Tomorrow's Heritage

Reshaping secular crafts and the textile industries of Macau, China and Portuguese Speaking Countries.

Photos from IPOR - Instituto Português do Oriente's post 22/04/2024

Tomorrow’s Heritage and its founder, Clara Brito, are at the 2024 edition of the Literary and Cultural Festival for parents and children – Letras & Companhia, by IPOR - Instituto Português do Oriente, with a piece on the pandemic. “It is an art piece that describes my feeling, which coincided with the time context of the pandemic, even though it has transcended it,” the artist said. Under the topic ”What I felt during the pandemic”, the festival features mental health in children and youngsters.

📍IPOR, Macau
🗓️ Until May 7


Happy Chinese New Year🐉!!
We wish to thank all our friends, sponsors, supporters and collaborators for your continuous support. We wish you a wonderful new year 🎆filled with health, happiness and love.
「明日的傳承」感謝所有朋友、贊助商、支持者和合作者一直以來的支持。我們祝願您在新的 🎆 一年裡健康、快樂、充滿愛。

📸 Temple Tam Kong


Tomorrow’s Heritage wishes to thank all our friends, sponsors, supporters and collaborators for your continuous support. We wish you a wonderful new year 🎆filled with health, happiness and love.

「明日的傳承」感謝所有朋友、贊助商、支持者和合作者一直以來的支持。我們祝願您在新的 🎆 一年裡健康、快樂、充滿愛。

Taipa Village Macau Fundação Oriente Macau Luciana Leitão António Caetano Faria Locanda Films Jose Alves Cherrie Lms Antonio Sanmarful cassia_schutt Livraria Portuguesa Alfredo Maria Vaz Pam Pam Max Bessmertny Benny Tang Natacha Fidalgo Gonçalves Alice Kok Andreia Silva António Duarte Mil-Homens Bruno Simoes Ina Chiu Diana Soeiro Filipe Regêncio Figueiredo MandyCheuk Makeup

Photos from Tomorrow's Heritage's post 19/12/2023


Do you want to get one of our beautiful Fashion Scarves bags? Featuring Tomorrow’s Heritage logo, this elegant black piece can be used to contain whatever you wish…

To be able to win, you just need to:
- Follow ’s Heritage page
- Tag three friends in a comment on this post
- Share this post on your stories

The giveaway will last until 23.59, December 21, after which we will run a lucky draw among the participants. The names of the three winners 🎁🎁🎁 will be shared on December 22.



- 關注 @ 明天的傳承 的頁面
- 在本帖評論中標記三位好友
- 在您的限時動態中分享這篇文章

贈送活動將持續到 12 月 21 日 的23 時 59 分,之後我們將在參與者中進行抽獎。三位獲獎者的名單將於 🎁🎁🎁 12 月 22 日公佈

Photos from Taipa Village Macau's post 24/11/2023
Clara Brito: corpo, memória e herança 19/11/2023

Thank you so much for the article about the exhibition "She Left Her Body"!
Muito Obrigada pelo artigo sobre a exposição "She Left Her Body".
Sara Figueiredo Costa

Clara Brito: corpo, memória e herança Fotos © Rose CheongClara Brito: corpo, memória e herançaEm Macau, uma exposição de Clara Brito juntou autobiografia e memórias comuns, integrando um projecto que quer preservar técnicas, materiais e vivências do Sul da China.Entre Setembro e Outubro, a Casa Garden, em Macau, acolheu uma expo...

Photos from Tomorrow's Heritage's post 17/11/2023

🎉🎉"Tomorrow's Heritage: Fashion Scarves by Clara Brito" has officially opened on 15th November. Thanks to all our honourable guests and media friends for attending the opening ceremony to celebrate the amazing moment with us.

🤞🤞Officiating guests include Mr. Joao Chan, Member of the Administrative Committee of the Cultural Development Fund of the Macao SAR, Mr. Jose Luis de Sales Marques, Chairman of Taipa Village Cultural Association, Mr. Sio In Leong, Executive Vice President of Macau Artist Society, Ms. Clara Brito, Designer, as well as Mr. Joao O, Curator of the Exhibition.

👍👍Esteemed Portuguese designer Clara Brito, founder of Tomorrow's Heritage, shared her creative vision at the opening ceremony. Drawing inspiration from tradition and the history of Chinese ceramic art, Clara showcases the print aesthetics of a series of unique scarves made from traditional materials and craftsmanship, in an attempt to blend the worlds of industry and art. Before the end of the year, you are welcome to appreciate the unique crafts and aesthetics of fashion accessories at Taipa Village Art Space.

