
Join me on 90 day training to learn LinkedIn from inside, build content strategy, discover engagemen


For those who love social media and data, Favikon has made it easy

It was in May, 2024, when Favikon announced by adding new 17 countries to it's database, including.

It followed then by in-depth report post by Jeremy Boissinot exposing 200 top creators together, from each of 17 countries. What a comprehensive file. Will add link in comments here. And gladly, I was happy to see myself been recognized among top Latvian creators along with such as our Prime Minister and President.

Here in video, while browsing different filters, I discovered my friends in "marketing and sales category" as we land top 3 among Latvian creators - Ilze Švarcbaha and Mikelis Bastiks 🙌🏻

You can browse app to analyse brands and creators, filtering platforms, industries, and other criteria.


Thank you Jeremy and Favikon for opportunity to have such tool. I used free version here in video. Paid versions for full data landscape are available.


Building new course is a blend of unknown and excitement. Happy to accelerate a collaboration with training company and create a series of courses.

1️⃣ First one out of the oven 🥐 is about

for owners, management, bizdev managers, sales professionals

on how to leverage personal brand and scale business brand awareness to generate leads at scale via organic strategies

In Latvian 🇱🇻
Course enrolls soon
ping me to know more 🤗


Keep comming back

Even if you feel like starting over

I hear my community saying:

I've been away from LinkedIn
Don't know how to re-start
Big names, tips&triks confuse me
What should I write about

And so on and on..

There have been times I've been away from LinkedIn too, it actually happens still

Then, my purpose and passion empowering partners and teams to overcome challenges bring me back on track real quick.

A few things I suggest for a re-start:

1. Think of what do you love to do and you get paid for, what your customer really needs. Your customer's still need your help, advice, dont let your absence postpone your support.

2. Appreciate your amazing community, friends and inspiring personalities on this platform, get to see their posts, engage in comments, get the vibe back

3. Read your feed, see reactions, make new connections to reactivate your networking habit

4. Comment on clients, partners posts, get back on supporting, giving, adding value mindset

5. Come up with a personal post, be open to share that it's been a time, but you are back - encourage others, but mostly encourage yourself.

You can't lose on LinkedIn.

Its a win win for you to be present.


Have you been away and then returned, what did you feel when comming back?


Happy weekend, studying and building a course, garden setting is so productive 💚


"If you aren't doing what's needed to gain the desired result, you probably don't want it enough." Ivy Malik

isn't a quick fix, it's a process

It's a path on how you build your presence, online and offline.

How you accumulate your reputation throughout your professional experiences and your journey of building relationships.

Here on LinkedIn, your is like a conversation with your community.

It's not only how others perceive you.

It's also how you feel about yourself - the purpose you have and the value you bring to others.

One thing I've learned along my journey is that you have to be committed, to continuously learning yourself, and persevere in providing your outbound presence - especially at times when you might feel you aren't receiving any inbound in return.

It's about the decision.
Of continuous time investment and setting the habit of building your leadership.

By raising your community, not exposing yourself.

The part will say it's not profitable. It's not measurable.
The part will persevere and continue.


In the process of choosing your partners, with whom would you prefer to collaborate - one that appears boldly a few times, or one that has always been there for you?


P.S. It's a mushroom season here in Latvia and absolutely ordinary situation for Latvians - we love to collect mushrooms. And I could say we are born with this skill (I guess we receive it with breast milk:))) to know which mushrooms are eatable and which are not.


is what business is looking for

But it's not common on LinkedIn

"Discretionary effort is the level of effort people could give if they wanted to, but above and beyond the minimum required." —& Aubrey C. Daniels, Ph.D.

Platform's algorithm is shaped as to engage Businesses in using Paid tools so to promote the brand, find talent and engage with customers.

Even it's challenging for Businesses to establish strong brand awareness and thought leadership, it's an opportunity to create a collaborative culture with employees:

- to acknowledge, invite, empower, educate employees on how to help brand awareness journey.

It's the professionals who have exclusive power and the most organic favour to bring the brand message for the wider audiences through their organic presence as Personal brand, networking, and engagement with Employer Page activities.


What would be your first steps to engage your team for this business opportunity?


Tiekamies trešdien, 15.15 zoom

LinkedIn biznesam

26.jūnijā pievienojies online tīklošanas meet-up.
15.15-15.45 pēc Latvijas laika.

Kā efektīvi izmantot LinkedIn biznesa mērķiem, izmantojot dabiskās stratēģijas (pirms maksas instrumentiem):

privātie un kompānijas profili
mērogota uzticēšanās
mērķa adresāta sasniegšana
kontaktu loka atbalstīšana
atgriezeniskā ienākošā plūsma
dabiskā satura stratēģija
komandas iesaiste
profilu SEO stratēģija

saruna, jautājumi, atbildes, jūsu labie piemēri

Zoom saruna netiks ierakstīta.
Ierobežots dalībnieku skaits zoom istabai.
Visi dalībnieki tiks uzaicināti aizpildīt kontaktu anketu.
Saruna latviešu valodā.

