Kaméidi - 𝔏𝔲𝔵𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔤'𝔰 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔐𝔢𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔬𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔰𝔱

Two Dudes sharing their Love and Passion for everything that is Metal Music


"Wake Up the Wicked" solidifies Powerwolf's place at the pinnacle of the symphonic metal scene. With its dramatic flair, powerful performances, and compelling narrative, symphonic Power Metal at it's best!



Austrian Black Metal specialists Ellende have returned with a re-recorded version of their 2016 album "Todbringer," now titled "Todbringerin." So, what’s different? Is it an improvement? While the 2016 version had a raw and traditional black metal sound, the latest version introduces fresh elements and significantly enhanced sound quality.

The re-recording captures the original essence but elevates it with more polished production and modern-ish influences, offering a richer listen, so definitly an improvement in my opinion.



The day we've long awaited is finally here—a day we once thought might never come. After 12 long years, the second half of The Record Time is finally out, and to all the Wintersun fans out there, I just want to say: we made it!

Yes, Time II is upon us, and after giving it three complete listens, I feel ready to share my thoughts. The main question I had before the record dropped was, “Was it worth the wait? Can it still deliver after all this time?”


The album opens with “Fields of Snow,” which mirrors the atmospheric buildup of “When Time Fades Away” from Time I back in 2012. It slowly introduces lush synths and layers of Eastern-inspired instruments, forming a rich orchestration that sets the stage for the epic journey ahead.

And it truly does set the stage, as the album quickly transitions into “The Way of the Fire.” The song begins acoustically, with a focused and determined tone, before unleashing a torrent of blast beats and beautifully folk-inspired guitar parts. Jari’s vocals are crisp and biting, the choir sections give you goosebumps, and the solos are executed to perfection.

“One with the Shadows” follows with a more melancholic vibe, reminiscent of the majestic “Sleeping Stars.” It’s slower-paced but no less heavy, with standout clean vocal layers that make it the perfect follow-up to the intensity of the previous track.

As the title suggests, “Ominous Clouds” offers a moment of calm before the storm. It features some signature Jari-style guitar reminding me of a "Beautiful Death"- Encore and ends with the sounds of light rain and the wind picking up, building tension for what’s to come.

The rain intensifies, accompanied by minor piano notes, until suddenly the storm hits with full force. Kai Hahto’s drumming is nothing short of insane, blasting through most of the track with impeccable precision. Jari and Teemu’s guitar work intertwines beautifully, while the choruses are clear and emotionally charged. At the peak of the song, the storm gradually subsides, fading out with light rain, wind, and those recurring Eastern elements that weave a thematic thread throughout the entire album. This is probably my favourite track on the record.

“Silver Leaves” opens with the gentle sounds of a river and leaves rustling in the breeze, evoking a distant yet strangely familiar land. Jari’s voice reaches new heights, particularly during the Finnish section, which adds a deeply personal touch to an already poignant song. A standout track and a truly fitting conclusion to the Time Saga and the entire story.

In conclusion, Wintersun is undeniably still alive and kicking, continuing to mesmerize listeners with their majestic sound.
Is Time II their best work to date?
While nothing may ever fully rival the impact of their debut, this album comes incredibly close and is sure to enchant not just their fans but a broader audience as well.

So yeah, a solid 9/10




The Italian maestros of epic orchestral death metal, Fleshgod Apocalypse, are back with an album title that couldn't be more fitting: Opera.

Expect nothing less than blistering blast beats, ferocious growls, pristine operatic voices, and symphonic death metal delivered in the most grandiose and decadent way imaginable.


Karl Sanders and the Boys of NILE are once more inviting us on an epic, an insanely fast Voyage through Egyptian Mythology and Folklore, outfitted with the best in technical Metal and obviously some fine Death Metal Vibes.

So embark on a Journey through the Underworld an get your ears blasted with their newest release "The Underworld Awaits Us All."



Preferenzen hu mer alleguer, mee wat lauschtert sech besser?
Propperen, klore Gesang, oder haart Gebläers?

Dier decidéiert!

