🇩🇪Deutsch Lehrerin.
A1-C1 Niveaus
Prüfungen Telc/Goethe
💯14 Jahre Erfahrung/ Studium auch in DE
Perfekte Ausprache und Sprachkenntnisse
Deutsch B1 und B2
Neue Gruppen online mit mir! Sprechen/hören/schreiben.
Prüfungen Telc/Goethe/ÖSD
Înscrie-te la cursurile mele de B1 și B2!
Pentru a vorbi Germană ai nevoie de o îndrumare cu ajutorul unei profesoare cu experiență și pasiune pentru limba germană!💯
Învață și perfecționează Germană deja astăzi cu mine!
❤️✨️My students- they keep me motivated to achieve, to grow, to knuckle down, to excel, to outdo and to want more... Thanks for choosing me as your teacher, as your mentor, and hopefully, as your friend!!!
❤️✨️Meine Stundenten- Ihr helft mir motiviert zu sein, weiter zu arbeiten, mich zu entwickeln, um besser zu werden. Ich bedanke mich bei euch, dass ihr mich ausgewählt habt, eure Lehrerin zu sein, und hoffentlich eure Freundin.
The best results, thanks to commitment and perseverance from both the teacher and the student!! Two 1st and one 2nd place. Proud and fulfilled!!
Meine kleinen Studentinnen sind immer bereit zu experimentieren)
My small ladies are always ready to experience something new)
Was braucht man, um glücklich zu sein? Nur die Familie in der Nähe.
What does a person need in order to be happy? Only the family next to you.
Mein Leben/ My love.
Mommy's little angel)
Preparing my students for IELTS.
My daily challenge and inspiration at the same time.🤪
Teaching is one of the most important pleasures in my life. Hope not to lose this addiction)
We have the best students and we try to improve ourselves daily to be the best teachers and friends on our common path.😘😇☺️
I strongly believe that in the present day society it's impossible to attract children's attention without visual support, interesting games or unusual activities. That's why I do my best and use a wide range of different teaching methods and materials at my school. Everything is done to enjoy teaching and learning process and to have the best results. @ Centrul de limbi străine Lingua Terra
Being inspired by my students is the biggest satisfaction any teacher can get.
My weekend working force))
Deutsch macht Spaß)))
That moment when you are appreciated)))
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Contact the school
Str. Alba/Iulia 91
Opening Hours
Monday | 10:00 - 21:00 |
Tuesday | 10:00 - 21:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 21:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 - 21:00 |
Friday | 10:00 - 21:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
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Educație. Organizație non-profit.
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Centru de Dezvoltare Timpurie Adresa: Tighina 49/3, Etajul 4, Biroul 41 Telefon: +373 69 557 582