Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum

Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum, Landmark & historical place, Triq il-Mediterran, Valletta.

- easily accessible by public transport, private cars, taxis and by walk.
- locker room
- most of the Fort's spaces are accessible for wheelchairs
- we provide a wheelchair for those in need
- two gift shops
- toilets with all facilities


L-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann ikkonverta l-bastjun ta' Vendome f’polverista (maħzen tal-porvli) fl-1745, billi billi twaqqgħet parti kbira mill-pjattaforma oriġinali tal-artillerija tal-1614. Din kienet waħda mill-ewwel polveristi li nbniet fuq id-disinji u l-ideat tal-pijunier inġinier militari Franċiż, Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban. Kien jinkludi saqaf immejjel biex jiddevja l-bombi u kellu wkoll l-arkati. Din il-polverista hija l-akbar polverista mibnija fuq l-istil ta' Vauban li nsibu f’Malta.

Ħajr għall-istampa: National Library of Malta.

The Order of St John converted the Vendome bastion into a polverista (gunpowder magazine) in 1745, by demolishing a large part of the original 1614 artillery platform. This was one of the first polveriste to be built on the designs and ideas of the pioneering French military engineer Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban. It included a sloping roof to deflect bombs and it was heavily arched. It is also the largest polverista of the Vauban-type to be found in Malta.

Image credits: National Library of Malta.


Good morning 🌅☀️

Photos from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum's post 04/09/2024

🇲🇹Aħna kburin inħabbru li l-Awtorità Maltija għat-Turiżmu tatna l-marka tas-siġill tal-Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità li tirrikonoxxi d-dedikazzjoni tagħna biex niprovdu esperjenza eċċellenti għall-viżitaturi! Nirringrazzjaw lill-istaff kollu tal-Forti Sant’Iermu tax-xogħol u l-impenn tagħhom 👏😁

🇬🇧We are proud to announce that the Malta Tourism Authority has awarded us with the Quality Assurance seal mark which recognises our efforts and dedication to ensure an excellent visitor experience!We thank all the staff at Fort St Elmo for their hard work and commitment 👏😁

Photos from Fort Delimara's post 23/08/2024

Aspett li ma tantx naħsbu fiħ huwa kif il-kanuni ġew trasportati u mpoġġijin fil-fortizzi...🤔

An aspect that we don't often think about is how large, heavy guns were transported and mounted in forts...🤔


Meta l-Carafa Enceinte kien qed jinbena fi sforz biex il-Forti Sant'Iermu jingħalaq fil-linji tal-fortifikazzjoni tal-belt, inqala' battibekk bejn l-inġinier residenti tal-Ordni, Mederico Blondel u l-kummissarju ordinarju tal-fortifikazzjonijiet, Ugo de Vauvilliers.

F'rapport pjuttost twil, Blondel sostna li Vauvilliers kien ta permess biex titwaqqa' pjattaforma fuq il-kavallier mingħajr ma ikkonsulta miegħu waqt li kien marid u 'l bogħod mix-xogħol. Huwa stqarr li 'la nuova fortificatione (non) possa supplire la mancanza di questa mezana plataforma' minħabba li l-linji ta' fortifikazzjoni ġodda nbnew aktar baxxi mill-pjattaforma tal-kavallier u ma kinux meqjusa b'saħħithom biżżejjed biex jipproteġu l-portijiet. B’hekk, sostna li kienet ‘konsegwenza indiskutibbli’ li l-pjattaforma terġa’ tinbena mill-ġdid.

Hawn taħt hawn pjanta imfassla minn Blondel innifsu li turi l-pjattaforma li kellha terġa’ tinbena mill-ġdid.

Krediti tal-immaġni: National Library of Malta.

When the Carafa Enceinte was being constructed in an effort to enclose Fort St Elmo within Valletta's fortification lines, a quarrel broke out between the Order's resident engineer, Mederico Blondel and the ordinary commissioner of fortifications, Ugo de Vauvilliers.

