Macao Pointcloud Garden

Macao Pointcloud Garden

An artwork of Clement Valla, composed of 3D scanned gardens of Macao presented as raw point data.

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 13/12/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》完美謝幕︙…∷ ∷ …∷Macao Pointcloud Garden …∷ ∷ Finale



"Macao Pointcloud Garden" concluded on December 10th with a celebratory music workshop. Náv, the band that performed ethnic music on the opening day, was invited back to provide a "World Music Experience Workshop" to the public. Through teaching and demonstrating different instruments such as handpans, Asalato, African drums, and wave drums, the band members guided participants to experience the unique charm of world music. This harmonized with the diverse plants and garden forms showcased in the "Wind Garden," enabling a perfect closing ceremony for the exhibition.

Since its opening on October 14th, Macao Pointcloud Garden has attracted over 26,000 visitors. Throughout the exhibition period, 14 public education and guided tour activities were organized, engaging over 500 participants. The response has exceeded our expectations, bringing us immense satisfaction and joy. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every citizen and tourist who visited the exhibition. It has been a privilege to meet all of you!


《澳門點雲花園》製作記錄片 The Making of Macao Pointcloud Garden:

《澳門點雲花園》展覽專頁 Webpage for Macao Pointcloud Garden ☞


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition


Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 10/12/2023

:..:::..::澳門點雲花園..:::..展期最後一天 :..:: Macao Pointcloud Garden..::Final Day to Visit.:::.聽啁啾鳥鳴:..::看點雲流動:..:::..::

懷著依依不捨的心情,《澳門點雲花園》來到了展期最後一天,感謝所有曾在作品前駐足的觀眾,也感謝藝術家Clement Valla 創作了這座讓人驚奇、喜愛和流連的花園。八週展期間,聽過最多的評語是,喜歡作品與環境的契合,尤其是《透明花園》隱身在舊廠房的夾縫間、古樹煥發生機的土地上;人站在作品前,聽著啁啾鳥鳴,看著點雲流動,不覺心神俱靜,忘了時間。也聽到許多人,因為看展、參加工作坊,第一次走進益隆炮竹廠遺址內,或享受一份恬靜,或發現本地炮竹史的蛛絲馬跡。

展期最後一天,我們邀請了老朋友 Náv,在《澳門點雲花園》前舉行世界音樂體驗坊,邀請大家趁著這週日的陽光,帶上愉快的心情,與我們一同在樹下作樂。活動3點至5點進行,現場備有輕食飲料,歡迎walk in。

Today marks the final day to visit the "Macao Pointcloud Garden." We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to artist Clement Valla for the creation of this astonishing and captivating garden. Throughout the eight-week exhibition, the prevailing feedback we received centered around the admiration for the seamless integration of the artworks with the surrounding environment, particularly the enchanting "Transparent Garden" nestled within the crevices of an old factory and the vibrant land adorned with ancient trees. Standing before these artworks, listening to the melodious chirping of birds and witnessing the graceful movement of the point clouds, one cannot help but succumb to a profound sense of tranquility, losing all sense of time. Many visitors have also shared their experiences of venturing into the historic Iec Long Firecracker Factory site for the first time, relishing in the serenity it offers and uncovering traces of the local firecracker history.

To commemorate the final day of this exhibition, we have invited our dear friend Náv to host a World Music Experience Workshop right in front of the "Macao Pointcloud Garden." We cordially invite everyone to join us beneath the trees, enveloped in a joyous atmosphere, as we revel in the warmth of Sunday sunshine. The event will be held from 3 PM to 5 PM, and light refreshments will be available on-site. Walk-ins are most welcome.


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14 -12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 07/12/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》延伸活動︙…∷ ∷聲音冥想體驗坊 …∷Macao Pointcloud Garden …∷ ∷Sound Meditation Session

《澳門點雲花園》上周日在益隆炮竹廠舊址舉行了一場「聲音冥想體驗坊」,在Náv樂隊帶領下,以多種來自非洲、澳洲原住民的傳統民族樂器,創造了一場音樂療癒之旅。 🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️



Last Sunday, the "Sound Meditation Workshop" was held as one of the public programs of the Macao Pointcloud Garden public art exhibition. Led by the local music band Náv, the workshop created a healing journey using a variety of traditional instruments from African and Australian indigenous cultures. 🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

Sound therapy is not a new concept, and research has shown that the frequencies produced by specific instruments can harmonize the state of the body, mind, and spirit, leading to healing effects. On the day of the event, participants first relaxed their bodies on yoga mats, either sitting or lying down, while the band members played various instruments including ocean drums, singing bowls, handpans, asalato, and didgeridoo. This created a calm and harmonious atmosphere, allowing people to completely release stress and feel the power of nature within.

