Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de YAAH YOGA, Salle de yoga, 188, Route de Treves, Niederanven.

Wellness, Deep Relaxation, Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Concerts
Thai, Lomi Lomi Nui, Ayurvedic & Classic Massages, Access Bars, Reiki
A pleasant non-judgmental atmosphere for de-stressing and letting go.

Relationship Reflections | Bentinho Massaro 01/07/2023

Nicely to the point

Relationship Reflections | Bentinho Massaro Relationship Reflections by Bentinho Massaro Part 2 - https://youtu.be/nwhF6jB4X84When you are deeply connected to your ...


You are always enough. 🙏💞




And today I want to change the way you see negative thoughts...

Imagine you're at a train station...

Sat there on the side of the platform...

Watching trains come and go...

Waiting for your train to arrive.

Now let's add another layer to this...

Each train that arrives is a train that is built around a certain thought.

And if you get on that train - you'll feel that thought.

The first train that arrives is the 'I'm-Not-Good-Enough' train.

That's not where you want to go through...

...so you don't get on it.

You look through the window and see how miserable all the passengers look.

The second train that arrives is 'The-Future-Is-Bleak'.

You don't want to go there either...
..so you don't get on that.

You watch as many others jump on...then immediately look stressed and worried.

That train rolls off into the distance, thankfully.

Another train comes in...

The 4.45 train to 'I'm-Overweight-And-Ugly'.

Again, you let it pull into the station and then just pull off without you getting on it.

You just watch as the trains pull in...then pull out...
..and you don't jump aboard because it's not where you want to go.


You see a train approaching...

And as it pulls in you notice how at peace all the people on the train look.

How they all have smiles on their face and just look...content.

You look up at the name of the train...

It's the 3.20 to 'Everythings-Going-To-Be-OK'.

That sounds like somewhere you'd like to go...

So you jump aboard...
..and immediately feel a deep sense of relief.

Everyone on board is smiling at you as you find your seat.

And as you pull away...
..you can see the difference between everyone on this train...
..and the people who were aboard all the others.

This metaphor is how life works.

You can't choose your thoughts.....but you can choose which ones to get on board with.....and that will create your experience...

If you really let this settle in, it is life-changing...

Have a wonderful day


“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with magic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”

“Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience. They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all. A million people could be pushing against you, and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back.
They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction - but it does not affect you unless you push against them.”-Abraham-Hicks

Image credit unknown



It's so IMPORTANT to remember that you are ADDING MOMENTUM to that which you are THINKING and TALKING about, and what you are FOCUSED ON! So if you are looking at SITUATIONS or another PERSON or an UNWANTED EXPERIENCE and you are COMPLAINING, you are ADDING MOMENTUM to that which you DO NOT WANT! But if you are able to REALIZE that EVERYTHING has BENEFIT and VALUE, YES even the UNWANTED, and you are able to EMBRACE IT and CELEBRATE IT, know that it's ALL for your HIGHEST GOOD, now you are ADDING MOMENTUM in the POSITIVE DIRECTION. Remember my friends, the UNIVERSE does NOT DECIPHER whether what you are THINKING and TALKING about is what you WANT or DON'T WANT, it just says "HERE'S MORE OF THAT!". So PAY ATTENTION to what you are GIVING YOUR ATTENTION TO and remember, COMPLAINING IS CREATING, so is CELEBRATING,



"Imagine craving absolutely nothing from the world. Imagine cutting the invisible strings that so painfully bind us: what would that be like? Imagine the freedoms that come from the ability to enjoy things without having to acquire them, own them, possess them. Try to envision a relationship based on acceptance and genuine care rather than expectation. Imagine feeling completely satisfied and content with your life just as it is. Who wouldn't want this? This is the enjoyment of non-attachment."

~ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.

Through Rajesh Arora


What does a new day mean to you?

A new day is a chance to start afresh. If we carry grudges, resentment or disappointments of the past, we are unable to live the new day of life.

The reason why most people feel that their life is dull and uninteresting is that they never look at what's coming ahead in life. Instead, they live their past over and over every day.

If you want to make the most of your life, embrace every day of life with a fresh mind. Carry the lessons from yesterday, and live in the moment to make your today worthwhile.

