburą, kurio nepaveiks nei kaimynų ledo valymo problemos, nei kiti pašaliniai rezultatus įtakojantys dalykai. Todėl negaišdami ir besimėgaudami ilgai laukta saule einame dirbti toliau.
Ir paskutinė, tačiau labai svarbi pastraipa. Dėkojame visiems rėmėjams ir partneriams - Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, 7BET, YIT Lietuva, Lords LB Asset Management, AJ produktai, VPH, TURTONA, KEISTA, Baltic Consol line - Consol Power, DreamCubator, Acro Steel, Negyvas Eteris, Europcar Lithuania, 15min, ZIP FM, Labas Krabas, ir tiems, kuriems mažiau rūpi viešumas, bet labai rūpi ledo ritulys. AČIŪ JUMS! 🤝
Starlink - how stable is it for professional broadcasts?
This weekend we had the first test broadcast of the Primera Federacion (3d Spanish football league) match at the home stadium of CF La Nucía using SpaceX Starlink. Initial data before the broadcast.
- no optical fiber
- mobile network coverage is poor - no more than 10 Mbps per upload. During matches, due to the load, the speed drops by almost three times.
- uninterrupted signal output was only possible with the LIVE U solution
So - a short report on the broadcast. It was conducted using the SRT protocol (in case of a decrease in download speed) The reserve was the signal transmitted LiveU
- two hours before the match, using the Starlink app, the ideal location for the receiver was determined
- first speedtest - 41-43 mbs per upload
- an hour and a half before the match, the signal was broadcast
- speedtest half an hour before the match - 40-42 mbs per upload
- speedtest after the first half - 41-42 mbs per upload
- speedtest at the end of the match - 41-43 mbs per upload
- framedrop for the entire broadcast time is within the normal range
It was the first test, but it turned out to be quite successful. The next test for Starlink will be the home arena of CD Eldense SAD football club. After five or six tests, we think it will be possible to make a decision on the start of broadcasts from Starlink in other regions. What do you say Elon Musk on this?
The most important thing in the broadcast and video production business is not the equipment. The most important thing is the team. The people who work with the cameras, the director's consoles, do the production - the most important value for any production company. Throughout Europe, we cooperate with more than 100 professional directors and cameramen. Labas Krabas considers these people our main and most important values. Thank you all for being you and for choosing us!
Labas Krabas works all over Europe and while our crew in Murcia enjoys sunny weather and +18 in cool Tartu, the guys have to warm up at the venue
We are happy to launch our new website 🛫
Contemporary design, relevant cases, and a detailed description of our services. For now, the site is only available in English, but we plan to add others soon. Stay tuned 🤓
We are happy to introduce you to our skills in motion design. Check out this amazing showreel and jump to comment to discuss it
Last week we work at GG Arena in Vilnius. Amazing location for stream and very friendly staff. It was cool.
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Full Video Production Service, focusing on Color Grading, Editing, Scriptwriting, Creative Direction
Buivydiškių Gatvė 22
Vilnius, LT-07195
Nona Room - tai erdvė skirta įvairių fotografavimo ir filmavimo projektų įgyvendinimui.
Nemenčinės Place
Kino studija - VšĮ "Kinometras". Kino filmų prodiusavimas ir gamyba. Komercinių užsakomųjų reklaminių audiovizualinių klipų prodiusavimas ir gamyba. Kino edukaciniai projektai.
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We produce video projects you can't take your eyes off. From idea droplets to big screen tides, we navigate the cinematic ocean with a breeze.
Multimedia Production Company Shoot ADs and photo in a cinematic way 📍 based in Vilnius Contact us!
Lukšio 5B
Vilnius, 08221
Mago studija – erdvė kokybiškiems virtualiems renginiams, podkastams, mokymams, konferencijoms, live transliacijoms ir kt. Ją sukūrėme tiems, kuriems norisi profesionalaus rezultat...
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