🕛🕧🕐The Macao Pointcloud Garden public art exhibition will run until this Sunday, and the last public program, "World Music Workshop", will take place from 3 PM to 5 PM on that day. You are welcome to seize the opportunity and participate! 🕛🕧🕐


了解更多 Learn more ☞


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14 -12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


Photos from IC Art 藝文棧's post 07/12/2023
Photos from Macao News's post 07/12/2023
「讓我出乎意料的,是澳門的綠化空間」 02/12/2023

░▒▓█ 澳門點雲花園 展期進入最後一周 █▓▒░

「在路氹城,到處都有大型螢幕,到處都是巨大的看板,這些螢幕有特定的節奏和韻律,它們非常迅速,全部都希望抓住你的注意力,盡可能地吸引你。所以,我希望這個公共藝術作品,能夠提供一種完全不同類型的、與螢幕相遇的體驗。我希望這些螢幕更加安靜,在你的眼角閃爍,但它們不會以同樣的方式要求贏得你的注意。」——摘自 Clement Valla 《讓我出乎意料的,是澳門的綠化空間》採訪



In CoTai, there are giant billboards everywhere. All of these screens have a particular pace and rhythm. They are very fast, actually. All of these screens are meant to grab your attention and hold your attention as much as possible. And so, I'm hoping that with this public artwork, it actually gives an encounter with a completely different kind of a screen. I'm hoping these screens are much quieter and these screens sort of glimmer in the corner of your eye and maybe catch your attention, but they don't demand it in that same way. – Clement Valla on Macao Pointcloud Garden

"Macao Pointcloud Garden" has been open for almost two months now. This virtual garden, displayed through screens and created through digital technologies, has warmly welcomed tens of thousands of residents and tourists. Among them are art enthusiasts who specifically came to admire the artworks, children and adults who participated in weekend public programs, and individuals who unexpectedly encountered the artworks and paused to appreciate them, forming a profound understanding and connection. Each person has left their unique memories of the artworks. We invite you to share your impressions of the artworks by leaving a comment.

🌳 There is only one week remaining until the exhibition concludes. For those who have not yet visited or those who wish to experience the garden's charm at different times, we encourage you to seize the opportunity and visit the garden! 🌳


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition


氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14 -12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


「讓我出乎意料的,是澳門的綠化空間」 《澳門點雲花園》是「藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023」的6件公共藝術作品之一,由澳門策展人林小雯策劃。為了今次創作,來自美國的數位藝術家Clement Valla考察了澳門大部份的花園與綠地,從中發掘獨特且重要的植物和花...


…∷《澳門點雲花園》︙…∷ ∷作品介紹 Macao Pointcloud Garden ︙…∷ ∷About the Artwork

《澳門點雲花園》分成兩部份,「風之花園」及「透明花園」。當你剛從松樹尾方向踏進益隆,映入眼簾的兩塊大型LED屏幕,就是「風之花園」。藝術家Clement Valla 先在田野調查中拍下了數千張澳門不同花園及綠地的照片,經過軟件分析再以點雲成像,成為了觀眾在屏幕上可以用肉眼看得到的點雲花園。策展人林小雯形容,藝術家像是虛擬花園的園丁,作品亦反映了澳門植物的多樣性。你又能否分辨到作品上的花草樹木,取材自哪個公園?



The "Macao Pointcloud Garden" consists of two parts: the "Wind Garden" and the "Transparent Garden." When you enter the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory from Chun Su Mei, you'll see the "Wind Garden" displayed on two large LED screens. Artist Clement Valla captured thousands of photos of various gardens and green spaces in Macao during field research. Through software analysis, these photos were transformed into pointcloud images, creating virtual gardens that can be viewed on the screens. Curator Lam Sio Man compares the artist to a virtual garden's gardener, and the artwork showcases the diverse plant life in Macao. Can you recognize the flowers, plants, and trees in the artwork and determine which park they are from?

