Lifelong Catechesis - Archdiocese of Malta

To support parishes and catechists in your catechetical ministry in the Archdiocese of Malta.


🌟 New Month, New Opportunities to discover our resources, including Saints of the Month, activities, and monthly traditions. Check them out now! ✨



Il-Knisja qed tistieden lil kull Kattoliku f'Malta sabiex matul ix-xahar li ġej jieħu sehem f'konversazzjonijiet differenti dwar il-Knisja Maltija fis-soċjetà tal-lum. Dawn huma parti mill-proċess One Church, One Journey. Wieħed jista’ jieħu sehem fiżikament jew anke online.

Agħżel it-temi li jinteressawk ➡️

That’s the Lord Jesus! - SDC M.U.S.E.U.M. 30/05/2024

That’s the Lord Jesus! - SDC M.U.S.E.U.M. Towards the end of the second world war, a boy from Ħamrun, who was an elect an the SDC Centre of the same town, was seriously ill. When Fr. George got to know about this situation, he himself went to the boy’s house to administer Holy Communion to him. As soon as Fr. George raised […]


100 Singalong Bible Songs for Kids 3 CDs
Price: €25.00
For more information, please email [email protected]


Seminar: Aspetti prattiċi marbutin maċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Liturġija għat-tfal
Data: Is-Sibt, 25 ta' Mejju 2024
Post: Il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, Floriana
Il-ħlas għal dan is-seminar huwa ta' €5.
Għar-reġistrazzjoni, tista' tibgħat email fuq [email protected]


Seminar: L-Ewkaristija
Data: 27 ta' April 2024
Post: Il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, Floriana
Il-ħlas għal dan is-seminar huwa ta' €5.
Għar-reġistrazzjoni, tista' tibgħat email fuq [email protected]


Santi bħala tifkira tal-Griżma tal-Isqof.
Prezz €0.20c il-waħda.


Santi bħala tifkira tal-Ewwel Tqarbina.
Prezz €0.20c il-waħda.


Santi bħala tifkira tal-Ewwel Qrara.
Prezz €0.20c il-waħda.


Santi bħala tifkira tas-Sagrament tal-Magħmudija.
Prezz €0.20c il-waħda.


This week is Holy Week and we are starting our last section in our Lent journey.

This week we shall fast. To fast means to give up something, we can fast from certain types of food, we can fast from screen time, we can fast from activities we enjoy doing. We need to remember, that if we fast from food, it is has nothing to do with losing weight! Neither should we fast to impress others and look good and holy!

Fasting is meant to help us focus more on God. So, if for example, we fast from screen time, we try and to use that time to pray, read the Bible or do good deeds. If children, for example fast from sweets, the money which was meant for sweets, is instead given to charity. Remind the children that before starting his public ministry, Jesus spent forty days in the desert praying and fasting. So, when we fast, we are trying to do what he did. Explain, especially to older children that we do not give up chocolate, a favourite programme or game, because Jesus wants us to give these things up. We fast from these things, to remind ourselves that we do not really need them, what we really need is Jesus. Praying Psalm 23 reminds us just this, that “The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.”

Check out the 40 days of lent:


Ninsabu fit-tieni ġurnata tas-sitt sezzjoni fejn nitgħallmu fuq it-talb u kif għandna ngħixu.

Ingħaqdu magħna f'dan il-vjaġġ tar-Randan. Ipprinjta fid-daqs A3, aqta and poġġi skont l-episodji tal-ħajja ta’ Ġesù:

Tinsewx timxu magħna ġurnata b'ġurnata fuq:


Sōtēr jista’ jservi bħala sors ta’ riżorsi għall-parroċċi u komunitajiet Insara bi tħejjija għas-servizz ta’ rikonċiljazzjoni matul dan iż-żmien tar-Randan.

Żur is-sit biex tordna kopja 📖

Evangelisation - Archdiocese of Malta | Segretarjat Parroċċi


During the next 4 days of our lent journey 👣 we are getting to know Jesus through some of his miracles.

Download and get your colouring page from:

Check out the 40 days of lent:


New month means new opportunity to learn together! ✨ Discover this month's resources, activities, and saints 📚 During the month of March, let's learn more about lent!



👉 Prepare for the upcoming week with the new section into our Lenten resources. This section will focus on Jesus' teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven.

