Lietuvos transakcinės analizės asociacija
Transakcinė analizė (TA) - tai lengvai suprantama ir šiuolaikiška asmenybės psichologijos teorija apie žmonių mąstymą, jausmus ir elgesį.
Taip pat tai efektyvus psichoterapijos būdas, padedantis asmenybei bręsti ir keistis.
Meno terapija yra viena iš psichoterapijos formų, kuri integruoja vaizduojamąjį meną į paciento gydymą. Taikant meno terapiją galima diagnozuoti ir išgydyti psichinius ir psichologinius sutrikimus.
Dailės terapija apima naujų ryšių, santykių ir prasmių atradimą saugioje ir palaikančioje atmosferoje, o tai savo ruožtu suteikia klientui alternatyvias gyvenimo ir santykių su kitais perspektyvas. Ši terapija gali veikti įvairiapusiškai, apimant visą žmogų, įskaitant jutiminius-motorinius, suvokimo, kognityvinius, emocinius, fizinius, socialinius ir dvasinius aspektus.
Plačiau apie meno terapijos naudą bei tikslus galite skaityti čia 👉
Daiktų istorijos. Juodkrantės aukso amžius, Bačiulių šeimos istorija ir muzikos kaina Susisiekimas garlaiviais, SPA ir gintaro karštinė: poilsiautojus viliojęs Juodkrantės aukso amžius
Suaugusių žmonių žaidimai - Aš ir psichologija VASAROS KLAUSINIAI. Geriausias laikas tobulėti. Suaugusių žmonių žaidimai Tiesiogiai INTERNETU. Arba VAIZDO ĮRAŠUS GALĖSITE PERŽIŪRĖTI dar 3 MĖN. po ciklo [...]
In the midst of the terrible experiences of the pandemic and now the war in Ukraine, both of which have affected the entire world, we need as a scientific community to come together, feel the power of belonging, and regenerate through sharing knowledge, training, and hearing others’ perspectives.
In particular, important reflections on the serious challenges we face today will be offered by our four keynote speakers, including Richard Mollica, the director of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, who will talk about tackling the global refugee crisis.
The goal of this ITAA online conference is to invigorate the physis in each of us to help us be courageous and resilient in adapting to our difficult times.
We are waiting for you🤗
The Eric Berne Archives at the University of California, San Francisco are a treasured resource for those studying the man who changed the way we think about psychotherapy, personality and communicating with others.
The archives include books, papers, audio / video, personal correspondence, and other momentos from his family life.
Eric Berne’s archival material will continue to be important to scholars researching his life and theory – and to Transactional Analysis practitioners who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the man and his body of work.
We express our deepest sadness to have the end of an era of one of the greatest legends in Transactional Analysis!
Fanita will always be an icon of TA and has lived to the fullest for the 105 years of her great life and massive contributions to our TA theories, concepts, her work; and just her presence was such a gift to all of us.
Some of us have had the privilege to have met Fanita in conferences, listen to her beautiful stories and hold her hand. Thank you, Fanita!
As the Counselling Directory outlines,
"From our earliest beginnings, in utero, we depend on another person. We are born needing and seeking contact, with an innate sense that we can’t survive without it. Throughout our lives we receive this contact through various types of verbal and nonverbal communication:
a smile
a hug
praise for something we do or who we are
a challenge to something we do or who we are.
In transactional analysis, these modes of contact are called strokes"
Who would you offer a stroke to in our USATAA global community? Feel free to share the love & recognitition here 👇❤️
A Dialogue with Richard Erskine on the Theory and Methods of Relational TA A Dialogue with Richard Erskine on the Theory and Methods of Relational Transactional Analysis
A "loser" script has an unhappy ending; it may have been started by parental injunctions, such as "Don't be too cute and take attention away from me," "Don't stay around me, you irritate me," or "Don't be smarter than I am." This is your parents' Child ego state talking, not their conscious Adult ego state. The person with a loser script may rationalize the failures in his/her life by frequently saying, "If only such and such hadn't happened," "Someday it will be better" (but someday never comes), "I can't do that," and so on. To turn ourselves from "frogs" into" princes/princesses," we have to recognize the injunctions, ego states, life position, games, and scripts. Your Adult has to be in control and develop your best selves. You have to kiss all your warts and frogs yourself.