Inside the Firecracker Factory, the "Transparent Garden" takes advantage of the factory's unique natural and architectural space. Through a transparent screen, you'll discover banyan trees growing around the abandoned workshops, demonstrating the fusion of nature and human-made elements. After a duration of six weeks on display, the artwork has surprisingly developed vines, adding an unexpected element. Can you locate the climbing branches and leaves that embellish the screen?

The exhibition of the "Macao Pointcloud Garden" will be open until December 10th and features a range of free public programs. To participate, please register through the provided link.

《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 28/11/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》延伸活動 ︙…∷ ∷節奏沙球親子工作坊︙…∷ ∷Macao Pointcloud Garden︙…∷ ∷Asalato Family Workshop

大自然給予人類的厚禮,總是可以帶給人無限驚喜。它既可以激發藝術家的創作靈感,也實在地為我們提供了藝術素材 ——例如源自西非的樂器節奏沙球Asalato,樂器原型就是鼻煙盒樹的果實,只要稍加心思,就成為了當地的傳統樂器與玩具。源自西非,不過今時今日在澳門都有得玩、甚至自己親手製作了!





Nature always brings surprises, inspiring artists and providing tangible artistic materials. For instance, the Asalato, a rhythmic instrument from West Africa, was originally made from the fruit of the snuffbox tree. It has now become a portable instrument and toy being practiced in different parts of the world. Nowadays, it can even be found in Macau!

Last Sunday afternoon, Asalato practitioner Dave guided both children and adults in creating their own unique Asalato at the breezy Macao Pointcloud Garden. Participants learned the basic techniques and rhythms and concluded with an improvised performance alongside African drums! 🪘🪘

Macau Pointcloud Garden creates an atmosphere in public space, connecting people with artwork, nature, and life. It aims to foster connections between individuals. Exhibition opens to the public for free daily until December 10. Two upcoming public programs include the "Sound Meditation Workshop" on December 3rd and the "World Music Workshop" on December 10th. Although slots are full, you can join the waiting list for a chance to explore with us!

Learn more about upcoming programs at Macao Pointcloud Garden:

《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14 -12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


【特約刊登】公共藝術的跨界連結——專訪《澳門點雲花園》策展人林小雯|論盡媒體 AAMacau 26/11/2023


【特約刊登】公共藝術的跨界連結——專訪《澳門點雲花園》策展人林小雯|論盡媒體 AAMacau 所謂公共藝術,並不僅是指位於公眾地方的藝術作品;公共藝術更是藝術家與公眾就地方與時代的交流。「地方啟發藝術家,藝術家再創作去回應。我很喜歡這樣,這種相互作用總是振奮和吸引著我。每一次藝術家都會給我帶來...

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 24/11/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》延伸活動︙…∷ ∷感官瑜伽體驗坊 Sensory Yoga Session - A Public Program of Macao Pointcloud Garden









Have you ever considered what activities we can engage in within the public spaces of the city?

As a continuation of the previous nature tour and family picture book workshop, the third installment of the "Macao Pointcloud Garden" public program brought together yoga teacher Eva Li and nearly 30 participants for a yoga session in front of the artwork and within the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory.

During the session, participants were guided in practicing breathing exercises to enhance their sensibility and tune into the messages their bodies convey.

To create an immersive yoga experience, the organizer also arranged for a special performance by the handpan band Náv. As dusk settled and day transitioned into night, the music of Náv accompanied the yoga practice, intertwining the wisdom of yoga with the ethereal sounds of the handpan in a harmonious blend.

Don't miss the "Macao Pointcloud Garden" exhibition until December 10th, featuring workshops and experiential sessions. A few additional seats are now available for this Sunday (Nov 26)’s Asalato Family Workshop, if you are interested, please visit the link below to RSVP!

《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14 -12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 18/11/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》延伸活動︙…∷ ∷植物詩之旅——親子繪本工作坊







Discover the poet within you! Let your imagination soar and create nature-inspired poetry!

Last month, we were grateful to have over 20 parents and children join us for the "Journey of Plant Poetry - Picture Book Family Workshop." Led by picture book teacher Linhutu and art teacher Lego, the workshop took place at the former Iec Long Firecracker Factory. The instructors shared the story of the picture book "Daniel Finds a Poem" and guided participants on a poetic journey along the shaded path of the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, the site that inspired the creation of “Macao Pointcloud Garden”. Participants captured their poetic thoughts on paper and gathered creative materials along the way.