Zoom saite:
Meeting ID: 840 4700 7641
Passcode: 107390
Uzaicini savus kolēģus!
Kādi jautājumi Tev šobrīd aktuāli?


"You don't need to worry about progressing slowly. You need to worry about climbing the wrong mountain."

- James Clear

Building your brand presence on LinkedIn is a process which consists of many layers.

Nice visuals, slogans, post layouts are just a skin, a dress.

The value you're willing to give in order to help your client solve their challenge is the key.

Don't mislead yourself with focusing on less relevant, untill you cover the most relevant. Take steps at your pace. Focus on value.

What change it would bring to your business if your brand influences the people and makes an impact?


LinkedIn biznesam

26.jūnijā pievienojies online tīklošanas meet-up.
15.15-15.45 pēc Latvijas laika.

Kā efektīvi izmantot LinkedIn biznesa mērķiem, izmantojot dabiskās stratēģijas (pirms maksas instrumentiem):

privātie un kompānijas profili
mērogota uzticēšanās
mērķa adresāta sasniegšana
kontaktu loka atbalstīšana
atgriezeniskā ienākošā plūsma
dabiskā satura stratēģija
komandas iesaiste
profilu SEO stratēģija

saruna, jautājumi, atbildes, jūsu labie piemēri

Zoom saruna netiks ierakstīta.
Ierobežots dalībnieku skaits zoom istabai.
Visi dalībnieki tiks uzaicināti aizpildīt kontaktu anketu.
Saruna latviešu valodā.

Zoom saite:
Meeting ID: 840 4700 7641
Passcode: 107390
Uzaicini savus kolēģus!
Kādi jautājumi Tev šobrīd aktuāli?


More realtime examples, less theory

It's what a team could request when signing up for an inspiration lecture, practical workshops, and operational training course.

And disagree.

Theory [1]
allows you to see the full picture, so you make your steps and actions based on understanding why and how it works if you want results.

Examples [2]
help to show the working mechanisms. Theory in life.

So, to make your practice successful, theory and examples, is a cohesive bundle, that gives you perspective of - doing "x" you can get "y" .

Action [3]
adding your time and commitment as "z" - anything can happen!

As we all know - people do not learn by example. Us, people, we learn by own practice.

What happens if you exclude one or few - x, y, z?


Here with my like-minds from Baltics during RigaCOMM 2023 Panel discussions : Klinta, Dominyka, Indrek



More realtime examples, less theory

It's what a team could request when signing up for an inspiration lecture, practical workshops, and operational training course.

And disagree.

Theory [1]
allows you to see the full picture, so you make your steps and actions based on understanding why and how it works if you want results.

Examples [2]
help to show the working mechanisms. Theory in life.

So, to make your practice successful, theory and examples, is a cohesive bundle, that gives you perspective of - doing "x" you can get "y" .

Action [3]
adding your time and commitment as "z" - anything can happen!

As we all know - people do not learn by example. Us, people, we learn by own practice.

What happens if you exclude one or few - x, y, z?


Here with my like-minds from Baltics during RigaCOMM 2023 Panel discussions : Klinta, Dominyka, Indrek


Seeing a gap is helpful for change on LinkedIn

When your results on LinkedIn don't match your expectations, it's the momentum to change your strategy on actions

Don't stay where it's comfortable, observing and procrastinating. Instead, start doing the uncomfortable.


Build community proactively
Follow-up community activity
Support & cheer community
Comment community
Create content
Engage with your business Page
Upgrade profile SEO
Monitor inbound analytics

What is the end-in-mind goal you wish to pursue? What change it would give to your business if you just decide to commit and proceed?


"It's not confidence, it's experience" Tony Robbins

Showing up on LinkedIn isn't something that one is capable and somebody else isn't.

It's about setting rituals, approaching the skill, practicing continuously. Success isn't some final destination, it's accumulative action that makes change.

Giving more to get more is simple plan to follow.

On LinkedIn, those who've scaled their credibility and earned their community trust, have changed their rituals. Found time and have put efforts to learn through consistency of how to scale on LinkedIn.

Everyone has this opportunity to lock those rituals and make change


Features are here to support your company efforts

Adding active link to your Company profile is helpful to drive more traffic. This is what paid Premium for company page feature offers. There is a one month trial. Use it, test it, explore it.

