Philharmonie Luxembourg

Discover our broad range of live music at Venue for live music in Luxembourg.

A great many varied musical worlds are at home in the Philharmonie: from classical music of all periods and genres to jazz, urban, and experimental music. What all of these concerts have in common is our ambition to offer you a truly special musical experience. Whether you listen to music in order to simply enjoy artistic beauty, to be moved
emotionally, to take time out from everyday life, to dis


Summer Break Alert! 🌞 Our billetterie team is taking a summer holiday from July 27 to August 19. They'll be back on August 20 to happily answer all your questions and requests. 🙏 In the meantime, you can still book tickets for our summer guided tours, September concerts, and 2024/25 subscriptions on our website: Enjoy the sunshine, and see you soon! 🎶
📸 by Alfonso Salgueiro Photography


It's that time of the year again! 🙏Our final concert of the season is over. Now, we're gearing up for renovations. The seats in our balcony and in the towers in the Grand Auditorium are being dismantled and will receive a new upholstery very soon to boost your comfort. Meet Tom Pütz, who explains in more details these exciting updates. 💪

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 08/07/2024

Wow, Kinnekswiss, you were absolutely stunning last Saturday evening! 😍 Big thanks to soprano Emily Pogorelc, tenor Rolando Villazón, the Luxembourg Philharmonic, and music director Gustavo Gimeno for transforming the park into a grand open-air opera house. 👏
📸 by Eric Engel - Photographer
🙏 Organised by Ville de Luxembourg, as part of «Kinnekswiss loves»


Looking for the perfect way to spend your evening today? 🤔 We've got the perfect plan! 🙏 Join us for a magical evening with the Luxembourg Philharmonic, music director Gustavo Gimeno, soprano Emily Pogorelc and tenor Rolando Villazón - all with FREE admission! Set in the beautiful park of the Kinnekswiss, surrounded by lush greenery and trees, it's the perfect spot to bring your picnic, relax, and enjoy some lovely operatic music. See you tonight! Organised by Ville de Luxembourg , as part of «Kinnekswiss loves»

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 04/07/2024

A Grand Auditorium filled to the rafters, a vibrant programme of classical hits, a cheerful ambiance from start to finish, and a standing ovation to top it all. 😍 Last Sunday's concert by the Orchestre Place de l'Europe truly showcased their passion for music. Under the baton of maestro Benjamin Schäfer, featuring solo clarinettist Arthur Stockel and the audience smartphones (!), they delivered a repertoire taking us from ancient Rome to the 21st century in the blink of an eye. Interested in joining our civic orchestra? Find all the details here 👉
📸 by Alfonso Salgueiro Photography

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 03/07/2024

Thumping basslines, high-energy grooves, electrifying synths: The Philharmonie is still buzzing from last Saturday's End-of-Season Party. 💃 Shoutout to DJs Mathieu Moës , ASCO , NTO , Yazzus , the Ultraschall Collective and to all of you who turned our Foyer into the ultimate dancefloor! 🙌
📸 by Alfonso Salgueiro Photography & Sébastien Grébille


Join the Luxembourg Philharmonic this Saturday 6th of July at 21:00 for their annual open-air concert on the Kinnekswiss! ☀️ Bring a picnic blanket, some bubbles and get ready for an unforgettable evening with the orchestra, maestro Gustavo Gimeno , soprano Emily Pogorelc, and tenor Rolando Villazón. No fuss, no fee: just timeless opera classics under the summer sky. A free event organised by Ville de Luxembourg, as part of «Kinnekswiss loves». More info 👉

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 28/06/2024

D-1! 😍 Our venue is about to become the Grand-Duchy's largest dance floor. Catch some behind-the-scenes glimpses of the setup! See you tomorrow for the End-of-season party with Mathieu Moës, Yazzus, ASCO, and NTO... Grab your tickets here


Just a few days left until the grand concert of the Orchestre Place de l'Europe! 🎶We caught up with its conductor, Benjamin Schäfer, to hear all about the exciting final preparations and the highlights awaiting the audience. More info & last tickets 👉


Two weeks ago, we met Samoan choreographer and director Lemi Ponifasio, right before the Luxembourg Philharmonic performed his thought-provoking work, «Sea Beneath The Skin». He shared some of his deeper thoughts with us, while strolling across the Red Bridge.

This Friday, 28.06, join us for «The Manifestation», the culminating event of the red bridge project, curated by Ponifasio. Starting at 19:00, over 150 artists will take us from the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg to the Philharmonie and MUDAM Luxembourg . More information 👉


D-5! Excited about this year's dancefloor setup for the End-of-season party? We caught up with Frank Reinard for a sneak peek at what to expect, including the lights and screens! See you this Saturday. Get your tickets here 👉


D’Lëtzebuerger Philharmoniker an déi ganz Ekipp vun der Philharmonie wënschen iech ee wonnerbaren Nationalfeierdag! 🇱🇺 Fir déi offiziell Zeremonie, déi elo a wéinegen Ablécker an eisem Grand Auditorium ufänkt, gouf een neit Arrangement vun onser «Heemecht» op Basis vu rëmfonnte Manuskripter, vum Ivan Boumans geschriwwen. Hei deele mir elo mat iech déi éischt Andréck dovun aus der Prouf!


