Talk with Avra

Certified NLP Practitioner,Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Growth Specialist. I am compassionate, mindful and passionate about helping people help themselves.

I facilitate and guide others to reach their full potential. Intuitive Healing and Hypnosis. In person sessions (with Covid regulations)
or on-line sessions available.


Hello Beautiful Souls! Today my message is about responses! I guess the picture/info below might just have caught your eye!

I thought about the way we respond to this new challenging world of technology. A world where everything is about being visual and auditory! Seeing and hearing on social media are the REAL things that make you respond or even react! RIIIIGHT!?

I posted a humorous story on a group a few days ago and it fetched over 400 responses! Humour and emotions are what attract the most viewership response! If somebody posts something about a death, either animal or human...and hey! Suddenly you are swamped with over 400 people you didn't even know, and they respond with a "sense" of authentic sympathy! "I am so sorry to hear of your loss!" Could be that people may just have been prompted to have some sympathetic and compassionate resonance still? I am not sure people actually even READ the post!

Sensationalism is at its best by far, especially when it is political or scandalous high powered personality profile. Now you simply post something about any famous person and the whole world is out to for offer to murder Meghan and Harry! (Who the hell is Harry?) The best of course is copy and pasting something you see and not fact check. Gosh! I personally know of some people who have passed away that are STILL alive!

My thought today is, did you know that your response is valid and valued in the world of technology... even if it's a like and share?
We moved from Covid to Covid Vaccines! What happened to Afganistan and what is Uncle Cyril, Trump or Biden saying in their family meeting! What is the response today? Another wonderful media frenzy response is if you post the most beautiful sunset or sunrise and that is based on the fact that people like to dream and resonate with a beautiful scene and wish they were there too. I know I post my stunning pictures of Sunsets and get more reaction than my wise words sometimes HAHAHA

Algorithms are working overtime! Maybe that's the reason they are on a speed wobble! You post something and receive a "like" (the post was "what is your favourite colour?") They reply "like ???? I spent 3 hours on Google looking up and searching "favourite colour for goodness sakes! AND YOU POST A "like" !! (I decided I didn't like it after all! ) Well how about answering the question? What is your favourite colour and does anyone actually really care??

Things are tough out there, make an effort to respond kindly to those who send out real message of hope, love and trying hard to make a living whilst we navigate the messy space we find ourselves in.
Remember...if you have nothing nice to say...say nothing...nothing at all! Have an awesome day ahead!
Ps: pumpkin seeds are good for you 👍🏻👍🏻 Random fact you might want to LIKE!!! HEHEHE If you like👍, love❤ or even dare to write a response then thank you EVEN BETTER if it is answering the question actually asked! Yayness ! Thank you ! 🙏

Let's see if this works! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR?


Hello beautiful Souls. Today let's "Talk about it" stop feeling angry.

How many times have you felt you are about ready to snap? How many times have you consciously held back? How many times have you wanted to burst into tears, yet were programmed to see this as a weakness and a manipulative behaviour to gain attention?

You are in fact expressing your emotions and allowing yourself to process when you permit yourself to be vulnerable. To be courageous you will need to experience this vulnerability. It is also a very scary feeling to feel out of control. We become reactive and defensive without any warning. Pretending like everything is fine will also serve no purpose and helps no one. If things are not fine for you right now, take this time to process and find the acceptance in "I AM ANGRY!" You are allowed to be angry and then talk about it with someone.

A trustworthy friend, a family member, a Life Coach, a Therapist, your Priest/Rabbi, (even your dog or your goldfish) – someone who really cares and holds space for you without judgement and respects this space. Talk to the person who you know will listen.

Be aware to try live in the present and don’t hold it in. That being said, this, too... is about balance. We need to vent and to be vulnerable, but if this starts to becoming about anger and shouting out loud or ranting, then it might be time to pull back a bit.