Download and get your copy from:

Join us for the 40 days of lent 👣


Seminar - is-Sibt 24 ta' Frar 2024


Seminar - Is-Sibt 24 ta' Frar 2024
Għar-registrazzjoni tistgħu tibgħatu email fuq [email protected] jew ċemplu fuq 2590 6252.
Ħlas: €5.00


Each day we follow the path with a scripture reading which tells about an event in Jesus’ life 👣 Today we are reading the episode when Jesus was born 🌟

Join us in this journey of lent:


Karus Ta' Mħabba: L-għan ta' dan il-karus hu li matul ir-Randan, it-tfal jiċċaħħdu minn ħelu jew affarijiet oħra biex fl-aħħar tar-Randan, il-flus jingħataw għall-karità.
Il-prezz huwa ta' €0.10c.
Għal aktar informazzjoni ibgħatu email fuq [email protected] jew ċemplu fuq 2590 6252.



📆 Il-Ħamis 1 ta' Frar 2024 bis-sehem ta' Arcum u l-Kor Sant'Anna minn Marsaskala Parish
📍 Is-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof
🕖 Adorazzjoni: 𝟔:𝟑𝟎𝐩𝐦 - Quddiesa: 𝟕:𝟐𝟓𝐩𝐦

Archdiocese of Malta | Kolleġġjata Bażilika u Proto-Parroċċa ta' San Pawl, Rabat - Malta | Parroċċa Ħad-Dingli | Mtarfa Parish - Parroċċa Santa Luċija, Mtarfa | Mdina Metropolitan Chapter

Pope launches new YOUCAT: ‘Christ is password for a joyful life’ - Vatican News 23/01/2024

Pope launches new YOUCAT: ‘Christ is password for a joyful life’ - Vatican News Pope Francis writes a letter to young people to accompany a new edition of the YOUCAT, or ‘Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church’, and invites them ...


"Waqt li kien għaddej ma’ xatt il-baħar tal-Galilija, lemaħ lil Xmun u ’l ħuh Indrì qegħdin ikalaw ix-xbiek fil-baħar, għax kienu sajjieda. U Ġesù qalilhom: “Ejjew warajja, u nagħmel minnkom sajjieda tal-bnedmin”. U minnufih telqu x-xbiek, u marru warajh."

Meħud mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark kapitlu 1 vers 14-20.

🔗 Kompli segwi dan:

Archdiocese of Malta
Evangelisation - Archdiocese of Malta

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L-Għid it-Tajjeb
Ejja Fostna Mulej Ġesù


Archbishop's Curia, St Calcedonius Square

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 11:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 11:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 11:30
Thursday 08:00 - 11:30
Friday 08:00 - 11:30

Other Religious Organizations in Floriana (show all)
One Church, One Journey One Church, One Journey
Kurja Tal-Arċisqof
Floriana, FRN1535

Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed

BeHold BeHold
Archbishop's Curia St Calcedonius Square Floriana
Floriana, FRN1535

Nisperaw li issib dak kollu li għandek bżonn għal mixja spirtwali tiegħek. Ejja skopri ir-rikkezza ta

Evangelisation - Archdiocese of Malta Evangelisation - Archdiocese of Malta
Archbishop's Curia, St Calcedonius Square
Floriana, FRN1535

The Vicariate for Evangelisation coordinates the evangelising mission of the Archdiocese of Malta in its parishes, in schools and in Maltese society in general.

Archdiocese of Malta Archdiocese of Malta
Archbishop's Curia

Flimkien Flimkien
Archbishop's Curia
Floriana, FRN1535

Il-Fidi prezentata b'lingwagg li nifhmuh ilkoll. Il-magazine flimkien huwa opportunita ta taghlim gh

Malta Commission for Interreligious Dialogue Malta Commission for Interreligious Dialogue
Floriana, FRN1441

The Commission, founded on 2nd March 2011, aims at establishing ties between the Catholic Church in Malta and non-Christian communities in Malta.

The Companion The Companion
Capuchin Friary
Floriana, FRN1211

The Mission of the Church is under the guidance of the Holy Spirit will seek holiness of its members as witnesses of the love of God to all people.

Pastoral Formation Institute Pastoral Formation Institute
Archdiocese Of Malta, St Calcedonius Square
Floriana, FRN1441

The Institute of Pastoral Formation (IFP) was set up by the Archdiocese of Malta within the Pastoral Secretariat.

Malta Catholic Youth Network Malta Catholic Youth Network
MCYN, Archbisop's Curia

MCYN is the youth office within the Archdiocese of Malta. We want to get in touch with other young p

Moviment ta' Kana Moviment ta' Kana
Catholic Institute, St Publius Street
Floriana, FRN1441

Cana Movement is a voluntary organisation of people within the Catholic Church of Malta who have the family at heart.