In a very lengthy and bitter report, Blondel argued that Vauvilliers had given permission to demolish a platform on the cavalier without consulting with him as he was ill and away from work. He stated that 'la nuova fortificatione (non) possa supplire la mancanza di questa mezana plataforma' because the new fortification lines were built lower than the cavalier's platform and were not deemed strong enough to protect the harbours. Thus, he argued that it was an 'indisputable consequence' for the platform to be rebuilt again.

Below is a plan drawn by Blondel himself showcasing the platform that must be rebuilt again.

Image credits: National Library of Malta


🇲🇹 L-ebda festa ma tixgħel smewwiet pajjiżna daqs il-Festa tal-Assunta 🎆, magħrufa aħjar bħala l-festa ta' Santa Marija, iċċelebrata f'xejn inqas minn seba' rħula differenti 🎉.

Apparti l-festa reliġjuża ⛪, il-15 ta' Awwissu jfakkar wieħed mill-aktar mumenti ikoniċi fl-istorja Maltija – il-wasla tal-SS Ohio, li daħal imwieżen fil-Port il-Kbir wara attakki bla ħniena fuqu mill-għadu u spara ’l fuq it-tamiet tal-Maltin fl-aktar punt ikrah tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija ⚔️.

➡️ Il-pjanċa tal-isem, it-tmun, l-insinja u oġġetti oħra tal-bastiment jinsabu għall-wiri fil-Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Gwerra fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, il-Belt Valletta 🏛️.

🇬🇧 No feast lights up our country’s skies quite like the Feast of the Assumption 🎆, better known as the feast of Santa Marija, celebrated in no less than seven different villages 🎉.

Besides the religious aspect ⛪, the 15th of August recalls one of the most iconic moments in Maltese history – the arrival of SS Ohio, which limped into the Grand Harbour after being battered by Axis fire and shot up the hopes of the Maltese at the bleakest point of WWII ⚔️.

➡️ The vessel’s nameplate, helm, ensign and other items are on display at the Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum, Valletta 🏛️.


Niftakru fil-konvoj ta’ ‘Santa Marija’ u fiż-żminijiet iebsa ta’ Malta...

L-Operazzjoni tal-Konvoj ‘Pedestal’ kienet tikkonsisti fi tlettax-il bastiment merkantili mibgħuta mill-imperi Ingliż biex jgħinu s-sitwazzjoni kifra ta’ Malta. Fit-13 ta’ Awwissu, 3 vapuri merkantili; Port Chalmers, Rochester Castle u Melbourne Star dehru fl-orizzont. In-nies żifnu u kantaw fit-triq. Brisbane Star waslet fl-14 ta’ Awwissu. Kmieni filgħodu tal-15 ta’ Awwissu, Ohio li kien irmunkat inġarr fil-Port il-Kbir.

Għalkemm 53,000 mill-85,000 tunnellata ta’ provvisti sfortunatament intilfu, it-32,000 tunnellata li kien fadal ta’ fjuwil, munizzjon u ikel salvaw lil Malta.

Fir-rittratti hawn taħt hawn SS Ohio.

Remembering the ‘Santa Marija’ convoy and Malta’s tough times…

Convoy Operation ‘Pedestal’ consisted of thirteen merchant ships sent by Britain to aid Malta’s deteriorating situation. On 13th August, 3 merchant ships; Port Chalmers, Rochester Castle and Melbourne Star appeared on the horizon. People danced and sang in the street. Brisbane Star arrived on 14th August. Early in the morning of 15th August, Ohio with decks almost awash, was literally carried into the Grand Harbour.

Although 53,000 of the 85,000 tons of supplies were unfortunately lost, the remaining 32,000 tons of fuel, ammunition and food saved Malta.

Pictured below is SS Ohio.

Photos from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum's post 05/08/2024

Tista tagħraf liem hu liem?🧐

Kemm il-Forti Sant'Iermu u Fort Delimara kellhom 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 tal-ġebel mibnijin madwar l-istess żmien fit-tieni nofs tas-seklu 19. Il-Forti Sant'Iermu kellha tlettax kanun RML, b'erba' daqsijiet differenti: ta' 9 pulzieri, ta' 10 pulzieri, ta' 11-il pulzier u tat-12.5-il pulzier, iżda mhux kollha kienu jinsabu fil-𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴. B'mod komparattiv, il-Forti Delimara kienet armat b'sitta biss iżda kollha kienu ta' 12.5-il pulzier, b’piż ta’ 38 tunnellata.