Dr Bhawna Gautam


I help you with that. I`ll guide you into that healing space in you from where it is perfectly safe to look upon all that emotions and thoughts and past hurts coming up when sitting still.
We all have to go through that. There is no bypassing.
Everything else is running from yourself. Sooner or later this won`t work anymore. ~ Silvio - www.healing.lu



Just ASK and then PAY ATTENTION! It's kinda funny because we tend to make things SO DIFFICULT and HARD when we have access to the POWER THAT CREATES WORLDS! When you are UP CLOSE to a SITUATION that is bothering you or maybe having HARD TIMES, it's hard to see the BIG PICTURE. But Source has the BROADER PERSPECTIVE, Source ALWAYS sees the BIG PICTURE, and is ALWAYS wanting to let you know what that is! So if you will just CHILL OUT, ASK Source to REVEAL THAT TO YOU, and then GET OUT OF YOUR THINKING MIND, the ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS will come to you! Here's an analogy that might help you, SUNRISES and SUNSETS. We sit and watch them endlessly, we take pictures and post them, we write songs and poetry about them, but from the view point out in space, the sun never goes away. It is ALWAYS SHINING BRIGHTLY. It's all about PERSPECTIVE!


Silvio - Healing Hands Luxembourg - YouTube 16/01/2023

Maybe opt for a Passive Yoga Massage
Check out my youtube channel for how this looks and feels.
Get rid of tension, discomfort and pains allowing me to do your workout for you.
Dynamic Osteopathic Thai Yoga massage ~ perpetual movement poetry, deeply relaxing and freeing
More details about Traditional and Dynamic Thai you can find here

Silvio - Healing Hands Luxembourg - YouTube Healing Hands Luxembourg http://www.Healing.luPassion Dedication Love ProfessionalismHolistic Spiritual Life CoachingInstitute for Well-Being, Inner Peace, B...


What do you notice in people, their beauty or imperfection?

We see the world, the way we think. If we have a positive approach towards life, we see the positive attributes of a person and we if have a negative approach, all we see is imperfection.

Most people disregard other people because they have already created a mental picture of how a perfect person needs to be. So, when they meet someone who doesn't fit into this picture, they don't even try to know them more. It is only when you understand people that you get to know their strengths.

Keep your open mind and embrace people for who they are. Everyone is beautiful, you only find it once you uncover the blindfold of your own thoughts.

Dr Bhawna Gautam


"the path".



“For unless one is able to live fully in the present, the future is a hoax. There is no point whatever in making plans for a future which you will never be able to enjoy. When your plans mature, you will still be living for some other future beyond. You will never, never be able to sit back with full contentment and say, “Now, I’ve arrived!” Your entire education has deprived you of this capacity because it was preparing you for the future, instead of showing you how to be alive now.”


Der Bote...

Wenn der Schmerz in dir aufbricht, dann heiße ihn willkommen. Reiche ihm deine Hände, so wie du auch einem Freund die Hände reichst.

Er ist der Bote, der Überbringer...
In jedem Schmerz ruht eine Botschaft...
Eine Antwort auf deine Fragen, eine Antwort von deiner Seele selbst.

Heiße den Schmerz willkommen...

Er möchte von dir liebevoll angenommen
werden. Gib ihm Raum dass er SEIN
darf. Lass ihm seine Botschaft überbringen. Halte ganz still und
lausche ihm...

Wenn er merkt, dass er von dir bejahend angenommen worden ist, so kann er wieder gehen. Verachtest du ihn und weißt du ihn ab, so bleibt er bei dir. So lange bist du ihm die Aufmerksamkeit
schenkst nachdem er verlangt...

Er ist dein Freund nicht dein Feind...
Wenn er dich berührt, dann gebe dich
im hin und lasse dich von deiner inneren Führung leiten...

"Fühle mich... so das ich wieder
gehen kann"...

Text: Markus Everdiking (Heilende Texte)

Photos from Healing Hands Luxembourg's post 09/10/2022

Dynamic Thai ~ a perpetual movement poetry
deeply relaxing and freeing



„Meditation bedeutet Ausruhen, totale Entspannung, absoluten Stillstand aller Aktivitäten – körperlich, geistig und emotional. Wenn du dich in einem so tiefen Stillstand befindest, dass sich nichts in dir bewegt, wenn alle äußere Aktion aufhört – als ob du fest schläfst und trotzdem wach bist – dann wirst du herausfinden, wer du bist. Plötzlich öffnet sich das Fenster. Es kann nicht durch Anstrengung geöffnet werden, weil Anstrengung Anspannung erzeugt – und Anspannung ist der Grund all unseren Elends. Daher muss man grundlegend verstehen, dass Meditation keine Anstrengung ist.