It's a good addition as it's a safe way not to be punished by algorithm if you put links within short posts [as many business pages do] expecting audience to go to your home page. As every external link signals platform that you lead audience out of the platform and this can decrease the reach of the post.

P.s. Don't forget the free feature!

When employees engage within company page post, they deliver the post to their own unique audiences. Multiply this with employees (!) And, for those professionals who are not following Company Page yet, there is a neat reminder - "follow".

Here using example of my partners Pipelife Latvia


Features are here to support your company efforts

Adding active link to your Company profile is helpful to drive more traffic. This is what paid Premium for company page feature offers. There is a one month trial. Use it, test it, explore it.

It's a good addition as it's a safe way not to be punished by algorithm if you put links within short posts [as many business pages do] expecting audience to go to your home page. As every external link signals platform that you lead audience out of the platform and this can decrease the reach of the post.

P.s. Don't forget the free feature!

When employees engage within company page post, they deliver the post to their own unique audiences. Multiply this with employees (!) And, for those professionals who are not following Company Page yet, there is a neat reminder - "follow".

Here using example of my partners Pipelife Latvia .baltics


LinkedIn "lifestyle" is a habit to set.

Start with 1,
increase to 3, then increase to 300. Doing repetitive actions you set the pattern for action to stay.

Example. Look for new connection, add one per time, or it's a day, or per week.

Make it easy,
make it small, one action per time, and build more on top by time.

Example. See the profile of professional you respect and activate "follow all posts" bell icon.

Make it routine.
Your calendar or actions binded with new habit can help.

Example. When having a morning coffee, look for 1 post to add comment to build awareness and trust.

There are more hints how to progress and succeed. The key driver for you will be setting a clear why. Why do you want to gain results from LinkedIn?

Where is a will, there is a way.

What helps you to leverage the LinkedIn "lifestyle" ?


Commenting on LinkedIn

Just met my like-mind from LinkedIn in park. He isn't living in Latvia, but surprisingly we matched our path this morning while his quick visit of home town Riga.

We talked on Brand Awareness, strengthening Personal brand, and commenting.

There is a challenge with comments - when you hire someone to comment for you, or use AI to build generic smart comments, or commenti in bulk using bots.

Your personal brand is as strong as your authentic presence. Then presented via depth of professional experience, personality, humor, awareness of personal topics of person you comment, and more factors.

Comments are not only for mass awareness but also be trusted and of credibility for your community.

How does generic, smooth, smart but not personal comments at your posts make you feel? Do they matter?


Are you open to new business / next career step?

Your personal LinkedIn profile might play a ladder role for you. Being set as customer-centric, giving clarity on value you deliver might be pivotal for your goal.

There is this quote by Jim Rohn:

"Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.”

In order to boost your profile there are some practical, hence strategic steps that help align your profile with your goal:

SEO / keywords
apply those in all deacribing fields: Headline, about and top5 skills, experience, skills

If you provide one. Make this section visible and deliver tangible proof

Not from colleagues. From partners and clients you've suported on their goals.

Background banner
Respect everyone's time. Use the space to help to learn what are you about.

Overall look
1-2-3 second impression. Make it customer centric. Don't hold you back on saying less.

Tracking the inbound flow. Who has visited your profile, and building welcome communication with your community

Display the most useful insights, links that could help your target audience to bond

LinkedIn is a very reactive platform, still, only if you put your proactive efforts in advance.

P.s. Not saying you need to use frame "open to work" - it's here to stop your feed 👀😉


On June 14th, 11 am EST, 5 pm CEST, I am hosting a LIVE Profile audit session together with my friend Evgeniy Kharam. Join us. Will add link in bio


You can have an impact on inputs that get a result, not on the result itself.

Inputs summarize outputs.

Been hearing professionals saying they don't want to publish anything on Li as it feels like a show-off.

But what if you look from the perspective of change and impact

If it's what your customer is looking for - the accessibility online, trustworthy conversation, expert credibility, community recommendations, and more.

And if you're not present, and even stand against learning , somebody else is having those conversations with your clients.

As conversations happen at scale on LinkedIn

Do you say "no" to everything new, even before trying? Or just for the challenges that when you overcome those might help you to make the biggest impact?


You can have an impact on inputs that get a result, not on the result itself.

Inputs summarize outputs.

Been hearing professionals saying they don't want to publish anything on Li as it feels like a show-off.

But what if you look from the perspective of change and impact

If it's what your customer is looking for - the accessibility online, trustworthy conversation, expert credibility, community recommendations, and more.

And if you're not present, and even stand against learning socialselling, somebody else is having those conversations with your clients.

As conversations happen at scale on LinkedIn

Do you say "no" to everything new, even before trying? Or just for the challenges that when you overcome those might help you to make the biggest impact?

