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Home page - SaveUkraine 02/09/2024

💰 Latvia will allocate 20 million euros for the drone coalition next year as well

In 2025, as well as this year, Latvia will allocate 20 million euros for an international drone coalition aimed at strengthening Ukraine's defence capabilities.

Latvian Defence Minister Andris Spruds told his Ukrainian counterpart Rustem Umerov during a meeting in Kiev on Friday, the Defence Ministry said.

The ministers also discussed a recent agreement between the countries to train Ukrainian soldiers in a drone control programme. The first Ukrainian pilots have already started training in Latvia.

🥇On the fourth day of the Paralympics in Paris, our athletes won another eight gold medals.

Oksana Zubkovskaia and Mykhailo Serbin won gold medals. Roman Polyanskyi won the gold medal.

💀The terrorist state must feel what war is. We are working to ensure that as many russian military facilities, logistics hubs, and critical components of their war economy as possible fall within the reach of our weapons.

Currently, our drones are making this possible, and I thank everyone in Ukraine who is involved in developing and producing drones, as well as those working on our missile program. I also extend my gratitude to our state’s foreign policy team, who are persuading our partners that long-range capabilities are key to ending this war.

With our drones and missiles, we can accomplish part of the missions. But true peace – a real end to this war – is a complex task. To force russia into peace, to move them from deceitful rhetoric about negotiations to taking steps to end the war, to clear our land of occupation and occupiers, we need effective tools.

Home page - SaveUkraine Save Ukraine is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 2014 that coordinates dozens of organizations, volunteers, individuals and legal entities to help those affected by war, with a special emphasis on children.

UNITED24 - Ініціатива Президента України 22/08/2024

⚡️AFU has new successes in Kursk region - ISW

Ukrainian warriors continue to move forward on the territory of the Kursk region of the russian federation. On Monday, August 19, the defenders of our country managed to achieve new successes, writes the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), referring to geolocation footage that was published yesterday.

"...Ukrainian forces advanced in Vishnevka (southwest of Korenevo and 14 kilometers from the international border)," the analysts found out.

⚡Bloomberg names 12 oligarchs who earn billions in payouts from russia's war economy.

russia's wartime economy has earned a dozen oligarchs $11 billion in dividends as russian natural resource and finance giants earn record profits during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

⚡️Ukrainian hackers show war footage on russian TV, source says.

Hackers of Ukraine's military intelligence agency (HUR) broke into servers of several russian television channels and broadcasted "objective videos about the war in Ukraine," a source in the agency told the Kyiv Independent on Aug. 22.

⚡️Ukraine needs to increase external financing by $12-15 billion in 2025, Finance Ministry says.

"The intensity of hostilities and the risks of a prolonged war, as well as the systematic growth of security and defense sector expenditures, are the key factors that influence the growth of financial needs," Deputy Finance Minister Olha Zykova said.

⚡️ Ukraine destroys bridges in Kursk region at the same speed as russia builds them - Forbes

The Ukrainian army has hit all three permanent bridges over the Seim River in russia's Kursk region since Friday.

As a result, russian troops have been cut off from ground supplies and reinforcements.

☀️To donate to Ukraine use verified sources

UNITED24 - Ініціатива Президента України UNITED24 — ініціатива Президента України Володимира Зеленського. Завдання фандрейзингової платформи — стати головним вікном для збору пожертв на підтримку України...


✅ 🏃🏻‍♂️ russian athletes will not attend the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games - rossMedia with reference to representatives of russian sports federations

A total of 15 russians in neutral status participated in the 2024 Olympics. All of them, except for the canoeists, have already left France.

✅ Enemy Su-34 and Ka-52 "tired" in the steppes of russia.

✅The Ukrainian Navy destroyed one of the gas rigs in the Black Sea at night.

✅Belarus said it was moving Iskanders and Polonez MLRSs to the border with Ukraine.

✅Operation in Kursk region: Ukrainian forces used new tactics of using drones and REB, failure of russian intelligence, the issue of conscripts.

✅Kursk nuclear power plant as an object of close attention, what is known about it.

✅ 🛩 Sweden and Germany raised their fighter jets to intercept the russian plane over the Baltic, - German air force press service

The russian Il-20M reconnaissance aircraft was in airspace over the Baltic Sea "without a flight plan".

