CODE. More than a club !

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 07/06/2023

We had an amazing event last Wednesday May 31st at CODE club where we had the honor of welcoming two esteemed laureates, Hamid Bidouani and Ilyas KERBAL, as our special guests! They shared their valuable insights on entrepreneurship as another exciting possibility after graduation.
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our guests for taking the time to share their expertise and inspire us. Your words will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our members, motivating them to explore the world of entrepreneurship and chase their dreams. A special shout-out goes to Mohamed Cissé, who also graced the event with the presentation of his new book.
And in order to bring the event to a splendid conclusion, an interactive and insightful question and answer session was held in addition to a fun quiz where three students stood out by achieving top scores and were rewarded with books on entrepreneurship.
Last but not least, we want to express our sincere appreciation to all the attendees. Your presence made the event even more special, and we hope you found it as enlightening and inspiring as we did. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! 🙏🏼❤️
As this event marks the last one of the year, we would like to extend our gratitude to each and every one of you for your continuous support throughout the year. It has been an incredible journey, and we can't wait to bring you more exciting events and opportunities in the future! 🎉🌟
Stay tuned for updates, and remember, the possibilities are endless! 💡✨

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 05/06/2023

During the recent ENSIAS AI Club AI Day Hackathon competition, Ahmed Mellit managed to develop an innovative AI-powered app called Deaf Connect, representing the esteemed school ESI and the CODE ESI club. This achievement secured him a remarkable position, only 0.05 points away from first place!

Deaf Connect is an innovative app that empowers deaf individuals by providing accessible therapy and emotional support. By integrating sign language translation, Mindful API, OpenAI API, and some additional computer vision techniques, Deaf Connect facilitates effective communication between users and a therapy chatbot. It recognizes sign language gestures, converts them into text, and analyzes facial expressions to provide personalized and empathetic responses. With a user-friendly interface, privacy measures, and continuous improvement through user feedback, Deaf Connect aims to bridge the communication gap, foster emotional well-being, and create a supportive community for deaf individuals seeking therapy resources.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to ENSIAS AI Club president Aimane Frandile and all the other organizers for organizing this extraordinary hackathon competition. It provided an invaluable platform to showcase innovation, learn from peers, and contribute to the advancement of assistive technologies.


📣 CODE Talks is back in-person !

👥 Join us on 31st of May at 14h30 in the amphitheater of ESI School for an incredible meeting of minds! We have the honor of hosting two esteemed laureates from ESI who will be sharing their remarkable experiences in the world of entrepreneurship !

🚀 Get ready to be inspired as these exceptional individuals take center stage to shed light on their entrepreneurial journeys, challenges, and triumphs and share invaluable insights and lessons.

🌟 Bring your questions, your enthusiasm, and your thirst for knowledge, and let us all meet this Wednesday, May 31st.


Join us to learn how to Dockerize you ML services and deploy them, with Nour Eddine Zekaoui, a talented ML engineer @ Hiberus.
This live session is hosted on Facebook and YouTube.


Join us tonight at *21h30* to learn how to Dockerize you ML services and deploy them, with Nour Eddine Zekaoui, a talented ML engineer @ Hiberus.
The live session will be hosted on Facebook and YouTube and will be moderated by our dev cell head Ahmed Mellit.


We are hosting a workshop on "Building and Deploying ML Robust APIs using FastAPI" 🚀
Join us to learn from Nour Eddine Zekaoui, a talented ML engineer @ Hiberus and take your skills to the next level.
This is a great opportunity for you to enhance your expertise in ML and FastAPI.


"📢 Exciting news! We are hosting a workshop on "Building and Deploying ML Robust APIs using FastAPI" 🚀
Join us this Saturday at *22h30* on Facebook and YouTube to learn from Nour Eddine Zekaoui, a talented ML engineer @ Hiberus and take your skills to the next level.
This is a great opportunity for you to enhance your expertise in ML and FastAPI. Don't miss out on this session, moderated by our dev cell head Ahmed Mellit that will help you stay ahead of the curve!