Mir kucke wat déi 2 hapt Zorte vu Gesang an der Metal Musek ausmaachen.

Episode lauschtert sech héi:


PIAH MATER, the Brazilian progressive death metal duo, emerges from the fiery tropical depths with their new album, 'Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun'. After a six-year hiatus since their last release, the band returns with a broad palette of influences that earned their previous two albums a dedicated cult following.

This time, they introduce fresh elements to the genre's rugged canvas, crafting a soundscape that is distinctly their own and sounds vivid and vibrant.


Progressive Post Rock is Food for the Soul. So is OH HIROSHIMA's latest Release "All Things Shining"

Oh Hiroshima


Ah, another Saturday without a new episode of my favorite Podcast 😉.
Yet, here I am, driven by the need to share with you one of the greatest records ever made. But which Band is worthy of creating such a Masterpiece, well, only one.

Ne Obliviscaris.

The progressive metal maestros from Australia, have once again pushed the boundaries of the genre with their sophomore album, Citadel. Released in 2014, this album solidifies their reputation for intricate compositions and emotional depth, demonstrating a sophisticated fusion of metal subgenres that few can rival, or maybe even non can rival.

The production quality of Citadel is exceptional. Each instrument is given space to breathe, allowing the intricate layers to be fully appreciated. The mix is clear and balanced, ensuring that even the most subtle nuances are audible and enjoyed in it's full spectrum. The seamless integration of violin and clean vocals with blast beats and growls is both innovative and captivating and surely will leave you stunned as it did with me all these years ago, cementing Ne Obliviscaris' place as one of the leading acts in contemporary progressive metal.

If you haven't yet had the chance to experience NeO, or if you're simply unaware of what it is, oh boy, you're in for a real treat and get ready to be amazed, because what you're about to discover is truly exceptional.

P.S.: NeO will tour throughout of Europe and the UK performing Citadel and Exul in full, so get your tickets now!

Ne Obliviscaris




Time for another Post Metal Discovery, this Time, Diluvienne from Rennes and even though their latest Release counts only 3 Songs, oh boy are they packed with sludgy Postish Goodness!



Could this be one of the most Epic Discoveries of the Year?

I am gonna, be honest here, I was hunting on my usual Music platforms and there it was, an astral inspired Cover and I thought "Hmm, Universal Stuff! I like" and clicked play...

I am getting serious Fleshgod Apocalypse, Mental Cruelty Vibes and yep, I like it.

Assemble the Chariots - Unyielding Night = fast, dark, majestic, epic extreme metal.

Want a quick Space Trip (and i mean quick!)?
Check them out!
Assemble the Chariots


Wann et eng Band gëtt déi de Melodic Death Metal ufank den 2000er néi erfonnt huet a bis haut een absolutten Statement ass, da si.Wien? Ganz einfach!

2022 war ee Schock fir Band, Fans a Metal Community an huet ee Lach hannerlooss wat net ze fëllen ass, an awer sinn d'Cheffen vun Detroit net bereet dem Trevor seng Legacy néierzeleeën mee genau daat ze maan waat hie gewollt hätt. Weider maachen!

Mei emotional geet et net, an domat soe mir just nach eppes:

Episode lauschtert sech héi:


What a great band with a remarkable and yet tragic history. The Black Dahlia Murder, a name that resonates with metal enthusiasts around the globe, is synonymous with the pinnacle of melodic death metal.
Who doesn't know them? No one!

Today, we pay homage to the moment that marked their breakthrough and solidified their musical consistency: NOCTURNAL.

From the first crushing notes of "Everything Went Black," it was clear to me that The Black Dahlia Murder had reached a whole new level of artistry. The album is a masterclass in the genre, blending relentless aggression with intricate melodies and haunting atmospheres. Brian and John's guitar work is both ferocious and elegant, while Shannon Lucas’s drumming provides a relentless backbone that propels each track forward with unyielding intensity.

Trevor's vocal performance on Nocturnal was nothing short of extraordinary and still beats many other Death Metal Vocalists today. His dynamic range, from guttural growls to piercing screams, brought the dark, macabre lyrics to life.