Onsen Nationalfeierdag 🇱🇺 ass ontrennbar mam Edmond de la Fontaine verbonnen. Dofir wëlle mir iech elo schonn an déi richteg Feststëmmung versetzen. Genéisst hei ee klenge Concerts-Auszoch mat de Lëtzebuerger Philharmoniker (Luxembourg Philharmonic) ënnert der Leedung vum Ivan Boumans, a mat dem Serge Tonnar a Georges Urwald . Hei héiert dir «Dicksybichelchen» arrangéiert vum Georges Sadeler , ee Potpourri u bekannte Melodie vum Edmond de la Fontaine! Loscht op méi? Dee komplette Concert fannt dir op Phil+ 👉

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 21/06/2024

Throwback to Wednesday's «Somewhere between jazz and electronics» concert in cooperation with Rocklab ! 🎸 The young graduates of the «Join a Band!» workshop series delighted us with their newfound groove. They were supported by the local jazz musicians Julien Cuvelier , Arthur Possing , k l e i n. and Laurent Peckels, turning our Espace Découverte into a stylish club for the evening! 🎷🎶
📸 by Inês A


We're very excited to announce that hania rani & Ensemble will present «Ghosts» at the Philharmonie on the 29th of March 2025 🎶 You can already secure your seat for this concert by choosing our Urban subscription. 👉 . General on-sale will begin on January 9th here 👉

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 18/06/2024

Classical hits for lunch! Today, our civic orchestra, the Orchestre Place de l'Europe, treated us to an exciting preview of its upcoming concert at the Philharmonie! Conducted by Benjamin Schäfer, percussionist with the Luxembourg Philharmonic, and joined by clarinettist Arthur Stockel, the musicians shared their contagious joy and energy. See you on June 30th! Last tickets available here 👉
📸 by Eric Engel - Photographer

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 15/06/2024

Who says you need to be a pro to start a band? 🤔 Since May, a group of teens and young adults have been jamming and rehearsing with Luxembourgish musicians Julien Cuvelier, Arthur Possing, Jerome Klein and Laurent Peckels, learning the tricks of the trade. Now, they’re ready to take the stage and share their groove with you! Come cheer on these budding talents at the Philharmonie on 19.06. More info & tickets 👉 ! In collaboration with Rocklab !
📸 by Alfonso Salgueiro Photography

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 13/06/2024

Take a peek behind the scenes at our Grand Auditorium, where rehearsals for «Sea Beneath the Skin» by Lemi Ponifasio are currently in process. This thought-provoking production is both a warning against maritime pollution and a meditation on life and what follows. Join us this Friday to experience the final performance. More info & tickets 👉 ! Part of the - MUDAM Luxembourg, Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg & Philharmonie Luxembourg
📸 by Inês A


«Geheime Botschaften in der Musik der Wiener Klassik?»
Von der Antike bis zur Moderne haben Komponisten immer wieder Wege gefunden, versteckte Botschaften und außermusikalische Inhalte in ihre Werke einzubetten. Im Austausch mit dem Musikforscher Hartmut Krones erwartet Sie an diesem Samstag Nachmittag voller Entdeckungen von Symbolen, die nur von «Wissenden» entschlüsselt werden können. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Tickets und tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der musikalischen Geheimnisse! 🗝️ Mehr Informationen 👉
📸 by Alfonso Salgueiro Photography


We take you behind the scenes of Tali Golergant’s collab with the Luxembourg Philharmonic and maestra Alondra de la Parra! Watch as Tali, fresh from her Eurovision performance, rehearses her song «Fighter» for the Europäischer Kulturpreis at the Philharmonie Luxembourg! 🌟🎻 Full performance coming up soon! Did you know? The Luxembourg Philharmonic has a long history of performing at Eurovision Song Contests in the past. Proud to continue this musical legacy! 🙏

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 10/06/2024

What a night! Yesterday, we witnessed Beethoven's lyrical Piano Concerto N° 4 and Mendelssohn’s playful Symphony N° 1 with the incredible Helene Grimaud, the Camerata Salzburg and concertmaster Giovanni Guzzo. Missed it? Don't worry: Our artist in residence Hélène Grimaud is already back tonight, with baritone Konstantin Krimmel! They'll treat us to an evening of passion and introspection... More info 👉
📸 by