A non-winner was referred to as a "happy frog" who never quite becomes a prince or princess. Berne said the toughest part of his job as a therapist was telling people there is no Santa Claus, no magical solutions, no free lunch. Non-winners are also rationalizers and deniers, saying, "things will be better after...," "things aren't as bad as they could be," "things didn't turn out well, but at least I tried," etc. Some people have to become more unhappy and do more self-helping before they become a prince/princess.
Winners learn to reject the destructive "witch messages" from his/her parents' Child ego state. They use their Adult ego state to re-write their life script, if needed, making wise decisions about life goals, relationships, time management, values, tolerance of others, self-acceptance and so on.
R. Aleknos MasterClass: ,,3 gyvenimo scenarijai - renkatės laimėti ar pralaimėti?" Tai ne filmas. Tai mūsų gyvenimas. Bet kiekvienas iš mūsų kuriame savo filmo scenarijų. Tiesa, ne visuomet esame juo patenkinti ir norėtume pakeisti ne vieną filmo sceną. Koks jūsų gyvenimo scenarijus yra vyraujantis ir ką galėtumėte pakeisti, kad taptumėte tokiais, kokiais norėtumė...
Pirmasis TA žurnalo straipsnis audio formate.
First TAJ article read by the author. What if My I‘m OK, You‘re OK is different to yours. We have made this article published in the Transactional Analysis Journal into a podcast specifically for people‘s who‘s reading preference is audible. We want to expand access to Transactional Analysis Journal articles to people whose need or preference ...
Suprantantiems švediškai
Videos om TA | STAF Här hittar du kortare videos som ger en inblick i TA:s omfångsrika och lättillgängliga teorier. Bl a finns videos från våra möten på zoom, där olika personer inlett med ett aktuellt tema kopplat till TA.
“Racket Feelings” in Transactional Analysis (Or The Reason We Smile When We’re Sad) Most people do it sometimes. They find themselves in a situation where they’re feeling an emotion, but showing something else. Sometimes they do this in a conscious way, because they choose t…
Script and body work- William Cornell - Transactional Analysis [Developing theories] William Cornell TSTA (Psychotherapy) in the US, presents his focus about Scripts and body work, another dimension of the therapeutic pr...
Lemties žaidimai. Kaip pakeisti gyvenimo scenarijų. Transakcinė analizė. - Aš ir psichologija PATIKRINTA PRAKTIKOJE Lemties žaidimai. Kaip pakeisti gyvenimo scenarijų. Transakcinė analizė Tiesiogiai INTERNETU Arba VAIZDO ĮRAŠUS GALĖSITE PERŽIŪRĖTI 3 MĖN. po [...]
Šiandien Eric Berne mini 111 gimtadienį! Ta proga sveikiname ir toliau žaidžiame žaidimus, kuriuos žaidžia žmonės. :)
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Goštauto 8/260
Vilnius, 01108
Psichologas dr. Marius Daugelavičius Mob+370 659 18242 , Vilnius Psichologinis konsultavimas Vilniuje, šeimos ir porų terapija, darbas su stresu, konfl...
Žirmūnų 70, 305 Kab. 869932330
Vilnius, LT-09124
Konsultacijos vaikams, paaugliams ir suaugusiems. Asmeniniai, emociniai, santykių, karjeros, finans
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Psichologės-psichoterapeutės Annos Vinkovskienės puslapis, skirtas nevaisingumo (nepastojimo) psichologijos temai
Goštauto Gatvė 8
Vilnius, LT01108
Psichologo paslaugos suaugusiems (nuo 18m.) Vilniuje ir online
Goštauto Gatvė 8
Psichologinės konsultacijos, dėmesingo įsisąmoninimo (mindfulness) praktikos.
Lukšio Gatvė 17
Vilnius, 09132
Profesionali psichologinė pagalba vaikui, paaugliui, tėvams
Психолог, который умеет слышать и слушать… 💻консультации online/offline 🎹уроки фортепиано
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Praktinė psichologija🙏 Įrankiai Tavo gyvenimo pokyčiams✍️🧘♀️⚒ Ištrūk iš nenumaldomo noro valgyti spąstų🧠 Pokalbiai 💻
Verkių Gatvė 5
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