Man sollte spielerisch mit Meditation umgehen, man sollte lernen Spaß damit zu haben, man sollte nicht ernst damit sein – sei ernsthaft und du wirst es verfehlen. Man sollte voller Freude daran gehen. Und man sollte darauf achten, dass es zu einer immer tieferen Entspannung führt. Es ist keine Konzentration, im Gegenteil, es ist Entspannung. Wenn du völlig entspannt bist, wirst du zum ersten Mal deine Realität spüren. Du siehst dich deinem wahren Selbst gegenüber. Wenn du mit einer Arbeit beschäftigt bist, bist du so in Anspruch genommen, dass du dich selbst nicht sehen kannst. Arbeit schafft viel Rauch um dich herum, sie kreiert viel Staub um dich herum; daher muss alle Beschäftigung wenigstens für ein paar Stunden am Tag fallengelassen werden.

Aber das ist nur zu Beginn so. Wenn du die Kunst der Entspannung gelernt hast, kannst du beides sein, aktiv und entspannt zugleich. Denn du weißt, dass Entspannung etwas so Tiefes im Inneren ist, dass es nicht von etwas Äußerem gestört werden kann. Die Beschäftigung geschieht an der Peripherie, in der Mitte bleibst du gelassen. Nur zu Beginn muss daher die Beschäftigung für ein paar Stunden fallengelassen werden. Wenn jemand die Kunst gelernt hat, dann ist das kein Thema mehr: Er kann vierundzwanzig Stunden am Tag meditativ sein und dabei alle Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens fortsetzen.

Aber denke daran, das Schlüsselwort ist Ruhe, Entspannung. Gehe nie gegen Ruhe und Entspannung an. Richte dein Leben damit ein, lass alle sinnlosen Tätigkeiten fallen, denn neunzig Prozent sind sinnlos. Ihr Sinn ist nur Zeit totzuschlagen

Mobile uploads 15/09/2022

You’ve spent too much of your life explaining yourself to other people..
Trying to justify who and why you are the way you choose to be..
It’s time to step back, take a deep breath and just stop.
Stop explaining who you are to people, most of which don’t matter or probably don’t hear you anyways.
Stop justifying what you do and why you do it, because you don’t have to..
It’s your life.
No one else is walking your path and they don’t know the challenges you face every day, so why do they deserve an explanation?
They don’t.
Your victories, your failures, all the things that make you beautifully unique..
Celebrate those qualities, milestones and lessons and let people think what they will.
You’ve wasted so much time, energy and headspace trying to be accepted by people that will never get you the way you deserve..
So stop spending your time on the people that don’t matter and invest more time, energy and love on the beautiful souls that do-
Yourself and the people that love you and are always there for you.
They accept you unconditionally.
They love you unequivocally.
They stand beside you unfailingly.
You’re wonderful, awesome and perfect just the way you are.
All those people who have an opinion on who you should be and how you should act?
Just smile and walk away.
You don’t owe them anything.
You’ve already spent too long trying to make yourself fit into a world that doesn’t appreciate you enough.
Stop explaining and start living your best life.
The ones who love you don’t need you to justify yourself..
They love you just the way you are.
Maybe it’s time for you to do the same..
After all, no one will ever love you as good as you can.
It’s time to fly, darling.

Mobile uploads 01/08/2022



- Rumi ❤

Timeline photos 26/07/2022



Lebe ich meine
Liebe in mir...

so gebe ich
meinem inneren Kind
seine Leichtigkeit und
Balance zurück...

Wahrhaftig zu SEIN...

ist das... was dieses
Leben sich von uns

Auch wenn der
Schmerz, die Trauer
und die Wut gerade
neben dir läuft...

und deine Hand fest

So erkenne das es
dein Inneres Kind es

was so sehr von dir
gehört und liebevoll
angenommen werden möchte...

Suche es in dir...

Und wenn du es
gefunden hast...

dann nehme es
auf deine Arme und
halte es sicher und
fest an deinem Herzen...

"Ich bin bei dir... und
ich höre dir zu... was
du mir sagen möchtest"....

"Ich liebe dich... und
werde mit dir sein"...

"Wenn du lachst... dann
lachen wir zusammen"...

"Wenn du traurig bist...
dann weinen wir beide

"Wenn du wütend bist...
dann schreien wir beide

"Wenn du dich einsam fühlst...
ich bin bei und mit dir"...

In Liebe...

Text: Markus Everdiking(Heilende Texte)

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188, Route De Treves