Photos from IevaDrazniece's post 23/05/2024

Thank you It's a great way to reflect on community activities and my own strategy. #11 May 2024

Full report of newly added 17 countries to Favikon's LinkedIn influencers' database


Thank you It's a great way to reflect on community activities and my own strategy. #11 May 2024


Building LinkedIn habit isn't sexy at all

Many times your efforts are not visible to anyone.

Some times it might feel like you're not learning anything.

It can happen.

As it's work.

And when it's done repeatedly and consistently, you get the results.

What is interesting about habits is that the motivation starts after some time.

As from concept shared by , imagine an early morning, and you can't decide if to go for a run, as if maybe there are things to do instead, or maybe weather is not right.

But. As soon as you get your running shoes on, close the doors, and get out on street, it's where the momentum of habit starts.

Motivation is highly driven by action. Not vice versus.

Appreciate you all 🤗
Hit 9000 ❤️🌐 followers yesterday


Employer Brand is the sum of Employee Personal brands and Employee Advocacy

Meeting SEB Latvija B2B corporate sales team for the 2nd round today and delving into discussions on how to build a credible presence on LinkedIn:

should professionals spend time on this platform
profile updates for a trustworthy first impression
reason to build a habit of using this platform
the balance of professional and personal
building community as your net worth
results of the accumulative team input
how to post on corporate topics
comments rising discussions
company page insights
how to be trustworthy

So many valuable points today.
Appreciate the B2B team of SEB Latvia for the warm welcome and open-minded discussion. Thank you Ilze Vaidere and Anete Igaune for your trust and invitation to meet with your colleagues.

It's a marathon, to build trust and to become a go-to person, real life and LinkedIn align here. While strengthening your professional reputation you are supporting Employer either. It's a long-run game, but surely it's a win-win, worth making steps every day. On both sides.

How do you engage employees to support company activities online?

Photos from IevaDrazniece's post 28/04/2024

What is your strategy for building your brand? Here with on LIVE chat about brand, communication, why your personal time builds a core how you can help others. And why building a brand means also building your personality, growing brand means peerosnal growth. Growing means changing.

Love the flow w Sandy 👊🏻🔥

Complete LIVE recording available on YT and LNKD

Join me here, do you think brand awareness is a


Building your Personal Brand presence on LinkedIn comes in seasons

By no means it's a great deal of focus to stay consitent and keep up with:

= build new connections,
= sustain existing relationships,
= monitor activities,
= create content

Still, your Personal Brand is a compund reflection of how your community sees and values you.

Build one step at time.
No matter what season you are in today ⛄

Would you rather see yourself as a sprinter with queationable reputation?

Greetings from Riga, Latvia, stormy snow breeze came to stay for the next 24h


Building your Personal Brand presence on LinkedIn comes in seasons

By no means it's a great deal of focus to stay consitent and keep up with:

= build new connections,
= sustain existing relationships,
= monitor activities,
= create content

Still, your Personal Brand is a compund reflection of how your community sees and values you.

Build one step at time.
No matter what season you are in today ⛄

Would you rather see yourself as a sprinter with queationable reputation?

Greetings from Riga, Latvia, stormy snow breeze came to stay for the next 24h


Your network = your networth

Going alone doesn't help to reach your audience at scale

Instead, you can scale together with your community

Quality over quantity:

don't run after just a number of connection, instead, build a solid relevant community. Friends, prospects, clients, like-minded professionals, influencers, experts, mix them all 🌐


If people relate to you, they accelerate your message to their communities.

Relevance in content is the key for your community to relate.

Don't pre-judge:

When you look for potential connection to invite, or receive a connection request - never "judge one by the hat". The person might become your top ambassador and accelerate your Brand at scale

Rather being sceptical, put on your "willing to build loyal community" mindset, and discover the opportunities



Would it help the budget of your business to scale Brand Awareness and Employer Brand reputation, Generate Leads - through strategic organic presence without any/little investment (for team training) ?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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For those who love social media and data, Favikon has made it easyIt was in May, 2024, when Favikon announced by adding ...
Going LIVE with Craig Davis is always exclusive. This is how he treats his community and his experience. Highly invite y...
Train your LinkedIn feed 💪🏼I hear professionals saying this quite often:- I don't like what I receive in my feed.And you...
Your network = your networthGoing alone doesn't help to reach your audience at scaleInstead, you can scale together with...
Weekends be like this so Mondays feel like this!Look forward for new week on and off LinkedIn:marketing analysis LinkedI...
💭What is your goal on LinkedIn?While meeting so many amazing people and professionals onsite and online every day and di...
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🧩Aplīmēšana, uzlīmes, reklāmas materiālu izveide 💪Labākie termiņi un cenas 💎Augstas kvalitātes materiāli 📲Raksti, zvani mums