The reason is, this actually creates more anger for us and others. If we are going to continue with anger nothing will be resolved. Finger pointing is just not a solution. This is the time when we need to find the solution and allow the challenge to be resolved without that anger or emotional behaviour. The best option is once we have calmed down, is to fact find, simply only focus on the hard facts and then decide what we can do to rectify this challenge causing the anger. Maybe, the best answer will be that we are not in our control of changing anything, therefore let it be. When we remove the emotion of ANGER we will find a different perspective to explore to find he answer from within. Ask yourself if the anger will actually change anything or make it worse?

Start to be creative and tap into your resources to help you feel less detached and also less caught up in the drama. Find a distraction, a hobby, past time, meet-up group or course to do to upskill yourself.

Bring new enthusiasm and joy into your life again.
Now it's time to re-programme, talk about what you love, something silly and funny, or just what you appreciate about the person you are talking to. It will make them and you feel good, and, at the end of the day, isn’t that what we’re talking about here?

Be careful of getting lost in the "over-working" space to hide away and start spending more time living and embrace your alloness, instead of a feeling of being restricted. Allow your vulnerability to give you a space of growth and freedom to make your OWN decisions and not having to answer to anyone.
Look at new ideas to excite you and process your current emotions.

Always try acknowledge that these feelings are temporary.
Eat healthy and exercise more! Get out in nature. Ask yourself " What will give you joy right now?" Be more mindful and aware and allow your inner resources and creativity to guide you to feeling that life IS different and we have to make the best possible life for ourselves within the perimeters we are facing. Tread slowly, one focus at a time, one day at a time.

Every step of our journey in life offers us and opportunity of how to grow, how to heal and how to deal! LIVE, LOVE AND LAUGH - FIND YOUR JOY AGAIN!


Hello beautiful Souls. Today is World Su***de Prevention Day. I am thinking how sad it is that there is even such a day dedicated to those who feel so alone and desperate. It is quite inconceivable that so many people would want to end their life.

I understand the sadness, helplessness and despair of depression first hand and have lived through the tunnel of darkness. It took a few years of working really hard with a therapist and learning that worthiness is something that we judge all by ourselves. We are born worthy and have no need to prove it! Sometimes we need to experience the darkness to appreciate the light!

What is difficult is have have your pain honoured and acknowledged. It must be taken seriously. It is not an option to simply pull yourself out of the depths of depression on your own. When you reach this space you will need help and support.

When we are depressed, we think we want to be alone, whilst in reality we need someone to be there for us. Not necessarily to say anything, just to be there to support us. The most difficult thing with anyone who has bad depression is getting up in the morning. As a support structure, getting someone to help you get up is the best thing you can do to help them. Make them a cup of tea and get them up, call them or send them a positive message. Even if they don't reply, keep up the support. A short message each day that is positive. "I thinking of you"! Once that first step is accomplished the rest of the day is a lot easier.

Connecting with nature and exercise are one of the best ways to help you with feeling uplifted. When you wake up in the morning take a few deep breaths and state 3 things you are grateful for. A practiced mindset of gratitude will change you thinking to a more positive space. It will reset you subconscious thinking to give you the will to continue. Hope is called tomorrow, tomorrow is another chance.

Talk to someone and reach out. Read uplifting and inspirational messages and stay off social media. You are not alone, you bare no shame and you are enough! Be kind to yourself today and everyday be gentle with you! You are loved and your light is waiting for you!


The Haircut

A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal with his son, "You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut.
Then we'll talk about the car."

The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, "Son, you've brought your
grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut."

The boy said, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair."

(You're going to love the Dad's reply!)

"Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?"


Hello beautiful Souls. Today my message is about beauty and our senses.

One of the things we all have, is a natural attraction to is beauty. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Beauty can be physical or emotional. If we see something we find visually beautiful, we release "feel good" hormones, Dopamine and Serotonin. It is an indescribable fuzzy feeling of pleasure and happiness. If we can feel something beautiful we also release endorphins and oxytocin hormones.

When we make time in spending part of our days in the most beautiful environments and embracing the beauty of sunsets, sunrises and a undescribable magnificent colours and a paintbrush that has no limits we weave a tapestry of interwoven threads making a complete inter- connectivity with Soul, mind and spirit!