Having failed to establish contact with air traffic control, it was escorted by NATO fighter jets.

🔥 Ukrainian woman conquered Paris: Kateryna Shukhnina received the highest award in the crypto world!

Kateryna Shukhnina, with more than 7 years of experience in cryptocurrency and the founder of the Ukrainian academy Profit Lady, has received the most prestigious award from Binance.

✅51% of state budget expenditures were spent on defense in the first half of 2024. This is almost 1 trillion hryvnias.

And total expenditures amount to 1.9 trillion hryvnias.

And this does not include the cost of weapons from our partners, because this assistance is not calculated in the budget.

Even after the victory, we will continue to spend huge amounts of money on defense, probably tens of percent of the budget: on maintaining a large army, producing and purchasing weapons, training, and subversion in russia.

Безпечний переказ коштів 04/08/2024

🥊 Ukrainian boxer Oleksandr Khizhnyak has reached the semifinals of the 2024 Olympics

By reaching the semifinals, the boxer guaranteed a third medal for Ukraine, because even if he loses in the semifinals, he will receive a "bronze".

🛢️ Brussels asks Hungary and Slovakia to give up russian oil - Financial Times

European Commission Vice President and European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis thinks - both countries "should actively pursue diversification away from russian fossil fuels."

He added that now the two countries have enough oil supplies. Therefore, urgent consultations with the European Commission with the participation of Ukraine, which Budapest and Bratislava demanded, were not needed.

At the same time, he pointed out that the Hungarian energy company MOL has recognized that LUKoil does not own the oil coming through Ukraine via the Druzhba pipeline. This means that Kiev's sanctions did not affect supplies to Hungary.

🪪 Estonia will issue residence permits to Ukrainian men even with an expired Ukrainian passport because of the failure to update military registration data.

‼️ 🙏 The collection for a Matrice 30T drone for the marines of the 36th Brigade. The guys need it for night work in Vovchansk (Ukraine).

It all depends on us. War is not a computer game where you can save, go back and do better. All we can do is help now, without delay.

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It depends on us whether the guys will have copters that will change the battle and bring the Victory closer.

Безпечний переказ коштів Надсилайте безкоштовно та безпечно кошти


✔️Agriculture in Ukraine today: a harvester cultivates a field along the line of fortifications - less than 15 km to the front.

👉🏻Due to russia's war of aggression, Ukrainian land has become highly contaminated with mines and unexploded ordnance that pose a threat to both people and wildlife.
Every donation to our fundraiser helps boost Ukraine's demining. Support our initiative for new metal detectors to make our country safer. Donate 👉🏻

✔️Ukraine has agreed to postpone payments on foreign debt - Shmygal

The agreement will save $11.4 billion to service the external public debt until 2027 and another $22.75 billion until 2033, and will also allow to finance the needs of defense, social protection and reconstruction.

✔️ Europe should be ready for ten years of war in Ukraine - NATO Secretary General

🔹 According to Stoltenberg, Europe and NATO should be prepared for the war in Ukraine to drag on for ten years - but the paradox of the situation, in his opinion, is that the more convincingly Western allies demonstrate that they are ready for a long war, the faster it could end.

🔹 Stoltenberg again called on European NATO countries to increase their allocation of aid to Ukraine.

🔹 Europeans and Kiev fear that if Donald Trump returns to power in the US, he may cut back or stop funding aid to Ukraine altogether.

✔️Ukrainian esports team Natus Vincer (Latin for «Born to Win», or NAVI for short) won the first-ever Esports World Cup Counter-Strike 2 Championship at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia I

In the grand final, NAVI proved to be stronger than their opponents from the G2 Esports team, with a final score of 2:1.

Following the tournament results, Valerii «blt» Vakhovskyi from the NAVI team was chosen as the MVP (most valuable player) of the competition. Such a reward became the first in the career of the Ukrainian player.


Recent news ✔️

🔌 Constant blackouts will be a regular occurrence for Ukrainians - The Economist

The publication writes that Ukraine urgently needs more electricity this winter, while almost all the remaining electricity generation in Ukraine comes from nuclear power plants.