Hello CODErs,

We're back again and this time we'll be improving our front end skills using Tailwind during this upcoming workshop with BARGADY Ahmed, a Full Stack developer.
The session will be hosted by Ahmed Mellit, our web-Dev cell head and Will start tomorrow March 12th at 20h.

Be there and join us live on Facebook and YouTube.

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 07/03/2023

Throwback to CODE - ESI's participation in IDEH.

On Saturday 25/02/2023, the CODE_L3gion team took part in IDEH (International Days of Ethical Hacking) organized by the CIT - INPT club under the theme: "Never trust, always verify".

Various conferences and workshops about the latest trends and techniques in the field of Ethical Hacking were presented, and at the end, a CTF competition was organized on Sunday 26/02/ 2023, which lasted 9 hours, from midnight till 9am. It involved multiple challenges in a range of security-related domains.

This year, ESI introduced a new major dedicated to Information Security and Cyberdefense, so it was only natural that its students started picking up interest in these competitions. So we are thrilled to announce that the team that represented ESI got a humble ranking of 28/65, a great achievement for a first participation in such unique event.

Congratulations to Achraf Sani, Mohamed Mouadden and Ziad Essaidi and special thanks to CIT - INPT who invited us and organized the event successfully.

The best is yet to come !


On another note of success, this time in the e-sports field, a team of ESI students won the ENSEM eSports tournament for Valorant, last Saturday 11/02/2023.
The team was made of :
- Abderrahim Loudiyi, 2nd year IIN
- Yahya SHIMI, 2nd year ICSD
- Sami KHALFI, 1st year ICSD
- Yahia BOURRAOUI, 1st year ICSD
and Mehdi from Casablanca Faculty to whom we give our thanks for completing the team. After a series of matches and eliminations, they managed to get the first place and bring home the trophy of victory.

Congratulations to them and the best is yet to come !


Last Saturday, 11/02/2023, a team from CODE represented ESI in the "DevJam" development competition as part of the IT-HOLIC v2 event organized by ENSIAS IT Club.
The goal was to develop an application or website that addresses the theme of Education.
The team consisted of the following students under the supervision of Ms. HNIDA :
- Ahmed Mellit, 2nd year IIN
- Liaichi Mustapha , 1st year ICSD
- Lina Mouissou, 1st year ICSD
- Youssef Bachiri, 1st year ICSD
We are so thrilled to announce that this team was among the 5 finalists who presented their pitch to a jury at ENSIAS and ranked 2/30 with their project entitled “EsiBot 1.0”
Congratulations to all of them !
Our sincere thanks to ENSIAS IT Club for the invitation to the ITHOLIC event, which was by the way very interesting and well-organized.

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 21/12/2022

Today, our development cell took its (long-awaited) next step into the front end web development journey by introducing plain JavaScript.
Our cell head, Ahmed Mellit, had the pleasure of explaining the importance of this technology, and providing JS commands related to the HTML DOM elements and properties. Through this session, our members now have the building blocks necessary for coding a basic To-Do list web app.
We hope this has been a very fruitful session that’ll be beneficial for our upcoming projects.
And the best is yet to come!


Throwback to our first event of this year, Icebreaker. Our new members got a chance to meet and discuss with the club board in a friendly atmosphere.
While cell chiefs presented club's plans for the year, symbolic gifts were presented especially to some members who managed to solve a cipher given earlier.

Two months later, members preserve the same motivation to keep CODE an active club within the School of Information Sciences and provide a solid base for future years.
The best is yet to come!

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 12/12/2022

Starting from Friday 2nd December, until Sunday 4th December at 20h00, Hack The Box organized an online University CTF with over 900 participating universities and schools from all over the world.
CTF, or Capture The Flag, are a type of CyberSecurity competitions where participants should solve multiple challenges in various domains : Web Security, Crypto, Digital Forensics, Reverse Engineering, … in order to find a “flag”, submit it and get points.
Since our school Ecole des Sciences de l'Information [ E S I ] introduced a new Systems Security and Cyberdefense course this year, it was only natural that it participates through its IT club, CODE.
After three days of learning and trials, our school team managed to get a rank of 242/942, which is pretty great for a first participation.
It was a great learning opportunity and an occasion to test our skills in a lot of fabulous domains.
We hope that for the next challenges, more students would be motivated to participate and represent ESI nationally and internationally and achieve higher ranks.
The best is yet to come!