It is about releasing the stress brought on by the anxiety and negative energy that has found a way to creep in and built up over time. A struggle with both physical and mental calls us to offer ourselves upliftment and it is totally in order!
The beauty surrounding us and the physical relaxation that our entire body feels when in nature and witnessing natural beauty , is simply therapy in nature.

Meditation and lingering wallowing in the ocean is literally absorbing the goodness of minerals, warmth, a comforting connection and grounding.

When we witness mountains as the backdrop and the sky with it ever changing clouds, an
artistic easel filled with endless imagination and different forms and images. The birds and flowers are magnificent. Carpets of vibrant orange, striking pinks and startling white are certainly a painting blessed by the Universe all for our free will and pleasure to embrace.

When we step back and inhale this all with so much gratitude and a ever grateful heart it is certainly an incredible experience and a time to find an enormous appreciation for the beauty, stillness, peacefulness and pure authenticity of a a heart that feels full!
It is important to remember to take cognisance of the beauty that surrounds us both inside and outside.

Reconnecting with nature and our awareness of the beauty we see and feel gives us the opportunity to find positive energy and the calmness returns. We will be rewarded if we take time to be grateful for all that we call BEAUTIFUL BEAUTY!
Take time out to reset and find your awareness of "beautiful" again...both inside and out. Increase your awareness by spending time in nature to find beautiful healing the Universe offers.


Magical Mauritius! Blessed 🙏🏻

Photos from Talk with Avra's post 01/09/2024

Mauritius : Pereybere not just another sunset ! Blessed 😇🙏🏻🦋🌴

Photos from Talk with Avra's post 01/09/2024

Mauritius:Pereybere , not just another sunset , Blessed beyond 🙏🏻🌴🦋


Hello beautiful Souls. My message today is about the letting go concept!

Hope you are all making progress and finding solutions. My message today is about the continued advice from so many with regards "letting it go". I personally do not believe you can just "let it go"

We are shaped and moulded by our past. The events and experiences we have endured do have an intense impact on us. We are going to be affected and changed by these traumatic and also life changing experiences. It’s a challenge and journey we have to deal with by our the way we are treated and circumstances we have lived through.

The way forward is how we navigate and manage this and we have to rather take from our experiences what is good for us today. We then need to discard what is toxic and giving us negative energy and that which is not serving us any longer with the exchange it for acceptance.

Expecting us to have forgiveness may feel like it is excusing the hurt, trauma or behavior we were dealt. Letting it go is not going to allow you to forget something that broke you into a zillion pieces, however our acceptance is saying it did happen and we can find the space to replenish and rebuild from this acknowledgment.

We will always remember the trauma and heartache it’s how we can make space to live with it that really matters.

We change as we find growth and we morph into new beings as we face adventures and be sure to learn from the lessons we learn along the way. We certainly can... "let it be" and grant ourselves permission to find acceptance in the things we cannot control.

So I believe we utilise our past and all our experiences as lessons that will help us to understand more. Sometimes we need more than one reminder and keep repeating the same cycle until we realize we have to just accept some things cannot be changed. We have to simply "let it be" and by doing this it will be the “letting it go" I do feel that often we think we have allowed ourselves acceptance, or forgiveness or even think we are at peace. Sometimes we are triggered a few years later even. It is part of the journey of overcoming the hate, the pain or the grief to find a space of dealing with it in a way to serve us best.

To continue to hold grudges and hurt we only damage ourselves. Take the time you need to regroup, reboot and "let it be" so it is no longer making your life unhappy and miserable. Gratitude and humbled appreciation for all we have instead of anger and bitterness . Let it be! So be it!


Hello beautiful Souls. My message today is about moments and thoughts.

There are moments that might mark your life; these moments make you realise nothing will ever be the same again. Your life becomes divided by two main events. The first is BEFORE this, and the second is AFTER this. In the "before this" stage, our thoughts are extremely intrusive and stunt our path of growth and acceptance. Our mind can be our enemy when fed negative energy and thoughts. We can become totally paralysed by our thoughts. Overthinking "after this" stage, of what might or could have happened is a form of habitual programming of the mind that makes you feel the present moment is not good enough.