🛑 From Tuesday Latvia stopped letting in cars with Belarusian license plates

⏹ So decided the State Revenue Service (VDD, which is in charge of customs) in connection with the new European sanctions against Belarus.

⏹ At the same time, the presence of Belarusian cars in Latvia is still allowed. The government will develop a separate ban for this purpose.

🇺🇦🇨🇿 Ukraine has signed an agreement with the Czech Republic to build a cartridge factory and produce Czech assault rifles - Shmygal

"The agreement was signed between Sellier & Bellot and Ukroboronservice."

📰 Ukraine plans to end hostilities and begin negotiations with russian federation - The New York Times

"As the war reaches the 2½-year mark, Ukraine is creating a plan to end the fighting through negotiations. Zelensky said Monday that he wants to hold a second international peace summit later this year and that russian officials should attend."


Today russia hit «Ohmatdyt» children's hospital with a rocket.
The National Children's Specialized Hospital «Ohmatdyt» is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 children from all over the country are treated every year.
Just look at this. These monstrosities do not care who to kill.

russia cannot help but know where its missiles are going and must be fully accountable for all its crimes: against people, against children, against humanity in general. It is very important that the world does not remain silent about this now and that everyone sees what russia is and what it is doing.

Ukraine desperately needs air defenses to save the lives of its people and children from absolutely ruthless russian terroristic attacks.
Ukraine protects all of Europe. And if Ukraine does not receive the necessary help and permission to strike deep into russia, this evil will come to other European cities.
And then in the USA.

Netherlands has already reacted to this horror, saying: “russian terror knows no bounds: now a cowardly attack on a children's hospital.
Having just returned from Kyiv, this hurts even more to see.
It strengthens my motivation to quickly deliver the Patriot parts and F16s.
And with partners to continue to do more in air defense!”

So do not stop, spread and share!!!


💙💛The main news for Ukraine for the week:

🖇️Ukrainian design and architecture studio MAKHNO received the prestigious Red Dot Award 2024
🖇️The United States will provide funds for printing children's books in Ukraine
🔸Ukrainian tennis player sets a national record after winning a prestigious tournament in the UK
🖇️Ukraine wins the European Basketball Championship among athletes with hearing impairments
🖇️Ukrzaliznytsia enters the Polish market
🔸Ukrainian Paralympians win 7 medals at the World Cup in powerlifting
🖇️IKEA has decided to return to Ukraine - Forbes. One of the main factors for the Swedish retailer was the successful reopening of H&M and Inditex
🖇️Electricity deficit in Ukraine to continue for 2 more years - IMF forecast
🖇️Ukraine imported $476.3 mln worth of electric cars in 4 months
🔸The use of the "people's satellite" in combination with access to the ICEYE database allowed the DIU to take more than 4,700 images of russian military facilities: 370 airfields, 238 air defense positions, 153 refineries, 147 missile and ammunition depots, and 17 naval bases.
🖇️An electronic reconnaissance complex, an optoelectronic system - "Ukho-M", antennas and other means of communication of the russian occupiers were destroyed.
🖇️Ten civilians as well as 90 military personnel have returned to Ukraine from russian captivity as part of the 53rd prisoner exchange with the assistance of the UAE and the Vatican.


🇺🇦Ukrainian society has a high demand for justice.
Some kind of reaction is good, but not enough yet
We are waiting for real actions and punishment, everyone is tired of impunity.

Borrell: EU has found a way to circumvent Hungary's veto on support for Ukraine.

The European Union has developed a legal workaround to circumvent Hungary's veto on arms purchases for Ukraine using the proceeds of russia's frozen assets this year. This could also remove obstacles for the G7 to disburse $50 billion to Ukraine.

According to the EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, since Hungary abstained from the previous agreement to set aside the proceeds of frozen russian assets, it "should not be involved in the decision on how to use this money."

Borrell added that the workaround is "complicated, like every legal solution, but it works." The loophole will be discussed by EU foreign ministers on June 24 in Luxembourg.

I ask everyone to keep the focus on this and want to reinforce the main message, publicity always works, it's all because of you 👉🏻
Because of each of you who connects.

