
RACL is a state-owned company managing general interest commercial airports in the Maldives. RACL is

Photos from Airportsmv's post 01/09/2024

A cheerful Grandparents Day, kid’s evening brought to life by our Funadhoo Airport (FND) team, filled with laughter, creativity, and joy !

Photos from Airportsmv's post 01/09/2024

Our team at Hoarafushi Airport (HRF), supporting the 45th Anniversary Run of Haa Alif Atoll School at Hoarafushi by facilitating a water station for the participants.


Happy 51th anniversary to


Happy Grandparents Day from all of us at RACL! Today, we celebrate the wisdom, love, and endless support that grandparents bring into our lives.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 29/08/2024

On-site at Maavarulu Airport: AGL system training session in full swing!

Photos from Airportsmv's post 29/08/2024

We are thrilled to present the prize voucher to the winner of our Copa America “Guess and Win” challenge! Congratulations for winning a round-trip ticket to L.Kadhdhoo and 3-night stay at Halaveli Inn!
A huge thank you to our partner, , for being a key part of this exciting prize!

Photos from Airportsmv's post 29/08/2024

Batch 3 of our Basic Firefighting Course for ARFF recruits is ongoing at HAQ and will continue on to HRF later for practical sessions. This mandatory 35-45 day training equips participants with the crucial skills to respond to aerodrome-related fires, execute passenger evacuations, and carry out rescues during aircraft incidents.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 28/08/2024

Reinforcing security at FND: The security fence at the South end of Funadhoo airport is being reinstalled after a part of it was fallen.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 27/08/2024

The ongoing AGL project at Maavarulu Airport (RUL) is making significant strides with the runway light installation, preparing for smooth and secure night landings.


In 1920, Croydon Airport near London, England, was the first airport in the world to introduce air traffic control. The ‘aerodrome control tower’ was a wooden hut 15 feet (5 metres) high with windows on all four sides. Information and photo credit :


Aircraft used by Air Maldives back in 90’s for the use of its International operation. Air Maldives did operate flights from Maldives to Europe.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 21/08/2024

Our team at KDO took part in the Aviation Security Awareness Programme, reinforcing our commitment to keeping our airways safe and secure.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 19/08/2024

Shots from the recent meeting between the Sh. Goidhoo Council and RACL, focused on strengthening collaboration and advancing community-driven initiatives.


Today we honor the helpers.
Happy World Humanitarian Day.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 18/08/2024

Delighted to see the energy and excitement at the Rakka Road Show 2024 Children’s Evening at the Airport Stall. A big thank you to all the young participants who made it a memorable event!


Wishing India a Happy 78th Independence Day 🇮🇳

Photos from Airportsmv's post 13/08/2024

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Photos from Airportsmv's post 13/08/2024

ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ޑރ.މުއިއްޒުގެ އިސްނެންގެވުމުގެ ދަށުން ކުރިޔަށް ގެންދަވާ 5 މިލިޔަން ގަސް އިންދުމުގެ މަޝްރޫޢުގައި އަމަލީ ގޮތުން ބައިވެރި ވުމުގެ ގޮތުން، އާރް.އޭ.ސީ.އެލް އާއި މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ކްލައިމެޓް ޗޭންޖް، އެންވަޔަރަންމަންޓް އެންޑް އެނާޖީ އާއި ދެމެދު ވެވޭ ފަހުމް ނާމާއެއްގައި ސޮއި ކުުރުމުގެ ތެރެއިން އާރް.އޭ.ސީ.އެލް އިން ވަނީ 05 އަހަރު ދުވަހުގެ ތެރޭގައި 500،000 ގަސް، މި ކުންފުނީގެ އެކި އެއާޕޯޓްތަކުގައި ގާއިމްކުރެވޭ ނާސަރީތަށް މެދުވެރިކޮށް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް އެއްބަސްވެފައި. އަދި މީގެ އިތުރުން އެއާޕޯޓްތައް ހިމެނޭ ސަރަހައްދު ތަކުގައި 100،000 ގަސް އިންދުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް ކުރިޔަށް ގެންދިޔުމަށް ވަނީ އެއްބަސްވެފައި.


Happy International Youth Day!