Meet and discuss with Soumaya MAYANE and Ayoub CHAKRI, two laureates from the specialized Master of Competitive and Strategic Intelligence at l'ESI.


Here we are once again for another episode of CODE Talks!
For this episode, we brought to you two special laureates of the specialized Master in competitive and strategic intelligence at ESI, who gladly accepted the invitation to share with us their unique stories.
We present to you Soumaya Mayane a versatile profile passionate about the field of monitoring, economic intelligence, E-reputation and Big Data, and Ayoub Chakri, an economic intelligence project manager at Symolia group with a background in Business Intelligence and Statistics.
We hope that you will enjoy this episode and learn from it.
Be there tonight at 21h00, we’ll be so glad to discuss with you and answer all your questions.

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 10/12/2022

Last Wednesday 07-12-2022, CODE introduced, through its data/AI cell, the scientific ecosystem of Python. It was all about the Numpy library, its importance, utilities and use cases.

Members then took part in solving a few exercises to demonstrate the power of this library.

Many thanks to everyone who managed to attend this workshop, and to Abdellah ELGuermez for animating it.

The best is yet to come!

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 10/12/2022

Last Wednesday 07-12-2022, the Competitive Programming cell held its 5th training session with its members to introduce some basic Data Structures alongside their implementation in C++ code.
Members then took part in solving a few interesting problems related to Game Theory.
Many thanks to everyone who managed to attend this session, and to the cell heads for taking the time to share with coding enthusiasts .
The best is yet to come!


Dear CODErs,

After our first few sessions regarding Algorithms and first steps into the C++ programming language, it is time to tackle the Data Structures.
First from a pure algorithmic stand point, and right after we will implement them in code.

Be there today and happy coding !


Dear CODErs,

Today you are invited to attend our first workshop revolving around the scientific ecosystem of Python. Mainly, this session will be all about an introduction to the famous Numpy and Pandas Python libraries for Data Science.
We hope you'll enjoy it and learn from it !

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 06/12/2022

As part of the activities organized by CODE - ESI, members of the development cell attended today a very interesting session that revolves around SEO, presented by Ahmed Mellit.

During this session , the head of the cell talked about:
- Best practices of SEO
- SEO algorithms
- the mathematical models behind all of it.

Many Thanks to everyone who managed to attend this session, and to Ahmed Mellit for taking the time to share with development enthusiasts .
The best is yet to come!


Greetings CODErs,
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that our development cell head Ahmed Mellit will animate a workshop on Search Engine Optimization tomorrow at 13h00.

Be there to learn more about this very interesting topic, especially for aspiring web developers, and discover some SEO best practices and algorithms : on-site optimization, researching keywords, the importance of backlinks and the mathematical models behind all of it.


Meet and chat with our ESI laureates currently studying/working in France : Mouad Et-tali & Salsabil Moukhtar..
Feel free to ask your question !


We are so thrilled to announce that we are hosting our second episode of CODE TALKS live on our official pages (Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin).
For this episode, two interesting profiles are joining us to share the fruit of their journey. Our special guests were once ESI students, and then decided to pursue a life changing experience by going abroad and evolving their career in France.

From Paris, we want to welcome Mouad Et-tali, 2020 ESI laureate who's now a Data Scientist in Aqsone company.
And from St-Etienne, our 2022 laureate Salsabil Moukhtar who is now a data science Master's degree student.
We hope that this live session would help every ESI student Who is willing to continue his studies / career abroad, particularly in France.

Be there at 21h00, we'll be so glad to have you there and answer your questions.

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 06/11/2022

Last night, 5th November, CODE held the first episode of "CODE talks", a show where we host ESI laureates who are eager to share their experience and gained knowledge.
For this first episode, Khadija ID MANSSOUR & Zakaria HAJJAJI gladly accepted the invitation and shared with us insights on various topics (Curriculum, internships, employment, tips on developing a portfolio, extracurricular activities, etc).
The replay is available here on our page.