Can you spot which is which?🧐

Both Fort St Elmo and Fort Delimara had several masonry casemates built around the same time, in the second half of the 19th century. Fort St Elmo had a total of 13 RML guns of four different sizes: 9-inch, 10-inch, 11-inch and 12.5-inch, yet not all of them were in casemates. Comparatively, Fort Delimara was armed with only 6 but they were all 12.5-inch, 38 ton RML guns.


🇲🇹 Bi pjaċir inħabbru li se nestendu l-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ ta’ dawn is-siti u mużewijiet mit-Tnejn 5 ta’ Awwissu sal-aħħar ta’ Ottubru. 🎉🏛️

Ejja żurna f’dawn il-ħinijiet estiżi u ħu gost tesplora bla għaġla ta’ xejn! 🕒

🇬🇧 We're excited to extend our opening hours at the following museums and sites, from Monday, August 5th, till the end of October. 🎉🏛️

Come and visit us during our extended hours and enjoy exploring at a more leisurely pace! 🕒


A lovely atmosphere at tonight’s Night at the Museum event 🤩

Photos from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum's post 14/06/2024

Some snaps from tonight 😍


Happening now at the fort


Still undecided about your plans for the evening? Kick off your weekend in style at Fort St Elmo. Enjoy views, food and history at Night at the Museum: A Tale of Two Sieges. Doors open at 7pm. Entrance tickets cost 5 euros at the door or online from: . Food and drinks will be available for purchase inside. 😁😍


Magnificence awaits you! ✨

Fort St Elmo will be open for you to explore tomorrow after hours, between 7pm and midnight🌙😁! Discover the beautiful harbour views that surround Fort St Elmo and learn Malta's military history through its War Museum and historical re-enactment groups! 🤩

Photos from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum's post 12/06/2024

Fancy nibbling on a platter in the magical atmosphere of Fort St Elmo at night? Good food, wine, the views of Grand Harbour or Marsamxett and rousing re enactments can all be enjoyed next Friday during Night at the Museum: A Tale of Two Sieges – entrance costs 5 euros and platters, wine and desserts can all be purchased for a reasonable price from within the site. Members enter for free 😄😄


X’għandkom ippjanat għall-Ġimgħa 14 ta’ Ġunju? Titħajru tiġu sal-Forti Sant’Iermu biex tgawdu veduti spettakolari tal-Port il-Kbir u Marsamxett waqt li tieħdu tazza nbid u tnaqqru ikel bnin? Se jkun hemm re-enactors li jagħtu l-ħajja lill-mużew u jfakkruna fl-istorja glorjuża ta’ din il-fortizza li dejjem kellha rwol ewlieni fid-difiża taż-żewġ portijet. Il-biljetti għal Night at the Museum: A Tale of Two Sieges jistgħu jinxtraw mill-bieb ghal prezz ta €5.

Any plans for Friday the 14th? Come join us at Fort St Elmo where you will be able to enjoy the beautiful views of the Grand Harbour and Marsamxett whilst sipping vino and nibbling on delicious cheeses and charcuterie. Re-enactors will bring the museum to life, reminding us of the mighty part which Fort St Elmo has always played in the defence of the two harbours. Visitors may also tour the museum. Tickets for Night at the Museum: A Tale of Two Sieges may be bought at the door for €5 each.


Mark your calendars for our special event taking place at night on Friday 14th June, between 7pm and midnight ❤️

🇲🇹 7000 sena ta’ storja f’lejl wieħed!

Żur il-Forti Sant’Iermu l-Ġimgħa 14 ta’ Ġunju, bejn is-7pm u nofsillejl, għall-attività Night at the Museum, li toffri esperjenza maġika taħt sema kwiekeb.

🇬🇧 Experience 7000 years of history in one night: A Night at the Museum!

