The Malta Eye Study

The Malta Eye Study

The Malta Eye Study is a University of Malta research project funded by The Malta Community Chest Fu


Tonight at 6pm. 103.7 campus FM listen to our radio interview related to The Malta Eye Study.

In this last week of the 5th series of Riċerkaturi, Wilfred Kenely meets Dr David Agius to discuss his research in the Eye Study. University of Malta Campus 103.7


The study is currently inviting randomly selected people to attend for an eye check. This video explains what the study is all about and what participation entails. We encourage anyone who gets an invitation by post to reach out to us.


The Malta Eye Study has so far seen 400 volunteers who accepted our invitation to come and check their eyes as part of the research project. We encourage anyone who receives the invitation to attend for the free check. Numerous participants have been referred for further care due to problems relating to cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Earlier this month was World Glaucoma Day. Here are some common questions we are frequently asked.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a type of disease which shows damage of the nerve at the back of the eye which affects how one sees from the sides, and eventually can cause blindness. This is usually caused by a high eye pressure.

Does glaucoma mean blindness?

Glaucoma is one of the commonest causes of irreversible blindness. With today's care, blindness from glaucoma is preventable, when detected early enough.

How would I know if I have glaucoma or not?

Glaucoma does not generally give any symptoms until it is already late in its progress. The only way how one would know whether he/she has it in its earlier stage is by checking with a detailed examination of the eye.

Who should check?

People who are more at risk from developing glaucoma are people who have a family history of the condition and people who are older than 40. These people should check their vision, their eye pressure and the nerve in a routine check every year so that if they have glaucoma, they can be treated to prevent them from losing their eyesight.

If I am told I have glaucoma, what should be done?

The treatment for glaucoma aims to minimise further damage to one's vision from happening. It cannot cure what has already been lost. Treatments can involve laser and/or the use of drops. Sometimes surgery is considered if the drops are not enough. A regular follow up is required.


On the occasion of World Sight Day that was celebrated yesterday, we are pleased to announce that the research study has already sent over 400 invitations to random participants and over 100 people have benefited from assessments so far. May we take the opportunity to encourage anyone who receives the invitation to participate in this research and come over to check his/her eye health free of charge.


Meeting people
Performing questionnaires
Suitable for most ages
Fluency in Maltese and English required

Testijiet tal-għajnejn b’xejn bħala parti minn studju nazzjonali - Newsbook 15/10/2019

Kemm niġbdu l-attenzjoni li l-istudju se jsir fuq nies magħżulin b'mod awtomatiku minghajr preferenza (random sampling) sabiex ir-riżultat ikun xjentifikament korrett u applikabbli fl-istrateġija tal-kura ta' l-għajn. Se jsir Mater Dei mhux il-Furjana. Iktar tagħrif tistgħu ssibuh

Testijiet tal-għajnejn b’xejn bħala parti minn studju nazzjonali - Newsbook Madwar 2,000 persuna se jkunu jistgħu japplikaw għal test tal-għajnejn b’xejn bħala parti minn studju nazzjonali. L-għan tal-istudju huwa li jiġbor data dwar il-prevalenza ta’ mard komuni tal-għajnejn u problemi tal-viżta f’Malta. It-tobba qalu li s’issa din it-tip ta’ informazzjon...


Ftit punti bil-Malti dwar il-proġett The Malta Eye Study li jwieġbu diversi mistoqsijiet:

The Malta Eye Study – Proġett ta’ l-Universita’ ta’ Malta b’kollaborazzjoni mad-Dipartiment ta’ l-Oftalmoloġija fi Sptar Mater Dei

Riċerkatur ewlieni: Dr David Agius (tabib fit-taħriġ ta’ l-oftalmoloġija)
Supervisors: Mr Francis Carbonaro (konsulent oftalmologu) u Prof Julian Mamo (epidemjologu)

Dan il-proġett hu possibbli b’fondi mill- Malta Community Chest Fund b’kollaborazzjoni mar-Research Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) u b’permezz ta’ sponsorship (Class Optical)

Sabiex nidentifikaw kemm huma komuni l-kundizzjonijiet ta’l-għajnejn li jistgħu inaqqsu l-vista fil-popolazzjoni adulta Maltija ta’ bejn il-50 u 80 sena.