It’s an album that balances technical skill with raw emotion, creating a soundscape that is as captivating as it is brutal. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the band, Nocturnal is a must-listen!

I am eagerly anticipating their new record, Servitude. Although no one could ever truly replace Trevor's presence or talent, Brian Eschbach stepping into the role is the best choice the band could make. With this formation, The Black Dahlia Murder returns as strong as ever, ready to continue their reign in the melodic death metal scene.

Only one thing left to say, Long live the Kings, Long live the Black Dahlia Murder!

The Black Dahlia Murder


This epic soundscape merges the mysticism of bygone civilizations with the boundless emptiness of the cosmos, weaving a sonic journey that traverses the ruins of antiquity and the vast, desolate vistas of the universe.

Progressive Doom meets middle-eastern Music in this fantastical Aspect.
Lowen's new Album "Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran" drops October 4th and we are sooooo looking forward for it!


We made it all the way to Normandy 😅


Mir musse bal iwwert de leschten Optrëtt vun der franséischer Metal Band Gojira schwätzen.

Metal Geschicht ass geschriwwe ginn an ass der Metal Welt nëmme zegutt komm an wäert Gojira op eng ganz néi Eben katapultéieren.

Ech mengen et geet keen, zumindest kee wou mer kennen, deen "net" Gojira kennt
oder deem d'Gebridder Duplantier keen Begrëff sinn.

Mir hunn decidéiert ebessen mei genau iwwert den Optrëtt bei den Olympesche Spiller, souwéi iwwert Gojira hier Band Geschicht ze kucken.

Lauschtert bis eran:


I will admit, in the recent Years my Interest in Symphonic Power Metal like Bands diminished, but destiny works in many mysterious ways and here I am today suggesting a Band with a seriously Epic Mix of Symphonic Power Metal in the most theatrical Aspect I heard in Ages, behold LOST IN GREY's latest Record "Odyssey into the Grey"

Lost in Grey


Sáasi...what?? Yes, Sáasil!

I was and still am as astounded and deeply moved by this Blackgaze Band from Mexico and is seriously giving me the chills.

I can't go to much into detail about the Band itself, easiest would be to check them out via their Bandcamp Page, but I can highly recommend this Record called "Novilunium" an absolute treat for any fan of the sorrowful and innocence that is Blackgaze.

A lot of resemblance to the great ones out there like Sylvaine or Alcest and I even dare say it..."Novilunium" is probably the best Blackgaze Album I heard in a while.

AIAA 7 - V.C.H Music


Et gouf nees Zeit de Koffer ze packen an ze kucke wat et an der grousser Metallescher Welt sou vu Geschicht ze entlëfte gëtt, mir sinn dës Kéier an der brasilianescher Metal Scene amgaangen ze wullen an ze siche wéi den extreme Genre vu Musek sech do verbreet a wat fir een Afloss aus Brasilien sech hei um Kontinent duerchgesat hunn.

Click héi:


Grind is back on the Menu Boys!
Not sure how i stumbled onto this, but damn it slaps!

Short Songs ✅
Nasty Riffs ✅
Fast as hell ✅



Ethnic Folk Death Metal Jazz? All of this combined and making sense?
Yes, ORGONE's latest Release "Pleroma" is precisely that!


For those who missed it, we recently had an interview with Luxemburger Wort about our podcast and the local metal scene.

If you didn't get a chance to read it, you can catch up now by clicking the link below:


Many thanks once more to Dustin Mertes and Luxemburger Wort for this Opportunity.

Luxemburger Wort


Combining talents like Jukka Koskinen (NIGHTWISH, WINTERSUN), Heikki Saari (FINNTROLL), Daniel Freyberg (CHILDREN OF BODOM), and Tommy Tuovinen (MYGRAIN), the band brings together four heavy hitters from the Finnish metal scene.

Their debut album, self-titled, isn't a mere emulation of their previous projects but rather a vibrant fusion of diverse influences.

In a nutshell, CROWNSHIFT not only exhibits their musical prowess but also demonstrates their knack for crafting versatile compositions, hinting at their potential to ascend to the top of the metal scene.