When you come to realise that you are identifying and believing a thought, moment or idea that is negative; then you see that it's not really about the actual situation that makes you unhappy or anxious. It is the thoughts about the situation that give these thoughts "power" to instill fear and anxiety.

It is when we re-hash the events over and over again or continue to allow moments from the past to affect us, it can destroy our ability to lead a more fulfilling life with inner peace. In order to assist yourself in healing after a reasonable given time of processing from past trauma/depression/extreme anxiety and PTSD to release the fear you would need to observe the PRESENT, this moment.

A reasonable time of recovery is only when you decide you don't want to feel like a victim anymore. This is the here and now that you want to feel you are experiencing. When you feel overwhelmed you need distraction, something present, in the moment.
Do some exercise, walk, cook do some art or build a puzzle. Do something out of your comfort zone, something edgy and exciting!

Our past moments are lessons and guidance leading us to growth and new understanding of what we desire and need going forward it is not life sentences. Nor is it a failure, it is a space to set you on a path of navigating the best way forward to serve you best.

Embracing our future is about hope and acceptance of the unknown. It’s about allowing uncertainty and the unknown to harvest excitement, joy and a tapestry interminable threads of new creativity and enlightenment on a new clean canvas where we can paint the pictures of new sunrises and the flaming glow of sunsets to make us feel at peace. This gives us a beautiful ending to a day that paints a almost perfect picture of comfort and yet also imperfectly it illuminates an alignment.

In a nutshell it’s not feeding your mind with unnecessary worries and anxiety and allowing these fears to define you. Work on not allowing your thoughts of fear to define your life. There is no place in your mind for both fear and peace. It will be your healing to keep coming back to the present moment.


When living on a tropical Island in Summer Too! Or looking for "hot" peeps!


Giggles for today!


Good day beautiful Souls. Today I make a wish! ! Have a beautiful day! Chase the ethereal whispers of true dopamine, dance under the moonlight, bask in the radiant sun, embrace the chilling touch of tingles of ice, surrender to the purifying heat of the sauna and heat. Warm your heart and Soul.

Lift the weight of your existence, turn towards your destiny, may fate find you walking the path of determination and satisfaction. Create your joy and your happiness and share it generously. Live presently in all that is serving you well. Engage in the sacred ritual of hard work.
Weave the threads of breathwork and meditation into your being.

Let your mind soar through the realms of visualization and design to create a beautiful headspace. Serve with humility, connect with intention, create with passion. Sprint towards the divine essence of your future-self and allow it to unfold as it chooses.

Then you shall unlock the gates to your boundless potential.
Everything will be okay. Live a marvelously comfortable acceptance and process what is in your life today! Learn from the lessons and seek growth from others and yourself. Today is a wish ! Make it happen!


Hello beautiful Souls. Today my message is about "water off a ducks back"

I was in a clothing retail store today.
I was wearing a pair of white three quarter "Jeggings". For content, please allow, explanation (white stretchy, skinny jeans/ trousers.) These Jeggings have also got an elastic waist band.. (to give you a better visual.)

So why am I telling you all this? Yes... Always a message in my stories, sure. I approach a shop assistant, a slim 20 something, young woman. I ask her if there are any of these Jeggings available. She says only in size 12 denim, black and blue. She then asked what size I am looking for. I tell her my size. She tells me they don't have any in white in my size. I reply that's a pity because I looked at another branch and they also only go to size 12. She replies. "Oh madaam, (she's French), you must just lose weight!!

I wasn't quite sure at first how to respond. (riiiight... Avra being unable to speak is, rare!) I took a deep breath and said. OK, I will see if my feet will shrink too, whilst I try fit into a pair of shoes 2 sizes too small. I smiled and said goodbye "au revoir " have a good day …”Bonne Journee!”

A few years ago I would have been utterly mortified to be spoken to in such an insensitive and quite honestly, rude reply. Today I just straighten my crown and let the water run off like on a ducks back.

I did, re-focus on looking at the dresses, especially the ones with no waist bands...(ok kaftan like. Hehe 🤣)

The point here is be careful with your language and your words. You have no idea what someone is going through. Size 10 or size 20 it doesn't matter. Always show kindness and be sensitive to others. Medical conditions such as Thyroid and sugar diabetes can cause weight gain so stop with the body shaming! Just as mental illness can cause both weight gain and loss. There is absolutely no tolerance and making someone feel their weight has any bearing on their beautiful Soul.