Don't miss the "Macao Pointcloud Garden" exhibition until December 10th, featuring workshops and experiential sessions. Due to high demand, program registrations are currently full, but you can join the waiting list through the link below.

《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


澳門日報電子版 13/11/2023



We are grateful reading the review about Macao Pointcloud Garden on last week's Macao Daily (art column): "Pointcloud," resembling distant and vaguely visible dots of clouds, are images that transcend the material world. "Garden" represents the tranquility and elevation of nature; it is a symbol rich in vitality and aesthetic sensibility. The artwork blends with the towering tree within the former site of the firecracker factory, blurring the sense of space. One's gaze wanders on the branching tree branches and the flowing mosaic-like visuals.

閱讀全文 Full article:

《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition


氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


澳門日報電子版 澳門日報版權所有 澳門日報電子報由澳門日報出版社出版

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 10/11/2023

If you stay in front of the artwork long enough, you will be able to discover all these scenery. Stills from the Wind Garden (part of ), a public art project by commissioned for

Project is on view through December 10, 2023 at the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa.

Photo courtesy of the artist.

Profile pictures 25/10/2023

Thanks for featuring us on the November Cover🎉✍️

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 24/10/2023






…∷Public Art Exhibition “Macao Pointcloud Garden”︙…∷ Words from Curator

"Macao has long served as a wellspring of inspiration for artists who immerse themselves in its vibrant atmosphere. It is my aspiration to demonstrate how our city can follow the lead of artists and invest in their creative processes, supporting artistic experiments that inspire transformative experiences and stimulate civic engagement."

“Macao Pointcloud Garden” is curated by Lam Sio Man who is a Macao curator with an extensive background in New York City. Both locales' vibrant cultural scenes and artistic communities have enriched her curatorial vision. With a passion for alternative arts and cultural practices, Lam is committed to pushing the boundaries of contemporary curating. Through her work, she strives to create thought-provoking art projects that challenge conventional notions and inspire new perspectives.

Lam holds a double bachelor's degree in Chinese Linguistics and in Arts from China's Peking University and a master's in Visual Arts Administration from New York University. She has served at Macao's Cultural Affairs Bureau and the Percent for Art program in the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

In 2019, she was chosen to curate the Macao Pavilion at the 58th Venice International Art Biennale. Her recent curatorial projects have been featured in various media outlets, including the New York Times, Art Newspaper, and South China Morning Post, etc.

“Macao Pointcloud Garden” Public Art Exhibition is on view until December 10.

了解更多 Learn More ☞


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition


氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


攝影 Photo credit: Cathie Lam



Thanks 文化本事🎉🎉

「藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023」將於10月14日至12月10日期間,於益隆炮竹廠舊址呈獻公共藝術作品《澳門點雲花園》(Macao Pointcloud Garden)。作品由來自美國的法裔藝術家克萊門特・瓦拉(Clement Valla)創作,由本地策展人林小雯籌劃,於益隆炮竹廠創設一道運用掃描科技構建的動態自然風景,透過電子影像與真實自然的反差,誠邀觀眾一同反思在頻繁使用屏幕的時代裡,尋找感受自然的新方式——既來自人類視覺,亦可來自電子感光系統。



#澳門好去處 #藝文薈澳 #澳門國際藝術雙年展 #澳門點雲花園 #益隆炮竹廠 #工業遺址 #舊工廠 #雪糕小編

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 22/10/2023

…∷《澳門點雲花園》延伸活動︙…∷ ∷自然與城市的共生——藝術與自然導賞

在人來人往的鬧市之中,益隆炮竹廠舊址的悠閒,不單讓人得以在煩囂中獲得片刻安寧,更證存了人工建築與樹木的共生。《澳門點雲花園》的「自然與城市的共生」藝術與自然導賞活動,由本地資深的環保教育工作者陳俊明博士帶領,參加者彷彿「穿越時空」,不僅認識到炮竹廠的歷史,更了解到了園內不同大樹的種類、特徵、生長周期等,一棵超過260年歷史的老樟樹,尤其引起了大家的興趣!策展人林小雯則向參加者介紹了《澳門點雲花園》的創作理念,炮竹廠以及澳門的自然環境如何啟發藝術家Clement Valla的創作。參加者最後一一繪上自己對於未來城市的期許,希望能建造一個人與動植物都能共存的美好環境!