Photos from Max Richter's post 06/06/2024

Tickets for Max Richter’s concert on December 5th at the Philharmonie are now available! Get yours here 👉

Photos from Philharmonie Luxembourg's post 05/06/2024

Two great 20th-century innovators in one concert! Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto N°2, known for its wild inventiveness and the virtuosity it demands, caused a scandal at its premiere. Paired with Shostakovich’s dramatic Symphony No. 10, this concert was a powerful experience. The Luxembourg Philharmonic, alongside brilliant young pianist Haochen Zhang and the internationally renowned conductor Tugan Sokhiev, brought these masterpieces to life. We're thrilled to announce that Sokhiev will be one of our Artist in Focus next season!
📸 by Inês A


We're excited to welcome back Artist in Residence Helene Grimaud on June 10th! Join us for her recital with baritone Konstantin Krimmel , featuring Brahms’s most emotionally direct Lieder and Valentin Silvestrov’s mysterious Silent Songs, described as «silence set to music». An evening of passion and introspection not to be missed! Watch this short video interview where she shares which pieces have had the most impact on her. 🎹 Find more info & tickets here 👉


Every 1st of the month, we're bringing you a handpicked selection of tracks featuring music from our upcoming concerts. 🎧 This time, we're celebrating the vibrant sounds of June and July! ☀️ Expect a diverse mix that captures the essence of summer – from classical masterpieces to electronic dance beats. Tune in, enjoy the good vibes, and let the music set the perfect atmosphere. Liste here 👉


Back with another episode of «Orchestrating the Everyday»! This time, Anne Payot-Le Nabour walks us through the life of a Publications Editor at the Philharmonie. From the Musical Diary to our evening programmes and the «résonances» series, see how the Dramaturgy's work shapes your concert experience. Watch the full episode on our Linkedin channel here 👉


📣 Calling all volunteers! As we celebrate 20 years of music at the Philharmonie, we're excited to launch «BénéPhil», a circle dedicated to enriching our audience's experience on selected concert nights. 🙏 We're looking for passionate volunteers to assist to inform, answer questions and share their love for music! Sounds like you? Get in touch now by visiting


📣 Just announced: A transformative figure in contemporary classical music, Max Richter is bringing his world tour of «The Blue Notebooks and In A Landscape» to the Philharmonie Luxembourg this 5th of December – performing a selection of his best-loved works on stage with Eloisa Fleur Thom, Max Baillie, Connie Pharoah, Max Ruisi and Zara Hudson-Kozdoj! 🔗 Tickets on sale Thursday 6th June, 10:00 👉 🎟️

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Ready to relive the whole 2023/24 season in just 30 seconds? Buckle up! We had an absolute blast and can’t wait to see y...
Renovation Works in the Grand Auditorium
Join the Luxembourg Philharmonic this Saturday 6th of July at 21:00 for their annual open-air concert on the Kinnekswiss...
Just a few days left until the grand concert of the Orchestre Place de l'Europe! 🎶We caught up with its conductor, Benja...
Two weeks ago, we met Samoan choreographer and director Lemi Ponifasio, right before the Luxembourg Philharmonic perform...
Frank Reinard about this year’s End-of-Season Party
D’Lëtzebuerger Philharmoniker an déi ganz Ekipp vun der Philharmonie wënschen iech ee wonnerbaren Nationalfeierdag! 🇱🇺 F...
Onsen Nationalfeierdag 🇱🇺 ass ontrennbar mam Edmond de la Fontaine verbonnen. Dofir wëlle mir iech elo schonn an déi ric...
Excited to bring you a new episode of «Presto», our quick interview series! 🙏 This time, we sat down with Eurovision par...
Tali | Luxembourg Philharmonic | «Fighter»
We're excited to welcome back Artist in Residence Helene Grimaud on June 10th! Join us for her recital with baritone Kon...
Back with another episode of «Orchestrating the Everyday»! This time, Anne Payot-Le Nabour walks us through the life of ...



1 Place De L'Europe

Autres Salle de concert à Luxembourg (voir toutes)
den Atelier den Atelier
54, Rue De Hollerich
Luxembourg, 1741

Bringing you the best live shows in Luxembourg since 1995

Encore Luxembourg Encore Luxembourg
41 Rue De Bouillon
Luxembourg, 2342

Located in the heart of Luxembourg City, most specifically in Hollerich. Events, Caterings, Concerts, Shows... Celebrate Life.

Vantage Bar Vantage Bar
163 Rue De Beggen
Luxembourg, 1221

Vantage is a cocktail tapas bar lounge dedicated to musicians, music lovers and event enthousiasts.

Blues Club Letzebuerg Blues Club Letzebuerg
1, Rue Des Trois Glands
Luxembourg, 1629

Blues Club Lëtzeburg promotes the Blues in Luxembourg & organises Blues concerts in the Sang & Klang