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Here you will find anything about my art and the art of others in Myanmar, close and far, and the r
In Hilversum wonen en werken meer kunstenaars dan je denkt. Het evenement op zaterdag 25 november geeft je de kans om een aantal ervan op te zoeken op de plek waar ze werken. Neem de fiets naar deze ‘Best kept secrets’, in noord, oost, centrum, in zuidoost en zuidwest Hilversum.
Je kunt het puzzeltocht formulier ophalen bij mij aan de Kolhornseweg 39, en dan verder naar de andere Ateliers. Als je 4 ateliers hebt bezocht, ligt er een leuke attentie voor je klaar bij Art Hilversum aan de Kerkstraat 92!
In mijn studio zie je ook het werk van beeldhouwer Bart van der Voort en daarom wordt het extra spannend!
"Omdat genezing erg onaangenaam is! »
De obstakels voor genezing zijn onder meer het opgeven van het leven in het verleden, het stoppen met het slachtoffer te zijn en de angst voor verandering.
Onze gedachten en energie richten op ons verleden gaat ten koste van onze cellen en organen die energie nodig hebben om te kunnen functioneren en te genezen.
Genezing vereist dat je in het heden leeft en de energie terugkrijgt die gevangen zit in onze trauma's en wonden.
De enige reden om het verleden te voeden en in leven te houden is de verbittering van wat er is gebeurd.
Weigeren een gebeurtenis of iemand uit het verleden te vergeven, leidt tot lekken van energie. Vergeving geneest lekken.
Vergiffenis heeft niets te maken met het feit dat anderen niet verantwoordelijk zijn voor de verwondingen die ze hebben veroorzaakt.
Wanneer we een pijnlijke gebeurtenis in ons leven zien als een boodschap of een uitdaging in plaats van als persoonlijk verraad, dan wordt de levensenergie die aan deze gebeurtenis verbonden is weerspiegeld in de energiecircuits van ons fysieke lichaam.
Mensen genezen niet omdat ze zich niet hebben bevrijd van de illusie dat ze slachtoffer zijn.
Genezing vereist vaak veranderingen in levensstijl, omgeving en relaties.
Hierin kan verandering eng zijn!
Het is gemakkelijk om in een wachtcircuit te blijven staan en te zeggen dat je niet weet wat je moet doen, terwijl dat zelden waar is.
Als we in een wachtcircuit zitten en precies weten wat we moeten doen, dan zijn we bang dat we daarnaar handelen.
Verandering is beangstigend en de wachttijd geeft een gevoel van veiligheid, terwijl de enige manier om dat gevoel van veiligheid echt te krijgen is door in de draaikolk van veranderingen te gaan en je weer levend te voelen.
Genezing vereist actie: goed eten, dagelijks bewegen, anders denken, ... zorgen voor gezonde veranderingen in het lichaam.
Het verleden loslaten, stressvolle banen of ongepaste relaties laten vallen, zijn acties die energie uit het lichaam bevrijden.
Wat het ene verbetert, verbetert het andere, fysieke kracht en energie zijn nauw met elkaar verbonden. "
Maria van Los Angeles Rodeiro
Hi Friends, I am delighted to announce that I got the opportunity to exhibit my works @ Art Hilversum, smack in the middle of the city, next to Strating shoes in Galerie Art Hilversum. Paintings, collage, giant drawings and beautiful sculptures by artists mentioned below. Come, see and enjoy 🥰
I am participating in an exhibition in Hilversum, my hometown. Excited! Open the whole month of September. Plse stop by if you can!
My next exhibition at Art Hilversum from September 1 until 30. Its a group with 5 artists in total. Sculpture and painting. Welcome!
I live in the Netherlands since beginning of 2021 after 24 years in Asia. I am so proud to have been accepted in the artist collective of my town Hilversum, called ART Hilversum. First exhibition I will participate in is in September! Looking forward to get into the art scene here! Yes!!
Mixing colours can be tricky!
We can laugh about - but its sad as well.
Uitstervende diersoort. Maar gelukkig bestaan ze nog wel in het wild.
A new exhibition opened last week in Amsterdam at the Rijksmudeum. 28 Vermeer's are shown in a unique show. Its an incredible experience and I was lucky to be at the opening.
I always admired Hlaing Bwa's ladies. When in Yangon, go have a look this weekend!
What do you see here?
Did you know that some of the Frick's most iconic works were not acquired by the museum's founder, Henry Clay Frick? For example, Ingres's "Comtesse d'Haussonville" was added to the collection in 1927, eight years after Frick's death.
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French, 1780−1867), Comtesse d'Haussonville, 1845. Oil on canvas, 51 7/8 × 36 1/4 in. (131.8 × 92.1 cm). The Frick Collection, New York
At Amersfoort - Kunstkade - Schurend Paradijs. About how we can create a paradise in the current world. Loved the carpet.
While on holiday in Friesland I visited the Frisian Museum - Fries museum - and I enjoyed myself very much! Not only great Dutch painters but also a exhibition of impressionist art.The second foto is a work by Dutch painter Lourens Alma Tadema whom I admire. Only found 2 of his works there.
We did an art tour around Vecht en plassen yesterday, which is an area with small lakes. Open house in many studios. It was lovely weather as well. Great day!
Visit to Singer museum in Laren. Enchanted by the females in the lead role. Also a lovely exhib by Lussanet. Worth a visit 🥰
Some news of this very skillful beautiful group of artists from Singapore! Enjoy!