..:: "Macao Pointcloud Garden" Outreach program: ... :::: Coexistence of Nature and the City - Art and Nature Tour::

Amidst the city, the tranquility of the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory revealed the coexistence of man-made structures and trees. Led by Dr. Joe Chan, the "Coexistence of Nature and City: Art and Nature Tour" took participants on a journey through time, exploring the factory's history and the diverse trees on-site, including a captivating 260-year-old camphor tree. Curator Lam Sio Man shared the inspiration behind "Macao Pointcloud Garden," connecting artist Clement Valla's work to the factory and Macao's natural environment. Participants expressed their visions for a harmonious city through drawings.

Don't miss the "Macao Pointcloud Garden" exhibition until December 10th, featuring workshops and experiential sessions. Due to high demand, program registrations are currently full, but you can join the waiting list through the link below.


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao

展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10

時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 15/10/2023


「藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023」公共藝術作品之一《澳門點雲花園》首場公眾活動——花園音樂會於昨日傍晚舉行,吸引了逾百觀眾到場,吹著微風欣賞由Náv帶來的民族音樂。期間,藝術家Clement Valla與策展人林小雯與觀眾分享《澳門點雲花園》的創作過程,度過了一個難忘的周六晚上。

❣ 一起重溫展覽首日盛況 ❣


。○◦◌。Macao Pointcloud Garden。○◦◌。Garden Concert 。○◦◌。

Yesterday evening, the enchanting Macao Pointcloud Garden hosted a mesmerizing Garden Concert. The event showcased the incredible local handpan band, Náv, and captivated the hearts of over a hundred attendees. Prior to the concert, artist Clement Valla and curator Lam Sio Man shared insights into the creative process behind "Macau Pointcloud Garden" and celebrated the debut of this project.

❣ We invite you to explore the photo gallery, capturing the essence of this unforgettable night. ❣

Don't miss the opportunity to experience "Macao Pointcloud Garden" firsthand, as it will be on display until December 10. Throughout this period, a series of engaging extended activities, including tours and workshops, will be offered. Discover more about these exciting opportunities by visiting the following link:

關注 Event Page:
《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden
藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition

氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao
展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10
時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)

Photos from Macao Pointcloud Garden's post 13/10/2023

︙…∷ 點雲花園的日與夜 ☼ ☾


千呼萬喚~~《澳門點雲花園》將於本週六登場!藝術家Clement Valla與策展人林小雯當日下午將於現場介紹作品。


︙…∷ The Day and Night of Macao Pointcloud Garden ☼ ☾


The long-awaited "Macao Pointcloud Garden" is scheduled to make its highly anticipated debut this Saturday! Artist Clement Valla and curator Lam Sio Man will be present to personally introduce this extraordinary artwork in the afternoon.

Depending on the time of day and the natural lighting it receives, "Macao Pointcloud Garden" presents itself in various captivating forms. During the day, the artwork is enveloped by the gentle caress of warm sunlight, casting enchanting shadows of the surrounding trees. As the twilight sunset approaches, the pointcloud displayed on the screen emanates a breathtaking radiance, creating a mesmerizing and vivid spectacle that leaves spectators in awe.

。○◦◌。展期首日:花園音樂會 Celebratory Event: Garden Concert。○◦◌。

日期 Date:2023.10.14

時間 Time:17:30-18:30

地點 Vanue:氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory

嘉賓表演者 Guest Musicians: Náv


Free Admission, visit to RSVP.

關注 Event Page:


《澳門點雲花園》 Macao Pointcloud Garden

藝術家 Artist:
Clement Valla|美國 United States of America

策展人 Curator:
林小雯 Lam Sio Man|澳門 Macao

藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2023 - 公共藝術展
Art Macao: Macau International Art Biennale 2023 - Public Art Exhibition


氹仔益隆炮竹廠舊址 Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, Taipa Macao
展期 Exhibition Period:2023.10.14-12.10
時間 Time:06:00-19:00(逢星期三15:00-19:00休息|Closed at 15:00 on Wednesday)


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