Date: 15 November – 29 December 2023
Venue: Taipa Village Art Space
Address: No. 16-18, Rua dos Clerigos, Taipa, Macau
Time: 12:00 noon to 8:00pm
Admission: Free admission

❤❤「明日的傳承 : Clara Brito之時尚圍巾」於昨晚11月15 日假氹仔舊城區藝術空間正式開幕,感謝各位嘉賓及媒體朋友之蒞臨及祝賀。

👏👏是次開幕典禮之主禮嘉賓包括澳門特別行政區政府 文化發展基金行政委員會委員陳家耀先生, 氹仔城區文化協會主席麥健智先生, 澳門美術協會常務副會長 邵燕樑先生, 設計師 Clara Brito 及展覽策展人蘇約翰。

👍👍 知名葡萄牙設計師Clara Brito (Tomorrow's Heritage 創始人)在開幕典禮上分享創作理念。 以中國陶瓷藝術的歷史背景為靈感,Clara透過圍巾的形式呈現了一系列獨特的時尚飾品,體現了傳統中國陶瓷的工藝美學及圖案細節。透過傳統物料和工藝製作一系列獨特的圍巾,呈現圍巾印花美學,試圖把行業和藝術融合起來。歡迎大家在年末前,到氹仔舊城區藝術空間欣賞時尚飾品的獨特工藝及美學。

日期: 15 / 11 – 29 / 12 / 2023
地點: 氹仔舊城區藝術空間
地址: 澳門氹仔木鐸街16-18 號


Photos from Tomorrow's Heritage's post 14/11/2023

Drawing inspiration from tradition and the history of Chinese ceramic art, Clara Brito co-created a collection of special scarves, in collaboration with João Pedro Lomelino, that embody the art form’s aesthetic patterns and detailing. Curious already?

Join us tomorrow, at 18:30, for the opening of "Tomorrow’s Heritage: Fashion Scarves by Clara Brito", presented by Taipa Village Macau, and come see for yourself.

Plus… can you keep a secret 🤐? We’ll have a special promotion on the scarves, just for the launching day.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

Clara Brito從中國陶瓷藝術的傳統和歷史中汲取靈感,與João Lomelino合作設計了一系列特別圍巾,體現了中國陶瓷藝術的美學圖案和細節。心動了嗎?
明天 18:30 歡迎參加「明日的傳承」的盛大開幕式!明天的傳承:Clara Brito的時尚圍巾展將於明天 18:30 隆重開幕。

📍Taipa Village Art Space, Rua dos Clérigos, nº 16-18, Taipa, Macau📍
🗓️November 15, 18:30
👥 Clara Brito

Photos from Tomorrow's Heritage's post 29/09/2023

Who are the female artists behind She Left Her Body? Clara Brito is the curator and lead artist, but she invited a team of artistic minds to co-create with her. Elsa Yoshida is the light designer and Lora Lo is the fashion designer. Mandy Cheuk is the makeup and body painting artist who participated in the opening day.

👉 Don't miss the exhibition, in Casa Garden, Macau, until October 22!

《出竅》背後的女藝術家是誰?Clara Brito作為策展人和首席藝術家,她邀請了一個藝術團隊與她共同創作:燈光設計師 Elsa Yoshida 和時裝設計師 Lora Lo。Mandy Cheuk 是化妝和人體彩繪藝術家,她參加了開幕式當天的活動。

👉 展覽將於 10 月 22 日在澳門卡薩花園舉行,千萬不要錯過!

📍Casa Garden, Macau
🗓️ From September 24 to October 22
👥 Clara Brito, curator and lead artist | Elsa Yoshida, light designer | Lora Lo, fashion designer | Mandy Cheuk, makeup and body painting artist

Photos from Tomorrow's Heritage's post 27/09/2023

The opening of She Left Her Body was a success, with a huge lineup of people showing up to see Clara Brito's visual arts exhibition. Care to see what happened? Check out the photos, by Rose Cheong!

《出竅》的開幕禮非常成功,大批觀眾前來觀看Clara Brito的視覺藝術展覽。想看看發生了什麼嗎?請看由 Rose Cheong 拍攝的照片!

📍Casa Garden, Macau
🗓️ From September 24 to October 22
👥 Clara Brito, curator and lead artist | Elsa Yoshida, light designer | Lora Lo, fashion designer | Mandy Cheuk, makeup and body painting artist

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Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Happy New Year!





Outra artes e entretenimento em Macau (mostrar todos)
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