NO MESSING WITH HER - Gnani Arts Gnani Arts respects the feminine in every being with No Messing With Her Guardian-Goddesses in Secular Art Curated by Vidhya Gouresan Nair It is the time of the year whereby we are delightfully-provoked to invoke the goddess within, regardless of gender or social stance, as one cannot deny the exist...
Frieda Kahlo in Cobra Museum Amstelveen. It was amazing to see her work and Diego Rivera's who is very talented as well!
Sometimes, never by accident, I find great art while roaming the streets. Iloved this artists art works. Collage is his main medium. His galeri here in the city of Hilversum. Peter Samsom is his name.
My long time friend Beda Sudiman from Jakarta is presenting his latest works. I once bought my first painting from him somewhere in early 2000s. That painting took me on the journey of art and opened my sixth sense. His works have an strong etheral feel to them. To me they radiate a peace and serenity that will be felt by anyone. If you would be interested t to acquire one of these. Send me a pm. Dimensions 100 x 80 cm, oil on Canvas. Titles
Bunga Padma (lotus) Bunga Pelangi (tulip) Bunga Matahari (Sunflower)
My friend Surajiya is exhibiting in Jogyakarta. Well worth a visit. See below 🥰
This painting is a collage I made in 2019; exhibited in 2020 at Gallery 65. Now it can be my altar where I pray for imminent return to a better life for all people in Myamar. Thank you god! 🙏💚
Tune in for our next live broadcast, ‘Anti-Laundering and the Art Market’ on Thursday, February 25:
Art businesses on both sides of the Atlantic are facing increasing scrutiny from anti-money laundering regulators. For the first online conversation of 2021, Bona Montagu (Skarstedt), Roland Foord (Stephenson Harwood), Andrew Schoelkopf (Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA)), and Harry Sandick (Patterson Belknap Webb) will join Art Basel’s Noah Horowitz, to discuss how galleries and collectors can adapt and what these developments mean for the market.
From my spark course. How a simple work can look Magnificent if enlarged and put on the wall of a museum. With photofunia!
Assignment 2.1 from my SPARK art course! And then I happily go on to a free page trying to use the shape module in it. I enjoyed this much more because I felt free to do whatever I wanted. If you look well you can see that the work got a slight current topical touch to it! Happy how it turned out. The title: All is gonna be well! 😉
My first work - on limiting beliefs - Dilegas - out the window! No need to look this way, perfect, beautiful and so on!
I have started an artcourse with Nicolas Wilton entitled Spark. I will share sime of the process here with you! Here are the sketch book covers I made!
Visiting Gallery 65 with some friends to view my art and then to Nawaday Thalar for more! All are in Yaw Min Ghi street! 😉
Brighten up your rainy days with a visit to Gallery 65. Let art bring a little light in your heart from one creative soul to another 😉🥰My art is on display now for some time! At 65, Yaw Min Ghi, Yangon!
5 July 2020 Sunday @ Gallery65
Marvin Chan’s Plagued Portraits Of Lyricism and Symbolism, the artistic impulses of Marvin Chan are reflected through a series of reinterpreted portraits.
Great video on how to stretch a canvas!
How to Build a Canvas Stretcher Frame and Stretch a Canvas. Easy! Here is a short video on how to build a stretcher frame for a canvas and how to stretch a canvas on the frame. This is how I build my frames, from small scal...
I love this artist as an aetist an a person 🥰
Lots of museums are now giving you the chance to explore. So I found this one, just love these big works with bold expression of colours!
Clyfford Still - same time frame as - Rothko.
Hello everyone, as promised herewith an excercise to entertain yourself during this physical distancing period. I hope you are doing well!
First of all the colour wheel for everyone who has not done it yet. And if you did it already it is interesting to watch this video because the guy explains a little about paints.
This excercise can also be done easily with your children!
Artist Michael Markowsky teaches you how to paint with acrylics! He begins with a quick introduction to what paint actually is, and then demonstrates how to ...
Introduction to The Artist's Colour Wheel - How To Paint #1 - MV20 Artist Michael Markowsky teaches you how to paint with acrylics! He begins with a quick introduction to what paint actually is, and then demonstrates how to ...
Another fascinating exhibition at Myanm/art !
It's on until Sunday and a must see for art lovers. The delicacy and craftmanship of these ceramic works is outstanding. There are many layers to what the artist, Soe Nu Ywe, is expressing and I was deeply touched by her works! Thank you Nathalie Johnston for bringing these works to the public!
Just popped into River Gallery to bridge some time - always a treat! In love with the girl tying her longyi by Maung Aw.
10 of the best contemporary art spaces in south-east Asia Artists in Myanmar, Cambodia and across south-east Asia produce work in a climate of authoritarianism – and often in open defiance of it. Here are 10 spaces that promote their artistic freedom and independence
Interesting - and indeed why? -who clould have complained?
National Art Gallery removes four artworks from Ahmad Fuad Osman's exhibition Four artworks from acclaimed Malaysian contemporary artist Ahmad Fuad Osman’s solo exhibition at the National Art Gallery have been taken down.
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V30 art group is,try to focusing on contemporary art,enviroformance art,natural art and new art in m
No 147 Wai Za Yan Tar Main Road. Near Aung Ya Da Na Hospital
Denise Cosmetologist (UK) Professional Makeup Artist (SG)
Malikha Housing Compound, Yadanar Road, Damayone St, Bawamyint Block, Thingangyune Tsp
Yangon, 11071
In 2017, I started to change the way I paint by depicting the daily life and rituals of the people.
Actresspearlwin@gmail. Com
Dear My Valued Fans.....Pearl would like to offer heartfelt thanks to All !
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