Ranfaun Hardware

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Ranfaun Hardware, Hardware shop, KULHAVAHGASDHOSHUGE, LONUZIYAARAIY MAGU, K, Male.

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 03/09/2024

🚨 Pentens Anti-Fungal Silicone on Sale at Ranfaun Hardware!

Get top-notch mold protection with Pentens Anti-Fungal Silicone—now at discounted prices! Perfect for bathrooms and kitchens. 🛠️

📞 Call: 7500006 / 3334547
🚚 Free Delivery within Malé & Hulhumalé!


ޑަންލޮޕު ތެރަސް ހޯލްސޭލް އަދި ރީޓެއިލްކޮށް ! 7500006 އަށް އަވަހަށް ގުޅުއްވާ!


🔥 Beat the Heat with LG Dual Inverter AC! 🔥

Whether it's a cozy corner or a large living room, we've got you covered with sizes from 9000BTU to 24000BTU. Experience superior cooling and energy savings all in one!

🎁 Free Delivery within Malé and Hulhumalé!

Ready to chill? Call us now at 7500006 or 3334547 and bring home the perfect cool!



Get ready to cool down your space with our WALTON Split Type Smart AC 12000BTU (WSI12AFB1-KRSC) at an unbeatable price! 🌬️❄️

NEW PRICE: MVR 5,999 😲💥

Don’t miss out on this incredible offer! Upgrade your comfort and save BIG. Limited stock available—grab yours now!
Call: 7500006 / 3334547

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 26/08/2024

ތައިފޫ ބްރޭންޑްގެ ވަޅުދިޔަ ހިއްކާ ޕަންޕާ ޕްރެޝަރުގަ މައްޗަށް ފެންފޮނުވާލާ ޖެޓް ޕަންޕު ލިބެން އެބަހުރި!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 26/08/2024

ތައިފޫ ބްރޭންޑްގެ ފެން މޯޓަރުމި އަގުހެޔޮ ކޮލިޓީ މޮޅު ފެންމޯޓަރެއް.

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 26/08/2024

ޑިޖިޓަލް މީޓަރުލީ ކޮލިޓީ މޮޅު ތައިފޫ ބްރޭންޑްގެ ފެން މޯޓަރު!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 19/06/2024

ޕެންޓެންސް ބްރޭންޑް އެންޓި ފަންގަލް ސިލިކޯނުގެ ބާވަތްތަކަކީ މެލޭޝިޔާގެ މޮޅު އުފެއްދުމެއް.


އެސްލޯނު ހޮޅި މިހުރީ އަގުހެޔޮކޮށްފަ! އޯޑަރުކޮށްލަން 7500003 އަށް ގުޅާލާ !


PVC DB Surface Board.

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 02/06/2024

Edon Brand Products available.
Tel: 7500006 / 3334547

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 26/05/2024

ޑަންލޮޕު ތެރަހާ ސިލިކޯނާ އަދި ޑަންލޮޕު ހުދުތެރަހުގެ އާ ސްޓޮކު ލިބިއްޖެ! އޯޑަރުކޮށްލަން 7500006 އަށް ގުޅާލާ!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 04/04/2024

GI Pipes, Hollow & Clamped for Stronger Connections!


⭐️Star Brand Gypsum Board New Stock Received!
Call : 7500006 to Order. Free Delivery!


ޕްލާސްޓިކް މަށަންދަތި ލިބެން އެބަހުރި! ވަރަށްވެސް ކޮލިޓީ ރަނގަޅު އަދި އެހާމެ އަގުވެސް ހެޔޮ!


PVC Deepbox - Available for Wholesale and Retail.


މިއޮތީ އެޖީލަށް ހާއްސަ ސޭލެއް! އޯޑަރު ކޮށްލަން 7500006 އަށް އަވަހަށް ގުޅާލާ!

Ranfaun Hardware Hardware Store


ސްޓޮކް ހުސްކުރާ ސޭލް! ޑެލިވަރީ ކޮށްދިނުން މުޅިން ހިލޭ! ބައްލަވައި ގަތުމަށް 7500006 އަށް އަވަހަށް ގުޅާލާ!


ސިކަ ބްރޭންޑްގެ ޓައިލްސް ޖަހާ ސިމެންތި ލިބެން އެބަހުރި! 7500006 އަށް އޯޑަރު ކޮށްލަން ގުޅާލަ!


ކީހުގެ ރަސްގެފާނު އިރްވިން ކީސް!


ދިވެހިންގެ އިތުބާރު ހޯދާފައިވާ މިލަކްސް ބްރޭންޑްގެ ގޭސް ރެގިއުލޭޓަރ!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 10/10/2023

ތާރު އަދި ތާރުކުނާ ހެޔޮއަގުގައި!


National Emulsion White 800 for Only 475/- Call 7500006 for Free Delivery!


Vaultex Safety Shoes available!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 22/08/2023

Panasonic Shower Heater Now Available!

Tel: 7500006 , 3334547


ޕީ.ވީ.ސީ ހޮޅި ހޯލްސޭލްކޮށް އަދި ރީޓެއިލްކޮށް ލިބެން އެބަހުރި!


ޓިނަށްޖަހާ އިސްކުރު!

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 09/08/2023

ޕީ.ވީ.ސީ ފޯމް ބޯޑާއި ލޭޒާއިން ކަފާލެވޭ ޕްލާސްޓިކް ޝީޓް.

Photos from Ranfaun Hardware's post 09/08/2023

ތަފާތުވައްތްރުގެ ފިލާ ލިބެން އެބަހުރި!


May the beginning of the Islamic New Year brings you more opportunities to prosper and progress! Happy Hijri New Year 1445!

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 22:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 22:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 22:00
Thursday 08:30 - 22:00
Friday 14:00 - 22:00
Saturday 08:30 - 22:00
Sunday 08:30 - 22:00

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