I feel so much better having not been angry or over reactive and genuinely don't care a fig. It’s like water off a ducks back and my crown is perfectly straight! My body is beautifully imperfect, lumps, bumps and all. It's time to love yourself and that means your body too. I embrace my wrinkles as part of my wisdom, humour and laughter timeline and my full figure with curves as testament of my shape and child birth!

You go look at the clothes on sale, it is mostly goods not sold . What is the average size on sale? Small!!! Wonder why? Hmmm… for fuller figure ladies. I say wear your curves with style and be proud! Ps. I am a size 14 and proud of it! I decided to take care of my body eat well and healthily and yet find a space of acceptance! Also have a few cheat meals! Why? Because I am perfectly imperfect!


Hello beautiful Souls. My message today is about awareness of senses. I am talking about ALL kinds of awareness.

We have to invite awareness into our space mentally, physically and spiritually. In order to do this we need to utilise our basic skills...our senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste,Touch and ESP (extra sensual perception):

*Not just seeing, yet watching.
*Not just listening, but hearing.
*Not just smelling, but Breathing, Inhaling.
*Not just tasting, but flavouring and savouring. *Not just touching, feeling texture, kinestetic.
*Not just thought, receiving intuitive messages.

Ponder on this...Thought is a process of thinking and our minds both consciously making us aware and subconscious allowing us to find awareness are an integral process of activating our self awareness.

It all starts with wanting to be in touch with our selves and our surroundings. Make it easier by utilizing your surrounds by walking in nature, connect with the earth and really taking note of all that surrounds you. Look, hear, smell, taste, touch and really feel the goodness of the air you breath and the sun that warms your every fiber. Look for blue and green these are the colours that nature provides us for grounding. The trees and the sky!

Spiritual awareness is all about synchronicity, recuring patterns, numbers and events. Watch out for signs and objects. Feathers, coins, butterflies, dragonflies and birds like Robins, Cardinals are all messengers of awareness. Angels and Fairies and many others we resonate with to increase in connection to resonate with our Spiritual awareness.
Meditation is an excellent way of connecting heart and soul and being fully in touch with self.

As we find awareness we find growth and understand what's going on around us, the less we need to question. The easier it is to make well informed conscious decisions. We will also begin to find our answers from within. Then our intuitive voice of "knowing" will grow and we will connect to ourselves in the highest level of self protection and preserve our Spirituality. NAMSATE 😇🦋


Today is the day of a very special celebration - *Raksha Bandhan* - the bond of protection. A festival of peace and harmony.

The day is the celebration of the inherent human need to love, to make strong resolution for the well-being of the loved ones, to care and to protect.

It began as a day when the priests would bless their students and devotees.

Later, it was celebrated between husbands and wives in ancient times, which has now extended to brothers and sisters ... related or otherwise.

*Rakhi*, is a bond of protection between all humans, irrespective of their gender or the relationship between.

A true celebration of humanity and human love.

Let us today, pledge to set aside all differences, begin to love and protect each other. May the threads of connectedness find a path forward that intertwines and makes a beautiful tapestry between all who we love and care about.

*Happy Raksha Bandhan to all.*

*May blessings find us all and may we be blessed 🙏*

Photos from Talk with Avra's post 16/08/2024

Mauritius: Fun night out clubbing at Banana Beach Club. Ebony and Ivory do it again.!


Hello beautiful Souls. Today I share a narrative of finding growth in an analogy of nature.

To find our growth we need to be available and vulnerable in order to shine …if we are to shine, may we shine as the stars do, which glow brightly in the darkness and illuminate the beauty of all that surrounds them

And if we are to heal? Then we may heal as the forests do, they take each extreme circumstance and can regenerate following the harshest of fires and the coldest of winters. Finding acceptance in our own forests that call us to walk and have shelter and feeling safe again. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It is what it is.