This is your strength, so please do not give up and always join in raising awareness of the problems.
This is the only way we can change the country. As long as each of you is not silent.

Ukrainian War in UA Environmental Impact | top lead projects 16/06/2024

🔍 The Ukrainian delegation presented the printed version of the study "The Russian-Ukrainian War: Environmental Impact" at the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which started on 14 June.

You can download the new version here 👉🏻

✅ The study, prepared by the visual communications agency Top Lead, has already helped to present Ukraine's needs at the UN Climate Change Conference and is used by the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of War.

Heads of state, ministers, and heads of relevant international organisations receive information about environmental damage and restoration needs from this study.

International law requires environmental protection during hostilities, classifying significant damage as a war crime. Yet, without effective enforcement mechanisms, holding perpetrators accountable is improbable without russia's consent, which is unlikely to be granted.

Violation of the international laws
■ Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions
■ Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other
Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
■ The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

We have already started working on the second edition, which we plan to release in August 2024. We urge you to join the project if you also want to help Ukraine overcome the damage caused by russia. Contact [email protected] to find out about partnership opportunities.

Ukrainian War in UA Environmental Impact | top lead projects Ми підготували це дослідження, щоб допомогти світу краще зрозуміти те, як війна знищує українське довкілля та якими є потреби України з відновлення.


To remember and spread:
⚡️The Global Peace Summit should become a significant step towards ending the war and establishing a just peace for Ukraine. We believe that it will be a significant step towards ending the war and restoring a just peace. Because we do not need just any kind of peace, we need a just peace," the Head of the Presidential Office noted.
That is why, according to him, the Peace Formula proposed by the President of Ukraine is based on international law. Andriy Yermak emphasized that russia's war against Ukraine affects every person in the world.
🌾"Because it's about our grain, about the environment, about the Zaporizhzhia NPP occupied by Russians. And, for example, the issue of POWs is not only a Ukrainian issue, and it cannot be resolved through traditional diplomacy," explained the Head of the Presidential Office.
🌍 This war can seem very far away. But the catastrophic increase in food prices has already impacted the lives of millions of African families,” Mr Subkh said at the opening in the diplomatic quarter of Ivory Coast’s economic capital.

🇺🇦 Ukraine is actively working on expanding its presence in the African region - currently, we have opened diplomatic missions in 17 African countries!
In the last 7 months alone, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has opened 7 new embassies - in Mauritania, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Botswana, Rwanda, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. New embassies are also planned to open in three more countries, namely, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Sudan.
In addition, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held over 20 meetings with African leaders, and Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has conducted 35 negotiations. The MFA of Ukraine has developed the first-ever Communication Strategy "Ukraine - African States", which is already being implemented by our diplomats.
Further, Ukraine is actively working on exporting agricultural products to the countries in the region.
We have already delivered over 200,000 tonnes of grain to 8 countries under the " " humanitarian program.
We strive to strengthen diplomatic, cultural, economic, and other ties with African states and will continue to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.


👉🏻We need you to share this post with your European friends. We need you to be determined.
Constant pressure on russia - sanctions and political. Our work to end terror must be comprehensive.
⚡️russia's full-scale war against Ukraine affects the whole world.
Its attacks on agriculture endanger global food security. Burned-out grain, destroyed equipment, killed animals, and mined fields — those are the consequences of russia's actions. We must unite and stop the terrorist state from blackmailing the world.
Food security is a crucial part of the Peace Formula.
⚡️ Despite all the cruelty of russian shelling, the world can prove that the unity of all those who value human values is enough to protect life. Ukraine constantly repeats that russian terror can be stopped, the lives of our cities and communities can be protected. We know what real opportunities our partners have.
⚡️ Remember, the reason why all missiles are not shot down during night attacks is the lack of air defence capabilities," the Air Force said.
"We have to manoeuvre our available forces and means to repel attacks, as the enemy often uses both drones and missiles from different points and launch sites," the AFU spokesman said.
⚡️Put to stop the evil and prevent its crimes from spreading across the continent.