It was a very rich and fruitful meeting session.
Looking forward to the next episode !


Meet and chat with our ESI laureates : Zakaria HAJJAJI & Khadija ID MANSSOUR..


We are glad to announce that today we'll be hosting a talk show live here on our page with two special guests that happen to be ESI laureates.
Right from BMCI, our guest Khadija ID Manssour, a data scientist.
And right from Atos, our cloud engineer Zakaria Hajjaj.
We hope that you will learn from their experience and professional career.
Be there at 19h30, we are looking forward to seeing you all and answer your questions


Greetings CODErs,

You have all expressed your willingness to join our club, and we are grateful for your trust !
Soon enough, you will officially be CODErs !

We are thrilled to announce that we are organizing an event in order to welcome you and give you the opportunity to meet in person the executive board and cell heads with whom you Will Work during the year through the activities we are going to organize.

Since we had many requests to join the club, the event will take place during two days : Thursday 27/10 and Friday 28/10.

A detailed invitation has been sent to people who filled the previous form via email.

Looking forward to seeing you all !


Greetings CODErs,

The wait is over..
Recruitment is open..
You know what to do ;)

(Link is in the comments)

See you in the coding field !


Greetings CODErs,
We are thrilled to announce that we will be having a club presentation today at 17h30 in the Amphitheater to share with you the vision of our club as well as the activities that we are willing to create. If you are interested in joigning us later, or if you want to meet the executive board in person and give us your suggestions, you are very welcome to attend the presentation. We are counting on your presence !
See you soon on the coding field.


CODE is wishing you a wonderful Aïd Mawlid Nabawi.

كل عام ونحن في ظل نبي الله، وحبيب الله، صفي الله، والمختار من خلق الله، صلى الله عليه وسلم. عيد مولد مبارك.


With the honor of the old and new members, we announce the beginning of a new era in our club, and we proudly bear the responsibility of carrying it to the sky.

We are focusing on developing the level of our members, and searching for suitable modern technologies that help us as data engineers to keep pace with the modern digital world. In this new edition of the club, we believe that we can afford searching for missing puzzle pieces from the courses to compensate, renew or change the way it is built.

Through this journey, we will constantly strive to be the greatest along the road and will never be content with anything less.


A new chapter is loading...
Stay tuned !


Aid mubarak everyone🌙


CODE’s trainings continue !
This time, "Introduction to DJANGO and creation of APIs" is in the spotlight.
This will be given by our well experienced trainer : "Oussama BAOUI" 👨‍💻..
Interested 🤔? You want to know more about DJANGO and APIs ?
Well, don't miss this opportunity and register through the link🔗


Learn how to build web applications using React.js with our former and expert FrontEnd (ReactJs), El mehdi EL KOUKH.

This first session of the workshop will be held on the 28th of April ,

Make sure to not miss this opportunity and register now via this link :

Photos from CODE - ESI's post 19/04/2022

CODE est de retour avec un Bootcamp spécial pour vous !

Amine MOUDNI et Yasmine ZAYYOUN, deux consultants Bi juniors, sont là pour vous guider et vous aider à lancer votre carrière dans le domaine de la Business intelligence à travers différents ateliers pleins d'apprentissage et de pratique.
Merci à Hafsa Sas pour sa coordination et ses efforts continus.

Accrochez-vous bien car ces prochaines semaines seront pleines de surprises

Assurez-vous de nous rejoindre et de réserver votre place en remplissant ce formulaire :

Want your university to be the top-listed University in Rabat?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

New chapter loading... ⌛Stay tuned 🚀🚀🚀#CodeESI #CODE #ESI #weareback
Dockerize you ML services w/ Nour Eddine ZEKAOUI
Building and Deploying ML Robust APIs using FastAPI w/ Nour Eddine ZEKAOUI
Throwback to our first event of this year, Icebreaker. Our new members got a chance to meet and discuss with the club bo...
CODE Talks Episode 03 : "All roads lead to l'ESI"
CODE Talks - Episode 02 : From l'ESI to France
CODE Talks - Episode 01


Ecole Des Sciences De L'Information

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