Celebrating youth innovation under this year’s theme; From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development. 🌍✨ Let’s support young people as they lead the way to a sustainable future.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 11/08/2024

🚒🧯Empowering HAQ staff with essential fire safety knowledge through our Basic Awareness Training session.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 09/08/2024

އެއަރޕޯޓް ތަކުގެ އެމަޖެންސީ ޕްލޭންގައި ބަޔާން ކުރެވިފައިވާ ގޮތުގެމަތިން އެއަރޕޯޓް ތަކުގައި ފުލުހުންގެ ދައުރު ގާއިމްކުރުމާ ބެހޭގޮތުން ދިވެހި ފުލުހުންގެ އިސްވެރިންނާއި އާރު.އޭ.ސީ.އެލް ގެ އިސްވެރިންގެ މެދުގައި މަޝްވަރާ ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ކުރިއަށް ދިޔަ ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ތެރެއިން، މިބައްދަލުވުމުގައި މީހުން ދިރިނޫޅޭ ވަކިން އޮންނަ ރައްރަށުގައި ހެދިފައިހުންނަ އެއަރޕޯޓް ތަކުގައި ފުލުހުންގެ ހިދުމަތް ތަޢާރަފް ކުރުމާ ބެހޭގޮތުން ވެސް މަޝްވަރާ ކުރެވުނު.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 09/08/2024

Facilitating the transfer of a bedridden patient from Malé to FMT, ensuring seamless care and support throughout the journey. 🚑🤎

Photos from Airportsmv's post 09/08/2024

🌿Initiating preparations for the 5 Million Trees Project at Maavarulu Airport (RUL)

Photos from Airportsmv's post 06/08/2024

Highlights from the RACL Kick-Off Challenge! ⚽️ Our HQ teams came together for a day of fun, competition, and team-building through a one-day futsal tournament. A huge congratulations to the winning team for their exceptional performance🏆 ! A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved for making this event a standout experience. Here’s to celebrating teamwork and future achievements!


We are thrilled to reveal the winners of the Guess and Win event RACL conducted during COPA America & Euro 2024 ! The selection process was conducted with great care and excitement by our distinguished guests, former national football team goalkeeper Mohamed Faisal and Aiminth Nizma. Congratulations to the winners and ,🎉 and thank you to everyone who participated !


Happy 19th anniversary to Ooredoo Maldives!

Photos from Airportsmv's post 31/07/2024

Ground leveling operations are currently underway at the FVM Airport for Runway 11. This work is being carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Cities and Local Government and Public Works, ensuring that the project adheres to relevant standards and regulations.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 31/07/2024

Maldives Post and RACL have officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance efficiency and innovation in air cargo operations, supporting eCommerce activities within Maldives.

Photos from Airportsmv's post 31/07/2024

An investor relations meeting with who are interested in collaborating with RACL to facilitate the company’s strategic growth and long-term vision of becoming the premier aviation company in the Maldives.

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Videos (show all)

Weekly flight schedule for Fuvahmulah Airport (FVM) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #FVM #fyp #foryoupage
Weekly flight schedule for Maavarulu Airport (RUL) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #RUL #fyp #foryoupage
Weekly flight schedule for Faresmathoda Airport (FMT) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #FMT #fyp #foryoupage
Weekly flight schedule for Hanimaadhoo International Airport (HAQ) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #HAQ #fyp #foryoupage
Day-to-day at FND Airport: keeping it spotless and green!                  #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #fnd fyp #foryo...
Weekly flight schedule for Hoarafushi Airport (HRF) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #hrf #fyp #foryoupage
We are thrilled to reveal the winners of the Guess and Win event RACL conducted during COPA America & Euro 2024 ! The se...
Weekly flight schedule for Fuvahmulah Airport (FVM) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #FVM #fyp #foryoupage
Weekly flight schedule for Maavarulu Airport (RUL) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #RUL #fyp #foryoupage
Weekly flight schedule for Faresmathoda Airport (FMT) #airportsmv #racl #aviationmv #FMT #fyp #foryoupage
Celebrating 59 years of independence. RACL stands proud with our nation, honoring our past and looking forward to a futu...
Current status of Jet A1 fuel farm; an integral component of the Hanimaadhoo International Airport’s development project...



H. Suez, Ameer Ahmed Magu

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