Photos from Grupa93's post 14/05/2024

The former coach of FC Shakhtar, Portuguese Paulo Fonseca organized a charity event for 50 boys and girls from Kharkiv 🇵🇹 🤝🇺🇦
Paulo Fonseca was the head coach of the Ukrainian club in 2016-19. After russia's full-scale invasion, Fonseca actively supported Ukrainians, particularly by helping purchase generators.

Recently, he organized a charity event for Ukrainian children from Kharkiv. Paulo gave them a stadium tour and invited them to a home match with his current football team, LOSC Lille from France ⚽️

russia has stolen the childhood of Ukrainian children and must be held accountable for its crimes! You can also support Ukrainians by donating 🤝


By arming Ukraine, we can protect not only the Ukrainian people but also defend and the values of the entire world.

The peace should come asap, it shouldn’t be postponed!

Photos from Grupa93's post 27/04/2024

🌍russia's war against Ukraine indeed involves hybrid warfare, especially in how russia manipulates language and terms.

and have a greater possibility of spreading if we speak with its words. Thus, the way we phrase things is extremely crucial.

👉🏻Wording does matter — swipe the cards to learn why.


Supporting Ukraine today = securing your own safety tomorrow.
Agree? If yes, share this video! Help us spread the truth!

Photos from Grupa93's post 17/04/2024

NOW is the time to act and react before it becomes too late.
There can be uncountable 'what ifs', but only a strong Ukraine with its allies can prevent a .

! ✊🏼🕊️


Ukraine and Latvia signed a long-term security agreement. Latvia will provide Ukraine with military assistance worth 0.25% of GDP annually.

The document confirms the readiness of the Republic of to assist with recovery and , protection of critical infrastructure, , unmanned aerial vehicles and cybersecurity


You can create your own creativity, write your own posts, the main thing is that this topic should break out into the western bubble!
Ukraine needs Air Defense Systems 🛡️

And the main thing is to try and get involved!

–Ukrainian Patriot 07/04/2024

🌍You can make a difference right now!

🌟Support Ukraine by joining the cause and making a recurring monthly .
Every contribution, big or small, helps where the need is greatest.
, , medical supplies and equipment, etc.

👇🏼Monthly or daily subscription here:

–Ukrainian Patriot We are a group of Ukrainians and internationals working tirelessly to aid volunteers defending Ukraine and civilians caught in the crossfire. Join us and help keep Ukraine and the world more safe and free.


We cannot bring back lost lives, but we can protect lives to prevent further casualties by russia's barbaric attacks.

Human lives are our greatest value and priority.

That's why needs a strengthened air defense system, including
Share 🫡

Photos from Grupa93's post 27/03/2024

Ukraine's national football team has qualified for the 2024 European Championship after beating Iceland 2:1.

Ukraine was forced to host the game in Polish Wroclaw due to russia's ongoing all-out against the country.
Coach Serhiy Rebrov said in the build-up to the Iceland match that it was hard for his team to concentrate on football.
"The missiles are flying every day. Our mission is to show that we're all alive and fighting against the russians and that we need Europe's support," Rebrov said.

He added that his players were "watching the news about the shelling of Odessa and Kyiv (and made) even more angry and eager to show our potential on the football field."

In Germany, Ukraine will face Romania, Slovakia, and Belgium on June 17,21 and 26, respectively.


Some sanctions are already hitting russian productivity hard, forcing putin to drain the russian economy for war.
But new sanctions on russian jailors or oligarchs' yachts won't stop putin's war machine.

We need to:
1) Sanction russian metals and commodities.
2) Enforce current sanctions better.
3) Seize russia's $300 billion foreign exchange reserves.

Doing nothing is the riskiest choice.
Share and keep share!


The National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia (NEPLP) blocked access to 9️⃣ websites within the country that have been identified as spreading russian propaganda.

Authorities assert that these sites propagate distorted and false narratives regarding russia's actions in the war against Ukraine, including attempts to justify alleged war crimes.

Additionally, the spreading of hate speech and content aimed at discrediting Latvia and NATO has been observed.

The council underscores the potential psychological impact of consuming such information, highlighting the potential for anxiety and fear among segments of the population regarding the stability of the state, their own future, and that of their families.
Furthermore, there are concerns regarding the potential for societal division arising from such content spreading.