In nature there is a lesson and if we are to grow, may we grow as the plants do steadily and slowly, yet with stability and tenacity always directed and leaning toward the light.

If we seek freedom then, if we are to let go, may we let go with the need to let it be, as the trees do by shedding and releasing their leaves of that what is old in order to make the way for the new. To embrace a fresh new start.

If we seek progress and if we are to move forward, may we flow freely as the rivers do which surrender to their paths gently without resistance. Not because of giving up, yet giving way.

If we strive to be whole we are to transform and may we transform as the moon does. Phases which continue to shine in every form and shape of a cycle. Knowing that it is no less beautiful when it isn’t perfect or whole. Then we will be perfectly imperfect!

If we are to live fully, may we live as those before us did bravely, boldly, passionately and purposefully yet seeking the lessons to learn from.
May we never lose touch with the dreams that lie dormant within us
Waiting to be expressed and shared with the world. Our inner guidance.

If we are to find love may we allow this energy to flow and ebb. Allowing our vulnerability, creativity of limitless dedication to grow eternally and endlessly, forever. Creating a connected bond of togetherness of Soul mates.

Dedicated to the forest🌲🌳🌴


Hello beautiful Souls today I share a narrative of a journey. It’s called “How do I know ?”

How do I know
Who I am when all I have been taught
is who to be…is this with reference to what belongs to my past? Is all we believed in, the domination of judgment and that of nature as a path to power? Is it society who dictates these rules?

How do I know
Who to be, when the judgment that gets passed often is from those who are projecting from themselves and their Ego.., and maybe even jealousy? They have no knowledge of who I am? They don’t deserve the privilege to tell me who to be! I have no need for permission to be me!

How do I know?
Does this uncertainty arise from a fear so old that it became a stagnant and a defined mindset that has no real meaning? Does anyone even knows why… it is wrong or right? Can it just be different and can I simply be someone to shine or show pleasure? Can I just be a vibrant and positive soul as a beautiful woman I now believe in?

How do I know?
Can I grasp freedom? Why would I stay in solitary confinement mentally, physically or spiritually? I feel no shackles, no longer that feeling of being stuck in a cage with limited thoughts and controlled mind…I no longer feel the need of “shoulds” and “oughts”and ifs and maybes! I have wings! I can fly. Soaring in my new life like an Eagle high!

How do I know?
Is it my time now when this body is all aglow still. Dancing and swaying in the delight of the music that rocks my inner sensations. It’s been created from moonlight and fire the deepest river nourishing my core. My inner soul is ablaze! I choose to follow this path of ancient knowledge that somehow guides my every sense. It’s a deep feeling of what it means and authenticity for me specifically to be a wholesome beautiful woman! My sensuality and sexuality now finding its place. Perfectly imperfect always!

How do I know
Can I live presently and bask in grace in all its glory?. Now ? When I stand so positive and grateful? I am shameless and bright, my heart is open wide. Nothing to hide, no guilt with nothing but honesty, especially to myself and so much love to share. I value friendship and kindness with all my good intentions. Let me fill this cup to the brim!

How do I know?
Is it ok to let go and let it be? Sometimes I am wild and spontaneous and raw. It’s all unplanned almost… wild and unkept, a crafted pleasure and mountainous might. A powerful surge and incredible joy! I would define myself as happy as I have set myself free…I love to share wit, humour
and I laugh out loud, a laughter that feeds my Soul in growth and consistently finding I birth into yet another multi faceted new me!

How do I know?
Because …I simply know I am ME! Unapologetically authentic and value ME! Not wrong , not right, maybe a little different? Just me living passionately being ME! I have arrived to not simply survive… I thrive! It’s about listening to the lessons and following the process of becoming ! How do I know? I just have a “knowing” Tip toeing through life with gratitude! Namaste

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Videos (show all)

Mauritius: Darity Forest early morning walk today! Love this walk and hugs to the trees of course! So blessed 🙏🏻🌴
Mauritius: Mont Choisy Not just another sunset ! So  blessed 🙏🏻🌴
I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉
I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉
Thank you each and everyone of you 💕🙏
Talk with Avra
Talk with Avra
Talk with Avra  Workshop - Love Languages
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