Min se jipparteċipa?
Il-parteċipazzjoni f’dan l-istudju se ssir biss minn min jirċievi l-invit.
Sabiex ir-riċerka taghtina riżultati li jagħmlu sens u li jkunu utli , il-parteċipanti se jiġu magħzula permezz ta' random sampling, jiġifieri se jissejjaħ kampjun mir-reġistru elettorali mingħajr ebda preferenza u mingħajr ebda forma ta’ diskrimanzzjoni ta’ bżonn jew talba partikolari. Għaldaqstant infakkru li se nkunu qed nistiednu ħames t’elef ruħ ta’ etajiet bejn ħamsin u tmenin għal dan, allura hemm cans tajjeb li wieħed jingħazel għax in-numru ta’ parteċipanti li se naraw huwa kbir. Nawgurlalek li jekk tirċievi mingħandna, tieħu l-opportunita’ sabiex tattendi din il-viżta li tista’ tgħinnek u li se tgħin lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi.
Kampjun ieħor ta’ madwar mitejn persuna li nafu li huma neqsin mid-dawl se jisseħju mill-lista tal-Commission for the Rights for Persons of Disability, bil-permess tal-kummissjoni. Dawn il-parteċipanti se jsirulhom l-istess testijiet.

Sptar Mater Dei, Ophthalmology Outpatients

X’tinvolvi l-parteċipazzjoni:
It-test komplut ta’l-għajn jinvolvi:
Test tal-vista u tan-nuċċali (refraction)
Eżaminazzjoni ta’ l-għajn tat-tabib fuq l-islit lamp
Ritratti tal-wara ta’ l-għajn
Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (sdOCT) scan – dan huwa test li jsir biex jaqbad ċerta forom ta’ zokkor fl-għajn, glaucoma, u macular degeneration.
Mistoqsijiet fuq is-saħħa in ġenerali
Test tal-pressjoni tad-demm piż, tul u zokkor fid-demm
Teħid ta’ kampjun tal-bżieq għal testijiet futuri fil-ġenetika

L-istediniet se jintbagħtu f’dawn is-sentejn li ġejjin (minn tmiem 2019 sa 2021).
Wieħed se jkollu data u ħin fuq l-invit. Jekk wieħed ma jkunx jista’ jattendi fid-data li tingħatalu, għandu jinfurmana fuq id-dettalji li jingħata

Benefiċċji tal-parteċipazzjoni:
Test ta’ l-għajn komplut u b’xejn
Jista’ jinqabad mard ta’ l-għajn fi stadju ta’ qabel sintomi, u b’hekk issir riferta għall-kura minn stadju bikri, b’mod li wieħed jippreveni l-kumplikazzjonijiet u n-nuqqas fil-vista
Sponsored gift vouchers u prodotti tal-kura ta’ l-għajn

Xi prattikalitajiet għal min jipparteċipa:

Jekk għandek nuċċali tal-vista, ġibu miegħek, flimkien ma’ xi riċetti li jista’ jkollok.

Jekk għandek xi storja medika ninkoraġġuk iġġib miegħek il-lista ta’ mediċini li tieħu flimkien ma’ xi noti dwar saħħtek li jista’ jkollok. Dawn ikunu ta’ għajnuna għalina sabiex ninviżtawk ahjar.

Nirrikmandaw ukoll sabiex ma ssuqx inti għal dan l-appuntament. Ikun idejali jekk jiġi xi ħadd jakkumpanjak, speċjalment jekk ħa tkun qed tuża trasport privat. Ħa nkunu qegħdin nipprovdu parking ticket għal min ikun qed isuqek.