Long live the Kwisatz Haderach, the Lisan Al Gaib!

Where are my Dune Buddies at? This one's for you: DVNE's latest release, "Voidkind," is darker than ever and fully embraces the potential of progressive music.



Have I ever shared the story of the band that truly ignited my passion for everything shoegaze? While Alcest is a band I often mention, and they indeed play a significant role in my love for the genre, it was another band that initially catapulted me into the realms of reverb and delay, the Band, Slow Crush and their Debut Record Aurora.

Slow Crush's music, though not overtly "metal," carries a weight and intensity that rivals the heaviest of metal acts. A compelling blend of post-punk and post-metal, characterized by an atmospheric, dreamlike soundscape. The band's signature sound alternates between gritty fuzz and molten reverb, creating a richly wall of beautiful noise. This intricate backdrop is further enriched by Isa Holliday's soaring, echo-coated vocal performance, which adds a haunting and ethereal layer to their heavy yet soft esthetic.

The seamless flow of Aurora and the band's proficiency in blending elements together is best showcased in tracks like "Shallow Breath," the heartfelt "Beached," and my absolute favorite, "Tremble."

If you're ready to dive into a deep pool of shimmering noise, start with this!


Usech gëtt et kee schlechten Album... oder dach? Wann ee Museker een Album verëffentlechen huet e gewéinlech all seng Séil a säin Kennen dranlaafen gelooss mee meescht dat et zu engem gudden Album?

Et gin ganz Fill Lëschten dobaussen iwwert "Most Hated Metal Records", sinn se berechtegt oder net, dat wollte mir wëssen an hunn ons puer kontrovers Alben ugekuckt.

Episode lauschtert sech héi:


"House of The Black Geminus" showcases an overwhelming display of dominance and terror. AKHLYS masterfully blends intense Black Metal with elements of Dark Ambient and Death Industrial, creating a powerful fusion of psychological horror, orchestrated brutality, and eerie foreboding.

This is not an easy listen and will certainly haunt you.... but in a good way, kind of.



Imbued with haunting delicacy, Lesath's "A Beautiful Dream" transcends the boundaries of post-metal, soaring to unprecedented heights. Drawing from the deep roots of black metal, the album's ethereal soundscapes envelop the listener, lifting them to realms unexplored.

Each track becomes a sonic odyssey, propelling the listener on a journey through swirling melodies and cathartic crescendos. As you immerse yourself in its depths, "A Beautiful Dream" becomes more than just music; it becomes an experience, carrying you ever higher into the boundless void of existence.



This is what it's all about, Metal Music is globally omnipresent and comes in so many shapes and Sounds I simply love it. Today's Find, NICRONOMODEZ from Indonesia blending Death Metal with Symphonic Black metal and a Pinch of Deathcore.


Check them out via their Bandcamp Page:

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Back to Work i guess,first Stop: Guitar!#sylosis #agodlessthrone #asignofthingstocome #ltdespguitars #bringtheheavy
Long live the new Flesh ➕#callejon #videodrom #metalcore
My own Summerrr #deftones
🌊🌊🌊🌊 💜🖤such a great song//: Lull by Slow Crush#postrock #postmetal #postpunk #shoegaze #reverb #dangelicoguitars #sunday
Riffing towards the weekend! 🐍#sylosis #joshmiddleton #ltdguitars #weekend #riffs #tasty #isever
Gojira's tastiest Riffs on display 😋#gojira #thewayofallflesh
The good old days, In Flames was just diffrent!#trigger #inflames #reroutetoremain
All hail The Black Dahlia Murder#miasma #theblackdahliamurder
Folk Metal Wednesday my Dudes! #suidakra #caledonia #melodeathmetal
August 30th can't come soon enough... in desperate need for new Wintersun ❄️☀️ #wintersun #time2 #time #melodicdeathmeta...
One more from the Boys for the Boys 🌺Hills Like White Lions #shaman #hillslikewhitelions #friday #metal #postmetal
Sundays are for Sylosis, what else!🐍🐍🐍#sylosis #agodlessthrone #signofathingstocome #espguitars




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