Photos from Grupa93's post 15/03/2024

Donate to FPV drones only to trusted channels 👇🏼
PayPal - [email protected]


Ethereum (ERC20):

Tron (TRC20)


⚡️Czech PM: Czech initiative receives commitments for 200,000 more artillery shells.

The Czech-led initiative to provide Ukraine with artillery ammunition received "non-binding commitments" for a further 200,000 shells, in addition to the confirmed purchase of 300,000 rounds, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on March 12, according to the Czech Press Agency (CTK).

Thanks to brave people in Czech Republic 🇨🇿

"It is another proof that Czechia is a full-fledged active player in the European security policy," Fiala said at a security conference in Prague.


⚠️ Putin prepares for war in the Baltic Sea against NATO ? - ISW

According to experts, although russia is spending significant resources on the war with Ukraine, it still has the means to confront the alliance.

ISW writes that last year for the first time russia deployed ships carrying Kalibr cruise in Lake Ladoga near St Petersburg - analysts believe this was in response to Finland's accession to NATO.

In addition, the russian military is increasingly flying heavy bombers over the
Thus, while in 2022 Tu-22M3 bombers did not fly over the Baltic Sea, in 2023 they appeared in the area at least five times.


Look at the people here, your donations are saving the lives of these people and thousands more across Ukraine.
🙏🏼Please remember, that every contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference.
🫶🏻Thank you, our dedicated supporters, for choosing to

Together, we are making a real impact.
The video was published by the fundraising platform

Photos from Grupa93's post 28/02/2024

The has adopted the 13th package of , further tightening the pressure on russia.

This package includes sanctions on 106 individuals and 88 entities involved in undermining Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Their will be frozen, they will be banned from entering the EU, and they will be prohibited from receiving funds from and individuals.

The EU has also introduced new
27 companies that support the russian military-industrial complex are now prohibited from receiving goods and technologies from the EU that could contribute to the technological improvement of the russian defense sector.

Swipe to see how the 13th sanctions package will weaken russia ⚖️


11:00 Kalpaka bulvaris 3
12:30 Brivibas piemineklis

On the second anniversary of russia's of Ukraine, Riga will host various events in support of Ukraine.
The central one is the rally "Together to Victory", which will start on Saturday at the Monument at 12.30.

Riga municipality calls on residents to take part in events to support Ukraine. On 24 February, residents are urged to go to the rally "Together until Victory!", charity concerts "Together with Ukraine" and 🇺🇦

Want your business to be the top-listed Business in Riga?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

On the 8th of May, the world commemorates the deadliest conflict of the last century-the Second World War. Ukraine is gr...
Supporting Ukraine today = securing your own safety tomorrow. Agree? If yes, share this video! Help us spread the truth!...
Look at the people here, your donations are saving the lives of these people and thousands more across Ukraine. 🙏🏼Please...
Remember, it's not a little thing to spread the word of hope, stand with Ukraine, donate to Ukrainian cause, and support...
Remember, it's not a little thing to spread the word of hope, stand with Ukraine, donate to Ukrainian cause, and support...
russians are once again perpetuating their campaign of missile terror. Today, #russianmissiles have caused damage to civ...
Leave your reaction to the video 👏🏼Always happy to share 🙂
What is the Ukrainian flag about? Blue for the sky, yellow for wheat fields?The symbolism of the Ukrainian flag goes now...
Ukrainian woman asks her son “where’s dad?” Heartbreaking 💔
Like our life, sports are based on values, dignity, and respect-simply fair play. If you follow the rules, you are a des...
No matter who in russia says that our Patriots have been destroyed, they are still here, they are working, all of them a...
russia's destruction of the #Kakhovkadam has caused a humanitarian and environmental disaster in Ukraine's south. Ukrain...



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Konsultāciju aģentūra Alise Konsultāciju aģentūra Alise
Riga, LV-1009

Plaša spektra konsultācijas sadarbībā ar kvalificētiem speciālistiem: supervīzija, koučings, biznesa treniņi un mācības, spēļošana

How to Riga How to Riga
Biķernieku Iela 105
Riga, 1039

Поможем вашей идее «вырасти» в успешный стартап в ЕС Подписывайтесь на наш телеграм-канал "Стартапь в NordicBaltic"