A few points regarding the study to help answer most queries:

The Malta Eye Study – A University of Malta Research Project in Collaboration with the Department of Ophthalmology at Mater Dei Hospital

Principal Researcher: Dr David Agius (Higher Specialist Trainee in Ophthalmology)
Supervised by Mr Francis Carbonaro (Consultant Ophthalmologist) and Prof Julian Mamo (Epidemiologist)

This is made possible with funds from the Malta Community Chest Fund that have been managed by the Research Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) and by sponsorship (Class Optical).

To identify how common eye conditions are in the Maltese 50-80 year age group and how much they contribute towards visual impairment and blindness
This will help improve planning prevention, screening and management of eye disorders within the Maltese national health care system

Who can participate?
Participation in the free eye test of the study is on a by-invitation-only basis. The research's findings will make scientific sense and the results will be applicable to the population by having a random sample of individuals aged 50-80 years of age selected from the Maltese Electoral Register. This sample will be selected purely by chance, without discrimination of need or request. However the number invited will be high (5000) and the volume of participants is expected to be high, so if one fits within the criteria one stands a good chance of being chosen. If you do receive the invite by post, kindly please do accept to come to take advantage of the opportunity to take care of your eye health and improve the nation's health care system.
A separate sample of 200 participants with known visual impairment will be selected from the register of the Commission for the Rights for Persons with Disability, with the commission's assistance and permission. These participants will attend to the same type of testing.

Mater Dei Hospital, Ophthalmology Outpatients

What participation involves:
The comprehensive eye check includes:
Vision testing and test for glasses (refraction)
Slit-lamp ophthalmological examination by the doctor performing the study
Fundus photography
Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (sdOCT) scan - this is a test useful in looking for diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, and macular degeneration
Questionnaire to help assess general health condition and any risk factors associated with eye disease
Taking measurements of blood pressure, weight, height and pinprick glucose test
Taking a sample of saliva (spit) to be used for subsequent genetic analysis

Invitations will be sent throughout the next two years (end of 2019 to 2021). One will have a date and time on the invitation. If one cannot make it to the appointment, it would be helpful for us to be informed on the given contact details.

Benefits to participants:
Free comprehensive eye check
Early detection of eye disease (if present) with early treatment and specialist referral, thus preventing blindness
Sponsored gift vouchers on eye care products

Some practicalities:
Attending invitees are recommended not to drive themselves on the day of the appointment. An accompanying person would be ideal, especially if using personal transport. A parking ticket at Mater Dei Hospital will be provided for the person driving the participant.
If you do have prescription glasses, kindly bring them over with you, accompanied by their prescriptions (if available)
If you have some medical history, kindly please bring over any notes that you may have available (like discharge summaries or your general practitioner certifications) as well as your medications list (ideally in a list form)

Thank you and hope to see you!

5,000 persuna se jiġu mistiedna biex jagħmlu eżami tal-vista - TVM 10/10/2019

Launch of the Malta Eye Study today. 5000 invitations to the public will be coming out in the next couple of weeks. Follow the page for updates.

5,000 persuna se jiġu mistiedna biex jagħmlu eżami tal-vista - TVM Mal-5,000 persuna ta’ bejn il-50 u t-80 sena se jiġu mistiedna mid-Dipartiment tal-Oftalmoloġija fl-Isptar Mater Dei biex isirilhom eżami tal-vista fost oħrajn biex titqajjem kuxjenza dwar il-prevenzjoni tal-mard li jista’...


World Sight Day
The 10th of October happens to be World Sight Day, an initiative to raise awareness on visual impairment and blindness and how they can be avoided.

Around 250 million worldwide suffer from visual impairment and it is notable that 80% of cases of blindness are avoidable.

The occurrence of visual impairment happens to increase with age, especially since the leading causes are age related:
• Cataract
• Glaucoma
• Age Related Macular Degeneration
• Diabetic Retinopathy

Early detection of eye disease can avoid blindness. Unless advised otherwise, regular yearly checkups are recommended for the older age group and people at risk. These are available in the health centres and in the private sector. The hospital takes care of referred cases.

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Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 17:00
Thursday 14:00 - 17:00
Friday 14:00 - 17:00