European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative

The EYP is an independent, educational project tailored to the needs of young European citizens.

The European Youth Parliament is a peer-to-peer educational program that inspires and empowers young people from across Europe to be open-minded, tolerant, and active citizens. We provide participants with a forum to develop and express their opinions on a wide range of topics. By bringing young people from different backgrounds together, we build intercultural understanding and friendships across


EYP vă invită să participați la o sesiune interactivă de dezbateri alături de alți tineri implicați și activi!

12 august, ora 14.00

La Centrul Municipal de Tineret Chișinău, sectorul Centru

Ai oportunitatea să cunoști oameni interesanți, să înveți lucruri noi și să îți îmbunătățești abilitățile de public speaking.

Pentru a participa, completează formularul din descriere. Te așteptăm cu drag🤍


Are you an upstanding member of your community?🤔
We asked several teenagers to tell us about their experience with volunteer work, civic engagement and other ways in which they contribute to their society as young individuals, and here are their answers.

Photos from European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative's post 09/06/2023

✉️ This week, our Board Members took part in an informative session about EYP Moldova Initiative.
🇲🇩 The event highlighted the importance of having this initiative in Moldova, exploring its purpose, impact, and the ways in which it contributes to the young community.
📌 Our valuable speakers shared their invaluable insights and experience with EYP Moldova, motivating the participants to become more engaged with their community.


❗️Deadline extended❗️

📣Call for the Advisory Board of the European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative!

The European Youth Parliament is one of Europe’s largest youth platforms for civic education, intercultural encounters, and the exchange of ideas – run by young people, for young people. Our mission is to inspire and empower a young generation of informed, open-minded, responsible, and active citizens that shape society and drive impact.❗️

If you are passionate, open-minded and value active participation in the civic community, we encourage you to apply to become part of a group of like-minded people that share those values. We are looking for people from Moldova or abroad to guide the initiative’s various activities including in terms of fundraising, media, sessions organisation, team building etc. This call applies to EYP Alumni, Experts in relevant domains and current or ex-NC Representatives.

We are currently accepting applications through our e-mail address: [email protected]. If you are interested, send us your CV by 03.06.2023!

We look forward to working with you!

Photos from European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative's post 08/05/2023

Exploring the stunning European-style buildings in Moldova! 🇲🇩😍

Walking through the streets of the capital city, Chisinau, you'll be amazed by the elegance of the buildings around you. From the intricate details of the Chișinău City Hall to the grandeur of the National Museum of History of Moldova, each one hides a trace of history and European touches.

Have you visited Moldova and explored its European-style buildings? Share your favorite spots with us in the comments below!


EYP Moldova is seeking enthusiastic delegates to take part in the 99th International Session of EYP - Baku 2023!
Baku IS will take place from August 5th -13th 2023 for delegates.

✅ During these days, the delegates will take part in team-buildings, workshops and trainings to develop teamwork skills, communication and problem-solving skills, while gathering diverse perspectives and socialising with other international delegates.

📌 If you are interested in participating, you can send your application through the Google Forms in our Instagram bio or by clicking the link below before the 15th of May.

🔵 Apply now and take part in a exciting and life-changing experience in Baku as a Moldovan delegate!


📣Call for the Advisory Board of the European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative!

The European Youth Parliament is one of Europe’s largest youth platforms for civic education, intercultural encounters, and the exchange of ideas – run by young people, for young people. Our mission is to inspire and empower a young generation of informed, open-minded, responsible, and active citizens that shape society and drive impact.❗️

If you are passionate, open-minded and value active participation in the civic community, we encourage you to apply to become part of a group of like-minded people that share those values. We are looking for people from Moldova or abroad to guide the initiative’s various activities including in terms of fundraising, media, sessions organisation, team building etc.

We are currently accepting applications through our e-mail address: [email protected]. If you are interested, send us your CV by 21.05.2023!

We look forward to working with you!

Photos from European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative's post 22/04/2023

🌟The European Youth Parliament (EYP) recently held its Spring Board of National Committees (BNC)
Meeting in Berlin from March 31st to April 2nd!