Visit Fort St Elmo on Friday 14th June, from 7pm till midnight, for a magical evening under the stars.

🗓️ 14th June, 2024
🕰️ 19:00pm till Midnight
📍 Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum


Qiegħed tipjana li żżur il-Forti Sant Iermu? Tinsiex iddur dawra ġol-Abercrombie casemates biex tesplora l-kronoloġija tal-passat turbulenti tal-fortizza. 😁

Are you planning to visit Fort St Elmo? Don't forget to take a stroll through our Abercrombie casemates and explore the timeline of the fort's turbulent past. 😁


🇲🇹 Jiddispjaċina għal kull inkonvenjent ikkawżat. 😔

🇬🇧 We regret any inconvenience caused.😔


Żewg biċċiet minn ajruplan tal-attakk Brittaniku tat-tip Vickers Wellington tan-No. 104 Squadron, imtajjar minn Sergeant Raymond Hills (Pilot), Sergeant Eric Martin (Second Pilot), Sergeant George Davis (Observer), Sergeant Andrew McColl (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner), Sergeant Elwyn Roberts (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner & Sergeant Kenneth Ross (Air Gunner), li twaqqa’ fid-29 ta’ Mejju 1942, u ikkraxxja f’Il-Ħotob, fl-inħawi ta’ Ħal Qormi/Birkirkara/Ħ’Attard. Il-bdot biss irnexxielu jsallva.

Fragment from the Vickers Wellington (No.104 Squadron) flown by Sergeant Raymond Hills (Pilot), Sergeant Eric Martin (Second Pilot), Sergeant George Davis (Observer), Sergeant Andrew McColl (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner), Sergeant Elwyn Roberts (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner & Sergeant Kenneth Ross (Air Gunner) which was shot down on 29 May 1942, and crashed at Il-Ħotob, environs of Qormi/Birkirkara/Attard. Only the pilot survived.

Donatur/Donor: Anthony Rogers


Kwotazzjoni mil-Legjun Kanadiż u l-Lega tas-Servizz tal-Imperu Brittaniku liċ-Ċittadini ta’ Malta datata 24 ta’ Mejju 1942.

A Citation by The Canadian Legion & British Empire Service League to the Citizens of Malta dated 24 May 1942.

Photos from Fort St. Elmo & The National War Museum's post 22/05/2024

Kont taf? 👀

Oriġinarjament, meta nbena l-kavallier bejn 1554 u 1556, ma kienx jagħmel parti mill-fortizza innifisha, iżda kien separat b'foss żgħir. Kien hemm pont żgħir li kien jgħaqqadhom flimkien. Sal-aħħar tas-seklu sbatax dan il-foss kien ingħalaq b'żewġ ħitan u fl-1729, dan il-foss ġie mimli u b'hekk ġiet iffurmata pjazza akbar ġol-fortizza.

Stampa tax-xellug: Il-kavallier u l-foss tiegħu fl-1565.
Stampa tal-lemin: Il-kavallier bħala parti mill-forti fis-seklu għoxrin.

Ħajr għall-istampa: The Malta Study Center, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library | MUŻA

Did you know?👀

Originally, when the cavalier was constructed between 1554 and 1556, it did not form part of the fort itself, but rather it was separated by a small ditch. A drawbridge linked the two together. By the end of the 16th century, this ditch was enclosed within two walls and later in 1729, the ditch was filled in, creating a larger piazza in the fort.

Image on the left: Cavalier and its ditch in 1565.
Image on the right: Cavalier as part of the fort in the 1900s.

Image credits: The Malta Study Center, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library | MUŻA


Closure notice! Kindly note that Fort St Elmo will be closed on Friday 24th May.

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Videos (show all)

Happening now at the fort
Isimgħu naqra x'inhu jgħid il-Kuratur Anzjan tal-Fortifikazzjonijiet...👀 Narawkom nhar il-Ġimgħa, erbatax ta' Ġunju bejn...
A recap of Christmas at the Fort✨ Thank you to everyone who visited us and made this event a great success! 🤩❤️




Triq Il-Mediterran

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 19:00
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