• The event brought together representatives from around 30 countries along with the BNC Board, representatives of the Governing Body, and the International Office.
• Discussions focused on policy updates and exchanging ideas about the state of the network. It was also a fantastic opportunity for representatives to engage in knowledge-sharing and networking, aiming to promote even more cooperation in the future.

The President of the European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative, Afanasiu Sergiu-Sorin, represented the organization in Berlin, having marked Moldova's first ever representation at a BNC Meeting. We are glad to have been presented with this opportunity and strive together for a better Europe.


📣Calling all active and ambitious minds to join the Board of the European Youth Parliament Moldova Initiative!

If you are passionate, open-minded and value active participation in the civic community, we encourage you to apply to become part of a group of like-minded people that share those values.

The European Youth Parliament is one of Europe’s largest youth platforms for civic education, intercultural encounters, and the exchange of ideas – run by young people, for young people. Our mission is to inspire and empower a young generation of informed, open-minded, responsible, and active citizens that shape society and drive impact.❗️The European Youth Parliament is a volunteer-based organization, as such, the board is also volunteer-based.

We are currently accepting applications through our e-mail address: [email protected] for the following positions:
1. Fundraising Coordinator
2. Public Relations Coordinator
3. Human Resources Coordinator
4. Projects Coordinator
If you are interested in any of these positions, send us your CV by 29.04.2023, mentioning the position you want to apply for.

We look forward to meeting you soon!


Dragi tineri,
Sâmbătă, 24 Decembrie, avem ocazia să vă invităm la un eveniment informativ marca ,,European Youth Parliament Moldova’’, în incinta liceului “Gheorghe Asachi”!
🔎În discuția de mâine, veți avea ocazia sa aflați ce reprezintă EYP și cm tinerii pot participa la schimbarea lumii, combinând munca și distracția.
🔎Va fi o sesiune informativă care vă va aduce la cunoștință despre beneficiul voluntariatului și a implicării active a tinerilor, iar cei interesați vor avea ocazia să aplice pentru a deveni membri.

Ți-am trezit curiozitatea? Atunci te așteptăm mâine sâmbătă, unde vei avea răspunsurile la toate intrebările tale!

📍Adresa: Liceul Teoretic "Gheorghe Asachi " Strada București 64
📍Ora: 11:00

Formular de Participare


💡Human Rights Day is held on 10 December every year to promote the rights and freedoms of people across the globe.

The annual event marks the adoption of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon says of the day: “On Human Rights Day, let us recommit to guaranteeing the fundamental freedoms and protecting the human rights of all.”

❗️All human rights are equally important. They are all dependent on each other. The violation of one right often leads to the violation of another freedom. There is no hierarchy among human rights. They all must be upheld as minimum standards to live a life of dignity.

💭While there is a lot to know about human rights – there are 30 basic rights in the UN declaration – here are a few facts that might surprise you.

✅In 2011, the United Nations declared internet access a fundamental human right.
✅The concept of human rights is said to have originated some 2,500 years ago in modern-day Iraq. King Cyrus the Great freed slaves and established racial equality and the right to religious choice.
✅Everyone has a right to leisure and holiday, with pay.
✅There are more than 300,000 child soldiers in conflicts around the world.
✅The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the most translated document in the world. It is available in 370 languages.


✅Gain confidence.
Volunteering can help you gain confidence by allowing you to try something new and build a real sense of achievement.

✅Make a difference.
Volunteering can have a real and valuable positive effect on people, communities, and society.

✅Meet people.
Volunteering can help you meet different kinds of people and make new friends.

✅Be part of a community.
Volunteering can help you feel part of something outside of your friends and family.

✅Learn new skills.
Volunteering can help you learn new skills, gain experience, and sometimes even qualifications.

✅Take on a challenge.
Through volunteering, you can challenge yourself to try something different, achieve personal goals, practice using your skills, and discover hidden talents.

✅Have fun!
Most volunteers have a great time, regardless of why they do it.


💡The European Youth Parliament is a peer-to-peer educational program that brings together young people from across Europe to debate the pressing issues of our time.
🧩Our mission is to inspire and empower a young generation of informed, open-minded, responsible, and active citizens that shape society and drive impact.

Happy to be a part of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Network!

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Are you an upstanding member of your community?🤔 We asked several teenagers to tell us about their experience with volun...




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